This project will address the opportunities and challenges related to the upgrade of the existing power grid in Qatar. Due to the abundance of solar irradiance, it is expected that Qatar will experience an increase in the number of PV panels installations in the next decades, thus contributing to improve sustainability of energy generation. The load types also reflect the high solar levels, as at the moment, 2/3 of the domestic demand is dedicated to air conditioning.
The purpose of this project is to design solutions to improve grid operation with an increase amount of distributed generation and demand. The purpose is to improve the balance between generation and load, and to mitigate violations during steady-state conditions.
This study will be carried out for a section of the distribution system which is representative of the behaviour of the region. Therefore, it is expected that the results can be generalised to a larger area.”
Go through journals and make a research so may you go through all these papers and make a little main points of each paper and put the main things for example: title(scope), problem (exiting solution, original),
Paper 1
Dynamic Energy Management System
for a Smart Microgrid
This paper presents the development of an intelligent dynamic energy management system (I-DEMS) for a smart microgrid. An evolutionary adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning framework is introduced for evolving the I-DEMS online. MICROGRIDS integrate modular distributed energy sources, such as wind, solar, and fuel cells, with storage devices and controllable loads to form a low-voltage distribution system. The development of an I-DEMS for smart microgrid operation has been presented. The ADHDP approach, based on combined concepts of adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, was utilized to evolve an optimal control policy and an approximate cost-to-go function for microgrid operation, with variable and uncertain renewable energy generation and varying CL and controllable load profiles. A microgrid can be defined as a small-scale, self-supporting network driven by on-site generation sources with the ability to separate from an external grid for sustainability or energy security purposes. The I-DEMS is an optimal or near-optimal DEMS capable of performing grid-connected and islanded microgrid operations. The primary sources of energy are sustainable, green, and environmentally friendly renewable energy systems (RESs), e.g., wind and solar; however, these forms of energy are uncertain and non-dispatchable. Smart microgrids promise a new approach for electric power generation through the clusters of small distributed on-site generators. A modified evolutionary computing learning approach was introduced to speed up the convergence for finding near-optimal control policy and cost-to-go function during online operation as it becomes necessary to enhance performance. The performance of the I-DEMS was compared with that of a DEMS developed using a DT-based approach under seen and unseen operating conditions. The I-DEMS, while satisfying the primary goal of meeting 100% of the CL demand requirements, still managed to improve the energy dispatched to controllable loads, and its dispatch strategy extended the lifecycle of the battery. This means that microgrids of the future can be managed intelligently to be self-sustainable, reliable, and environmental friendly.
Paper 2
Experimental Demonstration of a Tiered Power
Management System for Economic Operation
of Grid-Tied Microgrids
Power management of grid-tied microgrids including distributed generations (DGs) and storage devices can be challenging due to the intermittent and uncontrollable nature of many types of DGs, load variations in time, different grid power tariffs, availability of different options to balance the electric supply and demand, and other parameters. The microgrids are linked with each other through channels of power, information and control signals exchange. In order to operate a microgrid efficiently, the management system should accomplish two tasks. 1) It needs to be adaptive and optimize the microgrid’s performance by defining long-term (daily-based) directives or control strategies. 2) The management system should be able to operate and control the microgrid in real time and satisfy all operational constraints. To address the above-mentioned tasks, a comprehensive power management system that includes two control layers is developed in this paper. A microgrid is the integration of loads, energy resources and storage devices. From an operating point of view, a microgrid is counted as an independent entity that can work either in grid-tied or islanded mode Concept for the proposed power management policy was demonstrated on an experimental microgrid system composed of lead-acid batteries, photovoltaic (PV) system, 3-kW peak load, and a utility connection. The real-time layer measures the system data in real time and performs a rule-based economic analysis that also considers the physical limitations of microgrid’s elements and long term directives. In this way, it not only follows the optimal direction assigned by the advisory layer but also guarantees the feasibility of real-time control of a physical microgrid. This developed management system has been implemented on microgrid testbed at NEC Laboratories America. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed approach ability to effectively increase the renewable energy utilization and decrease the daily operational cost by 19%.
