Judgment in Managerial Decision Making
Student from middle east, APA format, 1000 words, 10-12 references with intext, need figure and diagram.
Table of Contents
1. Leadership aspects for different group challenges
2. Some difficult group challenges
3. Policies for overcoming difficult group challenges
Reference list 8
1. Leadership aspects for different group challenges
Production can be considered as the most common organization challenge, which can be seen due to, in effective organizational team. The negotiation between team members plays a pivotal role for developing effectiveness of a team. According to Bazerman & Moore (2013), fixed Pie assumption can be seen more frequently in a team of organization. This can be considered one of the major challenges associated with the group of an organization. According to Greatman theory, it is essential for a leader to consider all kinds of socio-cultural aspects in leadership style for developing decisions associated with an issue (Communication Theory, 2018). Leader can make effective decision by considering all kinds of socio-cultural aspects associated with the conflicting situation in a group since it can help leader to determine the level of emotional intelligence associated with the issue.
From the modern perspective of organization, it is evident that leaders in this era facing challenges associated with the productivity of an organization due to the improper direction of the group. This can be considered as another major challenges associated with group or team associated with activities of an organization. In this regards leader’s needs to specify the objective of each process associated with group by which proper task allocation can be possible for a team. This can help a leader to mitigate this challenge associated with improper direction of a group. According to the modern leadership trait it can be stated that leader of this era needs to have proper vision and strategically focused for developing effective objectives for a group.
Figure 1: Four Leadership trait
(Source: Amanet, 2014)
Effective communication can be considered as another most effective trait by which leaders can make decisions related to the group more effectively.
Low skill level of group members can be considered as other most effective challenges in this regards. Leader needs to have the capability of framing judgment as the negotiator in this regards (Bazerman & Moore, 2013). This can help leaders to realize both drawback and effectiveness of developing a specific training session for group members in order to elevate their skill level. As opined by Baron & Parent (2015), development of the training program for group members of an organization can help to elevate the level of cognitive and analytical power of the group members. This can be considered as one of the major consideration for developing skill level of group members and for developing an effective training session for group members leaders need to assess the skill level of group members first.
Different external challenges associated with a group such as issues related to the external constituencies and legislation as well as structural reform of organization. In this regards leader’s needs to develop effective change management planning for mitigating this issue. Leader needs to consider all possible effect of these structural as well as legislation challenges.
2. Some difficult group challenges
Overestimation of value of a group members in a negotiation can be considered as one of the major challenge associated with a group since this can hail a conflicting situation. As per De Clercq & Belausteguigoitia (2017) it can be stated that overestimation of own value by a group members can increase conflict level which in turn can make negative impact on the satisfaction level of employees by raising conflicting situation. This can further affect negatively on the production process of organization.
Self-serving biases can be considered as another major consideration in this regards, which can be considered as another major challenge associated with the groups. Self-serving biasing can make impact on perceptions of group members, which can be considered as other major challenge in this regards (Bazerman & Moore, 2013). According to Dong et al. (2017) for leaders, it is necessary to assess the skill level of group members by which training can be developed for the group members. Biased viewpoint of leaders and group members can hamper the effectiveness of training session, which can be considered as another major challenges associated with a group. This can be considered as another major challenge associated with group of an organization.
3. Policies for overcoming difficult group challenges
In order to elevate the effectiveness of group members it is essential to elevate the relationship among group members. According to Thoroughgood et al. (2018), it can be stated that undermining different goals of organization by reducing the effectiveness of motivation strategies a destructive leader can make impact on the job satisfaction of employees. From this aspect, it can be stated in order to elevate the relationship among team members leader needs to motivate them which can help leader to elevate their job satisfaction.
A leader by encouraging the group members in the job field can elevate the effectiveness of the group and skill level of group members. According to Hudson’s model leader needs to have effective vision, action planning and connection with team members in order to elevate internal relationship among team members.
Figure 2: Hudsons’ model
(Source: International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 2016)
Development of an effective action planning can help one leader to increase the knowledge-sharing ambience in an organization. Application of Hundsons’ approach also can help one leader to mitigate the issues associated with the self-serving biases associated with the group members. As per Garavan et al. (2016), leaders need to develop an effective contingency planning for mitigating challenges associated with groups. For managing, the conflicting issues associated with the self-serving biases among group members this strategy can help to mitigate critical issues. As for an example, a leader needs to develop plans for the promotion of pluralism in a group through engaging the employees in terms of their aspects in organizational decisions. On occurrence, self-serving bias leader needs to interact with team members for reducing the confusion level of group members and needs to aware the member about importance of equaled in a team. In order to make the team member aware about necessity of equalize leader needs to demonstrate the factors associated with inefficiency of the team in occurrence of such issues.
Reference list
Bazerman, M., & Moore, D. A. (2013). Judgment in managerial decision making. Hoboken: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Baron, L., & Parent, É. (2015). Developing authentic leadership within a training context: Three phenomena supporting the individual development process. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 22(1), 37-53.
De Clercq, D., & Belausteguigoitia, I. (2017). Overcoming the dark side of task conflict: Buffering roles of transformational leadership, tenacity, and passion for work. European Management Journal, 35(1), 78-90.
Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual‐focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 439-458.
Garavan, T., Watson, S., Carbery, R., & O’Brien, F. (2016). The antecedents of leadership development practices in SMEs: The influence of HRM strategy and practice. International Small Business Journal, 34(6), 870-890.
Thoroughgood, C. N., Sawyer, K. B., Padilla, A., & Lunsford, L. (2018). Destructive leadership: A critique of leader-centric perspectives and toward a more holistic definition. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(3), 627-649.
Amanet. (2014). Top Ten Traits of Great Leaders. Retrieved on 15 February 2019 from
Communication Theory. (2018). Communication Theory. Retrieved on 15 February 2019 from
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention. (2016). Approaches to Administrative Leadership. Retrieved on 15 February 2019 from
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