Future Project Plan on Cultural Food Event-Project Management Sample



Make a Future Project Plan on Cultural Food Event

2500 Words

APA 6th edition, 15-20 references with intext.





Executive summary

The current report sheds light on organising an event as well managing the cost as well as risk of the project. It also highlights the way of completing the project by considering various factors related to risk as well as cost. In addition to this, a successful project aims to complete the project in the estimated time period as well as avoid the risk that can be identified in completing the event. As opined by Cleden (2017), the event is also focusing to increase the involvement of international tourist towards the culture of Maori people. Along with that, it also aims to introduce various kinds of food of Maori people and their history to the tourists as well as guests. In this regard, the project is also aiming to satisfy the needs as well as requirements of the guests as well as tourists that are invited in the event. In this context, the project manager facilitates proper maintenance of the project. The project manager aims to increase the success rate of the event by entertaining the participants of the event. In addition to this, the project manager provides technical support to the event by planning the process as well as promoting the event successfully. Along with that, various risks are identified in order to reduce the negative effects of the event as well as increase the positive effects of the event. In this context, various planning techniques are used such as PERT techniques as well as Gantt chart in order to complete the event successfully.

Table of contents


3. Definition of project 

3.1 Objectives, rationale and deliverables of the project 

3.2 Role of stakeholder and team member 

3.3 Establishment of project organizational chart 

3.4 Life cycle of the project 

4. Management of the project and planning techniques 

4.1 Scope of the project 

4.2 Planning of the schedule 

4.3 Estimation of cost and budget 

4.4 Human resource planning 

4.5 Communication to stakeholders 

4.6 Communication plan 

4.7 Risk identification 

4.8 Risk analysis 

4.9 Engagement and management of stakeholders 

4.10 Planning assurance and controlling 

4.11 Control change 

Project management knowledge, tools and techniques 

5.1 Initiation of the project 

5.2 Execution of the project 

5.3 Monitoring and controlling the project 

5.4 Closure of the project 

6. Application of the skills and knowledge 

6.1 Issues aroused in the project 

6.2 Negotiation strategies to resolve the issues 





The current report sheds light on the management of the project regarding cost management as well as identification of the risk for the purpose of managing an event of the traditional Maori food. In addition to this, various tools and techniques are been used in the initiation as well as execution of the project. Along with that, the project will demonstrate the way of completing the project regarding cost and risk. A successful project depends on time management and other factors related to the project. People related with the project are stakeholders as well as team members who help in organising the event successfully.

3. Definition of project

3.1 Objectives, rationale and deliverables of the project


  • To increase the involvement of international tourist towards the culture of Maori people

  • To introduce different foods of Maori people and their history

  • To satisfy the guests invited in the event


Maori people prepare food from organic ingredient. They mainly depend on the natural sources for their dishes. These include ingredients from forests, sea and plain. They crop, gather as well as hunt for their food. They also use different cooking process to prepare those foods. This includes the style of hangi (Moeke-Pickering et al. 2015). Kai is one of the famous traditional foods of Maori people (traditional foods used in Maori culture, 2019). They mainly use flesh of a bird to prepare their food. Along with that they use different natural resources including kumara and root crops. These ingredients and cooking process make their foods different from the regular day food of common people.


The deliverables of the project can be expressed both in tangible as well as intangible form. Therefore, the outcome of the study can be stated in the present case in a more detailed manner to manage the event successfully. In this context, deliverables are food and culture of Maori people.

3.2 Role of stakeholder and team member

Stakeholder is an individual or a group of person who has some interest in the growth of the event. They also focus on achieving the objective of the event both externally as well as internally. Here the investors are one of the prime stakeholders of the event. Along with that organizers and cooks will be considered as the internal stakeholders. On the other hand, tourists, guests as well as Maori people are the external stakeholders. According to Davis et al. (2018), they focus on providing best quality food to their guest and tourists. The main aim of stakeholder is to utilize the budget effectively and analyze the financial statement to recognize the techniques as well as methods that can help in providing best quality food as well as service to their guests. On the other hand, the team members of the project help in managing the event successfully with their skills as well as knowledge. They also ensured the risk assessment and risk mitigation during the project.

3.3 Establishment of project organizational chart

Figure 1: Project organisational chart

(Source: As influenced by Neill, Williamson & Berno, 2015, p.87)

4. Management of the project and planning techniques

4.1 Scope of the project

The scope of the project is to organise an event and achieve the goals as well as objectives of the event. In this context, introduction of Maori food is the prime aim. This allows the organisers to introduce the Maori food culture in front of the large number of population which highlights their food habits. Along with that, this will also help the local population of Parnell, Auckland regarding recognition for the future development of their tribe and community. On the other hand, common people can receive different food option as well as benefits of organic food.

