This is four section assignment and a total of 4500 words, Section 1 & 2 is 500 words each (1000 total), Section 3 is 1500 and Section 4 asked for 2000.
Section 1
1. The cause of regulating injury compensation in 20th century
2. Ways of injury compensation gendered and racist
3. Interaction of worker’s compensation system with new forms of injury
4. Differentiation of Canada’s Meredith principles and New Zealand’s Woodhouse principles
Section 2
1. Priorities of employee affecting claim adjudication and management in workers’ compensation systems
2. Psychological impact on injured workers
3. Failing to work after injury
Section 3
1. Operation of employee in disability management programs
2. Impact of employer’s motivation in disability management programs
3. Impact of motivation on injured workers
Section 4
1.Workplace bullying is an effective management tool
1. The cause of regulating injury compensation in 20th century
Canadian Workers Compensation Boards (WCB) is operated throughout the country and it provides premium for workplace illness and injuries since the 20th century. There is only little an employer can do and due to this reason they pay the compensation as a tax. Based on this scenario, the state began to regulate the injury compensation mainly to protect the employees from financial crisis in association with work.
Based on the views of O’Donnell et al. (2015), Workers Compensation Program is mainly regulated by territorial and provincial governments in Canada. However, the program is mainly aimed at satisfying the claims involving the federal government employees both inside and outside the country. Thus it can be concluded that the main reason of starting the compensation at the beginning of the 20th century was only to treat the injuries of the employees faced at workplace.
2. Ways of injury compensation gendered and racist
The significance of gender discrimination lies due to the fact of more men workers in their workplace. The women are the main persons facing this issue which resulted about sexual harassments by men in highest positions. Chen et al. (2019) opined that the concept of gender discrimination was one of the reasons for the risk of workplace violence. Since both the men and women’s occupation was different with different tasks so the violence of risk place was also different. It was also rational for the more injury attacked was seen in case of females compared to men’s. Among male and female inequalities, male faced more violence risks in education sector.
Workers Compensation System was also biased against non-English speaking individuals at Canada. However, this reason led out the fact of cutting Italians and African Canadians from receiving benefits from workplace injuries. Preference was given more to the whitish Canadian males and less importance to non-whitish. It is also considered by the board that the non-whitish is not hard working and so they couldn’t be appointed at work. Even if they are appointed they will not be able to receive any kind of injury compensation. As per the views of Barnetson et al. (2017), the Act of WCB board is unfair in terms of women’s compensation. However, this reason has deprived the women in terms of claiming their wages.
3. Interaction of worker’s compensation system with new forms of injury
The Workers Compensation system of Canada benefits the workers with health care payments regardless of no matter who is at fault. This system provides payment to the workers compensation only through a common fund. However, the new form of injury has arranged to submit the employers’ report of ill health until 72 hours after knowing about the trauma. This will provide the fastest treatment of injured workers with full facility from the WCB board. The new forms of injury have however given a bad as well as a good impact on the workers compensation system. The respondents have changed the perspective of stakeholders and this led to the process of decision making.
According to Pless (2016), results of the new form of injury are significant. This will however provide neutral benefits in respect to financial gains. The new form has also not able to mitigate the exact cause of illness and has not given the proper response to the prevailing symptoms. Without proper Medicare and symptom identification technique, no patient can identify about their disease.
4. Differentiation of Canada’s Meredith principles and New Zealand’s Woodhouse principles
The Workers Compensation Act, 1923 in action with Meredith Principles and New Zealand’s Woodhouse principles has the same goal to serve those who have workplace injury. The New Zealand’s Woodhouse principles provided facility for those who didn’t knew the cause of illness. However, the Canadian Meredith Principles regulated compensation only for those who had insurance in workers compensation board.
Based on the views of O’Donnell et al. (2015), the operation of compensation scheme by both the parties manifests themselves in different role. The Meredith principle is completely funded only for the employer by leading to less money for the illness at work. This will however make the compensation claims of them harder. On the other hand, the New Zealand’s Woodhouse principles provide fund both for the workers and employers making claims easier and quicker.
