Table of Contents
Health care services management
Type of healthcare services
Services Provided
Elaboration on Service Infrastructure
Leadership role in Healthcare
Addressing challenges in Pediatric sector in Saudi Arabia:
Healthcare Innovation
Review of healthcare establishment
Contribution to healthcare services
Impact on provision care
Comparison of limitation and benefits
Case example
Healthcare services are essential for any country to prosper. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered to a large country with population ranging around 20 million. The newly formed country in initially started the healthcare sector with limited resources and ultimately reached to great heights with inclusion of sophisticated technologies in healthcare services. Special advantage to this sector was due to advanced technological innovation with skill training given to increase man power. This assignment shed lights on the Pediatric Healthcare system and innovation brought in their service execution. Proper analysis has been conducted to identify the benefits and limitation due to change in service providing technologies in healthcare sectors of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This assignment also compares the technologies used by healthcare sectors of other countries. A proper case example has been used in this assignment to have clear understanding of innovation and healthcare elevation in different hospitals of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Health care services management
Type of healthcare services
Healthcare services in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has experience a great change. It is identified that the healthcare sector has been classified under two broad categories which are the private hospitals and government hospitals. As opined by Alomi et al. (2015, p. 6), 60% of the health care facilities are provided by the Healthcare ministry of Saudi and the rest agencies are distributed among the private organisation and government healthcare system.
People belong to elite classes prefer private hospitals as the medical facility and hygienic condition are better than that served by governmental hospitals. At the same time the Ministry of Health Care Saudi has work tremendously to upgrade medical facilities with providing free healthcare facilities in paediatric sector. As mentioned by Alomi (2016, p. 5), there are about 240 hospitals in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia providing free healthcare facilities to people residing in Saudi. There are about 2000 primary health care sectors with special wards for Pediatric Health Care.
Initially there was no distinctive healthcare organisation for the children in Kingdom of Saudi. However with the innovation and up gradation of healthcare facilities 5% of total Healthcare sector belong to Pediatric Sector. In contradictory to this healthcare facilities of United Kingdom are more advanced. As stated by Al-Abdely et al. (2017, p.60), the innovation and technological advancement has been identified around a decade ago in Britain. London being the hub of technology has contributed immensely in improving healthcare facilities in UK. However it was also identified that there are social welfare organisation like British Red Cross that has contributed to provide free healthcare facilities to people in need in Saudi Arabia.
Services Provided
Care of Healthcare service providers:
The medical service providers in Saudi Arabia play an important role in their healthcare system. Their proper care can make the paediatric healthcare users feel much better. The doctor’s visit to the patient every day is very much important to check the improvement of healthcare users. The health care providers facilitate the paediatric health users with proper care and services that can help in their health improvement (Alomi, 2016, p. 5).
Services socially provided by medical practitioners:
Medical practitioners in Saudi Arabia provide many social services to the patients through counselling and procaine health related information to the patients. Some social workers provide facilities for the paediatric patients for their health improvement. They also provide resources to the patients whose financial condition was not good. The patients having critical condition are benefited from the service s provided by the h\medical practitioners and the social workers.
Care voluntarily given:
The service care provider of Saudi Arabia gives voluntary care to the paediatric patients for their complex health issues and well being. They provide transportation facility to their patients and support them with utmost care. The healthcare service provider gives medical aid to their patients in order to help them to improve.
Nutritional benefit:
According to Albejaidi (2016, p.13), Health care providers of Saudi Arabia also suggests some dieticians to the child patients for providing them good care. The dietician plans their diet along with the medicines prescribed to them by their health care provider. The diet plan along with the medicines helps in the steady recovery of the patients.
Resource Allocation:
The healthcare providers of Saudi Arabia have increased the expenditure of their private healthcare from 25% to 35% (Almasabi, 2016, p.172). They increased their obese patient recovery rate by 2% and 1% from their base. The patients with complex health issue are facilitated by the healthcare providers by rendering hospitalization facility for long term. Rendering healthcare facility by healthcare services has increased from 25% to 50% within the last decade (Alomi, 2015, p.97). The healthcare service providers of Saudi Arabia had made an allocation of SAR 268 billion over the years till 2020. The Saudi Arabia government has also allocated resources for the betterment of the health sector. They had allocated 15% for the healthcare sector.
Figure 1: Allotment of resources in healthcare sector of Saudi Arabia
(Source:, 2015)
The Beds provided in the Healthcare service providers in Saudi Arabian countries are varies country wise. In Saudi Arabia it was 2.2 per thousand populations 1.6 per thousand populations in Riyadh, 1.4 per thousand populations in Makkah, 1.5 per thousand populations in Jeddah and 1.9 per thousand populations in Madriah. It shows that the beds provided in the healthcare system of these countries are quite good (Almasabi, 2016, p.92).
Figure 2: Estimated demand of healthcare services in Saudi Arabia
(Source: Influenced by Almasabi, 2016, p.92)
The demands of beds are going to be increased in the upcoming years in the health care sector of Saudi Arabia. In the year 2020, the beds will be increase by 20,000. It will increase further by the year 25,000 and likewise will increase by 34,000 in the year 2030 and 38,000 in 2035 (Almasabi, 2016, p.92).
