Organizational Change and Effectiveness-Assignment Solution Sample




Spokes of Hope Worldwide Leadership Retreat:

Keeping Employees Motivated and Efficient


Welcome the leadership committee to the retreat and remind them of the goals, mission and strategy at SoHW. State the purpose of the retreat and highlight what managers should be able to take away from the day.

Spokes of Hope Worldwide is a non profit organization. The goal of Spokes of Hope Worldwide is to provide bicycles to the students by accessing through education. The organization acts as a vocal advocate with raising funds through the bike rides to support their mission. This organization has the aimed to achieve success by helping cancer patients by means of chaining the way of treatment. The authority of this non profit organization can be considered as vocal advocate for the victims. Their strategy is to volunteer for any upcoming event by making donation and thus contacting legislator to support their research. In their strategic program, new immigrants are provided with resettled security for executing their programs in a good way. SoHW authority wants to change the way through which cancer is treated and perceived. The purpose of this retreat is to keep the employees of the organization motivated and efficient in their upcoming events. However, the managers will be able to understand the key role of group dynamics that play effectiveness in the organization. Some organizational behavior theories related to supporting the management decisions will also be learned by the managers.

Part 1: After you have reviewed the Project resources concerning cohesion, collective efficacy and social loafing, thoroughly answer the questions below.

What is organizational culture and why should it matter to managers?

Based on the views of Waller et al. (2016), organizational culture is very important in terms of sharing ideas, beliefs and assumptions of how people behave in an organization. The structure of company’s target will be achieved by following the organizational culture. The managers should understand and follow the organizational culture so that the process of leadership retreat can go smooth as possible without any delayed interruption. It is very important for the managers to understand this culture to identify the starting beliefs of the retreat which could help them to eliminate some as not needed (Tanase, 2015). However, the important beliefs have to be focused by them which will help to manage the structure on which the company will work basically.


What is cohesion? Describe cohesion so that managers can recognize it when it occurs. Why should managers care about cohesion?

Cohesion is the measure by which the members of the company will contribute to achieve a common objective. It is very important for the managers to understand the use of cohesiveness to establish clear objectives of the retreat with each team member. Better perspective of resolving conflicts and arranging regular meetings should also be noted by the managers to ensure that they are working to their goal. Managers should however care about cohesion to reforecast and target new goals to move forward to their new planning strategies

What degree of cohesion is most effective for a team? What negative consequences exist when the level of cohesion is too high? Too low?

The most effective degree for cohesion is to establish a mission and look for successful diversity. Cohesion should be improved by utilizing individual’s strength and communicating effectively with teamwork. Laurence et al. (2018) opined that ethnic treat and prejudice are the most common negative impact if the degree of cohesion is too low. This can arise due to the feeling of superiority and isolation in the organization. However, more cohesive force is a positive discovery and it will thus result to follow individual discussion and group norms. In contrast, highly cohesive group run the risk of making decisions based on group thinking.

Describe a whole-group, hands-on activity that managers could do with their employees to raise the degree of cohesiveness if needed.

Hands on activity by the whole group can be done in order to raise the degree of effectiveness. It was reported that, an activity of code of conduct can be done to build mutual trust and establish group values of the retreat (Cohen, 2017). This can be performed in a white board with 10-20 participants by writing down the words Pleasant and Meaningful. Then everyone should be asked that how the leadership retreat can be made meaningful and pleasant and then share one’s ideas in sticky notes. However, all the mutually agreed ideas can make up the activity of Code of Conduct successful.

Collective Efficacy

What is collective efficacy? Describe collective efficacy so managers can recognize whether it is a problem.

Collective efficacy is the ability of members in an organization to control the behaviour of groups and individuals in a community. It is rather a shared belief of members of the team to succeed tasks. Managers can recognize collective efficacy by making the degree of challenges of their goals with the level of commitment.

What types of factors influence a group’s collective efficacy?

The factors influencing a group’s collective efficacy can be done depending on the fact whether any teams are in their working stages or not. By alliance team development, it will help the managers to carry out the retreat efficiently. The manger of this organization has to focus on implementing digital technology to improve the quality of communication among the employees.

What is the result of groups with high collective efficacy? What happens to groups with low collective efficacy?

According to Zoogah et al. (2015), individuals with higher self efficacy will recover quickly from setbacks to a more progressive approach. In contrast, lower efficacy will however lead to the experience of more physiological stress to the individuals. It will affect the performance on the work and the extent to which they preserve facing challenges.

Describe an interactive activity managers could do with employees to raise the level of collective efficacy if needed.

The activity of Mission statement from Skill Building Resource can be recommended to raise the level of collective efficacy in an organization. Among 30 team building activity, one team building activity will be carried out to determine the level of collective efficacy. A time of 30 minutes to 1 hour will be required to play this interactive activity and it needs the participation of all the employees of the organization. Each person will be given a paper and there a line would be written. The manager would be responsible to find a line where collective efficacy could be observed. The line would begin such as “My vision of a team that works is….” and this sentence have to be finished by the participants. However, after the entire team have created one particular statement or visual, it will be compiled to represent the total of these vision statements.

This activity will be helpful to promote the stronger requirement of team building in an organization.

The team members of the activity session will understand the commonality of purpose and will be more willing henceforth to cooperate in upcoming business activities. Thus, skill building efficiency will also be learned by them which will be helpful for the organization’s effectiveness. The activity will also be helpful for the employees to create more focus on driving the business goals with full passion and commitment. The necessary of group buy-in will be comprehensible to them for the need of the organization that will be now understood after carrying this following activity. According to Singh et al. (2018), the skill building activities and ideas as well as positive approaches of team building are able to support collective efficacy of the employees of SoHW.

