Managing Across Culture- Portfolio Assignment Solution Sample


Conduct a cultural interview with a person who has a
different nationality from yours. Based on the interview,
you develop a personal profile for your interviewee.

Task 1

Cultural Interview and personal profile

Task 2

Explaining Gibbs Reflective Cycle to support cross cultural management system

Task 3

Case Analysis



Table of Contents



Task 1: Cultural interview and personal profile

Reference list



Explaining Gibbs Reflective Cycle to support cross cultural management system

Reference list



Background of the case

Identifying issues at AmKor Technologies

Explaining introduction to the analysis based on the case

Evaluating both cultural and organizational environment of AmKor Technologies

Identifying both challenges and responsibilities for global managers

Suggestions for future action


Reference list



In the modern world which is becoming more globalised can value the concept of culture which can acquire new meaning as well as high importance. In respect to this, the concept of cross cultural as well as mixed cultural management is able to arise in new reality. This assignment has focused on three separate parts to evaluate importance of cultural aspects by conducting interview to a Chinese national.

Task 1: Cultural interview and personal profile

In order to evaluate the importance of the cultural aspect and the system to adjust with other cultural context, I have planned to take an interview of a Chinese national. I have planned to select an interviewee among 5 nationals of China and I have sent mail to communicate and make plan to arrange place and time of meeting. I met Chou Yang, and 35 years old man who have been associated with an US organization as a sales executive officer. He has completed his study as a student of marketing management from a renowned institution of China. He is the eldest as well as head of his family. Along with three children and his wife he lives at Shenzhen, in the town long with the facilities of well communication to various parts of this country. The calmness and the positive attitude as the part of the characteristics of Mr. Yang have been evaluated during taking interview.

This country is located in the Southeast Asia along with the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. After Russia and Canada, China can be considered as the third largest country with an area of 9.6 million square kilometres (Babones, 2018). Along with the huge range of the locality and diversified culture among the people of China can impact on both the organizational culture and the language of them. This region or the country is enriched with ancient philosophy and the sculptures. Political culture and the philosophical approaches of this country are older than 5000 years (Mitter, 2018). The tradition and the culture of China are based on Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism which are able to leave impression on both tradition and culture of this country. Based on these factors, Mr. Yang has disclosed that apart from the busy schedule of his working field, he gives importance to the religious values or beliefs. His positive as well as peaceful behaviour and style of communication has attracted me and helped me to research on the spiritual attributes and the religious values of the Chinese nationals. His non violence attitude, manner and both potential of hard work mentally and physical can influence the livelihood of his family members. Moreover, though he is the follower of ancient political movement of China, philosophies and culture of the then society of China, he has also the potential to adopt modern technologies and cultures in relation to his personal and occupational life. This uniqueness of his characteristics and culture within him has not only helped to analyse the personal attributes of Mr. Yang but also it can help to interpret cultural context of Chinese people.

In respect to the cultural profile of the interviewee, cultural ecology theory can be mentioned in order to analyse the aspects of culture of the entire country. According to Lenski (2015, p.25), based on social as well as physical environment , the system of adapting cultural and biological processes can be able to help in reproducing environment. Within the ecosystem, the aspects of this theory can be able to influence the people to adjust and adopt different culture. As per he views of Smith (2017, p.36), Cultural Ecology and the approaches of this theory can attempt to give explanation regarding both similarities and differences of culture in respect to the environment. The information achieved from Mr. Yang is able to support complexities and cultural differences and the importance of cross cultural management in order to mitigate the issues related with these factors.

Reference list

Babones, S., (2018) Has China Hit Its Peak? How Demography, Economics & Geography Will Limit China’s Growing Power In 2018. Forbes [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5/01/2019]

Lenski, G., (2015). Ecological-evolutionary theory: Principles and applications. Abingdon: Routledge.

Mitter, R., (2018) Five ways China’s past has shaped its present. BBC NEWS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5/01/2019]

Smith, E.A., (2017). Evolutionary ecology and human behavior. Abingdon: Routledge.



This part of the assignment is focused on the analysis of cross cultural competencies. The process of own reflection in order to evaluate the importance of mix cultural and cross cultural management has been evaluated in this part.

