Learning Teaching And Assessment In Practice-Strategic Management Sample



A second year student will be coming to a mentor’s work area for a 5 week placement. The mentor has been informed that the student had been underachieving in their previous placement. Discuss how the mentor would develop learning, teaching and assessment strategies to support the student to achieve a successful outcome. Utilise /refer to the module content, the learning opportunities and resources in the practice area and further reading, to develop your discussion. Conclude your discussion with how the learning gained would apply to your future practice as a mentor’.





Table of Contents


Key qualities of an effective mentor 

Analysis of learning theories: 

Importance of clinical learning environment 

SWOT analysis 

Establishing objectives for initial stage of interview 

Strategic action plan 

Explaining the factors which can help to promote learning in practice 

Conclusion and Recommendations 

Reference list 


Teaching and learning practices are very important areas of learning process in any field. Specifically in clinical practices mentors hold a significant role to train their students in the respective fields with all the knowledge and effective learning methodologies. Effective learning and teaching practices enable a learner to gather accurate knowledge on specific topic which is the key reason of developing their understanding ability.

The key qualities of a mentor and the relationship between the mentor and mentee have been highlighted in this assignment and how their relationship help the underachieving mentee to learn different kinds of learning practices and their application for assessment of the mentee. The topic analyses deeply, the learning styles of a learner and teaching practices of a teacher. The current assignment sheds light on teaching and learning practices as well as cognitive theory of learning development of an underachieving learner. Along with that, it demonstrates significant styles of learning and critical environment of gathering knowledge.

Key qualities of an effective mentor

Role of an effective mentor is significant in order to teach and train the underachieving students. Underachieving condition of a student refers to a disturbed mental and physical condition of a student. This kind of students is unable to learn things in a given way. They are often tending to fail in their areas and get de-motivated. The common behaviors of a underachieving students are lack of concentration to the lecture as well as lack of proper guidance by teachers and hearing disability. Along with that few students are driven by mental stress factors from external environment. These situations set barriers for the student to achieve success.

Key responsibilities and qualities of a mentor are discussed below:

Communication skill:

Good mentor has effective communication skill which assists in establishing strong relationship with learners. Due to which learners are able to communicate freely with teachers and discuss their problems regarding learning and understanding factors of specific topic. As opined by Altfahrt et al. (2009), teachers have strong communication skill based on which strong relationship between teachers and learners is easily maintained significantly.


Preparedness is an important quality of a mentor. A detailed preparation of the learning material is needed in order to address problems of the mentees and to overcome them. Mentors are responsible for preparing learning materials for the student’s need.

Approach and Availability:

Good and understandable approach of a teacher can make the student to understand the learning material properly and help them to evaluate the problems they are facing. As per the views of Bastable (2008), mentor are responsible for hearing students issue and make a proper schedule in which the mentor can address the issues. It is important for mentors to give time to mentees.


Mentors are responsible for deliver useful and honest guidance to their mentees so that mentees can understand the problem and able to solve it. Guidance of a mentor leads the student to use their learning effectively for a successful outcome.


Mentors are always concerned in taking care of learners by establishing strong communication with them. However, Berry (2002) stated that the mentor is responsible for setting the goals and objectives for their mentees and maintain a fair behavior among all students.

Role of a mentor is crucial while teaching the underachieving students. The mentor is responsible for frequent interaction with the trainee. Along with that mentors could consider proper mitigating action of different issues which might arise during training. Mentor can develop a plan as per student’s need and apply the processes in practical field to teach them properly. A clinical mentor can able to gather resources for the trainee by which he or she can be benefited throughout the fellowship.

Learning styles and their application:

Learning process vary from one to another. Everyone learn things in a different manner from others. According to Blondy (2007), it is important for mentors to understand which learning style the mentee able to adopt. This will enhance the learning ability of the mentee in order to overcome the difficulties.

There are three types of effective learning style which is adopted by most of the students in clinical learning.


