Assignment #1: Theory and Practice: A Culture of Ethics
Deliverable: Document
Word Count: 750
Assignment #2: A Responsibility to the Public
Ethical Responsibilities Memo
Word Count: 750
Case Study Analysis Document
Word Count: 1800
Assignment #3: Evaluating Policies for the Public
Public Policy Evaluation Memo: Four to Six Paragraphs
Word Count: 750
Case Study Analysis Document: Includes a Section Covering Each Case Study
Word Count: 750
Assignment #4: Under Pressure
State Level State Level Ethics Case Report
Word Count: 750
Federal Level, State Level Ethics Case Analysis Report
Word Count 750
Theory and Practice: A Culture of Ethics
Assignment Overview:
WABA, the We All Belong Alliance, is expanding their work and hiring new employees. Anne Admin, the Director of WABA (and your boss) wants to provide new employees with “on-boarding” materials as they begin their work at WABA. Leadership at WABA knows that, as a non-profit public entity, it is important to support and maintain an ethical work culture among all employees. So, Anne especially wants these materials to highlight the importance of ethical behaviors in Public Administration. The projects in this Goal will explore key components of Public Administration in general with a special focus on the ethical administration of public policy.
Assignment Directions:
Anne Admin, your boss at WABA, has asked for your help in supporting a new “Culture of Ethics” movement at WABA.
First, to kick off the “Culture of Ethics,” Anne has organized the production of a set of materials for WABA employees featuring historical and ethical perspectives on the key Public Administration theories in the United States (Classical Public Administration, New Public Management Theory and Postmodern Public Administration Theory). First, she’d like you to apply elements of these theories to help identify reasons why unethical behavior might occur. Then, describe environments that promote ethical behavior. Finally, she wants you to compare and contrast the components of a theory.
Part One
She’d like you to start by creating a document to help new employees successfully apply key Public Administration theories in their work. Consult the Project Resources to first identify the elements of the key theories. The first section of the document should provide each theory and provide examples of their application. You can use real or fictitious government agencies in the scenarios.
Classical Public Administration
Choose three of the ten organizational principles defined by Gulick and provide examples of how these organizational structures might promote ethical behavior within a public administration setting like WABA.
Example: Using the principle of creating coordination committees, the Director of Office AAA in Agency ABC is in charge of establishing guidelines for how funds will be distributed for Project X. By having a committee, decision-making would be in the hands of more than one person, thereby creating a process for the distribution of funds that would be fairer and more equitable. This approach leaves less chance for real and/or perceived improprieties.
New Public Management (NPM) Theory
Using three of the eight criticisms of the NPM theory: describe an advantage and a disadvantage for each in the US. Consider ethical behavior in your descriptions.
Example: Using the second criticism regarding decentralization, giving public administration managers decision-making authority would be an advantage because the managers could then be more efficient. However, decentralization might lead to unethical behavior, which is more likely to occur when others are not involved in the decision-making process.
Postmodern Public Administration Theory
Provide examples of how three of the key elements of the postmodernist approach to public administration might promote ethical behavior within a public administration setting.
Example: The Impact of Postmodernism on Public Sector Leadership Practices resource provides “a decentralized, flat, organizational structure” as a Postmodern change to public organization. An employee at WABA, which has a somewhat hierarchical structure, might be less likely to report a case of misappropriated funds to management if managers and front-line employees have differing perceptions toward compliance and ethics.
Part Two
As part of this work, your boss has asked that you also consider the core ideas of accountability and responsiveness within public organizations and describe ways of fostering them. A second section of your document will cover fostering accountability and responsiveness in public organizations. Using two of the five suggestions provided in the 5 Ways to Improve Citizen Engagement Initiatives resource, provide two different scenarios of how these actions could increase accountability and responsiveness in public administration settings. You may use real or fictitious government organizations/agencies in your examples.
Creating Your Document
In the first section of your document, describe each of the three given Public Administration theories in your own words, identify the key elements (components, principles or themes) of each theory and provide the requested specialized information and examples, as described above. You may use real or fictitious government organizations/agencies.
In a second section of the document, use two of the five suggestions from the 5 Ways to Improve Citizen Engagement Initiatives resource to create two of your own scenarios. In your scenarios, describe how the suggestions you chose could increase accountability and responsiveness in public administration settings. You may use real or fictitious government organizations/agencies.