Paper 3
Modelling and simulation for smart grid integration of solar/wind energy
The complexity of the power grid, in conjunction with the ever-increasing demand for electricity, creates the need for efficient analysis and control of the power system. The evolution of the legacy system towards the new smart grid intensifies this need due to the large number of sensors and actuators that must be monitored and controlled, the new types of distributed energy sources that need to be integrated and the new types of loads that must be supported. The smart grid is the integration of the 20th century traditional electrical power grid with the most recent 21st telecommunication and information technologies. Such integration enables efficient resource utilization to optimize energy consumption, install and manage distributed energy sources, as well as to exchange the generated power. The proposed model involves both types of solar and wind energy under normal operating conditions and explains the energy exchange between consumers and GEN. The cost of electricity is not taken into consideration, but the different consumers can choose the cheapest energy. Many utility companies around the globe started to install renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy nearby the consumption sites. Also, residential home owners started to install smart home appliances and renewable energy resources in their premises to generate and consume electrical power efficiently. integration of human-activity awareness into the smart grid is emerging and this will allow the system to monitor, share and manage information and actions on the business, as well as the real world. In this context, modelling and simulation is an invaluable tool for system behaviour analysis, energy consumption estimation and future state prediction. In this paper, a Smart Grid has been designed by MATLAB/SIMULINK approach for analysis of Active Power. Analysis of active power gives the exact idea to know the range of maximum permissible loads that can be connected to their relevant bus bars. This paper presents the change in the value of Active Power with varying load angle in context with small signal analysis. The Smart Grid, regarded as the next generation power grid, uses two-way flow of electricity and information to create a widely distributed automated energy delivery network.
Paper 4
Power Management and Optimization Concept for
DC Microgrids
This paper presents a power management concept for DC microgrids where the DC bus voltage is used as the mean of communications between the microgrid components. Microgrids are local smaller electricity systems that can operate independently and separated from the main electricity grid. Microgrids provide improved security and availability for the electrical distribution system while reducing the carbon emissions. The energy storage system is the fundamental piece of a DC microgrid able to operate independent of the main grid. In order to minimize the size and cost of the energy storage system, communication amongst the different components in the microgrid is necessary to produce fast response that follows the power and energy management requirements. Classical communication means critical to the operation reduce the reliability of the microgrid. Changes of operating mode including switching the DC voltage control function amongst components is unnecessary and a potential cause for miss operation and instability. It is proposed that the energy storage system always controls the DC bus voltage independently of the microgrid mode of operation and sets its value based on power and energy management rules to activate responses from the other components. The proposed concept will eliminate time critical control mode changes resulting from grid disturbances or energy management conditions. Furthermore, the concept enables the use of individual and flexible generation and consumption patterns for each component in the microgrid that can be set to minimize the operating cost of the installation. This paper proposes a power management system where the energy storage system always controls the DC bus and changes its value to send information to other components in the microgrid. The concept has been validated by simulations and experimentally. Furthermore, this concept open the possibility of plug and play incorporation of resources and loads in the DC microgrid and the optimization of the use of resources as well as sequenced load shredding. Fig. 4 shows a sketch of an advanced microgrid with multiple sources and loads programmed in a certain way to respond to DC voltages changes set by the energy storage unit.
Paper 5
Renewable Based DC Microgrid with Energy
Management System
This paper explores the need for renewable based DC microgrid and proposes characteristic features of a standalone DC microgrid. The need for energy management system and its role in DC microgrid has been emphasized. Renewable generating sources such as wind turbine generator and photovoltaic panel require stringent control for harnessing maximum available energy, energy storage system demands efficient management, and DC-link voltage must be maintained constant. Renewable based DC microgrid is at the upfront for achieving rural electrification, especially in developing nations such as India. DC microgrid is a self-sufficient and independent power system which includes one or more generating sources, energy storage system, energy management and loads. Such a system may or may not be connected to the grid. The need for renewable based DC microgrid arises to fulfil energy requirement of rural, isolated regions. grid and presents renewable based DC microgrid as an optimum solution for fulfilling energy requirement. This paper proposes adaptable renewable based DC microgrid with energy management system. DC microgrid is expected to be reliable, maintain power supply quality and solely utilize renewable energy resources. It is proposed that the microgrid should be able to adapt changes in generating or storage capacity, and this can be achieved using energy management system. Energy management system enhances the virtues of DC microgrid. The simulation results exhibits stable operation of an isolated microgrid using various control strategies. Limitations of AC grid create a need for localized power systems or microgrids, which are not limited to a certain region, which are cost-efficient and reliable, and contribute towards sustainability rather than degradation of the environment. Renewable based DC microgrid harness inexhaustible energy resources which are available in plenty and are free of cost. DC microgrid can utilize DC-DC power converters having efficiency more than 95%, and reduce the need of AC/DC converters.
