Write a 3000 Essay Considering all the Questions Mentioned Below
A. Imagine you are in the position of Noelle Freeman, the Chief Financial Officer of Franklin Climate Systems. Reflecting on one or more theories on the nature of managerial work discussed in week 2 (i.e.Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Follett, Barnard, Urwick, Mintzberg, Stewart), please describe what are the key aspects of Noelle’s work as a manager.
B.Which management skills from those covered in this module
(i. Effective problem-solving,
ii. Developing self-awareness,
iii. Effective motivation & empowerment of others,
iv. ability to work effectively
in groups, v. successfully managing power & conflict and vi. successfully leading change)
Would Noelle need to apply in order to fix the toxic culture at the Little Rock Arkansas plant of Franklin Climate Systems? Why are these skills that you selected important in this situation? To answer
this question please draw on the theories related to the selected skills.
C. Reflecting on the self-awareness skill that was discussed in the lecture and exercised at the seminars of week 4, if you were in Noelle’s place, would you choose to support the layoffs (i.e. fire people) or advocate for culture change instead? Why?
Table of Contents
Key aspects of Noelle Freeman as a manager in Franklin Climate System
Taylor Model
Weber Model
Required management skills
Effective problem-solving skill
Development of self-awareness skill
Effective motivation and empowerment of others
Ability to work effectively in groups
Successful management of power and conflict
Successful leading to change
Reflection on self-awareness skills
Reference list
Better problem-solvers have better capability to analyse problems. The current study aims to improve the skills as well as make improvements regarding development of a better working environment in Franklin Climate System. Over time, Arkansas in Little Rock, one of the biggest facilities of Franklin Climate System became notorious for its unhealthy and inanimate working environment. In this context, the ongoing study highlights the improvement of approaches taken by the CFO following several models. In addition, the study sheds light on how the company will be able to overcome the situation before it goes beyond the reach of the authorities. In this regard, an overview has been adopted for better involvement from the employees to create an ideal working place to elevate brand value and revenue of Franklin Climate System.
Key aspects of Noelle Freeman as a manager in Franklin Climate System
Franklin Climate System, a division of HB Holdings, is among the best manufacturing companies located in Aurora, Illinois. But nowadays, the company is in distinction of being the poorest-performing unit for over a decade (Heagney, 2016). The ‘toxic’ environment has been sustaining through the financial crisis back in 2008. Employees are performing their role reluctantly and have no emotional attachment to Franklin Climate System. This makes it harder for Noelle Freeman to manage the circumstances from being contagious to other sectors also. In this context, few models have been depicted to improve the situation as well as reestablishment of company’s reputation.
Taylor Model
As a manager of Franklin Climate System, Noelle Freeman may attempt to improvise Taylor scientific Model in order to find the effective way of working within Franklin Climate System; in particular in Arkansas in Little Rock. To improve the productivity of the company as well as eradicate so-called ‘toxic‘ environment, Noelle Freeman needs to build a framework following five basic principles (Armstrong, 2016). First of all, providing employees proper independence to perform any job in their own way increases productivity and efficiently, instead of conventional way. This is followed by training of the employees in a scientific way to armour them with rational thinking. Monitoring and cooperation are key aspects in this regard. According to Stonebraker et al. (2018), appropriate distribution of workload reduces the burden from the shoulder of employees as well as paying on basis of work increases satisfaction among them.
Weber Model
One of the greater advantages of this model is the ability to maintain structural hierarchy and produce ways of efficient working. In order to improve attitude and inanimate behaviour of Arkansas, Noelle Freeman may apply the model (Dessler, 2016). In specific, the model demonstrates dividing of tasks in equivalent and routine basis to improve competencies leading to direct benefit of Franklin Climate System. Making hierarchical layouts and selection of employees based on their performances are keys in this regard. In addition, uniform application of rules and regulations with the aid of interpersonal relationships ensures lifetime employment as well as commitment from all of the employees.
