How can leadership negatively affect the success of a company-HRM Sample



Subject: Leadership Studies
“How can leadership negatively affect the success of a company?”
Make an analysis and provide a specific example
1 page (300 words)
Style: APA  Level: PhD  
4 credible up-to-date sources
Your essay should NOT include an introduction, just start the analysis and make a conclusion. You must also reference at least 4 journal articles (scientific and credible); therefore, your essay should be supported by at least 4 sources. Your essay must be double-spaced. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations. No plagiarism Perfect grammar and punctuation. Besides, pay a special attention on the sentence structure. Remember it should be A RESEARCH ACADEMIC PAPER  , so use the scientific vocabulary to complete this PhD Research paper

In business, being a pioneer doesn’t simply fill a vocation title. You should have the ability to propel your group to empower them to convey their undertakings in a convenient way and in accordance with the general objectives of the organization. Then again, neglected targets are just the beginning of the issues brought about by terrible pioneers in any association. Today, we should discuss the impacts of poor authority in your group.

Poor pioneers are described by their absence of capacity to give guidance to the group, which may originate from their own absence of vision(Nwanchuckwu CC,1988). Chron says not setting clear desires shields specialists from understanding what they really need to convey. It can cause disappointment on the two finishes when the expectations are not totally in accordance with what the division needs. As a pioneer, it is your obligation to give clear guidelines to your group, yet in addition to enable them to perceive how their undertakings contribute towards accomplishing the organization’s general destinations(Lawal A,1993). Keeping them educated of how their endeavors sway the association can persuade them to perform taking care of business while thinking about their very own commitments. The workers will perceive what the administration needs to accomplish, while the supervisors will probably comprehend what bolster their staff needs so as to convey well(Ubeku,1975). On the off chance that the circumstance grants, work together with your group to have the capacity to rapidly detail the best arrangements. No pioneer is immaculate, and everyone has his/her own qualities and shortcomings(Drucker P 1968). In this we can take the example of Vijay Mallya of Kingfisher Airlines of India who fled from the country because of huge unpaid loans to the banks and ultimately leading to the closing of the company.


  1. Lawal A (1993) Management in focus retrieved on: 1st April 2019, retrieved from:

  2. Nwanchuckwu CC (1988) Personnel administration in Nigeria, University of port-harcourt press, Nigeria retrieved on: 31st March 2019, retrieved from:

  3. Ubeku AA (1975) Personnel management in Nigeria. Ethiope Publishing Corporation, Benin City retrieved on: 2nd April 2019, retrieved from:

  4. Drucker P (1968) Management, task, responsibility and practice. Newyork retrieved on: 29th March 2019, retrieved from:

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