Fundamental of Project Management -PM Assignment Solution Sample










Table of Contents

II. Executive summary

1. Overview of the project:

2. Planning techniques of project development

3. Tools and techniques for initiation and closing

4. Negotiation skills to achieve project objectives

III. Definition of the project

1. Objective, rationale and project deliverables 

2. Roles of stakeholders and team members 

3. Project organizational chart: 

4. Life cycle of the project 

IV. Application of project management planning techniques 

1. Project scope 

2. Project schedule plan 

3. Cost and budget estimation 

4. Human resource plan 

5. Communication to stakeholders 

6. Procurement plan 

7. Identification and managing risk 

8. Stakeholder management 

9. Quality planning

10. Control change 

V. Application of project management knowledge, tools, and techniques 

1. Project initiation

2. Project execution 

3. Monitoring and controlling the project 

4. Closing the project 

VI. Application of negotiation understanding and skills to achieve a win-win solution 

1. Issues during the project 

2. Negotiation strategies to resolve the issues 

VII. Conclusion 

1. Outcome of the project 

2. Recommendation 

VIII. References 

IX. Appendices 

II. Executive summary:

1. Overview of the project:

This report is aimed to develop a project management plan for a sports tournament that is going to be organized at Edenz College. Project management team will communicate with the key stakeholders of the project and will the shareholders for approval of the project. Apart from that, a proper strategic planning will be done to drive the project successfully. The management team will use proper technique to analyse the techniques of assessing risks. Moreover, risk mitigation plan will also include in this project.

2. Planning techniques of project development:

Project planning should be done precisely. As stated by Papke-Shields & Boyer-Wright (2017), strategic planning is based on competitive theories that can help an organization to achieve the objectives of the project management plan. PMBOK is a project management method that can break the project work in five steps. As per the PMBOK guidelines, the project plan will be executed following the techniques named, initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing.

3. Tools and techniques for initiation and closing:

Project initiation phase can be considered as the most crucial phase of a project management plan. In this phase, the lifecycle and deliverables are decided. Among the entire phases project planning can be considered as the most important step (Tesfaye et al. 2017). In that aspect, as an initiation tool, Google docs can be used. Another effective tool that has used in this project is Gantt Project (Sharon & Dori, 2017). For closing the project data analysis is one of the most important parts.

4. Negotiation skills to achieve project objectives:

In order to drive a project successfully project management team has good negotiation skill. In order to develop this project plan for a football tournament, the management team should have the ability to set the goals and limits of the project. They need better communication skills and have to control their emotional state while working in a team.

III. Definition of the project

1. Objective, rationale and project deliverables

Objectives of the project are

  • To raise fund to donate
  • To raise awareness of sports
  • To attract young people

This project is aimed to increase awareness of sports among young people. In this current age young generation are getting engaged in technology-based lifestyle. In this aspect, this project is focused to attract young people to play football. Apart from that, it is a fundraising project too. Collected fund will be donated to an orphanage home.

Key deliverables of this project are to increase the awareness for sports among young generation along with implementing a social impact.

2. Roles of stakeholders and team members

In order to develop a project plan, stakeholders and team members can play a key role. As opined by Lin, Ho & Shen. (2017), stakeholder can influence the project plan and help the team members in decision making. The key stakeholders of a football tournament are, the participants, the spectators, sports governing bodies and the investors. As it is football tournaments, the participants and the spectators are the major stakeholders as without them the project cannot be completed. The sport’s governing body has the authority to approve the project plan and the money need for the tournament will be supplied by the investors. The project management team members are responsible for organizing the event and approaching the stakeholders to involve in the project.

3. Project organizational chart:

Figure 1: Project organisational chart

(Source: influenced from, 2019)

4. Life cycle of the project


Football Tournament

78 (total)

Project Initiation


Complete Kickoff Party


Launch Event Website


Contact teams


Announce Final Brackets


Project Planning and Implementation


Recruit Referees


Arrange Venues


Plan Fixtures


Pursue Sponsorships


Conduct Promotion


Print and Sell Tickets


Project Execution


Organise Events


Complete First Round of Games


Complete Second round


Crown tournament champions


Announce other winners


Project Monitoring


Tracking events during tournament


Checking any issues during events


Checking weather reports and changing fixtures


Maintaining a Contingency plan


Project Closure


Give payments to referees


Reach 50% of donation goal


Reach 100% of donation goal


Close the project


Table 1: Life cycle of the project

(Source: influenced by Stout et al. 2018)

IV. Application of project management planning techniques

1. Project scope

Scope description:

  • Increasing awareness among the young generation for sports

  • Raising fund for donation

Acceptance criteria

This project is required to be accepted by the sport’s governing body. Apart from that, the investors of the project have to approve the plan and invest money. Team members have to convince the students to participate in the tournament.