Social Loafing

What is social loafing? Provide a description of social loafing so managers can recognize it when it occurs.

Social loafing is the concept that how does people behave in mitigating less effort to execute a goal working socially rather working alone. When a social loafing occurs the managers must identify the weak contributors of the group purpose. However, social loafing can occur due to lack of motivation and larger group size.

What happens to the effectiveness of a department when social loafing exists? Why should managers be concerned if it is occurring?

As per the views of Singh et al. (2018), social loafing can be detrimental to the effectiveness of department in many ways. It will decrease the motivational level and cohesiveness. Perceived lack of motivation and unnecessary contribution over group outcomes can hamper the retreat planning. Managers should be concerned when social loafing occurs as it may reduce the group efficiency causing a drawback on lowered profits and benefits.

In order to avoid social loafing, the manger of this organization can focus on the process to build team with efficient team members. The system of providing facilities related to motivational approaches can help to develop an efficient team. Some ideas to encourage the employees can be considered as the mechanism which can prevent social loafing.

Describe an interactive activity managers could do with their employees to help avoid social loafing if they notice it occurring.

Based on 30 Team building game, in this case of SoHW, Relate to People can be recommended to understand the occurrence of social loafing. This activity will require about 3-5 minutes and all employees of the organization will be needed to carry out the following activity. Materials like pens and paper will be required to process the activity. The paper would consist of a list of certain instructions and characteristics of people who are already the employees of the organization. The manager would give instructions to employees to find such characteristics and relate with the peoples in room so as to find out the difference in them. These characteristics can include different age, gender and varied weights by 20 or 25 lbs, marital status and height by seven or five inch. The manager will then observe the following results and analyze it to understand the avoidance of social loafing.

This activity will be helpful as employees would learn many new things about their co-workers by engrossing more into conversations. However, perceived barriers will broke down among employees who all will help the organization to run effectively and smoothly. The activity will help each individual of the organization to understand the perception of others. It will be thus beneficial in regards of the organization as the employees will carry their work by understanding the work of others. Thus, team effectiveness will be understandable by this activity which will help the organizations effectively and productivity. However, this hand on activity will be implemented in order to ensure that social loafing does not hamper the productivity of the organization.

Conclude Part 1

Wrap up Part 1 of the retreat by summarizing key points and connecting them to the mission at SoHW.

Based on the above study, the Spokes of Hope Worldwide will try to maintain the cohesiveness of their team to enhance the retreat level more successful. However, the organization must give more focus to low collective efficacy which will lead to stress on individuals and as result it will affect the performance of the retreat program. Lastly, social loafing if not cared by the manager then it will reduce the motivational level of the program causing a negative impact on the profitability of the organization.

Part 2: After you have reviewed the Project resources concerning the specified organizational behavior (OB) theories, thoroughly answer the questions below.


Welcome the team to the second part of the retreat and introduce them to the three OB theories that you will be describing. What is the purpose of studying OB theories? What can managers learn from them?

Observational theory is very important as it is the method of learning which constitutes of observing and nourishing other’s behavior, emotional expressions and attitudes. It will however help to make the employee happier and in hope to be more productive. A motivated workforce will also be promoted by the observational theory. Thus, the managers will effectively understand the needs of the employee relating to behavior of individuals.

Theory 1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Name and describe the first theory you want to discuss. Summarize the key elements of the theory, the reason you think it is important, and its relevance to managers.

Jonas (2016) opined that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of individual development and motivation. The theory suggests that the needs of human are arranged according to the importance of hierarchy. It was reported that the key elements of the theory are based upon the basic needs of an individual to complex needs. The manger can develop organizational purpose by supporting both physical and psychological needs of the employees. The manger has to implement some effective health insurance policies for the employees which can support the needs to according to Maslow’s Hierarchy. The basic physical needs can be water, food and rest and after these physiological needs, the need for security and safety must be mitigated. However, as people move higher to the requirements, then the needs for social and physiological become increasingly concentrated.

Furthermore, the need for feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem become prioritizing. The theory is very important to the managers to understand the basic and complex needs of the individual of their company. By looking at this theory, the manager can motivate the employees to meet their requirements. As it is a non profit organization, the authority has to maintain motivational aspects to the employees to involve them in the work of show Cherry et al. 2015). (Providing facilities to the employees based on health and safety policies can increase the effectiveness and quality of services of this organization.

What is something managers could do with the employees in their departments that would be supported by this theory? Provide enough detail so that managers fully understand exactly what would need to be done.

Motivating employees effectively has one of the challenging goals for the duty of a manager. The managers could use this theory to describe the different kinds of information based on the development of different levels. It will however help to cope up information on the individuals suffering from the lowest level of basic needs (Cherry, 2018). All employees want a tough security from its company and so this theory will help the managers to identify the state when the employees would require security level.

Explain why implementing your suggestion from above would help increase the effectiveness and efficiency at SoHW.

The theory will help to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Spokes of Hope Worldwide as the managers will identify the requirements of their employee. However, identification will help the managers to look for the motivational challenges of the employee in fulfilling their needs. Thus the organization will be benefited more.

Theory 2: McClelland’s Acquired-Needs Theory

Name and describe the second theory you want to discuss. Summarize the key elements of the theory, the reason you think it is important, and its relevance to managers.

McClelland’s Acquired-Needs Theory is a theory which understands the specific needs of a person that are gained over a specific period of time and gets shaped with one’s experience of life. According to Sharma et al. (2017), the key elements of theory are the need for achievement to drive excellence, requiring power to behave in a way that one doesn’t behaves normally and lastly the need for friendly relationship by conflicting avoidance.

What is something managers could do with the employees in their departments that would be supported by this theory? Provide enough detail so that managers fully understand exactly what would need to be done.

