Evaluation of the presence of Masculinity in Ice Hockey and Its Impact-Research Paper Sample



This is a practical sort of work, so all the “collected data” should be made up. There is only one preference about type of sport. Its is should be ice hockey. As soon as you will be able to pick a topic, I will have to write a gatekeeper letter in this particular ice hockey club “where I was collecting data for this research”. There will be no problem with getting a positive reply from them as its already been discussed with their coach.

The ice hockey team is based around 16-21 years old boys and girls. (mainly boys)


1. Introduction (rationale, aim,objectives,research questions 3-5)

2. Literature review (300-500words) 5 authors

3. Research design ( interpretive paradigm? Philosophy? Explaination of position, methodology)

4.Methods (observation,interviewing) detailed description of response must be included in apendexis.

5.Ethical part (moral code of conduct, consent infortmation, participation infromation form, confidentiality forms)

6. Tools of analysis (sematic,semeotics,coding)

7.Interviews goes to apendecies.

8.Summ-up study? (limitations? Advantages? Next steps to take?)

9. Reference page

10. Apendecies (data observation sheets, side notes from practical trainings, interviews, forms)




This research proposal is based on the concept of masculinity in ice hockey and the impact it poses on the sport. The importance of the concept of masculinity on the field of ice hockey and on the players will be analysed by the researcher.   

Research rationale

In recent days, sports can be considered as a masculine area based on social life. It is important for both men and women to play this ice hockey along with the intensity to avoid the negative aspects related traditional forms of criticism. In UK, tolerance for diversified forms or gender diversity has increased since last 30 years. This proposal can identify the factor related to gender discrimination in ice hockey. This issue of orthodox masculinity can maintain a dominant position in field of sports. In case of professional ice hockey, masculinity as well as violence is the basic focus (Lissau, 2017).

This basic issue in field of ice hockey related to gender discrimination not only affect the career of female athletes but also it can impact negatively on self confidence of female players. 40% of women have experienced gender discrimination in the field of sports which has negative impact on value of sports and 30% have experienced inappropriate behaviour from the opposite sex (Barr, 2018). In present day’s field of sports, especially in ice sports, due to the gender discrimination, the potential of the women athletes can be dominated by huge range of masculinity. This current ethnographic study sheds light on the masculinity and the impact of it in the field of ice hockey and on the potential of the athletes of ice hockey.             

Aims and objectives

The aim of this research is to evaluate the presence of masculinity in ice hockey and to identify the impact of it in field of sports. The objectives of this research are:

  • To determine the rate of presence of masculinity in ice hockey

  • To identify the issues related to gender discrimination in ice hockey

  • To evaluate the impact of masculinity on both sports and sportspersons related to ice hockey

  • To recommend solutions to mitigate the issues related to ice hockey based on gender discrimination  

Research questions

The research questions are:

  • What is the rate of presence of masculinity in ice hockey?

  • What are the issues related to gender discrimination in ice hockey?

  • How does masculinity impact on both sports and sportspersons related to ice hockey?

  • What are the solutions which can reduce the negative impact of gender discrimination in ice hockey?

Literature review

Conceptual framework

Figure 1: Conceptual framework

(Source: Based on views of Bruner et al. 2017, p.180)

Critically analysing the presence of masculinity in sports

In case of UK, the field of ice hockey can be influenced by the participation of masculinity apart from the participation of female athletes. As per the views of Farrell et al. (2016, p.15), it is important for both the private sector as well as government to focus on the opportunities for the players regarding sports practices. According to Bruner et al. (2017, p.180), ice hockey is such a game which is related to the culture of the community. The CHL as well as NHL have emerged significant sites for negotiation, production and maintenance of masculine ideas.

Explaining gender as a social construct

By cultivating literature regarding gender and gender discrimination, it has been evaluated that gender is constructed socially. On the other hand, according to Pavlidis and Fullagar (2016, p.24), it is considered as an identity which can be applied through a stylized repeated acts. In relation to Ice Hockey, the social order can permeate and encourage the people to go beyond gender role. On the contrary, Côté et al. (2016, p.250) has stated that gender constructions can exclude everything which is not heterosexuality.

Discussing masculinity in relation to Ice Hockey along with media

Media can be considered as a major tool which can be used to reinforce hegemony. From the news to popular media culture, it can carry hegemonic masculinity. As per the views of Brown and Stone (2016, p.130), media can be used as a tool of gender construction. Senne (2016, p.8) has argued that in case of Ice Hockey, media is able to produce and legitimate violence. Media can create portrayals for men which can be able to promote dominance and control to establish masculinity.  