Required management skills
Effective problem-solving skill
One of the major responsibilities of a manager of an organization refers to ability to solve problems. Issues arising from all aspects ranging from organisational crisis to daily nuisances, a company’s success relies on managerial problem-solving. In the context of Franklin Climate System, Manager needs to be gazetted with rational ability to go through the situation, analyse it and derive on effective solutions to mitigate the issues in order to catalyse thriving of the company. In the views of Smith (2016), effective problem solving enables a particular team to have a consistent improvement by eradicating frustration and misunderstandings among the employees earlier than becoming unmanageable. The following four steps demonstrate an effective problem-solving skill for Franklin Climate System.
Identifying and defining the problem
Conscious managers are able to consistently look out for signs and symptoms regarding any problem. In this context, the CFO Noelle Freeman can detect potential issue that is resulting in toxic culture in Little Rock Arkansas Plant and should evaluate whether it is a solvable or going to make an impact on the organisation. As soon as they depict the issue as a problematic one, Freeman needs to develop a clear and potentially effective as well as quantitative statement regarding the problem. As opined by Dessler (2016), she also needs to describe the circumstance in specific ways without making any misjudged assumptions or conclusions.
Analyzing the problem
Noelle can analyse the problem as it is imperative regarding the occurrence and potential affecting ability of the problem in terms of their influence on business process. According to Stonebraker et al. (2018), this management skill is highly suitable for this situation as it helps in isolation and defining the root causes regarding the issue helps in preventing the recurrence of the problem.
Development of solutions
Managerial problems unlike other ones that can have easy solutions, cannot be mistakes made up of snap decisions by viewing the problem as impulsive. Rather managers such as Noelle Freeman need to come up with brainstorming ideas with the aid of innovative thinking. She needs to make prioritized lists along with appropriate evaluation of cost and time as well as technology regarding the assessment of that situation and furthermore, depict a long-term solution.
Planning and act
Since the development of ideal solution is apprehended, sooner the implementation takes part sooner the improvement. In the views of Smith (2016), plan including successive steps in addition with contingency plans to avoid roadblocks need to be mobilised.
The process of managerial problem-solving is effective for mitigating the issue of toxic culture of Little Rock Arkansas as it is a never-ending cycle including planning, execution, monitoring, and assessment.
Development of self-awareness skill
Self-awareness refers to have a better understanding of own attributes such as emotions as well as personal strengths and limitations. A self-aware person like Noelle Freeman is able to understand other people including their emotions (Stonebraker et al. 2018). It is an indispensable asset implying a person’s perception regarding stressful situation and capability of handling people in any kind of situations. Ineffective management and leadership practices, self-awareness relies on two basic principles. On one hand, self-awareness acts as a foundation regarding behaviour and skills like setting of goals, better communication and manage stress and time simultaneously. Along with that listening is important factor for Noelle Freeman which she can imply while motivating others regarding the job.
Better understanding of self leads to better applications of skills like hearing others and managing stress. On the other hand, solidified sense about self-capability of basic preferences, as well as inclinations, proves to be effective in recognising source of conflict and selection of appropriate strategies as well as management of interpersonal relationships. As opined by Dessler (2016), it refers to be hard to become a better manager without self-awareness and knowledge about own capabilities. The attributes such as Acceptance of responsibilities, looking for feedbacks and listening to others’ perspectives, making a reflection of proceedings in regular interval and building humility mindset refer to a self-aware manager like CFO of Franklin Climate System that is Noelle Freeman
In the end, it can be summarized that capability of understanding own capabilities as well as having better knowledge of other person makes a manager’s approach more appropriate and more specific to fulfil the goals and objectives set by Franklin Climate System.
Effective motivation and empowerment of others
Motivated employees as well as empowering them with one of the key aspects for Franklin Climate System to make a staid towards its goals. Motivating does not refer to do stuff like awards or annual bonuses or even time-off; rather it refers to intangible feelings of being a inseparable as well as an important part of Franklin Climate System.
