Chapter 3: Research Design and Methods
(Around 2000 – 2500 words)
This chapter sets out the research strategy and methods you have used to address
your aim/objectives and (where appropriate) answer your research questions(s). In
your writing, you will be expected to support your discussions with reference to the
research methods literature – and so you should incorporate correct Harvard citation
and referencing in this chapter as well as throughout your dissertation. The examiner
will expect you to justify the research choices you have made, and to consider the
authenticity/credibility and/or validity/reliability of your choices: ie to what extent can
the reader depend on the information you have gathered and are presenting in your
dissertation? The chapter should include:
1. a) An introduction;
2. b) An outline of the research strategy you have chosen and the reasons
for/justification of your choice;
3. c) A detailed account and justification of the research methods used for data collection and
4. d) Information about your sampling approach and the sample you
(where appropriate)
5. e) A clear indication of the range and type of data you have collected;
6. f) A discussion of any problems or difficulties you encountered or any
changes you made
during the course of your research (you may think of this as your Research
7. g) A summary and conclusion.
This is what I need
Chapter 3: Methodology
Research philosophy
Research strategy
Research methods
Data collection and analysis
Alternative research methods
Data range and recruitment strategy
Challenges and limitations
Chapter 3: Methodology
The objectives of the research are narrative phenomena which generally originate with the experience of the individual. The methods that are used to reach a particular conclusion are needed for effective analysis. The method of data collection, sampling techniques as well as the approach towards the research is necessary. The proper design of the methods used in the research helps in the systematic execution of the research and helps the researcher in reaching an effective conclusion. The main objective of methodology in this study is to identify the impact of the social media platform on the customer behaviour of retail organisations in UK. Prime concentration has been given to the customers belonging to generation Y. Primary data collection has been selected for this study as it assists in proper analysis of customer behaviour of the retail sector of UK through social media.
Research philosophy
The approach towards the research is different from one individual to the other. The understanding of the aspect depends on the external outlook of the researcher. As opined by McCusker and Sau (2015, p.538), the philosophy of epistemology and Ontology is helpful in understanding the perspective of the individual on particular research. The Ontology approaches do not consider the pre-existing research and aims to challenge them for a better and more accurate conclusion. It refers to the view of the individual on the social aspect operating externally. On the other hand, the Epistemological positions are based on the theories on the facts and existing literature. As stated by Klein et al. (2015, p.330), the knowledge of the individual and their belief is very important for the selection of the correct approach for the conduction of the research. The epistemology changes with the change in the research question. The change in the external phenomena also affects the approach of an individual towards research. As viewed by Duffett (2015, p.520), the ideologies of the interpretive depend upon the ontology which is global. The idiosyncratic approaches as the methods of research are based on social reality. The social phenomena are very important to the proper and systematic approach of the research. The impact of social media on the behaviour of the customers is being affected by the influence of society.
Adapting the correct approach for the conduction of the research is very vital. In views of Watson et al. (2015, p.560), the selection of the wrong approach shall be harmful to the research and the objective of the research shall not be effectively fulfilled. The intervention approaches to shed light on the influence of the society in reaching the objectives of the research in an organised and systematic manner. As opined by Klein et al. (2015, p. 330), the complexity of the research is reduced by the use of the different methodological approaches in the research. The interaction of the society and the different outlook of the individual on the different aspects of the research topic are effective in reaching a fruitful result. The philosophy of positivism is effective in this research as it deals with the social behaviour of the individuals. This research takes into consideration the philosophy of positivism as exploring the society is important for the topic. The understanding of the social outlook of the people is important to understand the customer behaviour of the individual. As opined by Devedi et al. (2017, p.55), the self-understanding of the people helps the individual is needed for the effective conduction of the research. The understanding of the behaviour of the customer is possible by the application of the positivism in the research.
Research strategy
The nature of the research depends upon the understanding of the society on the social reality. The proper data collection methods in the sampling techniques are very important in reaching the appropriate conclusion of the research. As viewed by He et al. (2015, p.1630), both the qualitative as well as the quantitative methods are very vital in the execution of the research in an organised manner. The qualitative techniques reflect the quality of life of the customers on the use of the social platforms in purchasing product they need. The quantitative approaches at the same time help the researcher to categories the different aspects of the research topic and are helpful in conducting statistical applications. As opined by McCann and Barlow (2015, p.280), qualitative research is helpful in negotiating different represent the able style of the array and provides detail personal survey of the individual.
The quantitative data is easy to size and accesses are considered in this research for the proper understanding of the impact of the social platform on the customer behaviour of generation Y.
The narrative form of the interpretation is helpful in proper explanation of the research topic. The proper data collection and correct sampling techniques are needed for the proper extraction of the theme of the selected topic. As stated by Shankar et al. (2016, p.40), the proper adaptation of the details of the ideas of the individual while collecting information is crucial for achieving the holistic aim of the research topic.