Paper 6
Robust Energy Management for Microgrids With
High-Penetration Renewables
Due to its reduced communication overhead and robustness to failures, distributed energy management is of paramount importance in smart grids, especially in microgrids, which feature distributed generation (DG) and distributed storage (DS). Distributed economic dispatch for a microgrid with high renewable energy penetration and demand-side management operating in grid-connected mode is considered in this paper. MICROGRIDS are power systems comprising distributed energy resources (DERs) and electricity end-users, possibly with controllable elastic loads, all deployed across a limited geographic area. The present paper deals with optimal energy management for both supply and demand of a grid-connected microgrid incorporating RES. The objective of minimizing the microgrid net cost accounts for conventional DG cost, utility of elastic loads, penalized cost of DS, and a worst-case transaction cost. The latter stems from the ability of the microgrid to sell excess energy to the main grid, or to import energy in case of shortage. A robust formulation accounting for the worst-case amount of harvested RES is developed. A distributed energy management approach was developed tailored for microgrids with high penetration of RES. By introducing the notion of committed renewable energy, a novel model was introduced to deal with the challenging constraint of the supply–demand balance raised by the intermittent nature of RES. Not only the conventional generation costs, utilities of the adjustable loads, and DS costs were accounted for, but also the worst-case transaction cost was included in the objective. To schedule power in a distributed fashion, the dual decomposition method was utilized to decompose the original problem into smaller subproblems solved by the LCs of conventional generators, dispatchable loads, DS units, and the RES. The optimal scheduling strategy minimizes the microgrid net cost, which includes DG and DS costs, utility of dispatchable loads, and worst-case transaction cost stemming from the uncertainty in RES. Leveraging the dual decomposition, the optimization problem formulated is solved in a distributed fashion by the local controllers of DG, DS, and dispatchable loads. Numerical results are reported to corroborate the effectiveness of the novel approach.
Summary of Papers
Dynamic Energy Management System
for a Smart Microgrid
This paper introduces the improvement of a wise powerful vitality the board framework (I-DEMS) for a brilliant microgrid. A transformative versatile unique programming and support learning structure is presented for developing the I-DEMS on the web. MICROGRIDS incorporate measured conveyed vitality sources, for example, wind, sunlight based, and power devices, with capacity gadgets and controllable burdens to frame a low-voltage dissemination framework.
The advancement of an I-DEMS for savvy microgrid activity has been introduced. The ADHDP approach, in view of consolidated ideas of versatile powerful programming and fortification learning, was used to develop an ideal control strategy and a surmised expense to-go work for microgrid task, with variable and unsure sustainable power source age and changing CL and controllable burden profiles.
A microgrid can be characterized as a little scale, self-supporting system driven by on location age sources with the capacity to isolate from an outside matrix for maintainability or vitality security purposes. The I-DEMS is an ideal or close ideal DEMS equipped for performing lattice associated and islanded microgrid tasks. The essential wellsprings of vitality are manageable, green, and earth cordial sustainable power source frameworks (RESs), e.g., wind and sunlight based; nonetheless, these types of vitality are dubious and non-dispatchable. Brilliant microgrids guarantee another methodology for electric power age through the groups of little dispersed nearby generators.
An adjusted transformative processing learning approach was acquainted with accelerate the assembly to discover close ideal control arrangement and cost-to-go work amid online task as it ends up important to improve execution. The execution of the I-DEMS was contrasted and that of a DEMS created utilizing a DT-based methodology under observed and concealed working conditions. The I-DEMS, while fulfilling the essential objective of meeting 100% of the CL request prerequisites, still figured out how to improve the vitality dispatched to controllable burdens, and its dispatch system expanded the lifecycle of the battery. This implies microgrids of things to come can be overseen cleverly to act naturally economical, solid, and ecological agreeable.
Experimental Demonstration of a Tiered Power
Management System for Economic Operation
of Grid-Tied Microgrids
Power the executives of framework tied microgrids including disseminated ages (DGs) and capacity gadgets can be trying because of the irregular and wild nature of numerous kinds of DGs, load varieties in time, extraordinary network control taxes, accessibility of various choices to adjust the electric free market activity, and different parameters.