Document: Including key theories of Public Administration, examples and information about fostering accountability and responsiveness in public organizations.
Word Count: 750
Project Resources:
A Brief Tour of Public Organization Theory in the United States
Classical Theory of Public Administration
The Critical Review of New Public Management Model and its Criticisms
Ethics in Public Service
Five Ways to Improve Citizen Engagement Initiatives
The rubric is used to evaluate the assignment. Make sure all the following listed rubrics are considered in the assignment.
Criteria |
Document accurately describes each of the three given Public Administration theories. |
Document accurately provides example scenarios using three key elements (components, principles or themes) from each theory. |
Examples provided show how each key component could influence ethical behavior within a public administration setting. |
Document accurately provides two different scenarios featuring ways to increase responsiveness in public administration settings. |
Document accurately provides two different scenarios of how to foster accountability in a public administration setting |
Writing is clear, with no errors |
Any sources of information are cited in APA format, both in-text citation and references with major errors |
A Responsibility to the Public
Project Overview:
WABA, the We All Belong Alliance, is expanding their work and hiring new employees. Anne Admin, the Director of WABA (and your boss) wants to provide new employees with “on-boarding” materials as they begin their work at WABA. Leadership at WABA knows that, as a non-profit public entity, it is important to support and maintain an ethical work culture among all employees. So, Anne especially wants these materials to highlight the importance of ethical behaviors in Public Administration. The projects in this Goal will explore key components of Public Administration in general with a special focus on the ethical administration of public policy.
Project Directions:
Anne Admin was pleased with your initial work helping to support an ethical culture at WABA. She’d like to build on that work to provide WABA employees with more information. She has two ideas. First, she would like you to create a memo outlining the typical ethical responsibilities and expectations of public employees, which she plans to share with WABA employees. Then, she would like you to provide a case studies document in which you analyze three ethical dilemmas.
Part One
Create and submit a memo that does the following:
- Identifies and explains five different types of ethical responsibilities or principles inherent in the US public administration environment.
- Provides three specific examples of ethical responsibilities for federal agencies and three specific examples of ethical responsibilities for state agencies (for a total of six examples). The settings can be real or fictitious, but they must be specific public administration settings (for example: the Department of Education).
Part Two
Create a “case studies” document based on your analysis of three different cases as described below:
- Browse the case studies at the Government Ethics Cases resource. Choose three of these case studies to explore in depth.
- For each of your three chosen case studies:
- Identify and describe the ethical dilemmas in the case study.
- Describe an ethical approach to solving the problems presented by the case study’s scenario.
- Explain why you chose that approach to the dilemma
- Write and submit your case studies document including your in-depth analysis of each case study you chose.
- Use the Project Resource “Guidelines for Writing a Case Study Analysis” as a guide and include the following sections in your document: Introduction, Background, Alternatives, Proposed Solution, and Recommendation.
- Use 600 words per case study. In your document, make it clear which three case studies you chose to analyze.
Ethical Responsibilities memo
Word Count: 750
Case Study Analysis Document
Word Count: 1800
Project Resources:
Memo Format
ASPA Code of Ethics
The Culture of Ethics That the Public Sector Needs
A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
Government Ethics Cases
The rubric is used to evaluate the assignment. Make sure all the following listed rubrics are considered in the assignment.
Criteria |
Memo identifies and explains five different types of ethical responsibilities or principles in the US public administration environment |
Memo includes six real or fictional examples of ethical responsibilities in both federal and state agency settings (three examples for each setting) |
Case Studies document identifies the three case studies explored in depth |
Case Studies document provides 600 words per case study analysis |
Case Studies document identifies and describes the ethical dilemmas in each case study, describes an ethical approach to solving the problems presented by each case study and explains the choice of approach to the dilemma |
Writing is clear with major errors |
Any sources of information are cited in APA format, both in-text and references with no errors |
Evaluating Policies for the Public
Assignment Overview:
WABA, the We All Belong Alliance, is expanding their work and hiring new employees. Anne Admin, the Director of WABA (and your boss) wants to provide new employees with “on-boarding” materials as they begin their work at WABA. Leadership at WABA knows that, as a non-profit public entity, it is important to support and maintain an ethical work culture among all employees. So, Anne especially wants these materials to highlight the importance of ethical behaviors in Public Administration. The projects in this Goal will explore key components of Public Administration in general with a special focus on the ethical administration of public policy.