Visual learners learn through seeing any pictures or images. In clinical learning the mentor can assist the trainee on a specific topic by showing descriptive pictures or experiencing the trainee with practical knowledge. Bogue (2005) opined that, using charts, maps and diagrams in learning can enhance the ability of this kind of learner. Implementation of digital tools and technology can boost the learning process.


Auditory learning process is perfect for the learners who are comfortable of listening rather than viewing. This kind of learners is used to think chronologically and learn in step-by-step manner. A strong language skill is the key ability that auditory learners have. However, they have some difficulties regarding understanding charts, complex graphs and facial expressions. As opined by Braungart and Braungart (2003), this learning can be enhanced by arranging debates and discussion on clinical practices and terminologies and providing auditory notes of the learning material.


Kinesthetic learners learn through hands on processes and they are unable to understand the materials if the materials are only auditory or visual. As these kinds of learners are used to doing movements by their hands, they are unable to sit in on place. They learn the processes of clinical learning best when they able to involve their bodies in learning. In order to enhance their ability mentors are arranging hands-on lessons in different modules of clinical practices. Mentors are involving students to teach another student to understand the process better. As per the views of Ewing, et al. (2004), it can be seen that in clinical practice, this process of learning is preferred most for the underachieving students.

Identification of right learning process for different students is the most crucial part for the mentor in their mentorship period. Not all students are able to adopt same learning process. In order to determine individual’s learning process the mentor can arrange several sessions of interaction with students and try to understand their ability by which they can determine the exact choice for the student. This will help the student to learn better and overcome disabilities. Thus choice of right learning process is main objective to teaching, learning and assessment.

Analysis of learning theories:

There are 4 types of learning theories that can be applied in teaching and learning process in clinical practice. These learning theories will help the underachieving student to overcome the disabilities. The 4 learning theories are as follows:

Behavioral theory:

This theory of learning is carried out through rewarding and punishment method. An immediate acknowledge to the work of mentee can encourage him/her to repeat the same action and developing it to a habit. According to the views of Firanek and Guest (2011), this learning method will help to boost self-confidence of the underachieving student indirectly. Repetitive practice of the action can make the underachieving student efficient in that particular action. Appropriate praises given to the student after the skill or highlighting the mistake. This will resist them to repeating the mistake.

Cognitive theory:

Cognitive learning refers to the thought process following by the behavior of mentee. This learning theory states that learning is a highly effective process directed by the learner. They can use cognitive skills to acquire and apply new information. Usage of thinking and memory skills by the learners can grow their interest in the particular topic. Understanding the condition of patients can develop the determination skill of the learner.

With the aid of implementing innovative techniques in clinical practice, learners are able to develop their personality skills.

In these present days, the mentors have faced a challenge which can set barrier to transfer knowledge to the students. In this era, people need to deal with the changes to develop thinking skills. In relation to these factors, application of cognitive theory for the students not only helps them to gain knowledge but also it can help to develop the professional skill of a mentor. A mentor can use the scientific way by using cognitive theory which can help a mentor to explore learning process. Based on the views of Bowman et al. (2015), cognitive theory in relation to developing knowledge of a student can help to improve teaching techniques, other facilities and curriculum. These approaches based on scientific method of cognitive theory are able to provide a boosting model to improve the quality of education.

On the other hand, the theoretical aspects of behavioral theory in relation to the learning process can change behavioral approaches of a student. Through applying this behavioral theory to the students can support collaborative relationship with each other. Moreover, based on the views of Carr et al. (2016), this theory can establish expert-novice relationship. The empirical and technical coaching is able to emphasize the presence of partnership between student and mentor. Behavioural theory not only helps the students to change behavior but also it can help a mentor to achieve knowledge regarding solutions focus approach (Duffy & Hardicre, 2017).