The microgrids are connected with one another through channels of intensity, data and control signals trade. So as to work a microgrid proficiently, the administration framework ought to achieve two assignments. 1) It should be versatile and improve the microgrid’s execution by characterizing long haul (day by day based) orders or control systems. 2) The administration framework ought to most likely work and control the microgrid progressively and fulfill every single operational requirement.
To address the previously mentioned undertakings, a complete power the executives framework that incorporates two control layers is produced in this paper. A microgrid is the reconciliation of burdens, vitality assets and capacity gadgets. From a working perspective, a microgrid is considered an autonomous substance that can work either in network tied or islanded mode Concept for the proposed power the board approach was exhibited on a trial microgrid framework made out of lead-corrosive batteries, photovoltaic (PV) framework, 3-kW top burden, and an utility association.
The ongoing layer estimates the framework information progressively and plays out a standard based financial examination that likewise considers the physical constraints of microgrid’s components and long haul orders. Along these lines, it not just pursues the ideal heading doled out by the warning layer yet additionally ensures the achievability of constant control of a physical microgrid. This created administration framework has been actualized on microgrid testbed at NEC Laboratories America.
Test results exhibit the proposed methodology capacity to adequately expand the sustainable power source use and abatement the day by day operational expense by 19%.
Modelling and simulation for smart grid integration of solar/wind energy
The multifaceted nature of the power network, related to the consistently expanding interest for power, makes the requirement for effective investigation and control of the power framework.
The advancement of the heritage framework towards the new shrewd lattice increases this need because of the extensive number of sensors and actuators that must be checked and controlled, the new kinds of disseminated vitality sources that should be coordinated and the new sorts of burdens that must be bolstered. The brilliant framework is the coordination of the twentieth century conventional electrical power lattice with the latest 21st media transmission and data advancements.
Such incorporation empowers effective asset use to enhance vitality utilization, introduce and oversee disseminated vitality sources, just as to trade the produced power. The proposed model includes the two kinds of sun powered and wind vitality under ordinary working conditions and clarifies the vitality trade among purchasers and GEN. The expense of power isn’t contemplated, however the diverse customers can pick the least expensive vitality. Numerous service organizations around the world began to introduce sustainable power sources, for example, sun based and wind vitality close-by the utilization destinations.
Likewise, private mortgage holders began to introduce shrewd home machines and sustainable power source assets in their premises to produce and devour electrical power proficiently. mix of human-action mindfulness into the keen framework is developing and this will enable the framework to screen, share and oversee data and activities on the business, just as this present reality. In this specific situation, demonstrating and reproduction is a priceless instrument for framework conduct investigation, vitality utilization estimation and future state forecast. In this paper, a Smart Grid has been planned by MATLAB/SIMULINK approach for investigation of Active Power. Investigation of dynamic power gives the accurate plan to know the scope of most extreme passable burdens that can be associated with their important transport bars.
This paper exhibits the adjustment in the estimation of Active Power with differing load edge in setting with little flag examination. The Smart Grid, viewed as the cutting edge control lattice, utilizes two-route stream of power and data to make a broadly disseminated computerized vitality conveyance arrange.
Power Management and Optimization Concept for
DC Microgrids
This paper shows a power the board idea for DC microgrids where the DC transport voltage is utilized as the mean of correspondences between the microgrid segments. Microgrids are nearby littler power frameworks that can work freely and isolated from the fundamental power matrix. Microgrids give improved security and accessibility to the electrical appropriation framework while decreasing the carbon emanations.
The vitality stockpiling framework is the key bit of a DC microgrid ready to work free of the primary lattice. So as to limit the size and cost of the vitality stockpiling framework, correspondence among the distinctive parts in the microgrid is important to create quick reaction that pursues the power and vitality the executives necessities. Established correspondence implies basic to the task decrease the unwavering quality of the microgrid.
Changes of working mode including exchanging the DC voltage control work among parts is superfluous and a potential reason for miss task and flimsiness. It is suggested that the vitality stockpiling framework dependably controls the DC transport voltage autonomously of the microgrid method of activity and sets its esteem dependent on power and vitality the executives tenets to initiate reactions from alternate parts.