Explaining Gibbs Reflective Cycle to support cross cultural management system

Based on the discussion related to cultural dimensions in relation to cross cultural management, it can be evaluated to identify the factors which can influence the cultural management system. Being a student of the management course, I can evaluate the findings, challenges and importance of cross cultural systems in relation to cultural differences. The process of applying Gibb’s Model of reflective cycle in respect to various cultural dimension have been analysed through self reflection in this study. According to Gibbs et al. (2017, p.25), there are various stages of elements of this theory model which can include description, feelings, evaluation, conclusions and action.

Figure 1: Gibb’s Reflective Model

(Source: Erhardt et al. 2016, p.275)

Being a student from other country and cultural background, I have been found that among the other factors related to cultural context, language and ways of communication can be considered as diversified elements. Based on the description of different factors, communication through verbal and mixed conversational approach can support various opinions. Influenced from the views of Johnson et al. (2017, p.470), I can state that different ideas and skills regarding communication among society and among other students can be developed and can help to solve the issue related to academic approaches.

Based on feelings of the student and the people of the society can be able to support cross cultural aspects and can help to reduce barriers of psychological challenge. Based on the views of Erhardt et al. (2016, p.276), I can state that it can help to motivate me in the process of participating group activities to adopt other cultural aspects.

In this stage of this reflective cycle theory, I have identified that in system of verbal communication, lack of skill and vocabulary have affected me in developing learning purposes. Lack of knowledge regarding others culture and the behavioural approaches of the people of other region can be considered as the factors which has set barriers to development of learning skills.

As per the evaluation regarding my limitations and gaps in my skill, I can emphasize on to be connected with cross cultural group. These can help me to gain insights of cultural differences and mitigate the gaps in learning system.

Based on these analysed factors, I have to focus on the method to adopt skills and knowledge regarding cultural approaches to interact with other students and teachers. In order to express my own ideas and views I have to enhance my communication and decision making skills.


It has been evaluated that applying Gibb’s theory has evaluated importance of cross cultural competencies in respect to identify both the challenges and effectiveness of the cross cultural studies. In a firm of reflection, it has discussed Gibbs model to analyse the stages of reflective cycle theory.

Reference list

Erhardt, N., Gibbs, J., Martin-Rios, C. and Sherblom, J., (2016). Exploring affordances of email for team learning over time. Small Group Research47(3), pp.243-278.

Gibbs, G., Srivastava, M., Ramanujam, P.R., Morgan, A., Taylor, E., Sewart, D. and Taylor, J.C., (2017). Unit-7 Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Mediated by Computer Conferencing: Issues and Challenges in the Asian Socio-Cultural Context.

Johnson, L.L., Gibbs Grey, T.D. and Baker-Bell, A., (2017). Changing the Dominant Narrative: A Call for Using Storytelling as Language and Literacy Theory, Research Methodology, and Practice. Journal of Literacy Research49(4), pp.467-475.



In the present days of globalisation, it is important to focus on key factors related to cultural differences to manage the people across cultural boundaries. Along with the problems faced by the organization regarding cultural diversity among the workers can impact negatively on the business purposes and growth of the business. In regards to aspects of cultural dimensions through the environment of the organization can generate cultural awareness. This part of the assignment has focused on the case study of AmKor Technologies to identify the issues and to analyse the factors related to cultural and organizational environment of AmKor Technologies.

Background of the case

This case regarding AmKor Technology, the American company of biotechnology can be mentioned in relation to discussion of cultural management of the organization. This assignment has chosen AmKor Technologies and the cultural approaches of the business organization. Along with the effort of American Biotechnology, Inc (ABI) in order to enter new market of Korea it has been taken under consideration to analyse the business aspects (, 2019). This organization has created recently a joint venture along with Hangul Business group and formed a new company called AmKor Technologies (, 2019). As well as marketing operation, AmKor Technologies grew rapidly to a successful manufacturing concern. In relation to manufacturing both high technology and international trade, the effectiveness of both American and Korean business culture can be evaluated.

Identifying issues at AmKor Technologies

In order to expand the business in Korean market, it is important to consider the style of the business arrangements to enhance profitability and productivity of the organization. As it is an organization which is going to introduce the aspects of business to the Korean market, it is important to evaluate the influencing factors which can influence the development of the business of AmKor Technologies. The diversified culture among the employees of the organization and within the managers of both the partners of the organization has been discussed. In order to expand the business context to the international executive market based on the production of the organization depends on the cultural factors. Matthew Davenport was the authorised manger of ABI, America who has been influenced completely by the cultural aspects of Korea which may lead hostile consequences for American community on biotechnology businesses. This diversification of culture can impact negatively on the relationship with the customers. It has been identified that the assignments of several managers within HBG have been appointed.