The managers need this theory to understand the perspective of higher positions of employees in the organization. This will however help them to identify the interpersonal behavior of the employees. Managers of SoHW need to support the employees according to the needs for achievement, power and affiliation. It is important for the authority of this organization to implement reward and recognition system for the employees to motivate them.

Manager will also focus on maintaining the pleasant social relationships of the employees. This theory will help the manager to identify that satisfying the task is all above the material rewards. In order to encourage the employees to enhance the quality of performance, the mangers of SoHW could improve reward system according to the performance of the employees.

Explain why implementing your suggestion from above would help increase the effectiveness and efficiency at SoHW.

The theory will make the organization much more productive as the managers as a part of leadership retreat will understand each need with different perception of work preferences. Thus, the managers will tailor the environment to meet the desires. This will however help the organization to look things better. The way to inspire the workforce by recognising them according to their performance can help both employees and the authority of SoHW to achieve success through effective quality performance.

Theory 3: Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Name and describe the third theory you want to discuss. Summarize the key elements of the theory, the reason you think it is important, and its relevance to managers.

The Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory ponders upon the fact that there are two factors which can help the organization to administer motivation in the workplace. As per the views of Sharma et al. (2017), the two elements of this theory are motivators that motivate the employees to work quickly and second are the hygiene factors which will lead the employee to work less hard. Based on these two factors, such as motivators and hygiene factors, the authority of the organization can inspire the employees to enhance quality or performance or productivity for the organizations. Through following these aspects, the mangers can motivate the employees to contribute to the work process of the organization.

What is something managers could do with the employees in their departments that would be supported by this theory? Provide enough detail so that managers fully understand exactly what would need to be done.

The managers need this theory to ensure that the hygiene factors are not dissatisfying the employees of the organization. Providing fair situation and effective quality of workplace culture can help to inspire the employees. Maintain proper salary structure as well as both administrative and company policies for the employees can support the interest of them.

It will also help the managers to boost up the confidence level of the employees by giving more complex tasks to handle in case of motivational factors. This will also increase the responsibility of each team member. According to the requirements of the employees, clean and hygienic workplace environment and facilities regarding job security by the authority can motivate the team based on the aspects of this theory.

Explain why implementing your suggestion from above would help increase the effectiveness and efficiency at SoHW.

However, the theory will enhance the efficiency of Spokes of Hope Worldwide through intuition into the areas of motivation and employee’s satisfaction. It was reported that, the theory could locate tools and determine the own leadership for the benefit of the company (Dininni, 2017). Thus, the theory will help the organization to produce efficient results. The managers of SoHW can support the system to reduce dissatisfactory elements from the employees and they can help to support effective quality of performance. In order to enhance the quality of performance, the manger of SoHW can motivate the workforce by providing facilities to them regarding health policies.


Summarize your recommendations from above and conclude the retreat.

Based on the above study, it can be concluded that with the help of these theories the managers could carry out their retreat program efficiently. 2 games have been recommended from 30 Team building activity that can help managers to reduce collective efficacy and social loafing at SoHW. These two games are Mission statement and Relate to people. The employees will also be benefited from this theory as their needs will be looked upon and they would be motivated in carrying the program further. It can be recommended that employee’s behavior must be understandable more often with the help of the theories.

Reference list

Cherry., K. (2018). The Five Levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Verywellmind Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from:

Cohen., E. (2017). 31 Team Building Activities Your Team Will Actually Love Workamajig [online] Retrieved on: 19/01/19 Retrieved from:

Dininni., J. (2017). Frederick Herzberg contributed a great deal to the Human Relations School of Management through his insights into the areas of employee Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from:

Jonas, J. (2016). Making practical use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory to motivate employees: a case of Masvingo Polytechnic. Journal of Management & Administration2016(2), 105-117. . Retrieved on: 18/01/19 Retrieved from:

Laurence, J., Schmid, K., & Hewstone, M. (2018). Ethnic diversity, ethnic threat, and social cohesion:(re)-evaluating the role of perceived out-group threat and prejudice in the relationship between community ethnic diversity and intra-community cohesion. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-24. Retrieved on: 21/01/19 Retrieved from:

MacDonald, Lynne. (n.d.). Negative Effects of Group Cohesiveness. Small Business – Retrieved on: 20/01/19 Retrieved from

SHARMA, S., PANDEY, B. B., & PANDEY, S. (2017). AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS TO EXAMINE THE MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS AND ITS EFFECT ON BANK EMPLOYEES. Indian J. Sci. Res14(2), 431-437. Retrieved on: 23/01/19 Retrieved from:

Singh, S., Wang, H., & Zhu, M. (2018). Perceptions of Social Loafing during the Process of Group Development. Retrieved on: 17/01/19 Retrieved from:

Tănase, I. A. (2015). The importance of organizational culture based on culture transfer.”. Management and Innovation for Competitive Advantage. Retrieved on: 19/01/19 Retrieved from:

Waller, M. J., Okhuysen, G. A., & Saghafian, M. (2016). Conceptualizing emergent states: A strategy to advance the study of group dynamics. The Academy Of Management Annals10(1), 561-598. Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from:

Zoogah, D. B., Noe, R. A., & Shenkar, O. (2015). Shared mental model, team communication and collective self-efficacy: an investigation of strategic alliance team effectiveness. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances4(4), 244-270. Retrieved on: 23/01/19 Retrieved from:





  • The cultural training of employees is very essential in Mexican market to invest more in the market.

  • This organization has the aim to provide new immigrants along with through which the refugees can access to education.

  • Managers of the company will produce more successful relationships of business with Mexican partners and clients.

  • The goals set by this organization related to the facilities for the students can help to develop cultural aspects.

  • The training will also help to create new problems that foreign companies have to cope with in order to be more successful.

