Executive Summary
The current report highlights lack of resources and improper financial strategy as well as improper decision taken by managers of Fletcher Construction Company. Along with that, it discusses different factors influencing organizational performance and reasons of experiencing loss in business process. Strategic decision making indicates the way of facing competitive challenges by developing innovative products and reducing price level so as to enhance rate of earning profit rate. Without having concern regarding positive outcome and high efficiency of business process, proper contingency plan cannot be implemented. Effective flow of information regarding business objectives among upper and lower management group is necessary for ensuring about support from all level of management on specific decision. Positivism philosophy and deductive approach have been used for conducting the research. Along with that, descriptive design as well as primary qualitative and quantitative data collection methods has been used in the following research. Survey has been conducted among 65 employees of Fletcher Construction Company and interview has been taken among 3 managers of this company. Lack of awareness regarding impact of financial shortcomings on business of Fletcher Construction Company has been influencing factor of negative impact on whole business process. Authentic data regarding loss of business process and lack of resources have been gathered from employees of Fletcher Construction Company. Senior managers of the company need to consider implementation of proper financial budget with the aid of budget allocation tool.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Company profile
The Fletcher Construction Company Limited was founded in the year 1919 in Auckland, New Zealand. It is a business unit within the Construction Division of Fletcher Building Limited, publicly listed on the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges. The company comprises 20,000 employees along with a market capitalization of $9 billion. On 29 October 2018, Peter Reidy joined Fletcher Construction as Chief Executive (, 2019).
1.2 Products and services
The primary service of The Fletcher Construction Company Limited is leading as well as building service and infrastructure-based businesses. They provide this service in areas of logistics, transport, energy and mining and construction sectors across Australia, New Zealand, UK and Asia (, 2019).
1.3 Complex of business
The Fletcher construction is an age old construction company in New Zealand whose major projects include the Hobson Bay Tunnel and the Momi Bay Resort. Presently the company has been in the limelight due to its loss of $660 million in the 2018 financial year. This was due to the failed Christchurch justice precinct and the Auckland convention centre projects. The projects will cost more $140 million dollars to complete (O’Sullivan, 2018). As a result of thus the company has run out of resources due to their improper decision making in terms of the project cost. As per chairman of Fletcher construction the main issue with the company is its lack of information flow from the board to the staffs leading to wrong decision making. In addition the company delved into massive risk without creating any contingency plan. This has also led the company back-off from taking any more project tenders due to its heavy financial losses and indecision in project decision making.
The decision for the project cost and the funding of the company is usually taken by the treasury team of the company. In this case this team failed to keep up with its responsibilities and accounted for a miscalculation that led to a devastating loss for the company. As a consequence of the loss the share price of the company feel drastically. In order to counter this issue and pay all its shareholders the company has already requested for waiver to the commercial banks. However, it is believed that the company will take quite an amount of time to turn back and pay all its dues (Read et al. 2018).
On the contrary, the company board members are putting all the blame on the construction boom that is going on in New Zealand. As per their opinion the boom in the construction sector has led to scarcity of resources and reduced supply of the products. Due to the shortage the price of the resources has increased causing shortage of funds. The treasury team failed to take into consideration the boom and its financial impact (Hargreaves, 2018). As per opinion of economic analysts the sub-contractors working for the company also form a major part of the reason for the failure of the company projects. Each of the projects involved large number of sub-contractors which led to loss of control of the company on the projects. This has in-turn led to the rise in need of the supplies consequently increasing the cost of the project. As per the opinion of the employees there is fickle mindedness in decision making in the top level of the company that leads to drastic changing of the plans. Such changes also incur additional costs in a construction project which is an added reason to the loss faced (Read et al. 2018).
This astounding amount of loss has instilled fear of job loss among the employees. The wider impact of this will fall on the sub-contractors working for this company. They will eventually be out of work if the company stops bidding for construction projects. Thus the current research will focus on the main underlying factors that led to flaw in future prediction as well as the impact that this situation will have on the reputation and the operation of the company. In addition it will analyse the decision making issues of the company that has led to such massive loss.
