Planning an Advertising Campaign of Flamingo Grill



Planning an Advertising Campaign

The Flamingo Grill is an upscale restaurant located in St. Petersburg, Florida. To help plan an advertising campaign for the coming season, Flamingo’s management team hired the advertising firm of Haskell and Johnson (HJ). The management team requested HJ’s recommendation concerning how the advertising budget should be distributed across television, radio, and internet advertisements. The budget has been set at $279,000.

In a meeting with Flamingo’s management team, HJ consultants provided the following information about the industry exposure effectiveness rating per ad, their estimate of the number of potential new customers reached per ad, and the cost for each ad:

Advertising Media Exposure Rating per Ad New Customers per Ad Cost per Ad
Television 90 4,000 $10,000
Radio 25 2,000 $3,000
Internet 10 1,000 $1,000


The exposure rating is viewed as a measure of the value of the ad to both existing customers and potential new customers. It is a function of such things as image, message recall, visual and audio appeal, and so on. As expected, the more expensive television advertisement has the highest exposure effectiveness rating along with the greatest potential for reaching new customers.

At this point, the HJ consultants pointed out that the data concerning exposure and reach were only applicable to the first few ads in each medium. For television, HJ stated that the exposure rating of 90 and the 4000 new customers reached per ad were reliable for the first 10 television ads. After 10 ads, the benefit is expected to decline. For planning purposes, HJ recommended reducing the exposure rating to 55 and the estimate of the potential new customers reached to 1500 for any television ads beyond 10. For radio ads, the preceding data are reliable up to a maximum of 15 ads. Beyond 15 ads, the exposure rating declines to 20 and the number of new customers reached declines to 1200 per ad. Similarly, for internet ads, the preceding data are reliable up to a maximum of 20; the exposure rating declines to 5 and the potential number of new customers reached declines to 800 for additional ads.

Flamingo’s management team accepted maximizing the total exposure rating across all media as the objective of the advertising campaign. Because of the management’s concern with attracting new customers, management stated that the advertising campaign must reach at least 100,000 new customers. To balance the advertising campaign and make use of all the advertising media. Flamingo’s management team also adopted the following guidelines:

  • Use at least twice as many radio advertisements as television advertisements
  • Use no more than 20 television advertisements
  • The television budget should be at least $140,000
  • The radio advertising budget is restricted to a maximum of $99,000
  • The internet budget is to be at least $30,000


HJ agreed to work with these guidelines and provide a recommendation as to how the $279,000 advertising budget should be allocated among television, radio and internet advertising.

Managerial Report

Develop a model that can be used to determine the advertising budget allocation for the Flamingo Grill. Include a discussion of the following items in the report:

  1. A schedule showing the recommended number of television, radio and internet advertisements and the budget allocation for each medium. Show the total exposure and indicate the total number of potential new customers reach.
  2. A discussion of how the total exposure would change if an additional $10,000 were added to the advertising budget.




Executive Report



The Flamingo Grill is an upscale restaurant located in St. Petersburg, Florida. Adopting a higher corporate strategy the restaurant management wants to reach out people by several marketing methods. Flamingo’s management team hired advertising firm Haskell & Johnson (H&J) to recommend how their advertising budget of $279,000 should be allocated across television, radio, and internet advertisements. Like other companies the Flaming Grill has some constraints in the marketing strategy which needs to be taken care of by the advertising firm H&J.


Maximize the total exposure rating across all media, while reaching at least 100,000 new customers.


A linear programming model needs to be created which will take care of the objective and the constraints. The model is described below


  1. Decision Variables

T1: Number of TV advertisements with rating of 90 and 4000 new customers

T2: Number of TV advertisements with rating of 55 and 1500 new customers

R1: Number of Radio advertisements with rating of 25 and 2000 new customers

R2: Number of Radio advertisements with rating of 20 and 1200 new customers

I1: Number of Internet advertisements with rating of 10 and 1000 new customers

I2: Number of Internet advertisements with rating of 5 and 800 new customers

  1. Objective Function: – To maximize the total exposure rating across all media.

Max 90T1 + 55T2 + 25R1 + 20R2 + 10 I1 + 5I2

  1. Constraints:

$10000T1 + $10000T2 +$3000R1 + $3000R2 + $1000 I1 + $1000 I2 <=$279000 (Total Budget)

