Financial Calculation of Wonder Kidz Education Pvt Ltd



1. Calculate the overall cost of capital of the project used for analyzing the cash profitability.
  Cost of equity =   0   Bansal has invested no funds of his own.      
  Cost of debt = i(1-t)       i=average interest, t=tax rate      
  Cost of debt %:              
  Over all weighted cost of capital:              
2. As a fiscal consultant, do you think the project is financially viable? To support your answer, calculate the net present value (NPV).
  Years Cash Profitability (₹) (from case Exhibit 3) PVF PV (₹)      
      Total PV:        
      Less ₹ 624,450.00      
3. Evaluate the project using other capital budgeting techniques such as payback period, discounted payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), and profitability index (PI). Recommend a final decision regarding investment.
Non-Discounted Payback Period:                
(Look at when the initial investment will be recovered compared to the target start-up period of business.)                
Discounted Payback Period:                
(Look at the time of the cash outflow of the business and the overall cost of capital)                
Internal Rate of Return:            
(Remember, IRR is defined ad th erate in which the NPV of the project equals zero. An Irr of more than the cost of capital suggests the project is financially feasible, whereas an IRR of less then the cost of capital indicates the project may not be able to sufficiently generate cash flows and may lead to a loss.)
Profitability Index:
(PI = PV of Future Cash Flows / Initial Investment
4. What will be the changes in profitability and NPV if the franchisee offers a discount on the fee? Perform a sensitivity analysis and identify the maximum discount that can be offered. (Note: I put the analysis in the sheet for you. Please try different amounts for the discount. At what point does the project become unprofitable?)
        Year 1 Year 2 Year 3    
Total Students 35 50 80    
New Enrollments 35 25 40    
Old Enrollments 0 25 40    
Fees collected from new students (1 time and annual) Note: 1,000 discount in year 1 and 500 discount in yYear 2—experiment with different discounts) 17,500 18,000 18,500    
Fees collected from old studnets (annual) 0 15,500 16,000    
Total Fees collected (without caution money) 612,500 837,500 1,380,000    
Total Expenses from Exhibit 3 516,000 675,000 966,000    
Operational Profit 96,500 162,500 414,000    
Add: Interest on caution money at 8%       4,200 6,000 9,600    
Less: Interest on capital at 15% 90,000 90,000 90,000    
Earnings before tax 10,700 78,500 333,600    
Less 20% Tax rate 2,140 15,700 66,720    
Earnings after cash (Cash Flows) 8,560 62,800 266,880    
5. Critically evaluate the proposed profitability projections and comment on them.
(Use the answers to questions 1-4 and your knowledge of corporate /non-profit finance to explain if Bansal should or should not go forward with the project.)





