Demonstrating Importance of Doctors Round – Research Paper Sample







Table of Contents

1. Introduction 

1.1 Research aim and objectives 

1.2 Research questions 

1.3 Research rationale 

1.4 Scope of the research 

2. Research pilot design 

2.1Critically demonstrating importance of doctors round 

2.2 Critically illustrating reasons of irregularity in doctor’s round 

2.3 Critically defining impact of irregularity of doctor’s round on patient’s condition 

2.4 Critically illustrating influencing factors of irregularity of Service provider’s round 

2.5 Critically illustrating issues in case of having irregular Service provider’s round 

2.6 Gaps in literature 

2.7 Summary 

3. Dissemination and implementation 

3.1 Research approach 

3.2 Data collection method 

3.3 Determining setting 

3.4 Sampling method 

3.5 Inclusion and exclusion criteria 

3.6 Recruitment 

3.7 Ethics 

3.8 Data analysis 


Reference List 


  1. Introduction

Rapid development of therapies, drugs have supported dramatic changes in the field of treatment in hospital and health care organisation. It is important for both the medical staffs and non medical staffs to participate with ethical concern to serve the patients. In case of health care organisation, lack of interest to visit or round patients by physicians has become a present trend. It is important to focus on the strategies to evaluate purpose behind lack of interest of the doctors. This research is based on the context of Singapore to evaluate the factors which have impacted negatively on the behaviour of the doctors. On the other hand, this profession related to medical facilities is based on some ethical principles. It is important for the doctors to focus on ethical purposes rather than professionalism. In order to evaluate the factors behind the complaints against the doctors of Singapore regarding timing of rounds or visit, researcher will conduct a research.

1.1 Research aim and objectives


This research has the aim to investigate the factors behind increased number of complaints regarding timing of doctor’s visits or rounds.


The objectives of this research study are:

  • To investigate number of complaints against the doctors regarding timing of doctors rounds in Singapore

  • To identify the influential factors which boost up the doctors to show negligence in timings of rounds

  • To evaluate motivational factors for the doctors which can help them to increase timings of patients visit

  • To recommend effective strategies to decrease rate of complaints regarding time of doctors rounds by motivating them

    1. Research questions

The following research questions will help the researcher to proceed with this research work:

  • What is the rate of complaints regarding lack of timing of doctor’s rounds in Singapore?

  • What are the influential factors which are responsible to boost up the doctors to show negligence in rounds?

  • What are the motivational factors which can help the doctors to be motivated to increase timings for doctor’s rounds?

  • What are the suggestions to motivate the doctors to avoid negligence to rounds for the patients?

    1. Research rationale

In recent days, health care system in Singapore has faced great strain. Due to increased rate of ageing population, Singapore needs to focus on the process of recruiting more doctors to support emergency situations (, 2017). Shortage of physicians as well as sufficient doctors has impacted negatively on health condition and lifestyle of the patients. In Singapore, general discipline has increased 50% between the year 2012 and 2018 (Lai, 2017). On the other hand, interest of the doctors to make more profit by arranging more chambers within short period of time can be considered as influencer of the issues.

In regards to the medical field of Singapore, lack of interest of the doctors to increase timings of rounds can be considered as the basic issue of this field. Patient of the health care organisations in Singapore suffer from negligence and lack of care from the physicians. Moreover, lack of support related to person centered care by the doctors within health care system is considered as an issue of this field.

In this present days, due to increased rate of patients in the health care organisations, lack of interest of the doctors to invest more time in rounds can be considered as a critical factor. The Current Report of Singapore can be reported that Singapore has 1.9 doctors per 1000 population which is lower than Japan and US (Carroll & Frakt, 2017).

This research sheds light on importance of the factors which are responsible behind increased rate of complaints regarding timings of rounds by the doctors. This research has focused on lack of motivational factors to the doctors which can insist them to neglect ethical purpose in relation to patient’s health.

    1. Scope of the research

Through conducting this research work, researcher will be able to support ethical principles for the patients. This research and the practical field work can help the researcher to gain knowledge regarding codes of ethics as well as principles of this medical field. In relation to the context of Singapore, this research will help to investigate aspects of medical practices. Based on the views of Bhattacherjee et al. (2016), depending on this research process, researcher can support sufferings of the patients due to lack of concern of the doctors. This research will help to identify the factors which can negatively influence the doctors to be indifferent in rounds. According to Wearn, O’Callaghan & Barrow (2016), on the other hand, it can be mentioned that researcher can achieve a scope to research on further progress of this subject matter. The purpose of this research can help to identify some recommendations for the doctors to actively participate in frequent rounds.