The feedback process and the result oriented system can help to define the steps related to the actions. Moreover, through focusing on this theoretical aspect, a mentor can set mission and can promote intuition. As per the views of Chris et al. (2016), the systematic process by the support of learning theories, a mentor can achieve knowledge regarding observation power and can develop the skills of monitoring specific situation.

Importance of clinical learning environment

A mentor can conduct a short orientation tour to encourage the student to be associated with the learning process. According to Elcock & Sharples (2012), it is important for the mentor to organize the learning process in such a way through which a student can achieve better understanding. The way to develop the confidence and skill of a student, mentor has to focus on establishing clinical learning environment for a student. As per the views of Eshleman, (2008), orientation regarding placement of the equipments is able to help the mentee that can prevent wasting of time. The procedure related to developing the career as a mentor can be achieved by maintaining effective quality of learning environment. A mentor can support the activities of a student by supporting the work at Emergency Department which can help to enhance the confidence of a student. In case of such emergencies or accidental case, orientation towards the clinical environment can help to increase confidence level. As per the views of Frandsen (2014), a student can gain confidence and knowledge to handle such emergency situation. Clinical placement setting can change the orientation of a student. The relationship between learner and other staffs can help to achieve knowledge regarding nursing practice. These aspects have the potential to manage or control anxiety of a student.

These factors can support positive environment which is able to promote facilities to both mentors and students. French & Cross (1992) has stated that a mentor can introduce the students to other workers of the health care organization. This collaborative approach can help a student to be comfortable in the workplace. Positive attitude of a mentor is able to support positive environment related to clinical learning. Mentor can disclose and discuss regarding important factors with colleagues to help the student for achieving more knowledge. This process only can help to enhance the skill of a student but also it can develop the knowledge of the mentor. Moreover, according to Hand (2006), through implementing positive environment in case of clinical practice, a mentee feel welcome and archives experience. These experience gained by a student can be able to mitigate the issues encountered by the students.

SWOT analysis

This following table is going to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of a mentor in clinical practice environment. These factors can help to identify the importance of the role of a mentor to teach a student regarding clinical practice.


  • Communication skill

  • Listening skill

  • Reflective writing skill

  • Time management

  • Research skill

  • Ability to make proper presentation

  • Effective quality of teamwork and leadership style

  • IT skill and observation power

  • Collaborative approach


  • Decision making skill

  • Language barrier

  • Lack of confidence

  • Lack of technological use

  • Lack of diversity in organizational culture


  • Positive attitude

  • Maintaining quality of performance

  • Maintaining ethical behavior

  • Ability to gain more experience and knowledge by supporting field work


  • Lack of self confidence

  • Dilemma to make decision

Table1: Self SWOT analysis

(Source: Foundation of Nursing Studies, 2015)

It can be analyzed that these skills of a mentor can help a student to develop quality of performance. In relation to the environment of clinical practices, the skill of negotiation and communication can help to achieve success in the career of a student of nursing practice. Proper research skill and communication skill of a mentor can be able to support positive environment of clinical practices. The systematic ways and the theoretical aspects related to this environment of clinical practices can help to maintain professional values of the role of a mentor. Based on the views of Hodges (2009), depending on these skills as well as strengths a mentor can achieve success and help a student to develop his or her skills. The weaknesses related to the profession of a mentor have the potential to insist the mentor to encounter with such threats.

Establishing objectives for initial stage of interview

This assignment has set following objectives for the initial stage of an interview:

Objective 1: To identify the special skills of the candidate




It is specific as it can assume the quality of performance of the mentor.


It is measurable as it can find out special area of knowledge of the mentor.


It is attainable as it can help to enhance positivity to the clinical environment.


It is realistic as it can support the success of the career of both mentor and student.


It is considered as time bound as it can be met within next few days.

Table 2: SMART Objective

Objective 2: To evaluate previous working experience of the individual




This objective is specific as it can help to understand the effectiveness of the role of a mentor.


It is measurable as it can help to measure the value of positive clinical environment.


