Hilton Resorts – A Problem and its Solution
Many workplaces nowadays are fraught with multiple problems ranging from the problems of the ever-developing technology to the continuous changes in the wants and the demands of the customer. With various such dynamic policies and situation always in the fray it does become really hard for companies to be able to stay afloat while catering and managing the requirements and demands of all. It is only those companies who are able to maintain a delicate balance between all of them who really come up to the top and are able to survive while many another just sink to the depths of oblivion.
However, among all these problems that we have talked about previously, there is one problem that is not generally known to many of the outsiders, but that does add up to as one of the biggest problems that these companies have to face. The problem of Human Resources. The continuous problem that most of the industries and primarily the service industries face of a continuous shortage of skilled labor or the labor that is perfect for a certain job, huge cases and heavy prevalence of poaching, frequent human turnover, and low retention rate. Various frameworks and models are being used nowadays in order to understand the reason and how to tackle such problems which have the highest percentage in the hospitality industries (Ting, Deanna ‘Issues the Hospitality Industry Will Ignore at Its Own Peril.’).
The company that I would talk about here is one of the biggest Hotel chains in Saudi Arabia. It is the Hilton Resort and Spa. Being one of the pioneers of the hotel service industry that sees an average daily inflow of about 100 guests most of which are high echelon individuals with a very particular requirements and also highly susceptible to be wooed by competitors it becomes of the utmost importance for the company to keep its service always to the highest level of excellence. However, this sort of promise does get a hit when the employees that are trained by the hotel take their skills elsewhere and results not only a void in the spot that he had filled but a huge elaborate process to not only find a replacement employee but to train him to the standards that are needed for being a member of Hilton. This problem and the huge employee turnover are a problem in the hotel industry that we will try to tackle through the solutions that are given as part of this article.
As part of our solution and probable suggestion to this problem that we are facing we would try to tackle this problem through the well proven and established framework of the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) and we will try to create a series of steps and their checkpoints in order to create a model to effectively tackle and lessen the rate of turnover that is the biggest problem that this company is facing. Lets us look a bit more closely into the model and how it helps to create a complete mechanism to understand and tackle a problem (Pietrzak, Michal ‘Framework for Strategic Learning.’)
PDCA (Plan Do Check Act)
Plan – The plan portion of this model is where you look into the various aspects that can improve in your prevalent system. This is the place where you strategies your way and also take ideas from the various competitors and their processes in order to understand what will work best for your company. It is also here that you bring about and establish the set of checks that will help you to understand whether the improvements that you have put into effect are actually helping the company to improve and progress
Do – This is where you put the plans that you have put into action. You start by understanding where the solutions will work best and implement it in the most efficient way. The strategic fit of that solution and the resistance that it may face are also considered while implementing the same. This step generally takes most of the effort because this cannot be only limited to the upper management much unlike the planning phase but needs support and dedication from all the staff in order actually to put the changes suggested into action
Check – In this phase, the checks that you had put as part of the planning phase are revisited with understanding which plan or solution is working well and which is not really bearing any results. This step takes the maximum of time as it required a long range of dates in order to completely understand and decide the efficiency or the lack thereof of any certain solution
Act – This is the phase where the knowledge that you have learned as part of the check phase is put into action, and any problem or kink in the solutions that you had already implemented are leveled out to create a plan that can actually stand the test of time
Implementation of the plan
The implementation of the plan in the company of Hilton started with us trying to understand exactly which part of the institution is the reason for such an issue. We could see that with an average turnover rate of about 20% the highest problem of the company was employee satisfaction. After having a thorough understanding of the issues that generally affect the employees of this level we created a 4-point strategy to tackle the same (Skhmot Nawras (2017). ‘Using PDCA Cycle For continuous improvement.’)
We created the following planning for reverting the situation
Improved Recruitment Process – A developed recruitment process keeping in mind and as a priority the cultural fit that the candidate might have with the company. This will help the person is feeling right at home while working and will have a much lower chance to leave the company. The check that will be possible here is to create a feedback mechanism for the same
Strong compensatory process – Take continuous research from the competitors on the pay that they give and take the best ideas from them without burning a hole. This will keep an incentive for the employees to work as part of the institute. This can be checked by taking an industry-wide survey at regular intervals
Enhance Career and praise – Keep a mechanism that praises and recognizes employee on successful completion of an important task and also to keep a clear pathway for progression that will help the employees to see a clear road in front of them. This can be checked by seeing the number of employees who have been recognized and also who have enhanced in bands as part of the program (Kappel, Mike ‘5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover.’)
This phase mainly depends on how well you are able to implement the steps that have been discussed in the above part. This requires a small meeting with the head of the departments followed by an open town hall meeting with all the member of the fraternity including employees to announce these steps as well as take any sort of feedback and questions that may come. It requires strict implementation and thorough knowledge dissemination to all the staff and supervisors so that none of the steps are taken half-heartedly, A grievance redressal mechanism should also be set up for any employee who might be deprived of such advantages due to the inefficiency of the supervisor
The checks that have been described as part of the planning phase will be needed to be checked her. The feedback mechanism, the industry survey and lastly the attrition trend and inversely the progression trend needs to be checked at regular intervals which will give a thorough understanding on if the steps that have been taken as part of this project are actually working and should or should it not be changed as part of the program
The last step that mainly stems from the previous step and if any certain flaws are found in it.Though the previous step needs to be taken with patients with results taking some time to show but if it is understood that any of the steps are not working as it should be taken up with determination and focus. The feedback mechanism should be given utmost priority, and no process and improvement should be left halfway (Craig, William ‘The Key To Happy Clients: Satisfy Your Employees.’)
No matter the number of steps that are taken everything will be useless if they aren’t taken with true intent and only as a show. These steps will take some time to show their results but once they start doing the problem that has been plaguing the company will reduce manifold. It needs the combined effort of the management and the employees and can only come to fruition if it is comprehensive and genuine
Skhmot Nawras (2017). ‘Using PDCA Cycle For continuous improvement.’
Pietrzak, Michal ‘Framework for Strategic Learning.’
Kappel, Mike ‘5 Ways to Reduce Employee Turnover.’
Direct Booking ‘What hotel industry issues keep global hoteliers awake at night?.’
Ting, Deanna ‘Issues the Hospitality Industry Will Ignore at Its Own Peril.’
Craig, William ‘The Key To Happy Clients: Satisfy Your Employees.’
Heathfield Susan ‘How to improve workforce satisfaction of employee.’
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