Assignment Directions:
Anne Admin scheduled a meeting with you to discuss the great progress you’ve made toward helping foster an ethical culture at WABA and next steps in this effort. She feels strongly that the “evaluation” step of the public policy process is an important tool to help ensure that WABA’s policies are models of good ethical practices and has asked that you evaluate two different case studies (Case One and Case Two in the Project Resources) within the context of public policy. She’d like to then share your analysis with the WABA Leadership team.
To perform this evaluation for each case:
Part One
- Consult the Project Resources to become familiar with the components and frameworks of Public Administration used to perform public policy evaluation.
- Create a Public Policy Evaluation Memo (4-6 paragraphs) which:
- describes the purpose of the policy evaluation step in the public policy process and
- why policy evaluation is an important part of the policy-making process.
Part Two
- Create a Case Study Analysis document (500-750 words total) that, for each of the two case studies:
- Provides brief (1-2 paragraphs) answers in a bulleted list form to the six questions presented under Policy Evaluation in the Project Resource “Implementation, Monitoring, & Evaluation.”
- Was the problem correctly identified, or was the correct problem identified?
- Were any important aspects overlooked?
- Were any important data left out of the analysis? Did this influence the analysis?
- Were recommendations properly implemented?
- Is the policy having the desired effect?
- Are there any needs for modification, change or re-design? What should be done differently next time?
- Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) answer in a bulleted list form how the policy did or did not address each of the “4Es of Great Governance” as described in that Project Resource.
- Write an evaluation of each policy based on the two overarching evaluation criteria described in the Project Resource “Using Multiple Criteria to Evaluation Public Policy.”
- Public Interest (equity, efficiency, effectiveness)
- Political Feasibility
- Write an evaluation of each policy based on the two overarching evaluation criteria described in the Project Resource “Using Multiple Criteria to Evaluation Public Policy.”
Public Policy Evaluation Memo: Four to Six Paragraphs
Word Count: 750
Case Study Analysis Document: Includes a Section Covering Each Case Study
Word Count: 750
Project Resources:
Memo Format
The Four E’s of Great Governance
Case One: The Rise and Fall of the Great and Powerful Nonprofit Director
Case Two: The Adoption of an Information Technology Open Standards Policy by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation
Overview of Policy Evaluation
The rubric is used to evaluate the assignment. Make sure all the following listed rubrics are considered in the assignment.
Criteria |
Describes the purpose of policy evaluation |
Correctly describes the importance of policy evaluations |
For each case, accurately answers the six policy evaluation questions presented under Policy Evaluation in the Project Resource “Implementation, Monitoring, & Evaluation” for each case |
Correctly describes how the 4Es of Great Governance were addressed and/or not addressed in each case |
Accurately evaluates each case in terms of the public interest – including equity, efficiency, and effectiveness |
Accurately evaluates each case in terms of political feasibility |
Any sources of information are cited in APA format, both in-text and references with no errors |
Writing is clear, with no errors |
Under Pressure
Assignment Overview:
WABA, the We All Belong Alliance, is expanding their work and hiring new employees. Anne Admin, the Director of WABA (and your boss) wants to provide new employees with “on-boarding” materials as they begin their work at WABA. Leadership at WABA knows that, as a non-profit public entity, it is important to support and maintain an ethical work culture among all employees. So, Anne especially wants these materials to highlight the importance of ethical behaviors in Public Administration. The projects in this Goal will explore key components of Public Administration in general with a special focus on the ethical administration of public policy.
Assignment Directions:
Anne Admin at WABA was pleased with your work on evaluating public policies. She has a final assignment related to this topic for you. In order to reinforce the importance of behaving ethically in public organizations (and at WABA in particular), Anne Admin would like to give employees real-life examples of ethical failures in state and federal government in the form of two Ethics Case Analysis reports.