Empowerment indicates to the employee’s thought of being in control or influential regarding the company’s operational processes. According to Heagney (2016), this is a cumulative thought of four intrinsic feelings. Autonomy bears a sense of independence regarding the choices they made about their working techniques resulting in the feelings of being responsible for their own choices. Confidence refers to the kind of personal feelings that empowers to carry out a job responsively. Meaningfulness indicates that the employees’ thinking about the evaluation of their duty. Finally, impact refers to the feelings that employees possess about the fruitfulness of their performance. These four intrinsic feeling can be adopted by Noelle Freeman in order to address the issue of Toxic culture observed in case study.
Empowerment of the employees of Franklin Climate System improves in forms of dedication and commitment. This results in creativity and productivity leading to development of employee satisfaction as well as motivation. Effective motivation is an internal factor that must arise from within rather than by influence of others. Traditional mode of motivation like monetary compensation is outdated regarding motivating the employees in Franklin Climate System (Lussier et al. 2015). Rather, an employee-friendly and flexible working environment is associated with better motivational approaches. In the context of Franklin Climate System, empowerment is a strong force that extracts best performance out of every single employee.
Ability to work effectively in groups
Efficiency to work in groups is beneficial to solve the communication problem of the concerned organization. As described by Purtilo, Haddad & Doherty (2015), involvement of group work strategy is helpful to tackle critical situations. This appears as helpful to use the social support for handling difficult situations arising within a business organisation.
The management of the Franklin climate system is facing a serious problem related to the increasing number of employee turnover. It is clear that the authority of the concerned organisation is focusing on employee termination to build up a healthy business environment with small number of employees, but it may not be effective as reduction of group number affects the employee abilities and separates them from any kind of enjoyment. In words of Jackson (2015), maintenance of effective teamwork is essential to satisfy the employees in terms of establishing specific identity of the employees of the concerned organisation.
In order to solve the current problem of the organisation namely Franklin Climate System the management needs to introduce group working facility in their business culture (, 2019). This management skill is suitable for this situation as it provides sources of enjoyment and refreshment to the employees which in turn, is beneficial to make a healthy and employee friendly work environment. Moreover, working in group is helpful to have a huge amount of profit which helps to form a strong economic background. The CFO of the organisation namely Noella Freeman is concerned about the reluctance of the employees and lack of interest to work in their organisation (, 2019). Hence, she emphasises on development of organisational culture by reducing the toxic culture system enforced in Franklin Climate System (, 2019).
Successful management of power and conflict
Power is a critical issue which is responsible to create conflicts within an organisation. As stated by Grubaugh & Flynn (2018), most of the employees of an organisation need appropriate power to access the resources, but the disproportionate distribution of power creates conflicts among the individuals.
Through the case study it has been seen that the concerned organisation has faced critical issues in relation to employee dissatisfaction. The CFO of the organisation has come to know that employees are not satisfied due to developing nature of toxic culture within the organisation (, 2019). Besides, lack of trust among employees and frequent employee termination are regarded as the two major causes for generating conflicts within organisation. The ability of managing power and conflict successfully is suitable for the concerned organisation as it shows the ways to meet employee requirements through following ways. Firstly, managing power and conflict effectively by the authority is helpful to enhance the level of employee satisfaction. As described by Leffel, Hallam & Darling (2016), reducing the number of organisational conflicts is helpful to provide a sustainable environment for the employees to work efficiently which in turn, reduces the number of employee turnover.
The authority of Franklin Climate System focuses on formation of a employee friendly business environment within the organisation by managing the power and conflicts among the employees (, 2019). Management of power among the employees in an equal manner is helpful to increase the eagerness of the employees involved in developing the business process. In words of Beitler et al. (2016), management of conflicts includes an essential step which focuses on meeting the employee demand along with formation of a healthy business environment. Thereby, the CFO of the concerned organisation needs to manage conflicts for encouraging the employees and enhancing the rate of profit to develop the financial background of Franklin Control Systems (, 2019).
Successful leading to change
Involvement of successful leading pattern is advantageous when it helps the employees to enhance their skills and contributes greatly to develop the organisational environment. As opined by Rahim, Civelek & Liang (2018), healthy leadership pattern is helpful as it helps to create a flexible work environment within organisation. Thus, the successful leading to change is helpful to meet the organisational objectives of a particular organisation.