4000 T1 + 1500 T2 +2000 R1 + 1200 R2 + 1000 I1 + 800 I2 >= 100000 (Customer Reach)

R1+R2>=2(T1+T2) (Radio ads should be at least twice of TV ads)

It can be written as,

R1+ R2 -2T1 -2T2 >= 0

T1 + T2 <= 20 (TV Advertisements Upper bound)

$10000 T1 + $10000 T2 >= $140000 (TV budget Lower bound)

$3000 R1 + $3000 R2 <= $99000 (Radio Budget Upper bound)

$1000 I1 + $1000 I2 >=$ 30000 (Online budget Lower bound)

T1 <=10 (Television first 10 ads)

R1 <=15 (Radio first 15 ads)

I1 <=20 (Internet first 20 ads)

T1, T2, R1, R2, I1, I2 >= 0 (Non-Negativity constraint)

T1, T2, R1, R2, I1, I2= Integer

This program was entered in excel and solved using the solver


  1. Number of ads in different media
Advertising media T1 T2 R1 R2 I1 I2
Solution 10 5 15 18 20 10


  1. Budget allocation for different media

TV= $150000

Radio= $99000

Internet= $30000

Managerial Report

  1. Advertising Schedule:
Media Number of Ads Budget
Television 15 $150,000
Radio 33 $99,000
Newspaper 30 $30,000
Total 78 $279,000

Total Exposure: 2160 (Cell L4 in sheet1)

Total New Customers Reached: 127,100 (Cell L7 in sheet1)

2. The shadow price for the budget constraint is 0.0055 (Cell E29 in sensitivity report). So, if an additional $10,000 were added to the advertising budget, total exposure will increase by 55 (0.0055*10000) points


Microsoft Excel 15.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Solution.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 4/23/2019 4:33:23 PM
Result: Solver found a solution.  All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Solver Options
Objective Cell (Max)
Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$L$4 Objective Value 2160 2160
Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$L$10 TV budget LB Value 150000 $L$10>=$N$10 Not Binding 10000
$L$11 Radio budget UB Value 99000 $L$11<=$N$11 Binding 0
$L$12 Internet budget LB Value 30000 $L$12>=$N$12 Binding 0
$L$13:$L$15 <= $N$13:$N$15
$L$6 Total Budget Value 279000 $L$6<=$N$6 Binding 0
$L$7 Customer Reach Value 127100 $L$7>=$N$7 Not Binding 27100
$L$8 Radio Lower bound Value 3 $L$8>=$N$8 Not Binding 3
$L$9 TV Upper bound Value 15 $L$9<=$N$9 Not Binding 5


Worksheet: [Solution.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 4/23/2019 4:38:10 PM
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$L$10 TV budget LB Value 150000 0 140000 10000 1E+30
$L$11 Radio budget UB Value 99000 0.001166667 99000 10000 5625
$L$12 Internet budget LB Value 30000 -0.0005 30000 10000 10000
$L$13:$L$15 <= $N$13:$N$15
$L$6 Total Budget Value 279000 0.0055 279000 15000 10000
$L$7 Customer Reach Value 127100 0 100000 27100 1E+30
$L$8 Radio Lower bound Value 3 0 0 3 1E+30
$L$9 TV Upper bound Value 15 0 20 1E+30 5


T1 T2 R1 R2 I1 I2 Value
Objective 90 55 25 20 10 5 2160
Total Budget 10000 10000 3000 3000 1000 1000 279000 <= 279000
Customer Reach 4000 1500 2000 1200 1000 800 127100 >= 100000
Radio Lower bound -2 -2 1 1 0 0 3 >= 0
TV Upper bound 1 1 0 0 0 0 15 <= 20
TV budget LB 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 150000 >= 140000
Radio budget UB 0 0 3000 3000 0 0 99000 <= 99000
Internet budget LB 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 30000 >= 30000
TV first 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 <= 10
Radio first 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 <= 15
Internet first 20 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 <= 20
Advertising media T1 T2 R1 R2 I1 I2
Solution 10 5 15 18 20 10


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