The further growth and success of the business of this organization has faced problems due to differences of the culture among the authorities and the employees of both America and Korea. In addition to this, there were intra-organisational issues between the hierarchies, where one of the employees, Bird, who was sent to Korea as an executive assistant in AmKor, became excessively involved with the local people. This created differences of opinions between Bird and the person he reported to Davenport, regarding the fact that the latter thought that this change is potential of resulting into a substantial loss of administrative effectiveness of AmKor. Moreover, Júnior et al. (2018, p.20) opined that in case of business, emotional involvement might affect the work process of an individual and increase the tendency of being biased. The following point’s highlights the primary issues that can be identified from their case study of AmKor technologies:

  • Cultural differences between Lee, Matthew Davenport and Alan Bird

  • Loss of cultural identity by Bird after he joined AmKor in Korea as executive assistant

  • Difference in perspectives due to lack of communication and cultural beliefs

Explaining introduction to the analysis based on the case

In order to explain the issues faced by AmKor Technologies related to diversified culture, it is important to focus on the difference between two different cultural backgrounds based on two different countries. In respect to enhance the growth of business and to make strong the relationship with the customers, all the authorities of AmKor Technologies of both America and Korea can emphasise the cultural aspects. In relation to the case study of this organization, this assignment has chosen two topics to analyse the cultural factors. Responsibilities and challenges for global managers and cultural and organizational environment regarding AmKor Technologies have been chosen to discuss (, 2019).

Evaluating both cultural and organizational environment of AmKor Technologies

In respect to the case study of AmKor Technologies, the discussion regarding the organizational context has been presented in this part of this assignment. According to Mead and Jones (2017, p.290), strong management of culture and environment of the organization can impact on performance as well as engagement of the employees. Through applying the system of mix culture, the unity among the employees can be developed within the organization. The strong communication with the employees of this organization can able to help an employee to gain more knowledge. Moreover, through adopting various approaches of culture, the employees of AmKor Technologies can enhance the business purposes, facilities to the customers.

In regards to AmKor Technologies, It has been analysed that as this American organization is going to introduce their business in Korean market, the cultural environment can be considered as pinnacle regarding contextualizing of global management. As per the views of Zhu et al. (2018, p. 1850017), cross cultural management by the authority of the organization can show the dimension of various culture. The analysis of Hofstede’s model has been introduced in this study in respect to various cultural dimensions as follows:

Figure 1: Graph of Hofstede’s Model

(Source:, 2019)

Project Dimension



Power distance

The power distance of Korea is higher than America by a small amount. It has helped to identify that the organization of Korea is more centralised. Along with complex hierarchies it has also shows large gaps in respect of the authority.

Low rate of power distance of this country can affect decision making process. Supervisors as well as employees can be considered as equal within the organization.


The feelings and emotions related to low rate of individualism may endanger harmony and it can focus on building skills.

Low rate of individualism can support high value on time and privacy of freedom to the people. Based on hard work, the expectation of rewards has been presented.


Low rate of masculinity can support relationship orientation and the quality of life.

High scale of masculinity may affect due to strong egos and the feelings related to pride.

Uncertainty Avoidance

High range of it can help to support societal conventions. Moreover, the expressive people can be able to show emotion.

Low rate of uncertainty avoidance can support change or innovation and open ended decision making

Long Term orientation

Long term orientation can help modesty can emphasize both obligations and virtues.

Short term orientation can value the rights and can support strong convictions.


Low rate of indulgence of this country can help to be pessimistic and can help to control rigid behaviour.

High rate of indulgence can show that it is optimistic and it can focus on personal happiness.

Table 1: Hofstede’s Insight for Korea and America

(Source:, 2019)

Identifying both challenges and responsibilities for global managers

In relation to AmKor Technologies and the case study of this organization, it can be analysed that the cross cultural activities of the global manager in Korea has set barrier to the business. As per the views of Thomas and Peterson (2017, p.25), based on both the challenges and the responsibilities of the global managers to mitigate the challenges can help the organization to enhance the growth. It has been observed that Alan Bird, the assistant of the business of AmKor Technologies has been influenced completely by the culture of Korean society. This factor in respect to business operation to Korea can insist Mr. Bird to lose the American as well as original identity of the company. It has been evaluated that these can be considered as the challenges for AmKor Technologies to expand the business globally. This organization and the business of it through joint venture with other organizations can not only go support the development of the business purposes but also it can be able to help the authority of the organization to make the relationship strong with the customers by adopting the new culture.