She would like you to review two scenarios (one at the federal level and one at the state level) as you keep the eight principles of the ASPA Code of Ethics in mind. The State Government scenario features Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, and the Federal Government scenario features Hurricane Katrina. Evaluate each scenario to identify when the unethical behavior occurred and what may have led to it. Finally, Anne would like for you to consider each scenario using a “values-oriented” approach in creating an ethical work environment. Once you have completed these steps, create an Ethics Case Analysis report for each scenario.
Writing the Ethics Case Analysis Report
For each scenario, complete the following steps:
- Review the resources.
- Create a 750-word Ethics Case Analysis report (one for each case). Format the report with section headings and information as follows:
- Summary
In your own words, summarize the scenario presented by the case. - Ethical Principles Violated
Identify three specific ASAP Code of Ethics principles that were violated in the scenario and describe how they were violated. - Rationalizations that Led to Unethical Behavior
Using the “Making Ethical Decisions” Project Resource, identify and describe three specific rationalizations in the scenario that may have led to unethical behavior. - Reducing the Occurrence of Unethical Action
Using the “Overcoming Cultures of Compliance” Project Resource, identify and discuss two principles associated with a “values-oriented approach” that could have made the unethical actions less likely to occur.
- Summary
*State Level State Level Ethics Case report
Includes: State scenario identifying, explaining and providing strategies for mitigating sources of ethical pressure
Suggested Word Count: 750
*Federal Level, State Level Ethics Case Analysis report
Includes: Federal (Hurricane Katrina) scenario identifying, explaining and providing strategies for mitigating sources of ethical pressure
Suggested Word Count: 750
Project Resources:
ASPA Code of Ethics
Making Ethical Decisions
Overcoming Cultures of Compliance…
“‘Very Sad’ Chris Christie Extends Apology in Bridge Scandal”
Key Documents Regarding the Government Response to Katrina
The rubric is used to evaluate the assignment. Make sure all the following listed rubrics are considered in the assignment.
Criteria |
State/Federal Ethics Case Analysis report is specified length and includes an accurate summary of each scenario |
State/Federal Ethics Case Analysis report identifies three specific ASAP Code of Ethics principles that were violated and how they were violated |
State/Federal ethics case analysis identifies three specific rationalizations that may have occurred that led to unethical behavior and when they occurred |
State/Federal ethics case analysis identifies and discusses two principles associated with a “values-oriented approach” that could have made the unethical actions less likely to occur |
Writing is clear, with no errors |
Any sources of information are cited in APA format, both in-text and references with no errors |
Table of Contents
Part 1
Describing the theories of Public Administration
Part 2
Describing the suggestions to improve initiatives of Citizen Engagement
Reference list
Part 1
Describing the theories of Public Administration
Classical Public Administration
The traditional model or the aspects of public administration can be considered as an ideal type of model of public administration. As per the views of Grimmelikhuijsen et al. (2017), scholars of public administration have recently begun extending and borrowing theories from the field of psychology. The central assumption related to the public administration is related to the involvement of hierarchy to direct control (Marshall, 2015). Based on these, principle of objective, principle of co ordination and principle of specialization have been selected as important principles which can help to promote ethical behaviour of WABA. It can be assumed that the civil servant is accountable to the superior. In order to understand the system of reform or changes in public administration, it is important to understand model of governance. This classical way or approaches are the best ways which can support the work of WABA. Aligica (2017) has argued that there is abroad understanding and sense of ideological philosophy nature regarding classical liberalism. This traditional form of public administration is non tested and empirical under scientific condition.
Figure 1: Organizational principles
(Source: Erçetin et al. 2016, p.301)
New Public Management (NPM) Theory
The approaches or aspects of this theory are related to the public service organizations which are running with the services for the public. As per the views of Simonet (2015), these theoretical aspects can be used in both Government and public service institutions as well as in national level and sub national level agencies. Sometimes, NPM can reform e government consoliditated program to the central location and it can also reduce the costs. The first criticism, paradox of centralization can influence positively on the ethical behaviour of an individual, whereas, the criticism related to management technique of public sector influence the hierarchy (Mongkol, 2011). On the contrary, criticism on marketing principle can impact positively on decision making process. As per the views of Rosenberg Hansen & Ferlie (2016), this system of NPM can be able to support explicit standard and measurement of performance and it can emphasize on Output Control. The approaches related to NPM can be able to shift greater competition and stress on greater discipline in the process of using resources.