The management team might not get enough funds to donate. Investor might not show any interest in this kind of project. Teams might not be prepared to participate in a fundraising tournament (as influenced by Othman, Shafiq & Nuruddin, 2017).


Financial assumption: All the teams will pay $150 as an entry fee within the scheduled time. Investors will appreciate the plan and involve spontaneously.

Personnel assumption: Students of the universities will show interest in this project. The sport’s governing body will allow the management team to execute the plan. The project will be approved by all the key stakeholders.

Table 2: Project scope

(Source: influenced form, 2019))

2. Project schedule plan

[Refer to Appendix 1]

3. Cost and budget estimation



Location rental

2500 $


1350 $











Table 3: Project budget

(Source: influenced from, 2019)

4. Human resource plan

Human resource is one of the most important things in order to develop a project management plan. As this project is focused to develop a fundraising football tournament, several human resource executives are required to execute the different part of the project plan. The project manager is responsible to supervise the overall project management plan. He is the key personnel who have the authority to approve the project plan.

The operational director will manage the performance of the team managers. They will check the day to day activities and growth of the project. The fundraising coordinators will be responsible to engage all the stakeholders and approaching the investors to invest in the tournament (as influenced by Kianto, Sáenz & Aramburu, 2017). They will be responsible to organise all the fundraising activities.

The compliance manager will be responsible to determine if there is any aspect of the project is in violation of the agreements with the authority.

The financial manager will look after the budget of the project. He will be responsible to identify the expenses of the project and according to that budget approach the investors.

5. Communication to stakeholders



Audience (stakeholders)




Kickoff Meeting

To discuss the project plan

All stakeholders

Face to face communication


Project manager

Project charter

Approval to start the project

Managers of the project


Social media


Management head

Project Scope statement

Describing the project budget, time scheduling, and resources

All stakeholders

Sending softcopies via e-mails and social media


Project manager

Project risk management plan

Identifying the risks and mitigation plan


Face to face meetings


Project manager

Event awareness

Promoting the tournament to raise awareness and attract participants

Media, participants, and outlets

Social media,


Media and leaflets


Marketing manager

Event finalization

Finalizing the tournaments schedule and other plans

Participants, managers, volunteers

Conversation over phone, e-mails, and websites


Operations director

Day 1 result of the tournaments

Producing the results of the 1st day and preparing the schedule of the 2nd day

Participants, team managers, and volunteers of the tournaments

Face to face conversation and phone calls


Event organisers

Final event

Reports of the final match, winning celebration, reports of the donation amount

All the key stakeholders

Face to face communication


Event organisers


Project growth review

Team members

Face to face communication, social media, phone calls

As per requirement

Project manager

Tournament winner

Information about the winning team and prize distribution

Important stakeholders

Phone calls

As per requirement


Project termination

Ending the project, releasing the stakeholders

All key stakeholders

Face to face communication

Once at the end

Project manager

Table 4: Communication plan

(Source: influenced from, 2019)

6. Procurement plan

The project plan will require procurement contracts from different vendors. The future of the project is depending on the skills and ability of the management team to procure all the materials of the project. The suppliers will be approached to supply the equipment need for the tournament along with the jerseys of the player, food and other additional requirements. As this is a fundraising project and this project has a social aspect, student and faculties of Edenz College must design the project in a way that can attract the investors (as influenced by Di Maddaloni & Davis, 2017). They have to be strategic to decrease the budget of the sponsors in order to influence them to invest money in this project.

7. Identification and managing risk

Identifying the risk of a project is an essential part of the project. As opined by Sgouras et al. (2018), the key factors of a risk management plan of a project include identification, qualification, monitoring, and controlling of the risk. In order to identify the risk, a risk register can be maintained by the project management team. In this project, the management team will prepare a risk breakdown structure that will help to categorize the risk. These risk breakdown structure will include, brainstorming, assumptions and constraints, interviews and historical information. Required information to analyze the risks will be collected from previous projects for football tournaments and fundraising.

8. Stakeholder management

Stakeholders are the key personnel in a project management plan. The project work cannot be continued without the participation of the stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholder management plan includes,

  • Identifying the key stakeholders: The project management team will identify their key stakeholders and will approach them to involve in the project.
  • Seeking feedback from the stakeholders: The project managers will approach the stakeholders and request them to provide their feedback on the project. This can help the project management team to identify the growth of the project along with identification of upcoming risks (as influenced by Parent, 2017)
  • Incorporate the feedbacks in the project plan: The project management team will incorporate the feedback from the stakeholders in their project management plan to improve their project work.
  • Report back: The project management team will communicate with the stakeholders on a regular basis to inform them about the progress of the project. They will inform the stakeholders by organizing meetings or using other communication media.

