Question 1
Based on an organization of your choice, search for a dashboard for the purpose of completing
the following tasks.
(a) Attach a screenshot of the selected dashboard. Discuss whether the selected dashboard is strategic, tactical or operational.
(b) Explain the design principles used for creating the selected dashboard.
(c) Recommend three (3) ways to improve the dashboard.
(d) The management thinks that the dashboard should allow users to drill down to some particular aspects of the business that they are interested in. Propose a filter that you think is relevant and useful.
(e) Propose a new chart that will help to enhance the dashboard. Justify your proposal. You may use or change the Generic dataset (generic.xls) provided or any other publicly available data source (e.g.,, reconstruct the dashboard
with the proposed changes in 1(c), 1(d), and the new chart. Provide screenshots of the new chart and the reconstructed dashboard in your report. Store the Tableau workbook into a single Tableau workbook file with extracted data named “student_number.tbwx”. Variable Description Remarks
Customer Index ID of the customer
Age Age of the customer
Gender Gender of the customer:
F – Female, M – Male
Marital Status Marital status of the customer
Race Race of the customer
Visit-Time Date of Purchase You can change the dates range accordingly.
Visit-Type Online or store visit
Amount- Amount they spent
Product -Product bought
Revenue -Revenue that was generated from the sales.
Revisit Either new or returning customer
Question 2
(a) Based on the selected organization in Question 1, state the mission and vision of the
organization and list one (1) of its strategic objective.
(b) Identify one (1) strategic initiative that can help to achieve the strategic objective stated
in 2(a).
(c) Briefly describe (not exceeding 150 words) how the strategic initiative stated in 2(b) can
be applied with a data mining approach. Your description should cover the following:
(i) data mining objective
(ii) data mining technique
(iii) how the project will help to achieve the business objective
(d) The organization that you have selected had collected free format customer feedback over the years and will like to do a text mining project to understand their customers better. Outline five (5) issues that the organization is likely to face when preparing the textual
data for mining, and suggest how they can be overcome.
Question 3
(a) This final question requires you to conduct a search on successful applications of big data in the Telecom industry (e.g., SingTel’s Data Spark which is focused on big data analytics services, Give a brief summary of a big data
application that you find interesting. The summary should include the following:
(i) define business and big data analytics objective(s),
(ii) describe the data used,
(iii) explain how the big data application has helped to achieve the stated business
objective, and
(iv) limitation(s) of the application.
Please attached the selected article. You can refer to the case studies in the iSG as a guide.
Do not exceed 300 words. (Tip: You can search for the articles using our library
resources: ).
(b) Identify and explain with details two (2) ways to improve the big data application stated
in 3(a).
a) This a tactical dashboard. This dashboard provides a clear picture of the company’s revenue across different segments of customers over two year period. This will help the leadership team to understand which key metrics (individually or in combination of with any other metrics) drive revenue of the company. Based on these findings, the leadership will take decisions to promote the products targetting specific segment of customers, to increase overall revenue
b) the design principles used for creating the dashboard are as follows:
1. The dashboard has a light grey background with only three type of Colors (with difference in shades as per use) for all the charts.
2. It provides the overall sales, revenue, units sold, and brand information on top then provide a detailed information of revenue and units across age group and gender. It also shows the attribute of customers at the bottom
3. In most of the chart, simplistic approach of showing information is followed, however in some charts the information conveyed leads to ambiguity
c) Six changes (instead of three) :
These are also followed in our new dashboard:
1. I have followed top to down approach of providing information so that the user gets the overall numbers first and then gets a detailed understanding of the different metrics in combination
2. The filters occupy the entire right-most pane in order to assist the user to get a deeper understanding by filtering down the data and looking into each visual. The applied filters are being shown on top of the charts to avoid ambiguity associated with filters
3. The background is kept light grey to reduce the white light intensity and at the same time enabling all charts to pop up nicely
4. The charts follow monochromatic color scheme, to show that a particular variable is assigned a single color (the gradient will differ but color will stay the same
5. Headers for each chart are dark grey with white text to provide a clear distinction across the visuals
6. Icons for overall numbers help in quick understanding of the information and increases information retention
d) we can add a VISIT TYPE filter to help the management to dive deeper into the revenue share between offline and online visit
e) Year and quarter wise trend in revenue can be very useful for the management. Trend across year and quarter makes it very easy to understand the time factor associated with revenue. As in some quarter revenue goes high and in some it stays low.
(Shared the .twbx file using the data provided)

Answer 2:
Vision – be a customer-centric one stop place for buying products offline and online
Mission – improve consumer shopping experience by providing quality products across platforms through a convenient payment solution.
The strategic objective the organisation has decided is to perform promotional campaign in both offline and online channel to increase revenue
b) The leadership team has created a strategy to improve the revenue for each product by understanding customer sentiment.
c) In order understand customer sentiment for each product. The organisation has decided to collate all the customer review data from offline and online channel and bring them to one platform in order to analyse it. To achieve this, we will be using a classification technique using decision tree algorithm in order to classify each review as high, medium or low rating across each each. Once we have the complete result of the classification model, we will first target the products which have high proportion of low ratings and will identify the factors that lead to negative customer review.
d) The five issues that the organisation is like to face:
i. The data for offline stores will be in hard copies that would require additional team to feed them into the system
ii. The data structure of offline and online source will be different, hence need to be made consistent
iii. As the data is in text, hence that would need processing through text handling software to derive proper defined fields
iv. Company would need additional software to set up end to end process
v. A group of data analyst would be required to carry out the whole process
The team can overcome all issues when the organisation takes necessary steps to perform the necessary resourcing as mentioned above.
Answer 3:
In order to support real-time promotions, advertising and increase sales of services, a global telecommunications service provider wanted to understand customer location and travel patterns.
The company also wanted textured information to enhance the quality of their network operations and deliver good experience to their most important customers. The company used the customer profile data and their network history data. The team performed real-time analytics models to identify patterns in the subscriber location data and prepare a targeted behavior event. For more than 10 million subscribers, the team uploaded the network control data in a real-time streaming mode.
This helped the clients by improved targeting of customers and customer interaction of variety of electronic devices. This led to wider coverage for targeted marketing information, this in turn improved efficiency of marketing expenses and led to generate add-on revenue from marketing agencies.
One of limitations of this was that this system was heavily dependent on the location data of the customer, which had quite a lot missing points in the entire movement of a customer from one location to other.
Study by DELL EMC:
b) Two ways to improve the application:
i. Enabling customer input to help in achieving the complete travel points
ii. Capturing customer responses on the experience
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