The reporting head of this organization, Mr. Mathew Davenport has been informed related to the aspects of cross cultural management and adoption of cross cultural values form Korean society by the assistant Alan Bird. Based on the responsibility and the negative aspects which can impact negatively on the business of AmKor Technologies, Davenport has taken decision to move Mr. Bird to from Korea and make a pause to the business operation of AmKor Technologies in Korea. The values of the organization has been analysed along with the discussion on the responsibilities of the global managers of AmKor Technologies. Moreover, based on the case study, it has been analysed that the information regarding the decision of Davenport has influenced the decision of Lee Sanghoon, the President.

As per the opinion of Lee, it can be evaluated that the decision of Davenport may affect the business development. However, the efficiency of Mr Bird and the relation of him with the customers of Korean region can be considered as positive influence to the enhancement of profitability of the organization.
The relation as well as cultural communication of Mr. Bird, in relation to the people, customers of Korea can impact positively on the business of this organization. Moreover, the decision to terminate Mr. Bird due to the allegations of adopting more cross cultural aspects can support the rivals of this organization. It has also been observed that Mr. Lee has informed the higher authority of ABI regarding the contradiction between the opinions of Mr. Davenport and Mr Lee related to the responsibility of Mr. Bird, the assistant. American Biotechnology which is one of the growing firms of US has faced dilemma in respect to business operation in Korea. This organization has faced problems due to lack of confidence in continuing the operation of this business purposes of AmKor Technologies. Lack of confidence in taking decision to the context of supporting growth of ABI can be considered as the challenges.

Suggestions for future action

The management team of AmKor Technologies of both the countries has faced difficulties to expand the business to the global market of economy. The discussion regarding the responsibilities of various managers of the global market of the business has been presented in this assignment to evaluate the importance of cross cultural management. In relation to the case of AmKor Technologies, the differences between the cultural contexts of the society not only affect the motivation of the employees but also it has insisted the organization to face problems related to customer satisfaction. Influenced from the views of Anakwe (2002, p.300), it can be suggested that the authority or the management team of this organization has to focus on cross cultural management to motivate the employees. During expansion of the business in Korean market, the process of adopting Korean culture instead of American culture can impact positively on development or growth of business (Based on views of Gabriel & Griffiths, 2008, p.511). Moreover, by means of good collaboration, strategies for effective communication can be enhanced across cultures. If Lee, Davenport and Bird would respect each other’s perceptions and collaboratively participate in the decision making process, then it would not have been difficult for them to acknowledge opinions of each other and value them. This could have decreased the conflicts of opinions between them and ABI would not have to face a dilemma.


It has been analysed that along with the possibilities based on the system related to entering in new region or country, people may face barrier regarding lack of abilities to adopt or understand new cultures. Apart from the nationalists, this problem may affect the business organization and employment system of the country. In regards of AmKor Technologies, this study has discussed importance of diversified workplace culture in order to expand business globally. The importance of diversified cultures of this organization between two different backgrounds of culture has been discussed in this assignment.

Reference list (2019).American BIO Available at: [Accessed 5/1/2019] (2019) Home Page. Available at: [Accessed 7/1/2019]

Anakwe, U. P. (2002). The art of dialogue in building cross-cultural sensitivity in the classroom. Journal of Management Education, 26(3), 291-306

Gabriel, Y., & Griffiths, D. S. (2008). International learning groups: Synergies and dysfunctions. Management Learning, 39(5), 503-518. (2019) Hofstede Insights Available at: [Accessed 6/1/2019]

Júnior, J.R.S., Collevatti, R.G., Neto, E.M.F.L., Peroni, N. and Albuquerque, U.P., (2018). Traditional management affects the phenotypic diversity of fruits with economic and cultural importance in the Brazilian Savanna. Agroforestry Systems92(1), pp.11-21.

Mead, R. and Jones, C.J., (2017). CrossCultural Communication. The Blackwell Handbook of CrossCultural Management, pp.283-291.

Stevens, M. J., & Campion, M. A. (1994). The knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for teamwork: Implications for human resource management. Journal of management, 20(2), 503-530.

Thomas, D.C. and Peterson, M.F., (2017). Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. London: Sage Publications.

Zhu, B., Habisch, A. and Thøgersen, J., (2018). The Importance Of Cultural Values And Trust For Innovation—A European Study. International Journal of Innovation Management22(02), p.1850017.

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