2. Research pilot design

2.1Critically demonstrating importance of doctors round

It is important to focus on health condition of the patients of the health care organisations. As per the views of Laurikainen et al. (2016), in recent days doctors are influenced to participate in long race of competition with each other. On the other hand, in order to retain position in the medical field, the doctors are focusing on the process of achieving financial success. In the present days context, it has been identified that most of the doctors neglects rounds to the patients. According to Liu, Gerdtz & Manias (2016), in case of aged patients and the children, it is important to focus on person centered care to make quality of the treatment better. As the medical field is considered as an ethical platform, negligence of the doctors in recent times has affected the reputation of this field.

In most of the cases, public sector of healthcare organisations can be considered as an evidence of negligence of the doctors. Based on the views of Atkinson (2018), it has been analysed that due to increased rate of heart disease and other chronic diseases, all the organisations need to be stricter to the doctors. Doctors need to invest more time to enhancing timings of rounds in order to provide effective quality services to the patients. As per the views of Broom et al. (2016), government of the country needs to support the process to implement strict rules for all the staffs of the country.

2.2 Critically illustrating reasons of irregularity in doctor’s round

It has been analysed that increased rate of competition in this medical field has supported negative factors among the doctors. In relation to this field, this research has evaluated that doctors are competing with each other in relation to financial success. According to Brink et al. (2016), on the other hand, lack of training, rewards and facilities to the doctors can influence them to be demotivated to increase timing of rounds. Lack of motivational factors is responsible behind dissatisfactory elements among the doctors in relation to the work within hospital.

Doctors invest more time in outside chamber to grab the market of the patients. As per the views of Koob (2017), it is important to take this profession based on ethical concept. Whereas, the doctors are focusing more time to get financial success by more patients within a short period of time. According to Bansal & Malhotra (2016), complaints against the doctors regarding timing of rounds can be presented as evidence which can prove unethical activities of the doctors. Irregularity in doctors round can resist growth of health care organisation as well as it can set barrier to regain reputation of the organisations of this medical field. Based on the views of Lu et al. (2016), the health care system depends on participation of the physicians. However, in this recent age, lack of interest of the doctors to the patients health condition has proved negative aspect of the ethical purposes. Lack of training and opportunity in research based learning can motivate the doctors to improve quality of treatment. On the other hand, these factors influence complaints against the doctors regarding timing of rounds.

2.3 Critically defining impact of irregularity of doctor’s round on patient’s condition

Corruption has moth eaten the internal frames of the society as the public property and the misuse or abuse of public property for private gain is increasing day by day. As per the views of Quah (2016), negligence of governmental sectors for private gain of wealth and power is considered significant in the world of corruption which includes misinformation to patients, illegal activities, excessive medical tests and costs etc in the health centres. Corruption in health centers can have serious problems in threatening people’s lives and affects financially unstable conditioned people.

Person Environment Fit is a degree of Matching between the official and his work environment. The theory of person environment fit demonstrates a work environment with which all the officials feel most compatible and comfortable. Mark Lewin‘s Maxim explains that behavior is a function of purpose and environment. This undergoes interests, preferences, knowledge, skills, abilities, personality traits, values and goals. According to Mansoori & Muhammad (2015), the environmental factors depend on vocational norms, demands of jobs, characteristics of jobs, and organisational culture and values. A person who abides by all these norms and fuses with his profession and job assigned to him can be called as the Person Environment Fit. A person who respects his job and remains rational, truthful and loyal to his professional career can be determined as Person Environment Fit. (Refer to Appendix 2)

It can be considered that there is a serious scarcity of Person environment Fit officials and doctors in the health sector. Due to these corrupted doctors those who neglects the governmental health centres and concentrates on private health centres for earning increased amount of money, the noble profession of doctors is getting corrupted. The patients face huge amount of problems, the chief problem is the issue of wealth. As per the views of Badawi & AlQudah (2019), poor people cannot afford fancy hospitals or health centres and are leaned towards government health centres which affect the financial condition of the poor people. This corruption can even cause threatening of lives and death of various patients.

2.4 Critically illustrating influencing factors of irregularity of Service provider’s round

Work pressure and mental stress as well as high work timing are significant influencing factors of ward round of service provider.