Figure 2: Criticism of NPM
(Source: Hansen & Ferlie, 2016, p.25)
Postmodern Public Administration Theory
The concept of Postmodern Public Administration Theory can encompass the positions of the government which can affect the public services. Based on the views of Dubnick (2018), the members of public administration can be able to come in different forms as well as quantities. This system can be considered as process of continuous meaning making. Based on the approaches of his theory, it can be mentioned that modernity is hyper reality which can support the language of public administration. The elements of this theory are able to help to influence the hierarchy of WABA. Different perspectives of the management or the employees of WABA can be managed through these elements of this theory. These theoretical aspects can be influenced by behavioural process of an individual. Modern concept regarding public administration is based on post behavioural as well as post positivist logics.
Figure 3: Theories related to public administration
(Source: McNabb, 2015, p.20)
Part 2
Describing the suggestions to improve initiatives of Citizen Engagement
In order to make strong public relation, the authority of the organization has to focus on basic ways which can improve the initiatives regarding citizen engagements. The accountability as well as responsiveness of the public organization can be fostered by the initiatives. As per the views of Pade-Khene (2018), the facilities related to easy to use platform based on innovative concept of public engagement can enhance the interaction power of the organization. In respect to this, WABA can engage them to interact with Government.
On the other hand, the system to empower the citizen can be able to help in making relationship strong with the public. The decision making process can also be influenced through the initiatives of public engagements. Influenced from the views of McGowan et al. (2016), the way of communication with both public and the government can be enhanced. The participation of the citizen in such a non-profit organization like WABA is based on the opportunity which can influence public decision making process. Through applying these approaches, the authority of public sector can be able to support the advancement of public relationship. The support as well as the facilities to citizens is considered as the influencing factors to enhance responsiveness and accountability of public administration.
Figure 4: Ways of Citizen Engagement initiatives
(Source: McGowan et al. 2016, p.21)
Reference list
Aligica, P. D. (2017). Public Administration and the Classical Liberal Perspective: Criticism, Clarifications, and Reconstruction. Administration & Society, 49(4), 530-551. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Dubnick, M. J. (2018). Demons, spirits, and elephants: Reflections on the failure of public administration theory. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 4(1), 59-115. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Erçetin, Ş.Ş., Açıkalın, Ş.N., Güngör, H. and Potas, N., 2016, October. Reflection of Quantum Entanglement Principle to Organization Theory “Organizational Insight”. In International Symposium on Chaos, Complexity and Leadership (pp. 309-315). Springer, Cham. Retrieved on 23 January 2019. Retrieved from
Grimmelikhuijsen, S., Jilke, S., Olsen, A. L., & Tummers, L. (2017). Behavioral public administration: Combining insights from public administration and psychology. Public Administration Review, 77(1), 45-56. c
Marshall, G. S. (2015). A brief tour of public organization theory in the United States. In Democracy and Public Administration (pp. 52-75). Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
McGowan, M. L., Kaye, J., Coathup, V., Fishman, J. R., Woolley, J. P., Juengst, E. T., … & Sterckx, S. (2016). Citizen science or scientific citizenship? Disentangling the uses of public engagement rhetoric in national research initiatives. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
McNabb, D. E. (2015). Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management. Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 23 January 2019. Retrieved from
Mongkol, K. (2011). The critical review of new public management model and its criticisms. Research Journal of Business Management, 5(1), 35-43. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Pade-Khene, C. (2018). Embedding knowledge transfer in digital citizen engagement in South Africa: Developing digital literacy. Reading & Writing, 9(1), 1-9. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Rosenberg Hansen, J., & Ferlie, E. (2016). Applying strategic management theories in public sector organizations: Developing a Typology. Public Management Review, 18(1), 1-19. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Simonet, D. (2015). The new public management theory in the British health care system: a critical review. Administration & Society, 47(7), 802-826. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Table of Contents
Part 1
Identifying and explaining different types of ethical responsibilities in relation to public administration of US
Providing three examples of ethical responsibilities in relation to both federal agencies and state agencies
Part 2
Identifying three cases from Government Ethics case resources
Case 1: A case in campaign ethics
Case 2: A Leadership Ethics Case Study
Case 3: Conflict of interests
Reference list
Part 1
To- Employees of WABA
From- Ethical advisor
Date- 18 January 2019
Subject- Ethical Responsibilities for Employees
Identifying and explaining different types of ethical responsibilities in relation to public administration of US
The different types of ethical principles in relation to public administration of US are able to help to support public administration system. The participles as well as responsibilities related to ethical consideration. According to Berman et al. (2016), core value of an individual can describe the standards of a person, an organization or profession as well. It can be mentioned that there are five principles and value of public administration. Transparency, accountability, ethics, professionalism and leadership are five basic responsibilities or principles of public administration.