  • Cross-cultural training program will however help the employees in identifying people to practice new tools

  • And experience in managing the other’s culture with any differences or gaps.

  • Thus, with the help of cross cultural training, the company will be effective and rather benefited from cross-cultural skills and strong language.

Cultural values

  • The Company has planned to send their stuff to the partner country for example Mexico.

  • The management needs to identify the communication process while going for a visit into other country.

  • In Mexico, the manager needs to focus on face to face communication rather than email or telephonic communication.

  • The managers need to guide the employees to develop the skill of non verbal communication which can help to make strong relationship with the leaders.

  • The manager of SoHW can motivate the Mexican employees to understand the tasks by implementing continuous training program which can help to meet organizational goals.

  • In case of business customs in Mexico, it is illegal to pay with U.S dollars; the managers should follow this regulation (Freund, 2016).

  • Moreover, the manager of SoHW needs to support the tradition of professional attire at the time of meeting with business partners.

Working in each country

  • Identifying communication Gap: at the initial stage the management will have a responsibility to identify requirement of the cultural development program.

  • As per the views of Wukich & Mergel (2015), the communication gap has been identified while the need of visiting has been identified.

  • It is important to provide 30 days training session for the new candidates to help them in adapting new languages

  • Along with these factors monthly seminars for the employees can help to monitor the educational training system.

  • It is important to show formal communication system to the people of Mexico in order to build effective cultural communication.

  • As the Mexican employees are accustomed to drinking and smoking freely at meal time, the managers of SoHW can allow them in such practices (Gutiérrez Haces, 2016)

  • Though punctuality can be observed most of the business in Mexico, the Mexican guests can arrive up to late of an hour.

  • In Mexico, the manager of SoHW needs to support the concept of flexibility of time (Olivas-Luján, 2016).

  • It is important for the manger to use formal language to the Mexican employees or business partners.

  • The development program would provide training depending on the visiting countries culture and the communication process.

Intercultural communication dynamics

  • The company is likely to change their organizational culture while following a communication development program.

  • The communication development has been done to follow the United States’ culture adoption

  • This would reduce the communication gap among the stuffs and the consumers and the students.

  • Long term orientation of the people of Mexico and formal way of communication can help to mitigate language barrier.

  • Following the Globe model this has been noticed that the United States people are high in indulgence by scoring on 68.

  • This has been an opportunity for the company to provide same culture to the foreigners who are visiting the country

  • That would generate an opportunity for the company to indulge their communication with the visiting consumers.

  • The authority of this organization needs to communicate the Mexicans with formality and friendly communication manners.





  • The fact sheet will help the employees to achieve the organizational goals of SoHW.

  • It will help to emphasize on the key points precisely and thus developing the business strategy program.

  • Spokes of Hope has the purpose to make difference in the lifestyle of the patients. The way to develop the mental condition of the patients is dependent on the efficacy of the employees.

  • The employees of the company must learn how to think creatively about the betterment of the organization.

  • In order to provide effective quality services, the employees of this organization need proper training.

  • The cultural training of employees is very essential in Egyptian market to invest more in the market.

  • Managers of the company will produce more successful relationships of business with Egyptian partners and clients.

  • The training will also help to create new problems that foreign companies have to cope with in order to be more successful.

  • Cross-cultural training program will however help the employees in identifying people to practice new tools

  • As well as experience in managing the other’s culture with any differences or gaps.

  • Thus, with the help of cross cultural training, the company will be effective

  • As well as benefited from cross-cultural skills and strong language.

Cultural values

With the help of GLOBE study, three cultural dimensions will be studied to develop Egyptians orientation:

Power distance:

  • The Egyptian people scores highest on the power distance with a score of 70.

  • People of Egypt adapt to the hierarchical order and they give their respect and vows to their superior with no discrimination.

  • That means there is place for everybody. However, it has proved beneficial to the company if the organization extent its market in Egypt.

  • All people will be given equal importance with no further jurisdiction.

Gender Egalitarianism:

  • In terms of gender equality, it has been seen that Egypts are more categorized to masculine society with a score of 45.

  • This however accounts that if the company expands its business here then the society will meet new competition, success and achievement by the winner.



  • Egypt is considered to be as collectivist society with a score of 25.

  • Here employees always try to work in groups to achieve their ordinary goal in which they are working.

  • This in manifest that a long term commitment will be carried by everyone in means of taking responsibility for the other members of the group.

  • However, the company should look more for fostering strong relationships among employees to provide the effectiveness of the organization.

Working in each country

  • In case of Egypt, the managers of SoHW have to use the strategy of both reward and punishment.

  • This strategy can help the managers of this country to enhance the productivity by the performance of the employees.

  • In Egypt, the manager of this organization needs to appoint technical experts to train the Egyption employees to use digital technologies

  • In order to meet organizational objectives and goals.

  • As Egyptians are tough negotiators, it is important for the manager not to use high pressure tactics (Heath, Kaldis & Marcoux, 2018).

  • As per their religious matter, the manager of SoHW needs to restrict business activities on Friday, muslim holiday (Brenkert, 2018)

  • Speaking clearly with no short words and pronouncing precisely can however

  • The strategies related to the facilities for abolishing gender inequality can facilitate the performance of the employees.

  • It is important to enhance competitive nature within the Egyptians through which they can develop their own skill and knowledge.

  • Be helpful to manage the cross cultural competencies.

  • A team should however give equal importance to both the inferior and

  • In terms of gender equality, the team members should see the feminine members must also been given

  • Equal importance and not only to the masculine.

  • Team should also ensure that strong relationships are build among employees

  • In order to share one’s ideas and discussions.

Intercultural communication dynamics

  • It was reported that, communication lines can improve in carrying out specific goals and projects smoothly (Belonwu, 2018).