Critically evaluating the impact of gender discrimination in ice hockey on sports

Gender inequality in relation to the field of ice hockey and the male dominance over the female can ruin over the expectation as well as the career opportunity of the players. According to Bruner et al. (2017, p.185), role of media, based on the factors related to gender inequality can impact negatively on the sportsperson of UK by exploiting their potential. Lack of motivation to the female athlete and lack of financial support have set barriers to them in introducing their potential in ice hockey. According to Sabo and Veliz (2016, p.90), the dominance of the male athletes in field of ice hockey can affect the confidence of the women which can insist themselves to score low. Moreover, media has the purpose to cover the importance of masculinity through hyperbolic expression presented by it. According to Butler Flora (2017, p.186), the aspects of Lesser Blumberg theory can help to evaluate the sociological elements based on the sports. Apart from these, based on the views of Matsuda (2017, p.60), the liberal feminist theory can be mentioned in respect to gender discrimination. The aspects of this theory can claim abolition of gender segregation based on important occupational roles. In respect to the application of the theory of anthropological non materialist, the role of tradition as well as age old aspects can help to evaluate the activities of both male and female athletes in ice hockey (Mascia-Lees and Black, 2016, p.25).         

Figure 2: Theories related to gender discrimination in ice hockey

(Source: Mascia-Lees and Black, 2016, p.24)

Research design

Interpretive paradigm

In respect to the research related to gender discrimination in ice hockey, interpretive paradigm is connected with the subjective experience of an individual. As per the requirements of the ethnographic study, researcher will focus on observation process to evaluate the importance of presence of masculinity in field of ice hockey. According to Thanh and Thanh (2015, p.25), the aspects of interpretive paradigm can be able to establish the subjective relationship between subject matters of this study and the researcher.

Research philosophy

These aspects of interpretivism philosophy will help the researcher to involve in interpreting the elements or the variables of the study. As per the views of Yoshida (2017, p.4), through the process of the research process along with interpretivism philosophy, researcher will be integrated human interests. In relation to this study regarding the importance of gender discrimination, the aspects of interpretivism philosophy will emphasize the qualitative analysis and ethnography or observation.


Data collection

The research methodology will include conducting qualitative research by making interview questionnaire which will be distributed among 10 participants in order to understand their viewpoint in practical field work. These 10 participants will include coaches, and male and female athletes playing ice hockey. After distribution of this questionnaire, 5 participants have provided with their responses which has been recorded as transcript form.  In this research interview process has been selected as interview questions are more descriptive in nature and getting of more details regarding the topic can be accessed from participants who will provide a clear understanding to researcher (based on views of Thanh and Thanh 2015, p.25). Transcription process of collecting data is simpler as it provides articulated interpretation of data which is beneficial for carrying out research activities. The transcript data can be shared in order to assist researcher in future analysis of data. (Refer to Appendix 1)

Data analysis

In order to interpret the qualitative data axial coding will be used as data analysis method. As opined by Yoshida (2017, p.4), in axial coding method, data provided in qualitative research is being related together to reveal codes. It means this coding method makes constructive linkages between data to provide accurate result of the research. Coding may occur by categorizing various aspects of the research such as influence of masculinity in Ice hockey, gender discrimination, and role of governments which can be used as variables to get outcome of the research.

Ethical consideration

The researcher has conducted the research work based on the information collected from the various sources. Researcher will follow the legislative provisions of UK government in order to incorporate the Data Protection Act, 1998 for avoiding manipulation of gathered data. It will help the researcher to present collected data authentically and refrain from any sort of copyright issues (Legislation.gov.uk, 2018).

Tools for analysis

The qualitative research process, the interview and the observation will impact positively on the researcher work of the researcher. As per the views of Saldaña (2015, p.26), coding are needed to analyse the data collected from the interviewees, 35 athletes of ice hockey. Researcher will collect the data or the opinions from the selected athletes and use coding to extract the meanings of these. The distinctive methodology, the ethnography is able to make the relationship between semiotics and anthropology. According to Cordeiro (2017, p.130), researcher will use semiotics tool to collect data regarding the experience of the athletes regarding gender inequality in the field of ice hockey. In relation to the qualitative research process, based on socio cultural aspects, the research of ethnography or observation can be supported by semiotics tool.    

Limitations of the study

The research will not delve into deeper issues which can emerge from unethical practices of organisations. It could have also highlighted other important factors for satisfaction for the players of ice hockey. As it is completely based on practical field work of observation, the fact that cited journals will not have needed information only a handful of information was extracted to make this research project.