4.2 Planning of the schedule

(Refer to Appendix)

4.3 Estimation of cost and budget

The project manager as well as the finance manager consults about the cost that is required to manage the event. They also plan as well as estimate the budget of the event. According to Jones (2017), cost estimation is the most significant process of managing as well as operating the cost of the project. Cost estimation helps the finance manager in reducing the cost of the event. The finance manager estimates both the fixed as well as variable cost of the event. In this context, a regression analysis is done to forecast the future cost accurately. As opined by Hornstein (2015), this also helps in analysing both the long term as well as short term trends of the event. On the other hand, cost budgeting is a technique to estimate and forecast the cost that is required for the event. This helps in avoiding the risk of shortage of cash at the end of the event.


Related cost (NZ $)

Recruitment of skilled and experienced members who can manage the project


Purchase of equipments required in the event


Rent of the area


Purchasing budget determining tool




Table 1: Project budget

(Source: As influenced by Fleming & Koppelman, 2016, p.47)

4.4 Human resource planning

Human resource planning can be done by recruiting skilled as well as experienced members who have strong analytical ability as well as understanding capability. As per Organ et al. (2015), the recruitment process can also be done by conducting interview as well as group discussion in order to manage the event in the best way. The process also includes recruitment of best employees who have the ability of forecasting the future requirements of the event.

4.5 Communication to stakeholders

The project manager as well as the finance manager communicates with the stakeholders regarding the planning and controlling process of the event. As per Fleming & Koppelman (2016), the stakeholders help the project manager in completing the event successfully. This helps them in fulfilling the needs as well as requirements of the guests as well as tourists by providing them best quality food.

4.6 Communication plan





Start of the conference

All the stakeholders as well as project manager

Discuss the plans as well as strategies before the commencement of the project


Start of the project

Stakeholders, project manager as well as finance manager

Implementation of the plans and strategies


Meeting of the managers

All the manager

Separation of task among the team members


Audit of the project

All stakeholders

Review of risk as well as budget


Meeting of final report

All the team members of the project

Communication of final report


4.7 Risk identification

The most important process of the project is to identify the risk of the event and make plans as well as strategies accordingly to avoid the risks. This process also includes the risk analysis of management of the risk and controlling it. According to Kerzner & Kerzner(2017),  This process helps in facilitating the project manager about the risk that can affect the project at a higher level. The main aim of risk identification is to reduce the negative effects of the project. In this context, various risks that can be identified while organising the event. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk that can be identified in the event, the project manager needs to make strategies accordingly.

4.8 Risk analysis

Risk identified

Level of risk

Strategies to mitigate the risk

Lack of tools and techniques


Purchase of proper tools required for the project

Improper scheduling


Proper schedule is to be made at the beginning of the project

Lack of skill in workforce


Recruitment of correct people by conducting proper interviews

Shortage of funds


A proper budget is required to be made to analyse the correct amount required in the event

4.9 Engagement and management of stakeholders

Stakeholders include engagement of both the internal as well as external stakeholders of the project. Where, the internal stakeholders are the organisers and cook as well the investors such as project manager and the senior manager. On the other hand, the external shareholder is the tourists, guests as well as the Maori people. According to Armbrecht & Andersson (2017), the stakeholders help in analysing as well as managing the risk identified in the event. The investor help in investing the amount required in organising the event and purchasing the tools required for the event.

4.10 Planning assurance and controlling

The planning of the project is to be done in order to introduce different kind of foods of Maori people and their history to the guests as well as tourists. In this context, a project team as well as stakeholders and project manager are determined. They help in the process of planning the project as well as determining the time required for the completion of the event successfully. This process also includes the management of risk as well as management of human resources. In this context, project monitoring also plays an important role. According to Bratton & Gold (2017), it includes the communication strategy of the stakeholders as well as development of the control strategy. Therefore, this process provides assurance to the project manager that the project will be managed as well completed successfully.

4.11 Control change

The event is to be controlled by the investors of the project. The investors are the project manager as well as the senior manager. In case, if the senior manager is not able to control the event successfully, the project manager controls all the process of the event. As per Qazi et al. (2016), the project manager analyses the project and analyses the risk as well as resources of the event. The project manager also provides technical support to the event by planning the resources as well as promoting the event successfully. The project manager also controls the process of recruitment of skilled and experienced employees and then provides proper training to them. This helps the experts in developing their skills for the project and completing the project successfully.