Elaboration on Service Infrastructure
The service infrastructure of the Healthcare service system is growing largely. The executives of the Health care system are devising many ways for developing their infrastructural growth. Some of the strategies adopted by the healthcare service providers are listed below.
Providing Health Insurance in Saudi Arabia:
The planning of providing health insurance services to the various heath users is a great of developing the infrastructure of the healthcare system. The healthcare users were benefited, largely by taking the health insurance schemes. The Healthcare service providers are working as per the demand of the healthcare users by facilitating them with proper medical and transportation facilities. The service providers are adopting new technology of high price and they are enhancing their services with best quality.
Privatized public hospitals:
The healthcare system of Saudi Arabia has reformed them by doing privatization of the public hospitals. They believe that by privatizing the public hospitals, the government of Saudi Arabia will be greatly benefitted (Almasabi, 2016, p.172). The expenses incurred by the government of Saudi Arabia will be reduced to a great extent and the decision making process will speed up.
Preventive and promotional programmes for meeting the crisis:
The healthcare providers are making many promotion and preventive programmes for meeting the national crisis. Some of the crisis is National wars, explosions in the petrol industries and the natural calamities. The healthcare service providers are raising funds for the development of the health system and improving the services provided by them.
Figure 3: Allocated financial budget for healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia
(Source: Influenced by Almasabi, 2016, p.172)
The government expenditure had increased from 2.8% to 6.2% in 2009.
Figure 4: Increase in primary health care service in Saudi Arabia
(Source: Influenced by, 2015)
During the pilgrimage season of Hajj in Saudi Arabia, there were many extra service provided by the healthcare service provides. They are launching many Pilgrimage centres for the public. These pilgrimage services were expected to increase more by 2037 (, 2015).
Leadership role in Healthcare
The role of management and leadership in the Healthcare system in Saudi Arabia is very important in performing well in the healthcare industry. For a good leadership role, a clear and distant vision is very much needed to lead in the industry. The purpose of the tasks involved in the healthcare services should be done clearly. The goals of providing better services to the healthcare users must be achieved by the leaders of the healthcare providers (, 2015).
Addressing challenges in Paediatric sector in Saudi Arabia:
Lower Coverage of Health Insurance: It is considered to be one of the big challenges in Saudi Arabia. The health insurance sector is lacking for which the population is suffering at a great extent. This challenge can be overcome by adopting better health schemes by the healthcare users.
Lacking of medical practitioner: The lack of medical practitioners in the healthcare system of Saudi Arabia is very annoying and yet a challenge for then. The healthcare users suffered a lot for this reason. This challenge can be overcome by recruiting medical practitioners and medical workforce.
Technological changes in Health information: The increase in the changing innovative technologies has proved to be a challenge for the healthcare system. It can be overcome by managing the previous records and data efficiently.
Healthcare Innovation
Review of healthcare establishment
Introduction of advanced technologies in healthcare system specially the Paediatric healthcare has brought a revolution in the healthcare facilities in Saudi. As opined by Alomi (2015, p.17), the improvement in facilities had reduce the mistakes and has shown a drastic change in available medical facilities in periphery of healthcare sector. The recent statistics clearly states that the advanced facilities have been helpful in maintaining a decent health of local people. The reduction in infant mortality rate can be observed which indicate that innovation in technological innovation is useful in maintaining proper mortality rate.
Figure 5: Demographic shift due to medical advancement
(Source: Influenced by Alumina & Yaha, 2016, p. 48)
Introduction of vaccination through safe injections are an innovative strategies used in the paediatric Healthcare system. Vaccination of child is the basic healthcare criteria for maintaining proper life. As opined by Alumina & Yaha (2016, p. 48), this has been identified that around 68% of hospitals in Kingdom of Saudi has adopted this strategies. This has however made the vaccination process more convenient and threat free. Child healthcare is a very sensitive part of healthcare facilities. Adaptation of proper healthcare innovation in this section is beneficial for the marinating the birth rate of the country.
Innovation in medical facilities is yet another innovation in the Paediatric healthcare in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As stated by Alofisan et al.(2016, p.43), providing proper sanitation in the healthcare sector, maintaining advanced technologies and operating devices are essential innovative change in Paediatric Healthcare institution of Arabia. It has been identified that 74% of patients are benefited by this innovation and change in healthcare sectors (Aboshaiqah et al. 2016, p. 540).
Introduction of Digital record system is yet another technological advancement in Paediatric healthcare in Saudi Arabia. Marinating huge records of patients is very difficult of a healthcare sector. It is however essential for healthcare institutes to keep proper records of the children admitted in their hospital. As mentioned by Roberts et al. (2016, p. 13), the infants are however unable to convey their own medical background and hence it becomes essential for hospital authorities to maintain all the details of their patients. It can be easily identified with help of statistical graph mentioned below that there has been a tremendous improvement in hospital services of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All important documentation is kept as record digitally so that they could be used in times of needs.
