Part III
Executive summary
The project is related to expansion and development of Al Makraut airport and its popularity at international level. Al Maktoum Airport of Dubai has taken strong initiative to increase size and capacity of passenger. Moreover, it has contacted with Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects for implementing key decision and making strategic project. The following project is about development and expansion of Al Maktoum Airport by the end of 2020. It has been estimated in 2014, approximately AED120 billion is needed for developing Al Maktoum Airport. Project environment is surroundings in which whole project including different phases is processed effectively. Project organization indicates effective communication between project members as well as project managers and different responsibilities on regular basis. Strong communication and relationship between project stakeholders are important for avoiding conflict situation. Divisional type of organizational structure is most used project organization due to assisting set of tasks into different segments. Project communication management is strategic way of managing stakeholders by establishing strong relationship between them and avoiding conflict situation. Project success factors include estimation of proper budget and time which are required for fulfilling requirements of project objectives. Strong project communication between project managers and other team members as well as interaction on daily basis are significant aspects to avoid conflict situation. With the aid of fulfilling all requirements including environment as well as organization and project communication, project manager of Dubai Engineering Project can be able to evaluate positive outcome. Project manager of Dubai Engineering Projects need to consider perfect guidance and encouragement to all members so as to enhance their performance and deliver appropriate project within estimated time.
Table of Contents
Executive summary
Project Background
Project critical analysis
Project environment
Project stakeholder analysis
Project communication management
Critical success or failure
Conclusion and Recommendation
Reference List
List of Tables
Table 1: PESTLE analysis
Table 2: Responsibilities of project stakeholders
Table 3: SMART Recommendation
Table 4: SMART Recommendation
Nature of the project is related to expansion and popularity of Al Maktoum airport at international level so as to increase large number of national and international consumers. Project is mainly located at Dubai and contractor of the expansion based project is Dubai Engineering project. The project has been carried out at the beginning of 2017 and it is expected to complete by middle quarter of 2019. Involved persons in this project are senior authority of Dubai Engineering Project and senior heads of Al Maktoum Airport as well as finance manager and different stakeholders of airport Development Company. It has been implemented by taking benefits of senior head project manager of Dubai Engineering Projects and departmental heads of Al Maktoum Airport of Dubai.
Project Background
Al Maktoum Airport of Dubai has taken initiative to develop airport by increasing size and capacity of passenger. The airline authority has contacted with Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects for making strategic plan regarding development of airport and estimate net cost required for each activity. The following project is about development and expansion of Al Maktoum Airport by the end of 2020. It has been estimated in 2014, approximately AED120 billion is needed for developing Al Maktoum Airport and increasing size so as to handle 220 million passengers per financial year (Development phases of the Al Maktoum airport expansion, 2019). The project expansion is expected to increase popularity of the airport at international level and make it as biggest airport in world (Refer to Appendix 1).
Project critical analysis
Project environment
Project environment denotes key connection between different factors such as organizational as well as social and ecological and economic. As opined by Mir & Pinnington (2014, p.203), strong connection between economic and social factors is strategic way to complete a project successfully due to having finance benefits and proper knowledge regarding diverse culture. It can be demonstrated that project environment is surroundings in which whole project including different phases is processed. As mentioned by Mariusz (2014), analysis of project environment is done at the starting of project due to getting advance information related to project outcome and net estimated cost. Internal project environment indicates different internal factors such as workplace culture and interest of employees as well as cultural background of employees of an organization. On the other hand, external project environment indicates different external factors including economic condition of country and socio-cultural status based on which specific project can be completed successfully. As per views of Binder (2016, p.33), analysis of internal and external project environment at the starting of project is essential for the purpose of assessing risks and taking strategic decision regarding the way of overcoming different risks based on which project can be delivered within estimated time.
In this project related to expansion of Al Maktoum Airport of Dubai, senior project manager of Dubai Engineering project has been concerned in analyzing external environmental factors such as social and finance situation. Based on finance condition such as GDP rate and inflation rate as well as per capita income, estimated outcome of after successfully completing the project can be evaluated. As suggested by Todorović et al. (2015), consideration of external environmental factors such as social and physical is important for ensuring connection between all stakeholders and effective performances during specific project.
