- Describe at least three ways in which partnering with another adult and applying professional skills and knowledge is different from simply building a friendship with a colleague.
- Reflect on figure 2.1 from Chapter 2 and consider patterns that you have observed in any learning partnerships you have been involved in or have observed. Discuss general strengths and challenges in a specific mentoring relationship you have been involved in or have observed.
- Assignment
Mentoring Philosophy and Document Analysis
As leaders and mentors in early childhood education it is important to plan for mentoring activities and documenting expectations, progress, and outcomes. By planning and documenting the mentor can review what worked and what did not work in a specific situation. Additionally, mentors can reflect on what skills they have, and what competencies they need more professional development in to grow and learn in their role. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required text chapters to incorporate concepts and ideas into your submission. In your two-part submission, you will craft your mentoring philosophy and analyze how you might document and evaluate a relationship-based coaching process.
Part 1: Your mentoring philosophy is a statement that explains the way you approach professional relationships with early childhood teachers and staff as you support their professional development goals. Write a reflective mentoring philosophy of at least 300 words, including rationale supporting your statement with at least one scholarly resource or reference to the course text. Keep in mind the following ideas while crafting your philosophy:
- Identifying adult learners’ motivators, goals, and communication style.
- Evaluating adult learners’ strengths and building on them.
- Creating an interactive inquiry environment.
- Creating a safe environment for growth and change.
- Encouraging growth through challenges.
Part 2: Over the next few weeks you will be locating, reviewing, and revising forms while discussing the importance of tailoring them to meet your specific needs. These forms can be used to create a mentoring portfolio for your own professional work in current or future mentoring relationships. To practice revising or adapting effecting mentoring forms, review the form below and respond to the questions. Be sure to use the course text to support your response. You are encouraged to save this form for your own mentoring portfolio.
- Would you find this form useful during and/or after each visit with a teacher?
- If so, how? If not, why?
- Discuss a minimum of two revisions you would make to the form.
- Provide rationale for each suggested revision.
Coaching Process Notes to Record for Each Visit
Teacher: __________________________ Coach: ___________________________
Date: _____________________________
Describe the general needs, interests, or goals of the teacher, or an identified problem. Short term:
Long term:
How will the teacher know when a goal is accomplished?
Was the goal negotiated, suggested by the teacher or the coach, or was another process used? Today’s focus of inquiry, discussion, or other strategies used were: Coach linked teacher to research based concepts from:
Today’s coaching strategies were (circle all that apply and/or describe): ü Observing teacher–child interactions
ü Information gathering
ü Giving feedback on observed teaching
(instructive, positive, reflective)
ü Promoting reflection through open-ended questions and probing conversations
ü Demonstrating a relevant strategy
ü Co-planning
ü Problem solving
ü Other (describe)
Strengths and resources of the teacher include: Resources still needed are:
Resources given, facilitated, or discussed: Conclude (brief ideas for next steps): Timeline: The Mentoring Philosophy and Document Analysis (Parts 1 and 2)
- Must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of Paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least one outside source in addition to the course text.
- source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
- Describe at least three ways in which partnering with another adult and applying professional skills and knowledge is different from simply building a friendship with a colleague.
There are many ways in which partnering with another adult and applying professional skills and knowledge is different from simply building a friendship with a colleague though both are equally important. Few of them are –
a) Friendship is a very personal relationship where two adults not only discuss about their professional problems, but also personal issues. This is more of an emotional bond rather than rational bond. But partnering with another adult and applying professional skills and knowledge is totally on rational terms, not emotional. Here the other professional is only concerned about the professional well being of the other.
b) In friendship, the individuals and their benefits come first. Whereas, in the professional partnering, the customer always comes first and they collaborate and exchange skills and knowledge to serve the customer or the company goals better, not themselves.
c) In an extension of the first point, friendship is very informal and it extends to each other’s homes as well. Whereas the professional partnering mainly happens in office and is very formal. This in term always keeps the invisible wall between the two individuals.
- Reflect on figure 2.1 from Chapter 2 and consider patterns that you have observed in any learning partnerships you have been involved in or have observed. Discuss general strengths and challenges in a specific mentoring relationship you have been involved in or have observed.
Article Part 1
As a mentor, I emphasize on the overall development of my mentees, not just in one aspect of life. And along with it I would give immense emphasis to my characteristics throughout the mentoring process. Since a lot of the mentees will be idolizing me, I prefer to look on myself first. I will be a good listener, listening to everyone’s problems and thoughts, a good communicator, so that I can effectively transfer to them what I intend to. Apart from these two qualities, I want to be thoughtful and inspiring, which I feel would force the mentees to think more and get a purpose to serve in life.
Then, I always like to treat the mentees as a group with individual attention to everyone. This ensures that they think and act like a group but in the same time, have their own identity along the way. This would ensure that every mentee gets his/her own attention to grow and learn. It will be ensured that all the mentees are evaluated individually for their progress in a timely manner. Along with that it would be ensured that each mentee gets appropriate amount of time to learn comprehensively ensuring an interactive and safe environment to grow, learn and expand. This safe environment can only be created encouraging queries on multiple front without hesitation. I would ensure a challenging situation for the mentees which would motivate them more to excel and learn to cross the hurdle on their own so that when they reach the real world without a mentor, they do not feel alone or frightened. Emphasis will be given more on practical learning which would help them later rather than theories in world.
Article Part 2
The form that has been provided does capture most of the problems or techniques that are generally followed or noticed while mentoring the teacher. however, that being said the main aim of mentoring remain always in the amount of time that you are giving to the subject and the amount of learnings as well as the thought process that you are imbibing or learning from the subject by observing how he works or how he tackles a certain situation. For a mentor you cannot generally go by a book and work or write everything down that might be of importance but to change your techniques dynamically and on the situation to tailor make it to most efficiently benefit the subject that you are treating. Taking all these into account though I would use the form that has been given to me as reference material to start a session or for any future session that may pertain to the subject in question I will not use it as a bible to treat my mentee. Thus the form will be partially useful to me as a point of reference only
We generally become so fixated on the mentee that we are trying to judge that we generally tend to forget that we are continuously judging him on an environment that has already been prescribed for him that by someone’s judgment has been ordained to be the best h can excel it. Even the form shows the same preconceived notion and speaks nothing or notes nothing to look for an alternative operation that the person might be good in. In other words, one of the things that I would like to add as part of the form is a heading which will let me specify based on the skills that I have seen the person exhibit what another job in the teaching section (for example in place of a teacher on a certain subject he might be for another etc.) he is most suitable or fit for and thus make my decision based on that. Thus I believe there should be a spot in the form that will let me be able to judge as well as recommend a spot that is different from the one that he is currently doing in order to make the most use of the qualities that he possesses.
I also believe that the main analysis and understanding of a person comes only from a strong review form the people that he is teaching as well as the peers that he is working with .It helps not only to understand what these people who are spending much more time than I currently am in the sessions are able to see that I am not but also gives the teacher and understanding of not only what technical resources that he is lacking but also any type of social or behavioral skill that he might be lacking that might lead to some problems or frictions going forward. So I believe in one of the spots in the form there should be a spot that will enable me to write 2 – 3 reviews from a 360-degree survey of maybe 3-4 of his students and the same number of his co-workers. I will take the points mainly negative that they think or maybe feel a bit lacking in him and this will help me get a completely new perspective as well as the thought process that I will be able to use to judge him in the future sessions that we will be holding.
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