1. Calculate the overall cost of capital of the project used for analyzing the cash profitability.
  Cost of equity =   0   Bansal has invested no funds of his own.      
  Cost of debt = i(1-t)   12.00%   i=average interest, t=tax rate      
  Cost of debt %:     12.00%        
  Over all weighted cost of capital:     12.00%        
2. As a fiscal consultant, do you think the project is financially viable? To support your answer, calculate the net present value (NPV).
  Years Cash Profitability (₹) (from case Exhibit 3) PVF PV (₹)      
  1 44960 0.892857142857143 ₹ 40,142.86      
  2 94800 0.79719387755102 ₹ 75,573.98      
  3 286080 0.711780247813411 ₹ 203,626.09      
  4 286080 0.635518078404831 ₹ 181,809.01      
  5 286080 0.567426855718599 ₹ 162,329.47      
      Total PV: ₹ 663,481.42      
      Less ₹ 624,450.00      
      NPV ₹ 39,031.42      
3. Evaluate the project using other capital budgeting techniques such as payback period, discounted payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), and profitability index (PI). Recommend a final decision regarding investment.
Non-Discounted Payback Period:                
(Look at when the initial investment will be recovered compared to the target start-up period of business.)                
Discounted Payback Period:                
(Look at the time of the cash outflow of the business and the overall cost of capital)                
Internal Rate of Return:            
(Remember, IRR is defined ad th erate in which the NPV of the project equals zero. An Irr of more than the cost of capital suggests the project is financially feasible, whereas an IRR of less then the cost of capital indicates the project may not be able to sufficiently generate cash flows and may lead to a loss.)
Profitability Index:
(PI = PV of Future Cash Flows / Initial Investment
4. What will be the changes in profitability and NPV if the franchisee offers a discount on the fee? Perform a sensitivity analysis and identify the maximum discount that can be offered. (Note: I put the analysis in the sheet for you. Please try different amounts for the discount. At what point does the project become unprofitable?)
        Year 1 Year 2 Year 3    
Total Students 35 50 80    
New Enrollments 35 25 40    
Old Enrollments 0 25 40    
Fees collected from new students (1 time and annual) Note: 1,000 discount in year 1 and 500 discount in yYear 2—experiment with different discounts) 17,500 18,000 18,500    
Fees collected from old studnets (annual) 0 15,500 16,000    
Total Fees collected (without caution money) 612,500 837,500 1,380,000    
Total Expenses from Exhibit 3 516,000 675,000 966,000    
Operational Profit 96,500 162,500 414,000    
Add: Interest on caution money at 8%       4,200 6,000 9,600    
Less: Interest on capital at 15% 90,000 90,000 90,000    
Earnings before tax 10,700 78,500 333,600    
Less 20% Tax rate 2,140 15,700 66,720    
Earnings after cash (Cash Flows) 8,560 62,800 266,880    
5. Critically evaluate the proposed profitability projections and comment on them.
(Use the answers to questions 1-4 and your knowledge of corporate /non-profit finance to explain if Bansal should or should not go forward with the project.)
There are few problem with the analysis done above. The discounting rate is based on only debt whereas for the purpose cash flow calculation we are taking into the account the interest which should not be taken. Again we are ignoring depreciation which in itself is wrong because depreciation will give us the tax benefit. Also, Bansal would like the school to run for more than 5 years, we should have taken a terminal value. All of the above factors would increase the NPV. Also, in sensitivity analysis the discount will increase the number of student which hasn’t been taken into consideration. Given all the above factors, Bansal should definitely go ahead with the idea of school.


  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3
Total Students 35 50 80 80 80
New Enrollments 35 25 40 40 40
Old Enrollments 0 25 40 40 40
Fees collected from new students 18,800 18,800 18,800 18,800 18,800
Fees collected from old studnets (annual) 0 16,300 16,300 16,300 16,300
Total Fees collected (without caution money) 658,000 877,500 1,404,000 1,404,000 1,404,000
Total Expenses from Exhibit 3 516,000 675,000 966,000 966,000 966,000
Operational Profit 142,000 202,500 438,000 438,000 438,000
Add: Interest on caution money at 8% 4,200 6,000 9,600 9,600 9,600
Less: Interest on capital at 15% 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Earnings before tax 56,200 118,500 357,600 357,600 357,600
Less 20% Tax rate 11,240 23,700 71,520 71,520 71,520
Earnings after cash (Cash Flows) 44,960 94,800 286,080 286,080 286,080
NPV of the Future Earnings ₹ 663,481.42        
Initial Investment ₹ 624,450.00        
NPV ₹ 39,031.42      




    Old Enrollment Fees
  ₹ 39,031 ₹ 12,800 ₹ 13,300 ₹ 13,800 ₹ 14,300 ₹ 14,800 ₹ 15,300 ₹ 15,800 ₹ 16,300 ₹ 16,800 ₹ 17,300
New Enrollment Fees ₹ 15,300                    
₹ 15,800                    
₹ 16,300                    
₹ 16,800                    
₹ 17,300                    
₹ 17,800                    
₹ 18,300                    
₹ 18,800                    
₹ 19,300                    
₹ 19,800                  


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