PESTLE framework
Factors |
Description |
Impact |
Political |
Negative |
Economical |
Positive and negative |
Social |
Positive |
Technological |
Positive |
Legal |
Positive |
Environmental |
Negative |
Table 1: PESTLE analysis
Effective project can be handled by taking advantages of increased rate of GDP growth and per capita income. This is because of having high tendency to use flight for travelling to a particular destination. Based on which, senior authority of the Al Maktoum Airport can be able to gain high rate of profit in terms of investing higher money for developing and expanding Airport of Dubai. With the aid of strong social factor such as high living standard in Dubai, project manager can take significant strategy regarding rapid development of the Airport. As opined by Ho (2014), strategy related to development and construction of building and highway are dependent upon estimated income per financial year. At the beginning of project, project managers of Dubai Engineering Project have considered different environmental factors such as economic and social as well as technological so as to estimate outcome.
Project organization
Project organization is generally key structure which directs proper coordination and implementation of specific project. As opined by Too & Weaver (2014), project organization indicates the way of playing an effective role by communicating with all members and different responsibilities on regular basis. The purpose of project organization is to establish effective environment by fostering coordination among members and reducing conflict situation and minimizing disruptions. Project organization includes four different types of structures such as administrative as well as functional and divisional and matrix.
Divisional type of organizational structures includes group of different functionalities and segments so as to complete different activities effectively. On the other hand, administrative type of organizational structure is the consideration of command of senior head of administrative department by all team members rather than segmenting into different groups. As per views of Joslin & Müller (2015), divisional type of organizational structure is most used project organization due to assisting set of tasks into different segments so that each team member can be able to complete own activity in an effective way. In this case related to development and expansion of Al Maktoum Airport, senior project manager of Dubai Engineering Projects has followed divisional type of organizational structure so as to allocate particular task to an individual. Segment of following project is within four groups such as engineering manager as well as procurement manager and project controller and administrative departmental head. As per views of Eskerod & Jepsen (2016), project controller has liability to make strategic plan as well as estimate cost and reporting budget to finance manager on regular basis so as to avoid corruption and misassumptions.
Advantage and limitations of organizational structure
Project manager of Dubai Engineering Project is fully concerned in avoiding conflict situation due to which divisional type of organizational structure has been followed to complete this project effectively. Divisional type of organizational structure has been major advantage for the project manager due to completing each activity within estimated time and more accurately. As mentioned by Mir & Pinnington (2014), segmentation of group into multiple groups as well as allocating field based work to individual member are strategic ways to meet project objectives such as completion of project within estimated budget and meeting delivery time. Different teams members such as project manager and senior head of the administrative department of Al Maktoum Airport are able to interact with each other and share own views regarding specific fact. On the other hand, administrative and matrix based organizational structures do not allow to take interact with each other at the time of need. Team members and other project stakeholders consider decision taken by head of administrative department. As opined by Binder (2016), Limitation of divisional type of organizational structure in the following project is it does not allow completing a task for a long period.
Project stakeholder analysis
Importance of project stakeholders is significant in specific project because of solving problems related to project outcome and completing specific project successfully. Project stakeholders play major role in gathering important information regarding specific project and completing own task in an effective way. Based on which, project manager can be able to fulfil project objectives such as successful project completion and delivery of specific project within estimated time to clients as well as increased satisfaction among clients. As per views of Missonier & Loufrani-Fedida (2014), strong communication and relationship between project stakeholders are important for avoiding conflict situation.
Roles and influence of project stakeholders
Project stakeholders |
Responsibilities |
Influence |
Strategy for engaging stakeholder |
Manager of construction and development department |
Provides significant information regarding structural framework to expand size and capacity of Al Maktoum Airport. |
High |
Conducting weekly basis meeting |
Procurement manager |
Procurement manager take responsibility to check legal term of contract and Government legislations based on development and construction |
High |
Face to face conversion on regular basis |
Project controller |
Project controller take liability to make strategic plan |
Medium |
Conducting meeting on monthly basis |
Senior heads of administrative department of Al Maktoum Airport of Dubai |
Administrative department provides information related to legal rights and human resources and service charges to project managers (influenced by Missonier & Loufrani-Fedida, 2014) |
Low |
E-mail communication |
Senior project manager |
Senior project manager takes liability to control over whole process and monitor whether all requirements are fulfilling effectively |
High |
Daily basis face to face conversion |
Finance manager |
Fixing budget for different activities such as recruitment of skilled personnel and gathering information related to size and capacity of airport |
High |
Conducting meeting on daily basis |
Table 2: Responsibilities of project stakeholders
Stakeholder analysis has not been carried out effectively in this project due to having lack knowledge regarding importance of analyzing stakeholders and their role among senior managers of the project. As opined by Missonier & Loufrani-Fedida (2014), analysis of influence and role of stakeholders on specific project are most significant aspects in context of gathering information related to daily basis activities and their interest on project. Senior project manager of Dubai Engineering project could consider proper way of handling stakeholders by analyzing their role and interest based on which development and expansion of Al Maktoum Airport can be processed effectively.