The concerned organisation namely Franklin Climate System is at a stake due to higher level of employee dissatisfaction. Besides, lack of business ethics such as honesty, loyalty, trustworthiness creates greater problems for developing their employee reviews (, 2019). The turnover rate increases and it leads to failure of biggest financial projections. An efficient leader can lead the employees through various motivational approaches. The approaches include frequent organisation of various fun activities and hanging out together which in turn, encourage them and provide refreshment to work in a better way in future. The management and leading style are the two key factors which help to build up a healthy environment in organisation (Rahim, 2017).
The CFO of the concerned organisation namely Noelle Freeman is focusing on the proper causes of employee reluctance (, 2019). Thus she is determined to reduce the toxic culture by improving the sense of community within the organisational environment. This is critically regarded as the duties of leaders to improve the organisational culture. Besides, conducting a number of conferences and discussion sessions with a huge number of employees and leaders is helpful to analyse their requirements and apply suitable ways to mitigate them in an efficient manner.
Reflection on self-awareness skills
Depending on the critical consideration of the current situation arising in the concerned organisation, I think that advocacy for cultural change will be more effective than employee layoffs. In order to build up a strong organisational background with an effective financial record history employee satisfaction is critically important. Thus, modification of business culture can be more effective than firing people from the organisation. As commented by Whetten & Cameron (2016), development of self awareness is essential to recognise oneself distinctively from other individuals. Thus, the development of self awareness is essential to analyse the current aspect in an efficient manner.
I think that self realisation is important to develop the self awareness skills which are helpful to analyse any kind of tough situation. In this respect, the development of personal values and moral maturity is important to analyse a phenomenon with proper application of self awareness. In order to manage the business condition, I would like to modify the business culture environment by influencing the personal values as well as moral thinking ability of the employees. In words of Doppelt (2017), development of proper sense related to personal values helps people to understand their own position and power. Thereby, modification of business environment critically needs the development of personal values of the employees.
The employees of the concerned organisation require a flexible work environment where they can be able to perform their tasks with less pressure. Thus, if I would be the CFO of the organisation I will focus critically on the development of employee performances by making a friendly business environment. Providing proper encouragement to the employees appears as essentially helpful to develop the rate of productivity which, in turn, is helpful to have a strong financial background. I think various self awareness activities such as proper acceptance and accountability are helpful to enhance personal values along with moral maturity.
In order to change the organisational culture and build up a strong business background accurate analysis is needed on the employee perspectives. Hence, development of moral maturity is helpful to use both knowledge and skill for understanding a particular topic effectively. Fixing the toxic system can be more effective than firing employees. Besides, development of employee interest to discuss over critical business problems through a number of meetings and conferences is helpful to build up a sustainable business environment. According to Whetten & Cameron (2016), the sustainable business culture never emphasises on employee layoffs rather than focusing on the development of their efficiency from time to time.
I think that proper development of personal values and moral maturity is advantageous to enhance one’s self awareness. Thus, I can strongly take the view and confess it that modification of toxic culture is more important than replacing experienced employees.
Thus it can be concluded that formation of a healthy business environment critically needs good employee reviews along with development of their willingness to work in that particular organisation. Throughout the concerned case study, it is clear that the concerned organisation is facing critical problems as their employee satisfaction rate is lowering down. The management is at a take to decide whether they would fix the toxic culture or enhances the employee layoffs. In this respect the key aspects of the CFO, Noelle Freeman are analysed through a number of models such as Weber model, Barnard model, Stewart model and so on. Moreover, various ways are discussed which appear as critically important to overcome the organisational problems of Franklin Control Systems. Some important management skills such as effective problem solving, developing self awareness, and successful leading change are discussed to understand the effects of these skills to solve the critical problem of the concerned organisation. The CFO is focusing on employee layoffs, but I think that development of sustainable business culture will be more effective to have a strong financial background from the part of the organisation.
Reference list
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