1. Priorities of employee affecting claim adjudication and management in workers’ compensation systems
Claim adjudication here focuses on describing the employer’s payment after they have applied for a medical claim. Workers compensation system manages to form a medical in exchange for employer’s right to fire from the negligence of the employment. The Compensation Board is regulated only in hope that with the cost of compensation, the employees would improve their safety performance. According to the views of Chambers et al. (2015), workplace disability received financial compensation by injustice.
It is very normal that in order to make a competitive market, companies try to inhale new strategies to stay competitive. However, if an employee injures themselves during work time then he/she has the potential right to claim the board’s premium. WCB board has arranged employer’s premium on the basis of performance of the average cost of industry. Adjudication and claim management has thus helped to cut the workers efficiency to understand the prospects of WBC board for recognizing specific implementations. This will however get the workers back to work fast as possible to reduce the liability of the employer.
2. Psychological impact on injured workers
Physical injuries often have a profound impact on the injured workers. This will also lead to the emotional pain during the time of healing. Giummarra et al. (2017) opined that receiving post injury after compensation has been the causes of poorer work. The physiological distress on injured workers can be depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorders. This can also cause a large effect on day to day working activity causing mood swings and personal manifestations for recovering soon.
For a smooth transition to work, physiological distress and perceived injuries was not looked upon by the board. However this resulted to the elevation following non compensable injury with compensable injury. It was studied and found that if the physiological distresses are often treated well then it can add up costs and time (Barnetson, 2010). The claim handler should be informed about the physiological effects of the injured workers and then handle with them accordingly. Handling them can be done by maintaining sensitivity and compassion after the post depressed disorders.
3. Failing to work after injury
Working after injury has not always resulted workers to actually return after ill health. This happens only because of the reason that they are not physically fit to work or feel embarrassed for any changes in work arrangements. Modified work arrangements can make the workers feel weak due to the diverse type of day to day work activities including lifting, loading and work pace. Irrespective of the program of return to job, some employers have fear returning to their work for the lack of shelter for their recovery. However, based on the views of McDonald & Barnetson (2016), the main reason of the workers not returning is due to the absence of verbal communication among the worker and the employer since the injured workers absence.
It has been studied that the workers who feels that they are not wanted, then they are less likely to recover fast and it results in not returning to work. Times come when workers are not willing to work after injury but they have a fear of losing their source of income and employment.
A disability management program is a program in workplace developed to accelerate the employment of persons in accordance with a disability by a synchronizing effort that specifics all the needs of any individuals. As per the views of Shaw et al. (2016), Canadian employers have received many great challenges to their efforts for managing injury or illness of employee. These challenges are mainly from the business practices of their work culture. The employee operates the disability management program as it helps them to handle the costs of the workplace that are closely in association with disabled persons. Costs has however controlled by maintaining skilled workers and reducing the absence to balance a productive workface. However, it allows disabled persons among the staff to motivate and thus maintaining a general attendance. General attendances can also be met by these programs with maintaining a stable income and self-esteem. This can also be used as an effective tool to make them understand that the productivity from those individuals is no less important.
Based on the views of White et al. (2016), the disability management program is also useful in preventing such occurrences where staffs of workplace get hurt during the course of duty. It also helps to create a safer environment and facilitates the accomplishment of safety procedures to diminish injuries. The employees operation in this program also helps to follow with the government laws and procedures to enhance the safety regulations. Thus it helps the employees to avoid the cases of indictment where their employees get hurt or injured during the course of duty as they did not protect factors that could result them to be injured. Disability programs also help to encourage employees irrespective of their unhealthy condition (Landy & Conte, 2016). This program also focuses on the fact that the employees who are physically fit can help their colleagues who are suffering with injuries. Thus, a result of collaborative approach and teamwork is also gained from this program. Normal services are also available to the disabled employees especially of handicapped and wheelchair individuals. The program has however enabled injured person to return from their work safely and easily without creating much chaos. Employers should focus on this disability programs to mitigate the effectiveness of the programs depending upon the climate, work accommodation and coordination. Proper management can however be done with the help of the disability program.
Financial hardships or any legal matters could also be solved by managing this programs that may start from workplace illness or injuries. The Disability Programs has reduced the number of absenteeism, claims, cost benefit, replacement training and overall cost of the incidence during any illness or injury. Good amount of recruitment process and retention has also been the operation of this program. It has been seen that the persons who receive more support systems are often to rejoin their work more quickly in a timely manner. Based on the views of Lai et al. (2017), better result with achievement will occur when the organization accepts the climate of disability management. However, it has been studied and seen that successful management of this program results when the employees start to operate it with higher respect and coordination. This can also create increasing productivity in working environment, thus giving a healthy outlook. A good management sense is thus seen in context of better reputation as an employee who operates Disability Management Program.