  • Communication can be improved by open meetings and using perfect body language.

  • It is essential to maintain regulations and rules related to cultural norms to mitigate communication barriers.

  • Direct communication without any technical support can help to maintain legal protocols which can help the employees to be confident.

  • Creating perfect body language will help to deliver the message better and faster.

  • However, improving with vocabulary words and not giving stress to ambiguous words can be the best tool for effective communication.

  • The manager needs to allow the employees to speak Arabic with each other.

  • In Egypt, the posture or movement of the body is important during the time of meeting with business partners of employees.

  • As per the tradition of this country, the managers should allow the permission to direct eye contact at the time of meeting (Patel, Salih & Hamlin, 2018).

  • It is very important that the organization should follow strict protocol of the company

  • Not be casual in performing the given work.




  • The fact sheet will help the employees to achieve the organizational goals of SoHW.

  • This organization has the goal to provide cycle to help the students in assessing education.

  • The objectives set by this organization can be achieved through the active participation of the stakeholders as per the goals of it.

  • It will help to emphasize on the key points precisely and thus developing the business strategy program.

  • The employees of the company must learn how to think creatively about the betterment of the organization.

  • The fact sheet will focus on the strategic business objectives to meet the following business needs through the policies of the organization.

  • However, this will be done by the employees of the organization to drive out change and sustainable performance with purpose and strength.

  • The cultural training of employees is very essential in USA markets.

  • Managers of the company must ensure that perfect training should also be given to those foreigners who may visit the organization’s headquarter in future (Wukich & Mergel, 2015)

  • The training will also help to create new problems that foreign peoples have to cope in order to learn new strategies.

  • Cross-cultural training program will however help the employees in identifying people to practice new tools and experience in managing the other’s culture with any differences or gaps.

  • Thus, with the help of cross cultural training, the company will be effective and rather benefited from cross-cultural skills and strong language.

Cultural values

With the help of GLOBE study, three cultural dimensions will be studied to develop USA orientation:

Power distance

  • The USA people scores lowest on the power distance with a score of just 40.

  • People of USA develop hierarchy only for convenience and due to this reason; the managers depend upon individual employees for expertise.

  • In this country, the employees should not rely too much on the authorities of the organization.

Gender Egalitarianism

  • In terms of gender equality, it has been seen that peoples of USA are more categorised to masculine society with a score of 62.

  • This however means that the masculine are been on dominant position (Marini, 2019).


  • USA is considered to be the most individualist culture with score of 91.

  • It is very normal that men cannot develop deep friendships among them, but it is seen that Americans are the best joiners of the world.

  • It was reported that the peoples can interact with anyone friendly for their business interaction (Belonwu, 2018).

Working in each country

  • The manager of SoHW in US needs to enhance the communication skill to communicate with the employees on regular basis.

  • The process of conducting face to face meetings with the employees by the manager can help to better understand the organizational goals and objectives.

  • The manager should allow the Americans to use smart casual attire in the office as they prefer this outfit (Werhane, 2015).

  • The managers can use dominant style of communication as the Americans are accustomed and friendly with this style of communication (Wallace & Sheldon, 2015).

  • Moreover, it is important to enhance the participation and collaboration through adopting aspects of etiquette management (Camaioni, 2017).

  • Focus should be given on how to engage members of team to strive for the excellence of job irrespective of the cultures.

  • Through implementing effective communication with the people of this country can help to build cohesion as well as a sense of community.

  • The USA people are always direct and specific, so the team should make understand the foreign people to be straightforward in their opinion.

  • The foreign people will then learn how to make an effort on getting the job done.

  • Based on the views of Webb et al. (2017), as USA people does not depends upon their superintendent, likewise the foreigners must also understand that.

  • As the Americans are habituated with close physical contact or hanging for greetings, the manger should allow the employees to use these practices (Gilbert, 2016).

  • Along with professional English language, Americans can adopt sports terms in the business speech, it is important for the authority of the organization to allow them in it.

Intercultural communication dynamics

  • In views of communication dynamics, the effective communication can however be achieved by talking direct to the peoples of USA as they are rather straightforward.

  • The formal way of communication among the stakeholders of two different countries can impact positively on the performance of the people (Beugelsdijk, Kostova & Roth, 2017).

  • The difference between body languages of the people of two different countries can help to measure difference between cultural activities of two different countries.

  • This will actually help to boost up the confidence of the foreign people.

  • Strong working relationship among the workers can help the authority to support the effectiveness of cultural relationship (Ahmed et al. 2017).

  • It is very important that the organization should follow strict protocol of the company in executing the work.

  • In US, the managers can boost up the employees by creating a culture of transparency.

  • This strategy of motivation can guide them to contribute better quality performance (Werhane, 2015).

  • Moreover, feedback system implemented by the managers can help the employees to identify the gaps in their performance

  • Through which they can improve the quality of the performance.

Reference list

Ahmed, M. A. (2017). The Importance of the Organizational Structuring and Departmentalization in Workplace. The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences10(4086), Retrieved on 21/01/19 Retrieved from: 1-9.

Beugelsdijk, S., Kostova, T. & Roth, K. (2017) An overview of Hofstede-inspired country-level culture research in international business since 2006. Journal of International Business Studies48(1), pp.30-47. Retrieved on 16 January, 2019 Retrieved from:

Brenkert, G. G. (2018). Mind the gap! The challenges and limits of (Global) business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-14. Retrieved on 20 February 2019. Retrieved from

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Trends in the workplace are common around the world that will also have an impact on the career of the employees and workplace. The top five trends are discussed as below:

  • Concerning more in the workplace- Environmental concerns are more important for any organization and in accordance with this, it is very vital to focus not only on the profitability of the companies but also on the employees and the environment of workplace as a whole. The organization must ponder upon to reduce their carbon footprints and produce environment friendly products (, 2019). In comparison to past decades, this trend of focusing more on the workplace is more effective in this present age of globalisation. 10 years before, the trend of using natural sources and use of green policy was not so effective. Whereas, in present days, this trend of eco friendly activity can help to maintain sustainability of the organization.