Research methods
The selection of the correct methodology is vital for the effective execution of the research. The topic of the research also affects the methods selected for the execution of the research. The primary data collection helps in the understanding of the individual at ground level. As opined by Goldberg and Allen (2015, p.20), the feelings of the people are properly analysed with the help of the primary data collection. The proper execution of the research is possible with the help of the primary data collection. The secondary data is free from biases. This research has considered the primary data collection for which customers and the employees of retail businesses in UK are being selected. The customers are targeted and surveyed online. The proper questionnaire was prepared for the collection of the primary data. The online survey was conducted using the questionnaires. The employees and the customers were asked a question based on the different aspects of customer behaviour on the use of the social platforms. The use of feedback form and portals were used to survey the customers and the employees (influenced from Flick, 2018, p.89). The managers were also surveyed online on survey monkey and face book with the help of the specially designed portals. The user-friendly design of the portal has made the collection of the data effective. The selection of the online survey method was helpful in reducing the level of biases in the result of the research (influenced from Kothari, 2004, p.53).
Data collection and analysis
The use of quantitative rich primary data collection has been conducted in this research study by the surveying of the 51 customers of the retail business and 3 managers of the sector. The in-depth interview of the customers with the help of the well-designed feedback forms and portals is effective in reaching the conclusion of the research in an organised manner. The online survey helped the customers and the employees answer the questions without revealing their identity. The quantitative data collected on the basis of the topic was helpful in doing the statistical analysis. As stated by Zhang and Wildermuth (2016, p.318), the categorization of the different approach becomes easy with the use of the qualitative data. Proper charts, figures and graphs were drawn with the help of the data that were collected with the help of the monkey survey and Facebook. As opined by Nadeem et al. (2015, p.440), proper analysis of the charts and figures are helpful in understanding the customer behaviour on the use of the social platform in UK. The use of the standardised interview is effective in collecting the authentic quantitative data for the systematic approach of the execution of the research topic. The survey was conducted to the customers belonging to generation Y. As mentioned by Alalwan et al. (2017, p.442), proper segregation of the customers before surveying is essential in order to reach a correct conclusion. The survey to the targeted customers helps in collecting authentic data for the survey purpose.
Alternative research methods
The qualitative approach of the research helps in the detailed study of the feelings of the customers. As stated by Fietkiewicz et al. (2016, p.3830), the detailed study of the similar case studies is effective in a proper understanding of the scenario. The observation of the customers engaged in the use of the social platforms for the purpose of buying products they need is necessary. The comparison of the research with the other relevant topics is effective in the proper understanding of the research problems in details. In views of Nadeem et al. (2015, p.440), the close study of the environment related to the research topic is beneficial in understanding the issues related to the topic in detail and also helps the researcher to identify the correct conclusion to the selected problem to the research topic. The interaction with the targeted group which is the customers belonging to the generation Y of retail organisations is helpful in making a proper question for the collection of the authentic data for the research (influenced from Bell et al. 2018, p.91).
Data range and recruitment strategy
The data collected from the customers of retail business in UK belonging to the generation Y of the helpful in the analysis of the different categories of the research topic. The online survey on the survey monkey and Facebook were very effective for the customers to access. The selection of the questions was customer friendly and relevant to the topic. The language used in the survey was easy user-friendly. As opined by Walliman (2017, p.33), the option of hiding the identity helped the customers and employees answer to the question without any hesitation. The employers were free from the fear of the authorities and were able to share the correct and authentic data for the purpose of the survey. The selection of data was conducted with the help of simple random sampling without repetition. The concentration on the non-focus group shall be harmful to the result of the research. As stated by Smith (2015, p.55), the irrelevant data shall be effective for the proper outcomes of the result. The proper scrutiny of the data collection is vital in the proper execution of the data collection process for the research. As opined by Alalwan et al. (2017, p1180), the online survey helped in the collect and authentic data collection by avoiding personal preferences.
Proper codes and ethics have been maintained while conducting the research. The survey was conducted online and all the information on the given by the customers were kept in proper security. The questions of the survey were kept in decent language and were constructed in such a manner that the intention of no customer was hurt. Data Protection Act 1998 has been used in the research to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information and data collected (, 2019). It ensures that personal data and information cannot be leaked regarding the participants. The sentiments of the customers were not hurt during the process of collecting the primary data.
Challenges and limitations
The selection of the correct research topic and the identification of the authentic objectives and research problem are the main challenges faced by the researcher. The unavailability of the authentic data related to the topic is a limitation in the execution of the research. The monetary issue was a major barrier to the effective execution of the research. The collection of the authentic and reliable primary data was a great challenge as the customers were reluctant in providing correct information and the employees have the fear related to the authorities of the company. The time was the issue for the proper execution of the research on time. The lack of the availability of proper literature related to the topic was a great drawback for the proper understanding of the research topic. The focus on the targeted group limited the sample size and collecting authentic information from the limited customer was more difficult for the proper analysis of a different aspect of the research topic.
Hence it has been concluded that with the selection of the proper methodology the execution of the research problem shall be proper and authentic. The use of the primary samples is effective in understanding the feeling of the customers and the outlook of the individual on the topic of the research. The random sampling enables the research to be systematic and free from biases. The systematic and organised approach of the research is helpful in the execution of the research without any confusion. The use of quantitative methods is helpful in the analysis of the different aspects of the research topic.
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