Reference list

Barr, S., (2018) 40% of women in sport industry face gender discrimination, report finds INDEPENDENT. [Online] Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/women-sport-industry-gender-discrimination-sexism-jobs-leadership-report-a8407476.html [Accessed 20/01/2019]

Brown, C.S. and Stone, E.A., (2016). Gender stereotypes and discrimination: how sexism impacts development. In Advances in child development and behavior (Vol. 50, pp. 105-133). JAI.

Bruner, M.W., Boardley, I.D., Allan, V., Forrest, C., Root, Z. and Côté, J., (2017). Understanding social identity and intrateam moral behavior in competitive youth ice hockey: a Narrative Perspective. The Sport Psychologist31(2), pp.173-186.

Butler Flora, C., (2017). Development in Crisis: Threats to Human Wellbeing in the Global South and Global North, edited by Rae Lesser Blumberg and Samuel Cohn, London, England: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2016. 232 pp. $45.01 (paper). ISBN: 9781138778351. Rural Sociology82(1), pp.185-188.

Cordeiro, C.M., (2017). Using systemic functional linguistic metafunction as a tool in identifying Agency in organizational change in cross-cultural management contexts. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management17(1), pp.125-135.

Côté, J., Turnnidge, J. and Vierimaa, M., (2016). A personal assets approach to youth sport. Abingdon: Routledge handbook of youth sport, pp.243-255.

Farrell, W., Seager, M.J. and Barry, J.A., (2016). The Male Gender Empathy Gap: Time for psychology to take action. New Male Studies5(2), pp.6-16.

Legislation.gov.uk (2018). Data Protection Act 1998. Available at:https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/contents [Accessed 21/01/2018]

Lissau, R., (2017) Girls are flocking to ice hockey across Illinois and the nation. Daily Herald. [ Online] Available at: https://www.dailyherald.com/news/20171202/girls-are-flocking-to-ice-hockey-across-illinois-and-the-nation [Accessed 20/01/2019]

Mascia-Lees, F.E. and Black, N.J., (2016). Gender and anthropology. Illinois: Waveland Press.

Matsuda, M.J., (2017). Liberal jurisprudence and abstracted visions of human nature: A feminist critique of Rawls’ theory of justice. In Gender and Justice (pp. 47-64). Abingdon: Routledge.

Pavlidis, A. and Fullagar, S., (2016). Sport, gender and power: The rise of roller derby. Abingdon: Routledge.

Sabo, D. and Veliz, P., (2016). Inequalities in athletic participation during adolescence: A nationwide study of attrition rates in organized sports in the United States. Health Behavior and Policy Review3(2), pp.88-98.

Saldaña, J., (2015). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. London: Sage.

Senne, J.A., (2016). Examination of gender equity and female participation in sport. The Sport Journal19, pp.1-9.

Thanh, N.C. and Thanh, T.T., (2015). The interconnection between interpretivist paradigm and qualitative methods in education. American Journal of Educational Science1(2), pp.24-27.

Yoshida, K., (2017). Philosophy of Social Sciences. The WileyBlackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, pp.1-5.


Appendix 1: Questionnaire for interview and responses of five interviewees

1st interview

Question 1

Why do you think presence of masculinity exists in ice hockey?

I think it is present because this sports requires huge physical strength and can only be played well if the sportsperson is muscular

Question 2

In what ways gender discrimination is affecting ice hockey?

Gender discrimination is creating a huge gap between  male sportsperson and female sportsperson in terms of getting preference in sports

Question 3

How masculinity does is impacting sports person related to ice hockey?

Masculinity is mainly affecting female players as they are not considered as physically strong

Question 4

How can be gender discrimination avoided in sports?

I think it can be avoided by providing equal chance to both male and female players

Coding of 1st interviewee’s response

Detailed observation



Critical analysis

This sport requires huge physical strength and can only be played well if the sportsperson is muscular

Physical strength and being muscular

Presence of masculinity

Masculinity in Ice hockey

Gender discrimination is creating a huge gap between  male sportsperson and female sportsperson in terms of getting preference in sports

Male preference over female players

Effects of gender discrimination

Present in Ice hockey

Masculinity is mainly affecting female players as they are not considered as physically strong

Females are considered physically weak

Negative impact of masculinity

Ice hockey

It can be avoided by providing equal chance to both male and female players

Providing equal opportunities

Avoidance of gender discrimination

Future of female players in sports

2nd interview

Question 1

What is your opinion regarding the influence of masculinity in Ice hockey?

There is a greater influence of masculinity in ice hockey because this sports requires huge physical ability and space to get success in this sport

Question 2

What is the main reason for gender discrimination in Ice hockey?