This research will be based on identifying the factors that had led Fletcher construction to experience a loss of $660 million in 2018. It focuses on the factors of lack of resources, information flow, lack of contingency plan and financial shortcomings. Moreover, the research focuses on the actual cause of the loss comparing the viewpoints of the employees, stakeholders and company managers.
1.4 Research objectives
To identify the major factors that has led to the improper decision making on parts of the company
To analyze the major issues that aroused due to the construction “boom”
To evaluate the wider impact of the loss of the company
To recommend strategies for better decision making and fund allocation.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The current chapter discusses reasons of declining sales volume and rate of earning profit in business process. Along with that, it demonstrates the different factors affecting declination of sales volume and low growth of business process in competitive market. The following chapter defines importance of contingency plan and different issues in case of developing business process.
2.2 Conceptual framework
2.3 Critically discussing importance of strategic decision making
Strategic decision making is important for enhancing sales volume and developing growth of business process. Strategic decision making indicates the way of facing competitive challenges by developing innovative products and reducing price level so as to enhance rate of earning profit rate. As opined by Darus et al. (2014, p.179), strategic decision making by incorporating all lower staffs and senior members of an organization is the way of gaining competitive advantages such as large number of customers and increased rate of profit rapidly. On the contrary, Anggadwita and Mustafid (2014, p.419) commented that without investing higher amount into different operational activities such as market research and products development and price level, an organization cannot be able to gain different competitive advantages such as increased rate of operating profit. Based on the following point, it can be discussed that strong capital is needed to fulfill different objectives as per taken decision by all members of an organization. As per views of Kent (2018, p.27), in case of achieving leading position in competitive market, strategic decision based on the way of attracting large number of customers by providing best quality products and delivering better service are essential. On the other hand, Laudon and Laudon (2016, p.23) commented that without bringing innovations and creativity and recruiting skilled and experienced employees, delivery of best quality service is not possible. Consideration of ethical guidelines such as fair price and good behavior with targeted customers as well as providing high value on decision of customers is essential for maintaining an effective business process. As opined by Hassan et al. (2014, p.339), ethical guidelines such as being fair and sharing right information with customers are essential for avoiding future issues such as higher amount of penalty. With the aid of taking strategy related to innovative delivery service by bringing innovations and creativity, management group of an organization can be able to increase sales volume within short period of time.
2.4 Critically defining factors influencing loss in business process
Most significant factor is lack of resources such as skilled and experienced employees as well as strong capital and lack of operating tools are reasons of declining sales volume of a business process. Due to which, net operating profit can be reduced significantly. As mentioned by Wu et al. (2015, p.499), high availability of resources such as operating tools and advance automation technique as well as skilled and experienced employees are required for maintaining an effective business process and deliver best quality service to clients. On the contrary, Kent (2018, p.27) argued that daily basis monitoring and controlling is essential for ensuring available resources such as number of skilled employees and installation of automation system. Based on which, it can be discussed that daily basis effective monitoring and controlling techniques are necessary along with having skilled and experienced employees and installation of automation system. As mentioned by Anggadwita and Mustafid (2014, p.419), taking strategy related to implementation of daily basis schedule and making proper chart for allocating work to individual, management group of an organization can ensure regarding availability and current situation of different resources. On the other hand, Hassan et al. (2014, p.339) commented that higher concern among senior members and lower staffs is necessary to maintain daily basis work and avoiding future issues such as shortage of cash and limited stock of different resources such as number of employees and operating tools. In case of lack of awareness among senior managers, proper contingency plan cannot be implemented. Due to which, chances of occurring future issues such as declination of sales volume and rate of earning profit are high within the business organization. As per views of Darus et al. (2014, p.179), contingency plan ensures person-centered activities and possible outcome from different activities.
2.5 Critically illustrating impact of improper decision making on business process
As per principles of Bayesian Decision theory, consideration of probable outcome and related costs are most significant aspects in context of ensuring strategic decision making. With the aid of measuring effectiveness of different activities such as recruitment and project planning as well as structural framework, project manager can be able to gather information regarding expected outcome. As suggested by Meier et al. (2015, p.1223), selection of factors having highest chances of evaluating positive outcome is essential in case of taking strategic decision for business growth. On the other hand, Wu et al. (2015, p.501) commented that without analyzing deeply of time and cost of different activities, related outcome cannot be forecasted.