  • Increasing customization and personalization- Increase in customization and personalization has only been possible in order to meet the demands of the customers. The consumers want more and so the companies in order to keep it’s tend are meeting customer preferences. However, as per the views of Bissessar (2018), company’s trends can be increased in respect of income levels and cultural sensitivities. In modern day’s business environment, it is important to customise the business purposes as per the requirements of the customers (influenced by Webb et al. 2017). In order to meet the purpose of the organization more attractive after 10 years, in recent days, this organization can focus on personalisation and customisation.

  • Quicker pace for innovation- Innovative approaches and strategies are continuously monitored by the company in order to maintain the current trend in worldwide. The Speakers of Hope Foundation is launching new tandem bicycles just in order to balance in the current market. Lack of confidence to use innovative advancements like internet was the reason behind decline of the value of this organization. Compared to the situation before 10 years, in recent days, the trend of innovation and digital facilities not only help the customers to be satisfied but also help the authority to increase profit margin (, 2019).

  • More complexity- Complexity also increases as a result of customer’s demand and sustainability. Trends keep rising in order to make new innovative products and goals. The goals that are planned must be ensured to launch at specific places within specific allocated times. Complexity in relation to business purposes is able to help in achieving confidence for present day’s business through which the organizations can solve specific challenges. Before 10 years, this organization was not focused to develop sustainability, however, in recent age, through participating in more complex workplace situation, SoHW can increase sustainability.

  • More competition- Competition in the market is very essential factor in order to improve the quality of goods and services. This will however attract a bunch of consumers and expand the market share by navigating in its own growth. High rate of competition in new market is an emerging trend of present day’s business environment which can help to support the organization to be more efficient from last decades (, 2019). In comparison to business context before 10 years, SoHW can change quality of services and goods to gain competitive advantages through this present trend.

Potential challenges for organizations

Organizations continually face challenging issues. Ethical challenges are the most common challenges that are faced where ethical principles are applied during work. The challenge is to think continually about business ethics on a daily basis and entrust cultures that build ethical decision making. As per the views of Webb et al. (2017), engagement means the dedication and enthusiasm of an employee to work. Technology, the innovation has also brought a great deal of challenges to the company and also to individuals. Though the trend related to concerning to workplace has bring the opportunity to maintain environmental standard it brings negligence to other trends. SoHW can improve quality of performance by focusing on eco friendly business materials (, 2019). On the other hand, customisation as well as personalisation can insist the organization to deal customer centric business which can decrease profitability. Innovative implementation of new model of bi-cycle in SoHW can help this organization to attract more people. High rate of competition may set barrier to the growth of the business, however, it can make the employees more confident as well as efficient (Bissessar, 2018). Complexity as a present trend of business can impose challenges related to communication. It is important for SoHW to maintain confidential data and medium of communication secured from unauthorised uses.

Potential opportunities for organizations

There are various opportunities that the organization will absorb for the betterment of the organization in future. The ways to help this organization in maintaining environmental standards can be considered as an effective trend. It is important for SoHW to provide eco friendly cycles to grab the market as per modern market trends. SoHW can focus on implementing digital technologies as innovation to promote or introduce the products to a huge number of customers (, 2019). Pace for innovation will however create an opportunity for the company’s profitability. Technology has however transformed the work of people in good ways. However, as the rate of technology is not expected to deteriorate, so organization will focus on more new innovations. Customisation can help this organization to attract more people as it can help to meet the requirements of customers. In order to adjust with the present trends, this organization has to follow new pace of innovation to satisfy the customer. Thus it has been analysed that the authority of this organization needs to change business approaches as per modern trends to improve the quality of performance (, 2019). Moreover, it can be able to retain its position in the competitive market of contemporary time.

Personal experience on working people

Three peoples of more than 10 years experience was been asked for their personal experience working in the organization. Out of these peoples, one was the human resource manager (11+ exp), other one was the operational manager (14+ exp) and last one was the employee (15+ exp). The following interview questions can describe experience of the individuals:

Interview 1:


Opinion of Human resource manager

Q1: What model you are currently using according to market trend?

Currently we are using Green Policy model to ensure better growth of our company.

Q2: How has this impacted on the part of your organisation?

I think this eco friendly policy can encourage both the employees and customers to be associated with this organization. Green policy has made us more socially responsible that finally has contributed to improve our brand image and profitability. As per my opinion, recycling process and waste management system have helped us to enhance productivity. It has helped us to be more responsible to the environment and community and in gaining the trust of customers”

Table 1: Opinion of Human Resource manager

Interview 2:


Opinion of Operational manager

Q1: What model you are currently using according to market trend?

Currently, we have started using internet as an integral part of our process.

Q2: How has this impacted on the part of your organisation?

Use of internet as per modern trends can help the employees to be motivated as it can reduce time and work pressure. The company has started using internet recently and it has been tremendous helpful for us to have maximum reach to customers and in keeping a fruitful communication within and outside the organisation. In this age of digitisation, use of internet can support effective management system for the employees by providing facilities to them. Internet has changed our process of working. Procedure has been subtle and more effective in reaching the customers or in having fruitful internal communication to. Paying more attention in improved customer service through the help of internet has enhanced the satisfaction level of customers. It has helped us in fetching more profitability.”

Table 2: Opinion of Operational manager

Interview 3:


Opinion of an employee

Q1: What model you are currently using according to market trend?