Project management knowledge, tools and techniques

5.1 Initiation of the project

Project management consider the complex situations with major responsibilities to complete a project. It requires linking the goals and objectives with the final outcome. In the initiation of the project, goals of the project have to be determined. In this context of Maori culture food event, project team as well as manager has been determined after the development of the goals. Along with that plan and procedures have also been determined in this level.

5.2 Execution of the project

In order to execute the project, schedule has been determined. In this context PERT (program Evaluation Review Technique) has been implemented (Project Management: Tools & Techniques (2019). This allows determining the mile stones along with activities in the context of this culture food event. Along with that it also facilitates to determine the sequence of the activities of the project. This also allows determining the critical path of the project as well as required time for each of the activities.

5.3 Monitoring and controlling the project

In context of monitoring the project including different aspects, application of Gantt chart is the common tool (Project Management: Tools & Techniques (2019). In this project also, it has been applied to monitor the activities of the project. It helps to develop mall the activities considering the project plan through graphical representation. Along with that it also helps considering the “what if” scenario regarding the change of control as well as generated issues. In the Maori culture food event it facilitates to determine the secondary strategy based on the visual display of control of the project in terms of time and preferences.

5.4 Closure of the project

Closure of the project has been conducted with proper documentation. Success of the project has not been considered on the basis of the financial numbers. The prime aim of this project has considered the introduction of the Maori food culture among the wider population as well as guests. Hence, the closure has been conducted with the report documentation indicating the number of guests as well as total appearance in the project. Along with that, closure report is expected to depict the balance sheet and risk incident report for the project. It has been considered the aroused issues as well as mitigation of those issues. The prime factor highlighted in the closure document is the knowledge and experience regarding the Maori food culture.

6. Application of the skills and knowledge

6.1 Issues aroused in the project

Different issue can be generated in terms of a project. Such issues are related with different aspects of the project. Knowledge, management and resources are the prime factors that influence the issues during the project. In the context of this project of Maori culture food certain issues have been aroused based on different criteria. One of the major issues has been there regarding the lack of knowledge about the culture and food of Maori. Food and culture of Maori is quite different from the common people. Hence lack of knowledge was a common and expected challenge. Another issue which was related in this context was from human resources of the project. As opined by Heagney (2016), lack of knowledge in this context develops communication challenges which influence the project activities. As a result scheduled time of the project had been threatened. Financial requirement is another prime factor that influence the success of a project. During this project, lack of knowledge has also influenced in this context and the determined budget has been voided. In this context, an issue has been aroused regarding the financial support. Promotion of the event was another issue as lack of promotion could turn the project into a failure.  

6.2 Negotiation strategies to resolve the issues

During the project of Maori culture food event, several issues have been generated which influenced the resulted of the project. Lack of knowledge was one of the major factors. In this context, project team has extended the training period for the team members to ensure the knowledge about the culture food of Maori. Apart from that, this also influenced the leadership. Human resource has been greatly influenced during the project. As opined by Harrison & Lock (2017), external recruitment has been done during the project to ensure the level of knowledge about the project. As a result of this issue, time of the project has been greatly influenced. However, additional resources and workforce has been injected in the project to ensure the meeting of deadline. This additional resource ensures the knowledge level as well as help to manage the deadline. However, an additional challenge has been generated in this context regarding the financial support or budget of the project. In this context, additional sponsor has been included as a part of the project stakeholders which help to meet the project properly inj times and deliveries. As per Hornstein (2015), in case of promotion, marketing experts have been included as a part of the project management team that ensure the promotion of the event among the wider population through different promotional channels.


Thus, it can be concluded that various risk are to be identified and controlled to complete the event successfully. Cost estimation as well as cost budgeting is also done in order to forecast the future requirements of the project. Proper analysis is also required to be done related to direct as well as indirect cost. In addition to this, proper scheduling is to be done so that the event is completed in the specified period. Along with that, various strategies are to be made in order to avoid that risk and complete the event successfully. Therefore, various processes are to be concluded in order to satisfy the needs as well as requirements of the people.


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Project Management: Tools & Techniques (2019), umsl.edu, retrieved on: 28th feb, 2019, retrieved from:  http://www.umsl.edu/~sauterv/analysis/488_f02_papers/ProjMgmt.html  

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traditional foods used in Maori culture (2019), tamakimaorivillage.co.nz, retrieved on: 28th feb, 2019, retrieved from: https://www.tamakimaorivillage.co.nz/2017/08/traditional-foods-used-maori-culture


Appendix 1: Network diagram

Appendix 2: Gantt Chart

Appendix 3: WBS

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