Work pressure:

In case of having high work pressure including complex work and handling critical diagnosis of service users, service providers are not able to maintain fix time for each ward. As opined by Gee, Morrissey & Hook (2015), strategy regarding the way of providing best quality service to service users by treating continuously is generally dependent upon work pressure and mental condition. On the contrary, Dyar, Hall & McIntyre (2015) stated that without having strong relationship with service users and stable mental situation, service users can not be able to provide effective quality service to them. Thus, it is clear that work pressure is most significant aspect in context of maintaining regular ward round by service providers (Refer to Appendix 1).

Treating critical diagnosis and monitoring service users continuously are two significant reasons of increasing work pressure due to which service providers are not able to maintain regular basis ward round. As per views of Pucher, Aggarwal & Darzi (2014), regular basis checking condition of service users affecting from critical diagnosis and taking decision by consulting with senior heads as well as measuring effectiveness of provided drugs are reasons of enhancing work pressure.

Spending long hour for an individual:

Reason of lack of tackling critical diagnosis and all service users include spending long hour for single service provider. As opined by Liu, Manias & Gerdtz (2014), with the aid of providing equal opportunity to all service users and treating diagnosis in an effective way, service providers can be able to maintain regular basis fix ward time. On the other hand, Krautter et al. (2014) commented that skilled and experienced service providers get busy to treat single service users affecting from critical diagnosis due to providing quick relief rather than thinking about condition of other service users.

Thus, it is clear that spending long hours for single service users affecting from diseases and providing quick relief are most influencing factors of affecting negatively on ward round time of service providers. As per views of Löffler-Stastka et al. (2016), taking strategy regarding the way of providing quick relief by maintaining daily basis effective treatment service at a time can be significant way of treating all service users in an effective way. On the other hand, Swenne & Skytt (2014) without having certain mindset regarding overcoming work pressure and making daily basis schedule, service providers can not be able to provide equal health treatment service to all service users of a health organization.

Lack of maintaining work environment:

In case of having bad quality working environment in particular ward, service providers neglect round timing on regular basis. As mentioned by Liu, Manias & Gerdtz (2014), maintenance of effective work environment on regular basis of each warden is significant aspect in context of providing quick relief to each service user affecting from critical diagnosis. On the contrary Krautter et al. (2014) commented that service providers try to avoid round timing of service providers living in particular ward having bad quality working environment due to maintaining safety health factor. Bad quality work environment is the reason of enhancing critical diagnosis among service providers and service users rapidly and spreading infectious diseases. As suggested by Swenne & Skytt (2014) warden and controller of each ward have liability to maintain best quality environment as well as health and safety factor. On the other hand, Gee, Morrissey & Hook (2015) argued that lack of management and daily basis managing techniques are significant reasons of facing issues regarding lack of maintaining round timing of warden by service providers. It can be discussed that lack of maintaining work environment and daily basis working schedule are significant reasons of delaying round time of service providers in each ward.

2.5 Critically illustrating issues in case of having irregular Service provider’s round

Major issues related to irregularity of round time of service providers are bad work environment in particular ward as well as daily basis effective schedule. As opined by Gee, Morrissey & Hook (2015), taking effective strategy regarding the way of maintaining health treatment service is the way of providing quick relief to all service users affecting from critical diagnosis. On the other hand, Liu, Manias & Gerdtz (2014) without having presence of two significant factors such as strong relationship between service providers and service users as well as effective working environment within each ward, service providers can not be able to provide best quality health treatment service.

Along with that, issues related to lack of daily basis schedule and discussion with senior members on daily basis are significant aspects in case of delaying round timing of service providers. As opined by Krautter et al. (2014), strategy regarding regular basis discussion with senior members and lower staffs are key way to follow strategic path through which round timing of each ward can be maintained effectively. On the contrary, Swenne & Skytt (2014) stated that best quality medical practice and daily basis treating all service users in an equal way are dependent upon implementation of regular basis schedule and strategic planning.

2.6 Gaps in literature

The topic discusses about importance of regular basis rounding ward and treating critical diagnosis of service users by providing appropriate drugs. Along with that, it demonstrates factors such as work pressure and long working hour for single service users and bad quality internal environment are reasons of delaying round timing of service providers. In case of having bad quality working environment in particular ward, service providers neglect round timing on regular basis. Lack of management and daily basis managing techniques are significant reasons of facing issues regarding lack of maintaining round timing of warden by service providers. However, it does not discuss about person-centred activities of round timing of individual service provider. Therefore, certain gap has been created between two significant factors such as person-centred activities and factors influencing irregularity of ward round timing of service providers.