Figure 6: Adaptation of new technologies by hospitals of Saudi Arabia
(Source: Influenced by Aboshaiqah et al. 2016, p. 540)
Introduction of advanced diagnosis machines is considered to be essential criteria in the medical innovation in Paediatric Healthcare system in Saudi Arabia. Diagnosis of root cause of illness is vital to cure the illness on time. In views of Wilden et al. (2018, p.54), in case of children this diagnosis become a bit difficult as they are unable to convey their problem properly. Hence diagnosis of the illness is essential to conduct proper surgical implications to cure. Different diagnosis machine for special areas of examination is beneficial for healthcare sector to make sure that there is no delay in identification regarding cause of diseases.
Figure 7: Areas of medical improvement
(Source: Ponsignon et al. 2015, p.470)
Contribution to healthcare services
The innovated technologies are essential in providing medical facilities of Saudi Arabia and increase their position in World. The healthcare facility enhancement has a close relation to economy of the country. As opined by Ponsignon et al. (2015, p.470), the elevation of infant natality rate as well as their rate to survive this productive age help the economy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to grow. It has been identified that the demand of the healthcare sector has shown an elevation in the market sector. The private hospitals have been able to earn profit by introducing innovation in their medical services. The reputation of medical facilities of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has increased. This has improved medical services and rate of human error in process of operation of infants has also shown reduction.
Impact on provision care
There has been increment in quality of healthcare facilities of Paediatric healthcare sectors of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The increment in medical level with introduction of new diagnoses technologies has been beneficial for the organisation. As opined by Alomi (2016, p.7), there has been increase in demand of hospital using advanced technologies in their process of providing service. However by introduction of advanced technologies there has been a systematic management of staffs of hospitals. There has been a reduction in communication gap. All the information regarding the patients are easily available in the hospital portal.
Comparison of limitation and benefits
Every change that is introduced in medical sector has some advantages as well disadvantages. It has been identified that there is increase in quality of service provided by the Paediatric Healthcare in Saudi Arabia. This can be identified by the reduction in level of Infant mortality statistics in hospitals of Saudi.
The advanced technologies are helpful in proper diagnosis of illness and help the healthcare service provider to have timely decisions regarding the cure of the child from illness. The proper record keeping of details as well as medical history of children are also beneficial in reducing human error and miscommunication in process of providing medical facilities. As mentioned by Aboshaiqah et al. (2016, p.17), the introduction of proper medical facilities has been beneficial in maintain a proper decorum in healthcare sector.
On contradictory to this there are numerous disadvantages identified during the introduction of new technologies the healthcare sector. Resource has been considered to be the most vital limitation to new innovation. Huge resource needs to be invested for introduction new and advanced technologies to the hospitals with are not always possible. As mentioned by Ponsignon et al. (2015, p.475), the advanced technologies on the other hand needs skill employment. Skill enhancement programs needs to be introduced in order to make employees of concern hospital efficient in handling the new technologies. Infrastructure of hospitals is essential limitation in the introduction of advanced technologies in Paediatric Healthcare sector of Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia.
Case example
King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has introduced digital record system in their hospital. The use of proper portal for maintaining records of the child patients admitted in their hospital for cure. The use of digital portal has helped management authorities of hospital to maintain a systematic record keeping system in their hospital (, 2019). The patients getting admitted to the hospital has been provided by a token number and this token number is used in keeping proper records of the patients apart from their name. To avoid confusion of having patients with similar names this innovative initiative has been adopted by hospital authorities.
It has become easier for the nurses as well as the medical service provider to have details regarding medical history of patients before treating them. This is in turn useful for the authorities of King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure that all patients are treated accurately (, 2019). Organised maintenance of medical history and background details of children’s is also helpful for the hospital authorities in fast diagnosis of problems faced by them in their heath. There has been a tremendous increase in demand services of King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the introduction of this change in their process of record keeping. The hospitals have been beneficial in providing effective medical facilities to the children in more systematic and organised manner. The level of infant date rate in King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also shown a decrement (, 2019).
King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has gather huge demand after the introduction of new technological advancement in their service all the records are updated on regular basis making sure that no vital information is left out. The proper record keeping in hospital is also beneficial in adopting proper decision regarding medical supervision. Thus it could be stated that the innovation in the process of record keeping in King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered beneficial in creating demand of medical service in the hospital (, 2019).
Hence, it can be concluded that the medical facility of Paediatric health care centre in United States Arabia. It is therefore identified that innovation in healthcare facilities has shown a drastic change in the demography of Saudi. The life expectancy of people has increased. Being more precise to the Paediatric health care sector, the introduction of advanced vaccination facilities with introduction of advanced diagnosis machines has been beneficial innovation in medical field. The diagnosis of the root cause of healthcare of children is helpful for healthcare service provider to identify the proper curing measure before time. The advanced technologies on the other hand need skill employment. Skill enhancement related programs needs to be introduced in order to make employees of concern hospital efficient in handling the new technologies. However the introduction of digital record keeping system as adopted by King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been beneficial for the authorities to maintain proper systematic approach in providing health care service to children. It has been identified that the reduction in level of confusion has been beneficial in reducing upgrading medical service in King Abdullah Specialist Children Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thus, it is identified that the recent improvement of medical facilities of Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia has been beneficial for this sector.
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