It is attainable as through this objective clinical organization can achieve success.


It is realistic as it can help to evaluate efficiency of a mentor.


This is time bound as it can be met within 2 days.

Table 3: SMART Objective

Objective 3: To find out special curriculum skill of the candidate




This object is specific as it can evaluate the knowledge of an employee.


It is measurable as this objective can help to support positive aspects related to teaching and learning.


It is attainable as the authority can identify the skills of an individual.


It is considered as realistic as it can support the talent of the candidate.


This objective can be met by a short period of time.

Table 4: SMART Objective

Objective 4: To judge the confidence level of the person




It can be considered as specific as it can impact positively on the students.


It is measurable as it can support the skills of the candidate to get effective results.


It is attainable as the authority can judge the efficiency of the candidate.


This objective can be considered as realistic as can influence the skill of a student.


This objective can be met through the interview process.

Table 5: SMART Objective

Strategic action plan

It is important for the mentor to develop the skill of self awareness which can support to achieve success in teaching and learning skills. As per the views of Hunt et al. (2012), a mentor can focus on direct communication with the students to support effective quality of performance. Moreover, a mentor needs to take an action through implementing regular feedback system. This process is able to analyze the negative factors which can limit the success factors of a student during learning process. Based on the views of Quinn (2001), it is essential for a mentor to set a plan regarding record keeping of previous learning sessions. These recorded documents are able to enhance depth of knowledge based on effective quality of clinical practice. Moreover, the action plan made by the mentor can be considered as the practical evidence to improve the skill of the students as well.

Explaining the factors which can help to promote learning in practice

In relation to practice of nursing in a clinical environment, it is important for a mentor to motivate the students by supporting emotional intelligence. It can be considered as the ability to use, understand, manage own emotions to communicate effectively. As per the views of Skingley et al. (2007), emotional intelligence can help to relieve stress. A mentor can use emotional intelligence as a tool to overcome the challenges faced during the learning session. Through focusing on this approach, a mentor can defuse conflict among the students. According to Rutkowski (2007), it is the capacity to understand the behavioral approaches of a student and it can manage emotions. Self awareness, empathy, motivation, social skills and self regulation can be considered as such skills which are involved in emotional intelligence.

In order to enhance the competitiveness among the students, a mentor needs to focus on purpose of building commitment. According to West, Clark & Jasper, (2009), it is also important to focus on relevancy to activate prior knowledge which can connect learners to new understandings. Mentor needs to develop modeling system to make relationship with practical examples with the students. Most importantly, opportunities for the students regarding practice can improve culture of clinical environment and develop the skill of the students. Focusing on feedback process, a mentor can improve quality of teaching which can reflect better quality performance by the students. These factors can help to maximize learning system in clinical environment.

The importance of two way feedback system from both side of mentor or student can mitigate communication gap and the issues caused due to lack of communication. Based on the views of Rutkowski (2007), it is important to focus on assessment to evaluate the efficiency and growth a student. A mentor needs to maintain timely assessment for both formative and summative assessment for the students.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This essay has analyzed effective ways to improve the teaching style of a mentor along with learning needs of a student. In order to mitigate the issues related to teaching process in clinical practices, the model of E-teaching skill can be mentioned as a recommendation. Moreover, influenced from the views of Frandsen (2014), Operant conditioning theory can be applied by the mentor to influence culture of the workplace. These theoretical aspects are able to influence behavior of a student. Through both reward and punishment strategy a mentor can encourage a student to improve his or her skill in clinical practice. Through implementing effective teaching plan, good practices in clinical environment can ensure holistic care to all the patients. The relationship between a mentor and a mentee is important to support effectiveness of the performance of both mentor and a student. The experience of student through these factors or learning needs can help to gain self confidence to deal with critical factors within the clinical environment. It can be concluded that the effective way of communication also can help to make the relationship strong between a mentor and a mentee which can reflect positively on future career of a student.

Reference list

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