As per guidelines of Administrative decision making model, upper management group of an organization could consider support of taken decision from lower staffs and internal management group as well as Governing body. This ensures avoidance of future issues such as declination of sales volume and lack of support and license. As opined by Tjader et al. (2014, p.619), improper decision making related to development of quality into delivery service without incorporating innovations and creativity, number of targeted customers and overall sales volume of an organization can be reduced significantly. On the contrary, Meier et al. (2015, p.1223) argued that clear analysis and forecasting are necessary along with proper decision making so as to ensure high growth of operation processes within short period.
2.6 Critically demonstrating issues in case of developing business process
Issues related to financial strategy and lack of contingency plan are most significant aspects in case of declining sales volume and reducing growth rate of business process. As opined by Aithal (2017, p.19), lack of concern among finance managers and operation managers of an organization are reasons of making improper finance strategy and improper daily basis operation schedule. In the following context, Anggadwita and Mustafid (2014, p.419) argued that without having proper skill and perfect analyzing technique, senior managers of an organization cannot be able to fulfill goals of different objectives. High capital and requirement of daily basis monitoring and controlling process as well as recruitment of skilled and experienced employees are significant challenges in case of taking initiative to develop business process.
2.7 Critically discussing importance of contingency plan
Contingency plan includes different operational activities as well as responsible person for activities such as making structural framework and proper controlling process. Based on that, related outcome can be estimated. As suggested by Salerno et al. (2015, p.61) related outcome can be estimated by gathering information regarding impact and effectiveness of different activities at each step of operation process. On the contrary, Tjader et al. (2014, p.619) commented that with the help of skilled and conscious managers and available resources, different objectives of each activity can be fulfilled significantly. Thus, it can be discussed that implementation of contingency plan by updating information regarding available resources within organization and required capital can be significant strategy to develop business growth significantly (Refer to Appendix 1).
2.8 Gap in literature
In the following chapter, different factors affecting sales volume and growth of business process as well as reasons of declining sales volume have been described significantly. Along with that, importance of contingency plan as well as issues in case of taking initiative regarding development of business process has also been demonstrated significantly. However, proper linking of strategic decision making and person-centered activities has not been discussed in the following study. Due to which, certain gap has been created between strategic decision making and person based activities as per taken strategic decision for developing business process. Based on strategic plan and significant information such as responsible person and impact of each activity as well as maintenance of daily basis monitoring technique, overall operation process of an organization can be maintained in an effective way.
2.9 Summary
This study discusses impact of improper decision making on business process along with factors influencing declination of sales volume. In addition to that, it illustrates issues in case of developing business process and importance of contingency plan for developing growth of business process.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses research philosophy along with research design and research approach which have been used in case of conducting the research. Along with that, it demonstrates data collection method and sampling technique and ethical consideration during conducting the research.
3.2 Research onion
3.3 Research philosophy
Positivism philosophy helps in providing important positive and evidence based data on specific topic. Along with that, it assists in gathering positive information and natural phenomena based data which have certain properties as well as relations. Researcher has selected positivism philosophy in the following research to gather positive and evidence based information based on factors influencing loss of business process of Fletcher Construction Company (influenced by Aliyu et al. 2014, p.81). Based on natural phenomena and factual data, researcher has been able to find out reasons of rising issues in Construction Company and improper decision making.
3.4 Research approach
Deductive approach assists in collecting appropriate information among all available options. As per views of Zalaghi and Khazaei (2016, p.29), deductive approach assists in making hypothesis on the basis of specific topic and gathers important information regarding dependent and independent variables included in the study. In the following context, it can be demonstrated that deductive approach assists in gathering specific information by considering principles of hypothesis. In the following research, researcher has chosen deductive approach to make a hypothesis on the basis of business project. Based on that, researcher has provided important information regarding importance of strategic decision making and different factors influencing declination of sales volume of Fletcher Construction Company.