Personalisation and customisation have been the modern trends that our company has recently focused on.

Q2: How has this impacted on the part of your organisation?

Personalisation as a modern trend can influence buying behaviour of customers as it can help to feel customers appreciated. This has been a great initiative implemented by the organisation which has solely worked for providing utmost service quality to the customers for meeting their special requirements. Customization and personalization can increase customer loyalty as it can make strong relationship with customers and products as well. I think this has provided the customer with more satisfaction regarding their choice and demand which has resulted into accumulating higher profit.”

Table 3: Opinion of an Employee


Evaluating the opinions of the managers and employees, it has been noticed that the different trends and global models have been proved highly beneficial for the organisation. Applications of various latest strategies such as increased customisation, innovation, environmental concerns and following the competitive trends have been highly influential for the organisation that has been clarified from the opinion of the interviewees. Each of the trends has positive impact in terms of ensuring positive growth to the company.

Reference List

Bissessar, C. (2018). An Application of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension among Female Educational Leaders. Education Sciences8(2), 77. Retrieved on 20/01/19 retrieved from: file:///D:/MOULI/JANUARY/24.01.19/RESOURCE/education-08-00077.pdf (2019) Global Trends. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from (2019) Trends and Changes. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from

Webb, S., Dempski, K. L., Short, M., & Balint, M. (2017). U.S. Patent No. 9,588,726. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Retrieved on 20/01/19 Retrieved from:



1. Review the Employee Questionnaire Results. Fill in the following table to help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses in each department, as well as where oppositions may occur.


Which area(s) do employees in each department feel most positive about?

Which area(s) do employees in each department feel are of the greatest concern?


On the basis of study, the perception of changing to organization’s goals has been the most important fact that the employees think

The greatest concern are the efficient and effective process of the organization with greatest concern in leadership responsibilities


Maximum people agree about changing the way of accounting department in a new way

More concern is the department being treated fairly by management


Large amount of employees think that their sense of accomplishment is however achieved.

Greatest concern is the encouragement of the company’s management in not motivating the employees

Maintenance and Housekeeping

The department has however felt that overall changes are mandatory.

More concern was about the leadership role and respecting the employees with highest amount of motivation.

Customer Service

Employees looked for change in this department for upcoming challenges. Moreover, through maintaining environmental standards, the organization can attract more people to this organization.

Employees were not given proper care and were not treated fairly. As it is a non profit organization, authority of this organization is not able to motivate employees.

General Operations

Productivity of the organization are most positive impacts as opinionated by the employees

However, the employees faced concern about ethics and respect as they were treated inferiorly

2. Explain how you would attempt to solve the challenges for each department at the management level (e.g., create more training opportunities, create new positions).


Proposed Solution(s) to Greatest Challenge(s)


Production department can be increased more by examining the existing workflow and relating to the upcoming goals of the organization


Organization department can be made better by effectiveness of leadership and treating the people fairly irrespective of the cultural dimensions


The management regarding distribution can be improved by prioritizing every work and developing measurements to track performance (, 2019).

Maintenance & Housekeeping

Housekeeping and maintenance department can be made productive if they bound their routines systemically with proper guidance from the managers

Customer Service

This can however be increased by communicating efficiently with the highest professionals of the organization. Organisational complexity has the potential to offer effective strategy to enhance quality of customer services.

General Operations

General operations can be improved by building trust on the organization’s policies and beliefs. In case of skill building resources, operations department of this organization has faced difficulties.

3. Based on the survey, which departments might be more likely to resist structural changes? Why might they resist?

Petrou et al. (2018) opined that production and housekeeping department must be resisted more too structural changes. This production can however be enhanced to operate specific tasks according to schedule. In contrast, the housekeeping department must be changed and it can however be met with the help of the building strong relationships with the managers. It will thus help to allocate and execute the specific house tasks efficiently. Through focusing on organizational change, housekeeping department can change their perception to solve the problems (, 2019). Along with these factors, it can be mentioned that signal departments can be considered as more likely to resist changing process.

4. According to the Project resources, which types of groups are more likely to resist changes? Why do they resist change?

The group of employees must be resisted to change without looking on the potential benefits of the proposed changes. However, it was reported that the managers must also restructure which will reduce the status and authority that they already enjoys in the organization (, 2019). In this organisation, a group of senior employees can be considered as resistant to the initiatives related to change. This group can also support changes related with the organization. Conformity to the norms of existing groups can discourage employees to accept organizational change (Petrou, Demerouti & Schaufeli, 2018). Group norms which has conflict along with changes require modification and both structural and cultural norms to improve organizational promotion. This group of employees has made resistant as old employees of this organization are not technology savvy, they may face difficulties to adopt new changes within this organization.

5. Based on the survey, which departments might be more likely to support a change in the organizational structure? Why might they support it?

The department of maintenance and housekeeping might be more likely to support change in the organization. They might need a change as they will be then properly managed so as to carry out their objectives. Apart from housekeeping department, accounting department and customer service department of the organization can support changes or innovation. Based on technological innovation. However, According to Kaufman (2017), technological innovation in relation to business operation of this organization can support organizational changes.

6. According to the Project resources, why might some groups of people support organizational change?

Some groups of people may support to organizational change as it will help to change the business policies and strategies of the organization. Way of changing procedures and enhancing technology can also be needed by the organization in order to achieve its goals.