The main reason is that most of the time females are considered physically weak compared to male which makes a imbalance between male female ratio in sports

Question 3

What do you think about impact of sports due to gender discrimination

Due to gender discrimination sports are considered to be as male profession only which is not true in today’s scenario

Question 4

What is the negative impact of gender discrimination on Ice hockey?

Main negative impact is that females are not given equal chances to showcase their talent in ice hockey

Coding of 2nd interviewee’s response

Detailed observation



Critical analysis

There is a greater influence of masculinity in ice hockey because this sports requires huge physical ability and space to get success in this sport

Huge physical ability

Influence of Masculinity

Ice hockey

The main reason is that most of the time females are considered physically weak compared to male which makes a imbalance between male female ratio in sports

Imbalance between male and female ratio

Gender discrimination

Ice hockey

Due to gender discrimination sports are considered to be as male profession only which is not true in today’s scenario

Male profession only

Gender discrimination

Sports persons

Main negative impact is that females are not given equal chances to showcase their talent in ice hockey

No equal chances are given

Negative impact of gender discrimination

Players in Ice hockey

3rd interview

Question 1

In what ways do you think influence of masculinity can be decreased?

According to me, I think masculinity cannot be decreased as this sport requires huge physical strength

Question 2

What do you think is causing gender inequality in sports?

Gender inequality is arising due to increase number of male sports

Question 3

What do you think about government’s role in mitigating issues of gender inequality in Ice hockey?

I think government play a vital role in mitigating such issues. They can encourage female sports at greater level

Question 4

What do you think about potential growth of ice hockey in coming years?

If all the issues can be avoided then there will be equal chance of female and male in playing this sport in coming years

Coding of 3rd interviewee’s response

Detailed observation



Critical analysis

According to me, I think masculinity cannot be decreased as this sport requires huge physical strength

Reduction of influence of masculinity

Masculinity in Ice hockey

Ice hockey

Gender inequality is arising due to increase number of male sports

Increase in number of male sports

Causes of gender inequality

All over sports

I think government play a vital role in mitigating such issues. They can encourage female sports at greater level

Encouraging female sports at greater level

Role of government

National solution

If all the issues can be avoided then there will be equal chance of female and male in playing this sport in coming years

Equal chance given to male and female players

Growth in ice hockey

Future of ice hockey

4th interview

Question 1

To which extent do you think that women are dominated in the field of Ice hockey?

Being a woman, I think, women are still dominated in the field of sports and specially in Ice hockey.

Question 2

Do you think this directly impacts on the willingness of women to participate in sports?

Yes, to a great level of extent, it discourages women to participate.

Question 3

How do you see Ice Hockey to represent masculinity?

High level of masculinity is present that actually ends up in ruining the career opportunities of different female player.

Question 4

What is your opinion regarding that?

I think, robust motivation and support can prove a better situation.

Coding of 4th interviewee response

Detailed observation



Critical analysis

Suppression has been observed


Power and dominion

Power and suppression in sports

It has been linked to discouragement of the female player


Obstacle and hindrance to take participation

Sports industry

The power of male athletes often results into deprivation of female player


Hardship and dispossession  

Power, domination and sports industry

Motivation and support can change the scenario


Encouragement, inspiration  and support

Motivation in sports industry

5th interview

Question 1

How do you think about women’s participation in Ice hockey?

I have rarely seen any girls to participate in this field of ice hockey.

Question 2

Do you think male players are more motivated in this field rather than women?

To a great extent, I think this is true as I have seen mostly men taking part in this.

Question 3

What can be the possible reasons according to you?

I think, women are not supported well in this regard in terms of inspiration or financial issues.

Question 4

Should women need to be motivated?

Yes, I think, they need to be motivated and supported by government.

Coding of 5th interviewee’s response

Detailed observation



Critical analysis

Rarely any participation of females in Ice hockey

Rare participation of females

Women’s participation

Ice hockey

Number of male players are more than female players

Increase in number of male players

Male players are more motivated

Participation in Ice hockey

Women are not supported well in this regard in terms of inspiration or financial issues.

Lack of inspiration and financial issues

Less motivation in female players

Participation of female players in Ice hockey

Need to be motivated and supported by government.

Support from government

Motivation level of female players

Encouragement from government

Appendix 2: Observation chart


Day 1-3

Day 3- 5

Day 5-7

Day 7-9

Day 9-11

Day 11-13

Day 13-15

Acknowledgement of the concept of masculinity in ice hockey

Behavior of the athletes regarding concept of masculinity in ice hockey

Change in pattern of game

Change in attitude of the female athletes

Change in attitude of the male athletes

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