3.5 Research design
Descriptive design helps in describing cause and effect of specific factor in an effective way. Based on which, readers can be able to gather strategic information regarding the way of affecting specific factor on certain factor and different influencing factors. As opined by Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2015, p.23), descriptive design assists in describing specific factor by including cause and effect in an effective way. In the following research, researcher has followed descriptive design to describe impact of improper decision making on business process and factors influencing loss of business process of Fletcher Construction Company.
3.6 Data collection method
Primary qualitative and quantitative data collection method assist in gathering new evidence based information based on specific factor by conducting survey and taking interview among group of people (Choy, 2014, p.103). On the other hand, secondary data collection method helps in collecting existing information based on specific factor from various literary sources such as journals and books as well as company websites. In the following research, researcher has followed primary data collection method for collecting new information regarding factors influencing loss of business process and different issues in Fletcher Construction Company.
3.7 Sampling technique
Random sampling technique has been adopted to avoid bias data. Survey has been conducted among 65 employees of Fletcher Construction Company and interview has been taken among 3 managers of this company.
3.8 Validity and reliability of data
All data regarding factors influencing loss of business is reliable due to gathering from employees and managers of Fletcher Construction Company. Valid data has been used in the following research to increase its authenticity.
3.9 Ethical consideration
As per guidelines of Data Protection Act 1998, important data will not be misused and confidentiality of information will be maintained (, 2019). Data regarding loss of business and issues in Construction Company will be included in the following research without plagiarism.
3.10 Research timeline
(Refer to Appendix 3)
Chapter 4: Findings and Data analysis
Primary qualitative and quantitative data analysis
4.1 Primary quantitative data analysis
Q1. Do you agree that improper decision making is influencing factor for organizational performance?
Factors |
Total number of respondents |
Number of response |
Total percentage of respondents |
Strongly agree |
65 |
22 |
34 |
Agree |
65 |
18 |
27 |
Neutral |
65 |
4 |
6 |
Strongly disagree |
65 |
9 |
14 |
Disagree |
65 |
12 |
19 |
Table 4.1: impact of improper decision making on organizational performance
Q2. Do you agree that lack of resources is reason of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Factors |
Total number of respondents |
Number of responses |
Total percentage of respondents |
Strongly agree |
65 |
23 |
35 |
Agree |
65 |
17 |
26 |
Neutral |
65 |
5 |
7 |
Strongly disagree |
65 |
8 |
12 |
Disagree |
65 |
12 |
20 |
Table 4.2: Lack of resources as an influencing factor of experiencing loss in business
Q3: Do you believe effective flow of information is an influencing factor of strategic decision making?
Factors |
Total number of respondents |
Number of responses |
Total percentage of respondents |
Strongly agree |
65 |
21 |
32 |
Agree |
65 |
15 |
23 |
Neutral |
65 |
7 |
10 |
Strongly disagree |
65 |
10 |
15 |
Disagree |
65 |
12 |
20 |
Table 4.3: Effective flow of information as an influencing factor of strategic decision making
Q4: Do you agree that lack of contingency plan is an influencing factor of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Factors |
Total number of respondents |
Number of responses |
Total percentage of respondents |
Strongly agree |
65 |
18 |
27 |
Agree |
65 |
14 |
21 |
Neutral |
65 |
10 |
15 |
Strongly disagree |
65 |
12 |
19 |
Disagree |
65 |
11 |
18 |
Table 4.4: lack of contingency plan is an influencing factor of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company
Q5: Do you believe that financial shortcomings impacts negatively on business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Factors |
Total number of respondents |
Number of responses |
Total percentage of respondents |
Strongly agree |
65 |
24 |
36 |
Agree |
65 |
17 |
26 |
Neutral |
65 |
3 |
4 |
Strongly disagree |
65 |
8 |
12 |
Disagree |
65 |
13 |
22 |
Table 4.5: Negative impact of financial shortcomings on business of Fletcher Construction Company
4.2 Primary qualitative data analysis
Q1: What is your opinion regarding financial shortcomings and lack of resources as influencing factors of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Finance manager |
Operation manager |
HR manager |
“I think making daily basis financial budget is important for estimating approximate outcome from different activities and earning profit. We are focusing on it to maintain an effective business process’’ |
“We, the operation department is fully concentrated now to check available resources within the organization so as to enhance efficiency of operation process” |
“Strategic decision making is significant way by incorporating all lower staffs so as to avoid critical issues and face challenging situation” |