7. How can all employees at SoHW react to, and expect to be impacted by, a structural change?

Employees at SoHW may react positively upon the decision of organizational changes. It will however help to mitigate and solve their basic problems of communication and decision making ability. A structural change is very necessary in order to develop higher policies and goals of the organization (Kaufman, 2017)

8. What are organizational politics? How might organizational politics interfere with a successful reorganization?

Based on the views of Petrou et al. (2018), organizational politics are the political issues that exist between the organizations. Politics in the organization depicts the human behavior involving their power and authority. However, organizational politics may interfere with successful reorganization. During any organizational change, if political issues arise then it will hamper the environment of the workplace and moreover, the aims and objectives of the organizational changes will not be met properly

Reference list (2019). Organizational Politics Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from: (2019). Organizational Change Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from :

Kaufman, H. (2017). The limits of organizational change. Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from:

Petrou, P., Demerouti, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2018). Crafting the change: The role of employee job crafting behaviors for successful organizational change. Journal of Management44(5), 1766-1792. Retrieved on: 22/01/19 Retrieved from:


Organizational Chart

The organization of SoHW is currently centralised where important decisions are made only at the higher levels of the organization. This type of organization means that importance is only given to the superior peoples of the organization. Through analysing organizational chart of SoHW, an individual can understand both relationship and position of the employees. However, there is too much work pressure on the physical and mental capability of the CEOs and high level managers (, 2019). This will also lead to the unstable environment of the organization. In contrast with formalization, the organization must be bound to policies and rules and then proceed accordingly. This formalization will however control the behaviour of the employees using employees having little right for making their strategies on decisions. This also reduces motivation and job satisfaction of the employees.

Hierarchical levels are also important as a part of their organization’s chart as it helps to establish the tall and flat structures in levels of management. Departmentalization is also very essential in order to understand the jobs based on functional and divisional. Ahmed (2017) opined that each department has unique way of identifying their departmentalization. Based on above mentioned discussion, it can be mentioned that in case of departmentalisation, both functional and divisional organizational culture can be merged in matrix structure.

HR department of SoHW is able to support departmental functions of this organisation. This HR department will be devoted to training, hiring, employee relation and development of the performance. This organisational chart of SoHW can be designed to support improvement of current structure. As per the views of Ahmed (2017), good performance of this HR department of the organisation can enhance organisation’s ability to function.

However, SoHW must be decentralised in order to listen to the problems of the employees. This will thus lead to the equal importance of the low level employees resulting in a sense of empowerment. Formalization must be maintained more by SoHW in terms of implementing their rules and regulations without causing a bad impact on the employees. According to hierarchical levels, the organization must tall structures in order to clearly manage the all levels of team. Matrix organizations exist in this type of organization. Apart from organic structure, mechanistic structure can be more effective for SoHW for its stable environment (, 2019). In mechanistic structure, the organization may face low differentiation of tasks whereas; organic structure has not only supported uncertain environment but also it has high differentiation of tasks. Through applying this mechanistic structure process, SoHW can improve organizational structure.

Figure 1: Organisational chart

(Source: Based on views of Ahmed, 2017, p.23)


To: Leadership Team

From: Manager, SoHW

Date: 21/01/19

Subject: Changes in the Organizational Structure of SoHW

This memo is represented in order to change the structure of SoHW which will help to carry out the objectives and key roles of the organization. The organization’s change is very effective for the organization’s success. Formalisation can be considered as an extent to which policies, job descriptions and procedures are written and articulated. Formalisation can reduce ambiguity and can provide direction to the employees. On the other hand, tall structure under hierarchical levels can be mentioned as an effective structure as it has several layers. In the revised structure of this organisation, hierarchical levels can support designations of the employees. In tall structures, this organisation can result in greater opportunities. On the other hand, in flat organisational structure, managers are unable to provide supervision towards freedom of action for all the workers. As per formalisation, employees of the organisation are able to respond to the problems through which they can enhance problem solving skill.

In relation to present organisational structure, it has been observed that lack of training to the employees has insisted to face difficulties related to problem solving efficiency and decision making skill. In this regards, matrix structure can support effective leadership to execute planning for developing performance of the employees. This matrix structure can support the employees to enhance confidence for supporting decision making skill and problem solving skill. Lacks of problem solving skill among the employees are responsible for quality performance of the employees. Apart from organic structure, this matrix structure can help to recover negative impact on performance. In order to develop skill of problem solving and decision making, note taking process can be recommended to keep track and to motivate employees for contributing best performance.

Based on these factors, it has been analysed that policies and procedures of this organisation can guide performance of the employees. Depending on the contract between tall and flat hierarchy, tall hierarchy can be mentioned as more effective than flat structure. These changes in relation to organisational structure can impact positively on the development of SoHW as several layers of this structure can support process of problem solving from various sides. These changes will support decision making skill of the employees. Moreover, this new structure can help SoHW to improve operational activities of the organisation.

In respect to improved organisational structure, mechanistic structure can be considered as stable environment rather than organic structure. In contrast to organic structure, mechanic structure is able to support low integrity between various departments and functional areas. Thus it has been analysed that this structure can impact positively on operational functions of this organisation. Mechanistic structure can support centralised decision making which can help to enhance productivity of this organisation. Based on the differences between organic and mechanistic structure of the organisation, it can be recommended to support mechanistic structure as it can help human resource department of the organisation to increase quality of performance.

Focus should also be given on the hierarchical levels in order to make understandable the designations of employees with their job roles. This matrix structure is very essential for making the organizational change. Matrix structure will help to create teams for the organization’s project. This will however catch up the most qualified employees for the project in various areas of the organization. Leadership role will also be played efficiently with the help of this matrix. However, the structure will also prove beneficial to operate internationally in means of extending business around the globe.

I will be glad if you consider these recommendations and improve the organisation structure accordingly. This will ensure the development of SoHW.

Thank you

Reference List

Ahmed, M. A. (2017). The Importance of the Organizational Structuring and Departmentalization in Workplace. The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences10(4086), Retrieved on 21 January 2019 Retrieved from: 1-9. (2019). Organizational Structure Retrieved on 21 January 2019 Retrieved from:

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