9. Quality planning

In order to maintain the quality of the project, the management team will monitor the project on a regular basis. Proper communication with the stakeholders and the team members will help the management team to identify the loopholes of the project and maintaining the quality of the project.

10. Control change

In order to change the project plan in between the project progress, the management team will have to prepare a proper document of the required change of the project. In that document, they will mention the need for the change and it’s important. The change document will send to all the key stakeholders and the change will be implemented with the approval of stakeholders.

V. Application of project management knowledge, tools, and techniques

1. Project initiation:

Google docs and Gantt project can be used as a project initiation tool for this project. Google docs can help the management team in creating a project charter including the requirements of the project. Gantt project tool can help the management team to develop the Gantt charts that help to design the project time table.

2. Project execution

Execution of a project plan can be considered as the most difficult part of a project management plan. In this aspect, management team of this project plan will involve the team members and project managers with high skill. The managers should have proper knowledge about organizing a football tournament. Apart from that, they have to be skilled enough in fundraising activity. The project will be monitored using advanced technologies.

3. Monitoring and controlling the project

Project monitoring can be done using several tools and techniques. In order to monitor the time schedule of the project, Gantt charts have used (Thorat et al. 2018). It is an effective tool for scheduling the project and setting the dependencies of the project. Email alerts have used to notify the team about their upcoming task and schedule changes (Stout et al. 2018). Apart from that reporting software has used to record the data of day to day work.

4. Closing the project

For closing the project a data analysis tool has used by the organizers. This tool has helped them to analyze the management data and regression data. The project closing tools have helped the project managers to analyse the effectiveness of the project and if the project has met their objectives of the project (as influenced by Kivilä, Martinsuo & Vuorinen 2017). Therefore, data analysis technique can help a project plan to identify the success of the project. Moreover, the students and faculties of Edenz College have analyzed the effectiveness of fundraising activities in this section.

VI. Application of negotiation understanding and skills to achieve a win-win solution

1. Issues during the project

The major issue that was encountered during the project is communication problem among the team members. The project manager faced problems in collaboration between different members as they lacked a proper shared vision. According to Muriana & Vizzini (2017)), lack of proper communication slows down the progress of the project and often leads to termination as well. Team members are required to be tailored with proper job training so that they can ensure the success of the project. Similarly, Edenz College students seemed to lack proper communication that seemed to delay the project tasks.

Another challenge that was faced by the project organisers was finance management. Though it is a fundraising program for donating to a child care home, the organisation of the vent required a considerable amount of cost. Arranging for this had been a huge issue for the members as most of the involved members are students and not paid workers. There had been extreme difficulty in finding sponsors for the tournament. As the project did not have a proper promotional plan, it failed to attract sponsors.

2. Negotiation strategies to resolve the issues

In order to overcome the first challenge, one of the faculty members of the university (Project Manager) established a new communication plan whereby meeting was organized between classes to communicate the issues to the members. In addition, rewards were also promoted for these students who would manage the project efficiently and help in the fundraising program.

The second challenge was solved by one of the students who had the knowledge of website development. An attractive and informative website was developed for promoting the project among the sponsors (as influenced by Lu, Huang & Duan, 2017). The details of the tournament expected outcomes, and estimated exposures were clearly stated. Even few of the sponsors were contacted personally and explained about the need and cause of the tournament. This helped in attracting sponsors who were less interested until then.

VII. Conclusion

1. Outcome of the project

This project can be concluded as successful. The aim of the project was fundraising through a foot tournament. Apart from that, another objective of this project was to attract the young generation in sports. At the end of the project, it has seen that the collected fund has met the assumed amount. The collected fund has been handed over to the orphanage home. Therefore, it can be concluded that the outcome of the project is quite satisfactory.

2. Recommendation

This project can be executed in a better way if the project plan was developed taking enough time. The project management team was in a little bit hurry because of lack of time. Another important thing that should be taken under consideration while developing a project plan is the compatibility of the project plan. The management team could do more research before doing the plan. This plan could be done in a more strategic way.

VIII. References


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Kerzner, H., & Saladis, F. P. (2017). Project management workbook and PMP/CAPM exam study guide. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.


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IX. Appendices

Appendix 1: Project Schedule




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