Q2: How far you believe that shortage of cash and lack of contingency plan impact negatively on business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Finance manager |
Operation manager |
HR manager |
“We are fully concentrated on fixing budget based on objectives of different activities. I believe that shortage of cash might be reason of experiencing loss in business in future” |
“I assume that maintenance of daily basis updating information into contingency plan is essential for concerning all lower staffs and group of senior members” |
“With the aid of recruiting skilled and experienced members, effective contingency plan can be implemented” |
Improper decision making is most influencing factor for organizational performance due to affecting negatively on overall business process of an organization. From the above table, it can be pointed out that maximum percentage respondents are in favor of asked question such as improper decision making as an influencing factor of organizational performance. As opined by Waas (2014, p.5519), strategic decision by considering objectives and goals of an organization is most significant aspects in case of enhancing efficiency of operation process and achieving leading position in competitive market. Strategic decision making is important for enhancing sales volume and developing growth of business process (influenced by Martin-Rios, 2014, p.193). Strategic decision making indicates the way of facing competitive challenges by developing innovative products and reducing price level so as to enhance rate of earning profit rate. From the above percentage of respondents, it can be analyzed that improper decision making due to not considering available resources and making proper contingency plan have been major reasons for experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction company. As suggested by Albrecht et al. (2015, p.23), taking effective strategy such as the way of gaining competitive advantages such as increased rate of profit by improving delivery service is the way of fulfilling objectives of business. Therefore, maximum number of respondents has given their decision regarding improper decision as an influencing factor of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company. On the other hand, lack of resources such as skilled and experienced members as well as strong capital and operating tools are influencing factors of reducing sales volume (influenced by Hassan et al. 2014). From the percentage of respondents in the asked question based on lack of resources, it can be defined that without monitoring of available resources such as number of skilled employees and advance operating tools, business process of Fletcher Construction Company cannot be developed significantly (, 2019). In the following context, Zur Muehlen and Shapiro (2015, p.253) stated that daily basis monitoring of available resources such as number of skilled employees as well as net amount of operating cost and advance automation tools for delivery service are essential for ensuring an effective operation process and avoiding issues in future. Along with that, Cabanillas et al. (2014, p.429) suggested that with the aid of monitoring quality and quantity of resources, management group of an organization can be able to make perfect contingency plan and fix budget for different activities. Thereby, maximum percentage respondents have given their decision in favor of lack of resources and daily basis monitoring and controlling techniques which have major issues within Fletcher Construction Company.
Effective flow of information regarding business objectives and key operation technique among upper and lower management group is necessary for ensuring about support from all level of management on specific decision (influenced by Churet and Eccles, 2014, p.58). Maximum percentage of respondents have given their decision in favor of asked question such as effective flow of information which is importance part of enhancing efficiency of business process. As opined by Pearlson et al. (2016, p.33), positive and evidence based information flow among all level of management and getting support from everyone are significant aspects in context of fulfilling objectives of business organization such as increased staff productivity and high rate of earning profit. Fewer respondents have given their decision against the asked question based on effective flow of information. As stated by Braglia and Frosolini (2014), along with effective flow of important information based on operation process and service process, effective way of monitoring and controlling are essential for ensuring daily basis efficiency of whole process of an organization. Due to lack of flow of information among all group of employees and strategic decision making based on contingency plan, business process of Fletcher Construction Company has been affected negatively. It can also be added that lack of monitoring and evaluation techniques as well as improper decision making on delivery service have been major issues of Fletcher Construction Company due to which it has experienced a loss of $660 million in 2018 (Refer to Appendix 2).