2.7 Summary

The research is significant as it discusses different factors including work pressure and high stress and regular basis working schedule are reasons of delaying round timing of service providers. Along with that, it discusses different issues regarding bad quality working environment and relationship status between hierarchy and lower staffs can be reasons of irregularity of round time of service providers.

3. Dissemination and implementation

3.1 Research approach

Deductive approach will assist in making strong hypothesis on the basis of specific topic. Based on which, important information regarding influencing factors and relation between two or more variables can be defined in an effective way. In the following research, researcher will use deductive approach for the purpose of making hypothesis on the basis of irregularity of doctor’s round time (influenced by Antwi & Hamza, 2015). Based on that, researcher will be able to find out information regarding influencing factors of irregularity of doctor’s round time in each ward. Apart from that, researcher will be able to point out irregularity in the timing of doctor’s round from all available options with the aid of following deductive approach (influenced by Zalaghi & Khazaei, 2016).

3.2 Data collection method

Primary quantitative data collection method will be used in the following research to gather new evidence based information and different views on the basis of irregularity of doctor’s round time in each time. Researcher will conduct survey among 65 patients for gathering their opinion on the basis of factors affecting irregularity in the timing of doctors. As opined by Choy (2014), conducting survey among group of members is the strategic way of gathering evidence based opinion on the basis of specific fact by observing properly reasons and impact. Keeping in mind, researcher will take advantage of primary quantitative data collection method which will assist in gathering new information based on influencing factors leading irregularity in the timing of doctors round. Data collection method will be maintained based on responses of 65 service users. Based on it, final questionnaires will be prepared.

3.3 Determining setting

Research setting will indicate appropriate place and location from which data related to factors affecting irregularity in the timing of doctors round can be gathered significantly. Proper observation by listening reviews of 65 service users. Experiments and clinical trials as well as observation in each ward will be significant research setting based on that important information regarding irregularity in the timing of doctors round in each ward will be gathered (influenced by Lampard & Pole, 2015).

3.4 Sampling method

Non-biased random sampling method will be used in the following research to describe factors influencing irregularity in the timing of doctors round in each ward in an effective way. As opined by Palinkas et al. (2015), simple random sampling and cluster sampling are two significant aspects in case of avoiding bias and gathering appropriate information regarding specific factor.

3.5 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria will be set of different characteristics and information regarding factors and estimated results which will be used for the purpose of completing research study in an effective way. As opined by Kirk et al. (2015), inclusion criteria is significant perspectives in research study which deals about different subjects and estimated results on the basis of certain factor. Consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria will be significant strategy in the following topic due to assisting in producing reliable results. Service users affecting from critical diagnosis will be part of inclusion criteria. On the other hand, service users will be excluded from the study in case of having age below 18 years and receiving any treatment rather than first aid at the time of admission.

3.6 Recruitment

Recruitment of research participants will involve attracting and finding out service users who will share information regarding factors affecting irregularity in the timing of doctor’s ward round. Researcher will follow three significant strategies such as identifying as well as approaching participants and obtaining information. It can be processed by soliciting volunteers in public area which will be best way to gather information regarding irregularity in the timing of doctor’s ward round (Doctor’ delay in word round, 2019).

3.7 Ethics

As per principles of Data Protection Act 2012, researchers and team members will maintain confidentiality of important information for the purpose of avoiding data theft (Data Protection Act 2012, 2019). Along with that, researcher will avoid inclusion of plagiarized data for the purpose of increasing authenticity of the study. Consent form will be prepared for keeping evidence based information related to avoidance of forcing service providers to share information.

3.8 Data analysis

Data related to reasons leading to irregularity in the timing of doctors ward round will be analyzed by deeply assessing factors such as work pressure and long working hour for an individual (Grand Ward Rounds in Singapore, 2019). In case of analyzing deeply of all related factors and effectiveness of factors on mental situation service providers, impact of different factors on health care service can be described in an effective way (Working in Singapore, 2019).


Thus, it can be concluded that work pressure and long working hour for an individual service user are significant reasons of delaying timing of ward round. Without having proper strategy regarding the way of tackling critical diagnosis of service users and providing appropriate drugs as well as the way of measuring body condition of service users, certain situation related to high work pressure can be overcome. Bad quality work environment is the reason of enhancing critical diagnosis among service providers and service users rapidly and spreading infectious diseases.

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