Transparency in respect to public administration can ensure the citizens regarding availability of information that is deemed public. In relation to WABA, application of transparency in the work process of WABA can help to achieve the organization goal. As per the views of Downe, Cowell, & Morgan (2016), if the goal has the purpose to serve the citizens to their ability, the process of failing or avoiding achieving transparency can cause damage to public relationship.
Accountability can adhere to a standard of professionalism within the workplace environment. As per the concept of this ethical principle, public employees are held responsible by the citizens in order to uphold the mission of the organization. According to Dahl (2018), accountability can be considered as important aspects of functionality which can foster the growth of WABA. This principle is able to remind the individuals to be held liable for the actions as they are employed by professional organization.
The code of ethics can be considered as other basic principle regarding US public administration or public relation. Based on the approaches of this responsibility or principle, the administrator of the organization has to focus on high degree of ethical standards. In respect to this, ethics can call for administrators of WABA to display laws, regulations and integrity. According to Stazyk & Davis (2015), through applying this code of ethics within organizational context, it can foster transparency of Government.
Professionalism, the ethical responsibility can consider the prestigious nature regarding our position in respect to public administration. According to the principle of ethics, administrators can be hired to be visionaries in relation to public information and fund (Van Den Hoven, 2017). In order to be professional, it is important to focus on importance of the jobs of public sectors. Without professionalism in field of US public administration, the perception of WABA would falter.
Moreover, leadership in respect to public administration of US is able to flourish the success of public organization. According to Lawton & Páez (2015), the practice of effective leadership based on code of ethics can motivate the people to be associated with the organization. Through applying this strategy or ethical responsibility, WABA can allow the talents which can support betterment of organization. Leadership can become a balancing act between an active team and charge of entire operation in relation to US administration.
Providing three examples of ethical responsibilities in relation to both federal agencies and state agencies
The ethical principle of federal employees can provide strong framework which can be used to maintain the possible ethical standards. Based on Title 18 of United States Code and Ethics under Government act of 1978, ethical principles for federal agencies can be mentioned (, 2019). In respect to Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Service of US, the federal agencies can be influenced by some of ethical principles. Employees of federal agencies have to protect and conserve federal property and they shall not use these other than authorized activities. The employees shall not hold financial interests which can conflict with performance of duty. Moreover, the employees of federal agencies shall not use the public office for personal use. Based on these principles, these federal departments of US can support effective quality public relation.
In order to foster the growth of local health department of US, it is important to focus on some ethical principles to make the relationship strong with public. Based on the Code of Federal Regulation, the employee of the organization under state public administration shall put forth honest and effective effort in the performance for public (Code of Federal Regulation, 2019). Apart from this, it is important for the employees of state agencies, US not to make unauthorized commitments as well as promises regarding any kind of Government dealings. Most importantly, the employees of state agencies shall endeavour to avoid such actions which can violate the ethical standards or laws. In relation to these examples, the state department of Health can be able to provide effective quality services to patient throughout various states.
I will be glad to make the discussion regarding the examples of ethical responsibilities for both state agencies and federal agencies and share with the employees of WABA.
Thank you
Part 2
Identifying three cases from Government Ethics case resources
Based on the case resources of Government Ethics, the case related to seal of approval has been chosen. A case based on campaign ethics has been presented in this assignment along with the process to identifying ethical dilemma of this case. On the other hand, the case regarding Mayor’s announcement regarding ICE Raids as well as practice of Ethical Leadership has been chosen. Apart from these, the case based on Conflict of interests related to friendship and Government conflict has been selected to discuss in detail by identifying the dilemmas within it.