As per views of Netland (2016), contingency plan includes aim of different activities and expected outcome as well as responsible person and estimated delivery process based on which effective operation process of an organization can be maintained significantly. From table 4.4 and 4.5, it can be noticed that percentage of respondents is low in case of asking question regarding contingency plan and maximum percentage of respondents have supported information based on financial shortcomings. Thus, it can be pointed out that financial shortcomings is key aspect in case of experiencing loss in business process of Fletcher construction company rather than implementing contingency plan. As opined by Karadag (2015, p.29), forecasting about financial budget and fixing cost for different activities are major influencing factors of gaining high competitive advantages such as high rate of profit.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
Thus, it can be concluded that strategic decision making by considering availability of resources such as number of skilled employees and advance operating tools are aspects in context of developing business. Along with that, implementation of contingency plan by focusing on aim and expected outcome for different activities as well as measuring effectiveness of activities on daily basis are essential for concerning all level of management of Fletcher Construction Company. Lack of availability of all tangible and intangible resources and making proper contingency plan have been major issues of experiencing loss in business process. Finance manager of the organization has responsibility of fixing budget for different activities and avoiding issues such as financial shortcomings. Lack of awareness regarding impact of financial shortcomings on business of Fletcher Construction Company has been influencing factor of negative impact on whole business process. Issues related to improper financial strategy and contingency plan are key determining factors of making improper decision related to growth of business process. Without having perfect analyzing technique and idea regarding effectiveness of making proper financial strategy, finance managers of an organization cannot be able to fulfill objectives of business organization such as increased rate of profit and large number of clients.
5.2 Linking with objectives
Objective 1: To identify the major factors that has led to the improper decision making on
Fletcher Construction Company.
This is linked to table 4.1 and 4.3 as well as 4.4 and 4.5. From this objective, it is clear that lack
of available resources such as skilled and experienced employees and strong capital, finance managers and HR managers of Fletcher construction company has not been able to make strategic decision making. Due to which, it has experienced huge loss in business which has affected on growth and market position of the company in competitive market.
Objective 2: To analyze the major issues that aroused due to the construction “boom”
This objective is linked to table 4.2 and 4.3. From this objective, it is clear that conflict with senior managers and lower staffs regarding work timing and remuneration structure as well as lack of skilled and experienced managers have been major issues within Construction Company. Due to raising different issues within the organization, management group of the company has been unable to maintain daily basis business activities and fulfill requirements of clients.
Objective 3: To evaluate the wider impact of the loss of the company
The following objective is linked to table 4.3 and 4.4. From the objective, it can be pointed out that loss in business can be reasons of reducing growth of business. Due to lack of resources and improper decision making, management group of Fletcher Construction Company has faced significant loss based on which it can be unable to achieve market position in competitive market.
5.3 Recommendations
Factors |
Description |
Specific |
Measurable |
Attainable |
Realistic |
Time |
Table 5.1: SMART Recommendation 1
Factors |
Description |
Specific |
Measurable |
Attainable |
Realistic |
Time |
Table 5.2: SMART Recommendation
5.4 Future scope
In the following research, different aspects regarding most essential activities for regular basis and responsible persons have not been described significantly. Based on effective measurement plan and strategic decision related to improvement of delivery service, future issues such as financial shortcomings and lack of contingency plan can be avoided. However, future research can be conducted on the basis of person-centered activities as per decision taken during meeting.
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Appendix 1: Importance of contingency plan
Appendix 2: Business loss of Fletcher Construction Company
Appendix 3: Gantt chart
Activities |
Week 1 |
Week 2 to 5 |
Week 6 to 12 |
Week 13 to 17 |
Week 18-21 |
Week 22 to 23 |
Week 23 |
Topic selection |
Data Collection |
Planning process |
Existing literatures are reviewed |
Research plan Development |
Choosing techniques of research |
Primary data collection |
Analysis of collected data |
Collecting findings |
Conclusion and recommendation |
Development of rough overdraft of the project |
Submission |
Appendix 4: Questionnaires
Question 1: Do you agree that improper decision making is influencing factor for organizational performance?
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Question 2: Do you agree that lack of resources is reason of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Question 3: Do you believe effective flow of information is an influencing factor of strategic decision making?
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Question 4: Do you agree that lack of contingency plan is an influencing factor of experiencing loss in business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Question 5: Do you believe that financial shortcomings impacts negatively on business of Fletcher Construction Company?
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
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