2. Impact of employer’s motivation in disability management programs
Employer’s motivation in disability management program mainly impact the design of disability management programs. A profound impact of employee has however been resulted on the motivation by disability management programs. The management precisely and constructively inspires the employees regardless of their disability. Management support has helped the program to gain more confidence and set up high objectives and goals to achieve. Based on the views of Shaw et al. (2016), the employers would be motivated and they will themselves set some specific design that can be efficiently executed. The employers are however motivated to focus on the matter that how these programs are working therefore. Thus, this motivation will also help the employer to structure out a program in order to mitigate that all the disabled employees are benefited from the program. However, the disability programs will vary for different types of disabilities caused. The different types of disabilities can be seen in case of handicapped persons or any ill affected peoples. All this reason are due to the cause of fear, anxiety, depression and even the post traumatic stress and depressions after post intervention work.
The impact may also fall mainly by reducing the amount of cost thus encouraging them to utilize the assignment data on the health risks and demographics of the employee to frame the disability program. The design of this program helps to monitor the shifts in the workplace demographics and health issues or risks. As per the views of Phillips et al. (2016), the program has enabled to use the knowledge in tailoring and designing better disability programs mainly for the workers. Employee’s motivation also allows the requirement of adopting policies for the disabled workers that enact the workplace for restoring injured workers. The policies that are adopted can be accommodating job, replacing salary, employment transition, and responsibility on budgeting and vocational training in requirement. This policies have however some useful functions in mitigating the workers to approach more to their employer for returning to work. However, the manager who decides the policy of returning to work can have belief in their own to change the work power more likely. The employer’s motivation can thus create a supportive climate of workplace with the cooperation of joint labour management.
3. Impact of motivation on injured workers
A positive impact is however established from the motivation of the injured workers as they are benefited from the program. This reason is only due to the fact of attending even when they are injured. The Disability Management Program is largely supported by the employer in any particular organization. Thus, it focuses on the fact that the injured employers are assured for their healthcare. They are then motivated according to the time frame that they are surely of concern to the organization when they are especially injured. The fact of knowing how they would be treated is also been a clear concept of them when such crisis would occur. The welfare will however include taking care of even when there is financial crisis. Proper caring programs and intervention will however help the injured persons in reducing the severity of illness. This fact has provided a positive impact on employees and workers. They are looking for cooperation with the organization in mitigating the healthy needs.
According to Kilgour et al. (2015), the motivation will also help the workers to work hard with much dedication as they will feel beneficial and valuable to the organization. Thus, enabling to work more precisely with effort as they will be then cover up by the disability management program. The employer’s motivation will encourage about the fact that there is appropriate planning and decision making practice regularly in the workplace. This decision making process is really tough in the perspective of the employee when it is about the time after return to work. Decision regarding work hurdles, more pressure given on work, facing issues with service providers and stakeholders are also is decided by the employers. This however shows a negative impact on the employees if they are not able to handle out this properly. Lai et al. (2017) opined that appropriate planning can encompass mutual trusts before the occurrence of any injuries. Result of motivation can however be better understandable by understanding the attitude of their illness and the way of returning to their work. In general, the motivation plays an effective tool in assisting the return to work by achieving a good impact on the disability program. This will also help to set realistic and clear goals for encouraging working again. However, it will ensure to share the decision making responsibilities more precisely about their rehabilitation. Much time and effort is needed to understand a person’s disability but if it is understandable then no one can help to loosen the greater motivation existing among the worker and the employee. Thus, the fact of providing safety treatment for the workers has been mitigated by the employees. This will however show a positive impact on the employees in case of any medical emergencies. However, without hesitation they can look over the injury compensation provided by the organization. It can be concluded that this motivational program is very essential for the workers in order to understand their injury compensation. This is thus an essential tool as it has been benefited more from the workers. With the help of these, they will also look valuable to the organization. This can also result in the productivity of an organization’s market achieving more higher. Thus, the disability programs have not only motivated nicely to the employees but most importantly it have solved many of the financial crisis.