Project communication management
Project communication management is strategic way of managing stakeholders by establishing strong relationship between them and avoiding conflict situation. As mentioned by Muszynska et al. (2015), avoidance of conflict situation is necessary to complete specific project within estimated time and satisfying clients by fulfilling their requirements. Communication management is the way of strengthening coordination among all members and controlling over whole operational process. Lack of effective communication between project stakeholders has been major issues in this project due to which project manager of Dubai Engineering project is not able to deliver project within estimated time. As per views of Zulch (2014), taking strategy regarding the way of incorporating all project members by conducting meeting is effective way to fulfil requirements of individual activity. Project manager could consider face to face conversion on daily basis by incorporating all members for the purpose of discussing about project objectives and project strategy. Daily basis communication with all stakeholders including finance manager and senior project manager can be significant way to maintain strategic path through which project objectives can be fulfilled (influenced by Eskerod & Jepsen, 2016). Project managers of the Dubai Engineering Project could consider proper way of managing and controlling over whole communication process so as to avoid conflict situation during project. As suggested by Too & Weaver (2014), avoidance of misassumptions is needed during project due to maintaining proper interaction between team members. Proper way of managing communication can be processed by providing value on decision of each member on the basis of specific factor based on which project objectives can be fulfilled.
Critical success or failure
Project success indicates fulfilment of objectives of specific project within estimated time and budget. Project success factors include estimation of proper budget and time which are required for fulfilling requirements of project objectives. Project success management is strategic way of managing different activities so as to maintain high quality standard of project outcome and evaluate positive outcome. As mentioned by Camilleri (2016), project success factors and project success management both are significant aspects in case of completing specific project successfully and delivering to clients within estimated time.
Critical success factors in project management include strategic focus including leadership and planning as well as people. Key leadership quality ensures perfect guidance to project team members so that they are able to follow strategic path. Management quality among project managers assists in avoiding conflict situation by fulfilling requirements of team members. With the aid of making strategic plan, project managers are able to evaluate positive outcome which is generally project success (Refer to Appendix 2).
Impact of critical success factors on project management success
Project management success is the way of leading and encouraging people and guiding them continuously so that they are able to complete each activity successfully (Davis, 2014). Recruiting skilled personnel and motivating team members by sharing important information regarding importance of project success can be ways of fulfilling project objectives. Project manager of Dubai Engineering Project could consider selection of appropriate project organization as well as skilled members and strong communication so as to complete within estimated time and budget. As opined by Alias et al. (2014), project success such as evaluation of positive outcome is mainly dependent upon coordination and interaction between stakeholders due to avoiding conflict situation and enhancing performance of each employee on daily basis. Project manager of this following project could consider encouragement and learning development for improving in a better way and delivering construction and development project more accurately to clients.
Conclusion and Recommendation
Thus, it can be concluded that strategic project plan and strong communication between senior project managers and project team members are effective ways of fulfilling objectives of project. In addition to that, delivery of project related to expansion and development of Al Maktoum Airport is dependent upon fixing of budget and estimating time. Consideration of project environment such as different external factors including economic and socio-cultural is significant aspect to meet project time. Project organization such as divisional type of organization allows utilizing different tasks into various groups of stakeholders. Following right project organization structure is the way of encouraging team members to share own views on specific topic and follow key path through which objectives of the project can be fulfilled effectively. Project stakeholders play vital role in completing different activities more accurately and submitting project within estimated time and budget.
Factors |
Description |
Specific |
To encourage and guide team members continuously |
Measurable |
It can be measured by observing performance of members on daily basis |
Attainable |
It can be attained by incorporating all members by conducting meeting |
Realistic |
It is realistic as increased performance of members is the reason of evaluating positive outcome after completing project |
Time |
2 months |
Table 3: SMART Recommendation 1
Factors |
Description |
Specific |
To incorporate all team members |
Measurable |
It can be measured by observing their interest on performance |
Attainable |
It can be attained by conducting meeting on weekly basis |
Realistic |
It is realistic as it impacts positively on project success |
Time |
2 months |
Table 4: SMART Recommendation 2
Reference List
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Appendix 1: Development and expansion of Al Maktoum Airport
Appendix 2: Project Critical Success Factors
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