The proposed idea will take out time basic control mode changes coming about because of lattice unsettling influences or vitality the executives conditions. Besides, the idea empowers the utilization of individual and adaptable age and utilization designs for every part in the microgrid that can be set to limit the working expense of the establishment. This paper proposes a power the executives framework where the vitality stockpiling framework dependably controls the DC transport and changes its incentive to send data to different parts in the microgrid.
The idea has been approved by reenactments and tentatively. Moreover, this idea open the likelihood of attachment and play fuse of assets and loads in the DC microgrid and the enhancement of the utilization of assets just as sequenced burden destroying.
Renewable Based DC Microgrid with Energy
Management System
This paper investigates the requirement for sustainable based DC microgrid and proposes trademark highlights of an independent DC microgrid. The requirement for vitality the board framework and its job in DC microgrid has been accentuated. Inexhaustible producing sources, for example, wind turbine generator and photovoltaic board require stringent control for bridling greatest accessible vitality, vitality stockpiling framework requests effective administration, and DC-connect voltage must be looked after consistent. Inexhaustible based DC microgrid is at the forthright to accomplish rustic zap, particularly in creating countries, for example, India.
DC microgrid is an independent and free power framework which incorporates at least one creating sources, vitality stockpiling framework, vitality the board and loads. Such a framework might possibly be associated with the lattice. The requirement for sustainable based DC microgrid emerges to satisfy vitality necessity of provincial, secluded locales. matrix and presents inexhaustible based DC microgrid as an ideal answer for satisfying vitality necessity. This paper proposes versatile sustainable based DC microgrid with vitality the executives framework.
DC microgrid is required to be solid, keep up power supply quality and exclusively use sustainable power source assets. It is recommended that the microgrid ought to almost certainly adjust changes in producing or capacity limit, and this can be accomplished utilizing vitality the board framework. Vitality the board framework upgrades the ethics of DC microgrid.
The reenactment results displays stable activity of a secluded microgrid utilizing different control methodologies. Impediments of AC network make a requirement for confined power frameworks or microgrids, which are not restricted to a specific locale, which are cost-proficient and dependable, and contribute towards manageability as opposed to debasement of the earth.
Sustainable based DC microgrid saddle endless vitality assets which are accessible in bounty and are free of expense. DC microgrid can use DC-DC control converters having productivity over 95%, and decrease the need of AC/DC converters.
Robust Energy Management for Microgrids With
High-Penetration Renewables
Because of its diminished correspondence overhead and heartiness to disappointments, dispersed vitality the board is of fundamental significance in shrewd lattices, particularly in microgrids, which include circulated age (DG) and conveyed stockpiling (DS).
Circulated financial dispatch for a microgrid with high sustainable power source entrance and request side administration working in network associated mode is considered in this paper. MICROGRIDS are control frameworks containing appropriated vitality assets (DERs) and power end-clients, conceivably with controllable versatile burdens, all conveyed over a constrained geographic territory. The present paper manages ideal vitality the executives for both free market activity of a lattice associated microgrid consolidating RES.
The target of limiting the microgrid net cost records for regular DG cost, utility of flexible burdens, punished expense of DS, and a most pessimistic scenario exchange cost. The last comes from the capacity of the microgrid to pitch abundance vitality to the principle network, or to import vitality in the event of lack. A powerful definition representing the most pessimistic scenario measure of gathered RES is created.
An appropriated vitality the board approach was created custom fitted for microgrids with high entrance of RES. By presenting the idea of submitted sustainable power source, a novel model was acquainted with manage the testing imperative of the supply– request balance raised by the irregular idea of RES. Not just the ordinary age costs, utilities of the movable burdens, and DS costs were represented, yet additionally the most pessimistic scenario exchange cost was incorporated into the target.
To plan control in an appropriated design, the double decay strategy was used to deteriorate the first issue into littler subproblems illuminated by the LCs of customary generators, dispatchable burdens, DS units, and the RES. The ideal planning methodology limits the microgrid net cost, which incorporates DG and DS costs, utility of dispatchable loads, and most pessimistic scenario exchange cost originating from the vulnerability in RES.
Utilizing the double deterioration, the streamlining issue planned is fathomed in a dispersed style by the nearby controllers of DG, DS, and dispatchable burdens. Numerical outcomes are accounted for to prove the viability of the novel methodology.
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