Workplace bullying is an effective management tool
Workplace of an organization is an arena for the employees of the company as they have to do different works according to the workload. The employees are needed to be motivated in the process of work by the management team of the company. The motivation level of the employee is directly proportionate to the profitability of the company. Thus it can be stated that company management group is able to motivate the employees to work hard for the company. This essay is focused on whether effectiveness of workplace bullying is an effective management tool or not. In following sections of the essay, the disagreement to this particular fact has been provided with evidence.
According to Verkuil, Atasayi & Molendijk (2015) workplace bullying is a factor occurs in several organizations and according to the management group it is an effective management tool. However, it shows negative impact on the mentalities of employees. The psychological effects of the workplace bullying would be resulting in employee disagreement with the organization and thus affecting the workload and the profitability of the organization. Based on the views of Pilch & Turska (2015) bullying could occur against the employees by the managers or supervisors, between co-workers, sometimes the employees use mal languages towards their supervisors all these are classified as workplace bullying. Bullying is an offensive behavior in verbal or nonverbal ways of communication. In organizations the management group sometimes thinks that bullying of employees could be helpful in motivation of the employees. However, harsh words towards the employees from the supervisor or the managers for their mistakes would not be classified as bullying. On the contrary, harsh behavior for every single day or giving the employees shallow mental treatment would be classified as bullying as these things affect an employee minds and negates their thinking quality as the psychology of the employees affected by these factors. McDonald, Brown & Smith (2015) opined that the mental growth of an employee depends on the positive behavior they got from the management group or from the supervisor under whom they work. An organization would consider the employee satisfaction along with the customer satisfaction for the improvement of their productivity process. Employees are the basic need for an organization without which an organization cannot rise or sustain in a market. Behavior of the management group towards their customers and the employees are similarly effective for the profitability, productivity and sustainability in the market of the organization. Employees are also needed to behave properly towards their supervisors as it would be effective for their career and the good image as an employee. The employer that is the owner of the organization should consider all these factors for the growth of the organization.
The management group of an organization is dependent on the employees and they would be taking the employee problem seriously for the positive impact on the employee mentality. According to Rigby & Bilodeau (2007), offering incentive and security of the employee families to the employees according to their workability would be a great help in the motivation of the employees. The employer would have to consider these factors as an effective management tool for the growth of the employability and the growth of the organization. The needs of the employees are the first priority for the organization to maintain the workforce of the organization and thus the productivity and profitability. The employees responsible for the selling process of the company products should consider the customer satisfaction and thus they need to be polite towards the customers and consider the customer needs. Based on the views of Pilch & Turska (2015) the supervisors are also consider the development of the employees and teach them the process to develop the sale of products and not bully them mentally by harsh behavior for their mistakes. The employees are needed to develop their own workability in the period of the employment as the management culture of Canada. Thus it can be stated that the employee and the employer both needed for the betterment of an organization. The mental health of an employee depends on the behavior of the employer and the productivity of an organization depends on the employee motivation and to maintain these correlated factors effective management tools are needed.
Management tools for positive motivation of the employees are needed to consider the employee needs that includes promotion, incrimination and the equal treatment of all the employees by the employer. However, workplace bullying is considered as a positive motivation for the employees in some countries and organizations. The psychological effects of bullying can be positive and in maximum time it shows negative effect. Girard & Girard (2015) opined that the psychological treatment can cause a diverse level of mental development that can be negative or positive according to the situation and mental condition of the employee. The mental satisfaction comes from the job satisfaction of an employee as for that reason the employer should discriminate the job profiles for the suitable employee and promise them incentive on the basis of their workability. On the other hand bullying over the employees would be in the form of abuse of the employees and the harsh behavior towards them thus it would result in the protest against the organization as the unequal treatment and mental torture to the employees. It would result in a high turnover to stop the protest and low profitability. Thus it is needed to consider the mental health development of the employees in a positive way to maintain the low turnover and the high profitability of the company. The high productivity would continue if the employees are happy with their job and the positivity of the workplace. The negative influence over the minds of the employees could occur in several ways; however, bullying in workplace could be one of these negative factors. According to Verkuil, Atasayi & Molendijk (2015) the relationship between the employees, supervisors and the management group of an organization plays a key role in the development of the organization and if it is negative in nature then the profitability show decreasing nature with time. The psychology of the employees is the key factors for the growth of an organization and it would affect the reputation of an organization and cause in huge lose in the market.
The unequal workload or partiality towards the employees can be considered as a partial workplace bullying and that would result in a protest towards the management of an organization. As a management tool development these kind of partial treatment would be needed to eliminate from the system to avoid resistance and high turnover. Based on the views of
Rigby & Bilodeau (2007), a management tool should be comprised of the developmental thought of the employee minds in a positive way towards their job. However, that should consider the needs of the employees such as the medical insurance, family security, incrimination, incentive process and others to develop the job satisfaction of the employees and motivate them to work better. The motivation would be helpful in the process of increasing workload. The unequal treatment towards the employees would be fatal for the management of the organization. Workforce of an organization increases with the employee satisfaction towards their works and the behaviour from the upper management group of organization towards them. However, bullying on the employees could result in a negative psychological development and thus increase of number of resignation of the employees occurs and thus the workforce of the organization would lower in a continuous manner. It would result in a high turnover and cost the organization high, as for that reason the profitability of the organization would be affected. According to Einarsen & Nielsen (2015) eliminate this kind of factors an organization should develop a psychological counseling process for the management group to develop a positive mentality towards the employees.
The workplace bullying leaves effects on the mental and physical health of the employees and the financial structure of the organization. McDonald, Brown & Smith (2015) opined that there are several laws for the environment of the workplace for the employees like Healthy Workplace Bill, 2015 and Civil Acts, 1964 and several other which can be stated as nonexistent acts as of the no implementations of those acts. According to the Healthy Workplace Bill, 2015 there should be effective health care department in a organization for the employees and any kind of injury is needed to treated carefully. This factor would be a management tool for the positive mental development of the employees towards the company. Health care of the injured employees and the mental effects of bullying over the employees also could be helpful in the positive impact of the organization. The effective strategies against the bullies would show a positive way of the management of the organization towards the employees which would help the employees to be motivated towards their work.
Development of a department within the organization for the knowledge development according to the management tools of the organization and the future strategies for the employee management would lower the bullying effects of the company. Based on the views of Girard & Girard (2015) this kind of the department would be helpful in the positive motivation for the employees and the psychological development of the management group and the employees. The psychological counseling of all the employees would also be helpful in the development of positive mentality of the employees as well as the upper management group workers. The owner of the organization that is the employer should consider the mental health of the employees at the time of their employment. According to Pilch & Turska (2015) the mentality of a person could be negative towards equality of society, sexuality and other factors and that should be assessed during the employment of that person. If these mental issues of a person persists and could not be identified at the time of employment, these factors could result in bullying of other employees in different manners such as mental torture, physical torture, sexual harassment towards the opposite sex and other type of bullying also.
Workplace bullying can be fatal in the form of mental trauma of the employees and that would not be pleasant for both employees and the employer. Based on the views of Verkuil, Atasayi & Molendijk (2015) everyday interaction between the management department and the employees along with the supervisors would be a key factor for the positive mental growth of the employees and an equal power distribution in the organization. Thus the psychological views of the employees would be positive along with the relation with other functional groups of the organization. The cultural effects on the organization in Canada shows equal power flow, sexual inequality and the value of individuals. On the contrary the workplace bullying shows discrimination in the individuals along with their color, sex and cast. All these factors show that workplace bullying would not be considered as an effective management tool for employee management. According to Girard & Girard (2015) the development of the positive culture in accordance with the country culture of business would need some knowledge and psychological counseling process development before the development of any effective management tool inside the organization.
Based on this essay it can be concluded that the workplace bullying is a negative factor for the effective management tool for an organization. The negative mental pressure over the employee minds would be resulted from bullying which shows different negative impacts over the financial point of the employer. The effective management tools of an organization should comprise of incentive of employees, incrimination, and family security of the employees and health care department development of the employees in the organization to motivate the employees. The laws of workplace should be maintained to create a better organization for the employees and motivate them to raise workforce. The employer should consider the psychological aspects of the employees in accordance to organizational culture system of the country also. Workplace bullying would be stopped effectively in consideration with the mental and physical health of the employees.
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