Case 1: A case in campaign ethics
At the time of primary campaign for the state senate, one of the candidates sends out a brochure with a photograph of a candidate along with the seal of the state and a photo of the family of the governor. Whereas, the opponent of the candidate has claimed that photograph is digitally altered to attract the people. The analysis of the opponent based on digital alternation of photograph by superimposing a picture over that of the government can be considered as the basic issues related to this case study. This case regarding campaign ethics has been chosen to discuss deeply to evaluate the ethical dilemma related to it. The ethical problem done by the candidate can be evaluated through case study analysis.
During making campaign brochure for state Senate, a candidate sends out the brochure with a photograph with the seal of state and with a credenza of family photograph of the family of the Governor. The opponent of the candidate has claimed that this photograph is altered by digital process (, 2019). However, the candidate has denied the obligations and claims that she does not remember the time when the photograph was taken but it not alternated. Moreover, the candidate has claimed that the brochure was created by political consultant and without her consent. The basic ethical dilemma has occurred based on the issue related to digital alteration of the photograph. Along with this, in relation to the fact to alter the photo without her consent can be able to seek attention as an ethical dilemma.
At the time while the brochure is received by the public, it has been observed that the background of the photo of the candidate has been attached with the credenza of Governor’s family. Based on the obligation of the opponent of the candidate regarding the picture and lack of attention of consent of the candidate related to alteration of digital photo is the ethical issues. Based on the ethical principles, the authority has to pay attention to such punishment for those who have taken photograph of the candidate without her consent. As per the views of Crane & Gardner (2016), based on the ethical consideration, the problems related to the candidate of Senate can be resolved by the action taken by the state authority.
Proposed solution
Based on the identified ethical dilemma that the photograph of the candidate may have been taken on one of the occasion at Governor’s house without the consent of the Governor, it can be suggested that the authority has to restrict the unauthorized activities at Governor’s house. Moreover, influenced from the views of Madary & Metzinger (2016), the real issue faced by the state authority regarding ethical dilemma has been presented in this part of this assignment.
It can be mentioned that the process of taking photo or digitally alter the photograph of someone can violate the ethical principles. As per the responsibilities of the ethical principles, the authority has to focus on violation of code of ethics. Moreover, based on the views of de Jong & de Wert (2015), it can be recommended that it is important for the authority to prohibit the unauthorized entrance by implementing CCTV surveillance. This recommendation can be effective to fix the ethical issues related to such a case like this.
Case 2: A Leadership Ethics Case Study
The Mayor of Oakland has announced at a press conference for the public to make them aware regarding custom enforcement and immigration. In relation to this, Schaff, the Mayor has shared the information publicly to protect them not to panic the residents. As well as she has claimed that she thought regarding this system for the protection of the citizens from any unwanted criminal activities. Based on the activities of customs enforcement and immigration which would be performing raids over the Bay area, this announcement has been made. It has been observed that the raid resulted in detainment of 232 immigrants and most of them had criminal convictions.
Based on the announcement of Schaff, the basic ethical dilemma has occurred while the announcement of her has raised criticism. The main issue related to these aspects of the announcement of the Mayor is related to the obligation against the announcement. The announcement is criticized that Schaff has played the role to announce this warning by unethical politics (, 2019). Schaff has mentioned the raids as racist and politically motivated. The basic ethical dilemma is related to the criticism of the announcement of Schaff, however, she has claimed that she had moral as well as ethical obligation to say something.
She has claimed that she has received the information regarding the raid through the unofficial channels which can be criticised by the critics. The announcement of Schaff can tipped off the people along with the records of the criminal which can allow them to elude authorities. The criticism of the announcement of the Mayor is based on the issues which can support immigration enforcement policies. The obligation of Schwab regarding the announcement has claimed that 864 immigrants along with criminal records were inaccurate and inflated.
Proposed solution
It can be suggested that the authority has to focus on some ethical considerations to make the announcement or the warning effective. As per the views of Yasir & Mohamad (2016), creating community can be mentioned as the suggestion to resolve this ethical dilemma. Moreover, through the process of showing discipline to the role of someone and focusing on the code of ethics, the authority can influence the process of clarifying culture. Apart from these, based on the criticism regarding the announcement related to immigration and custom enforcement can be resolved through designing various ethical systems.
It can be recommended that the function of the Mayor as well as the duties of her can be able to provide facilities related to community leadership to influence public interest. Though she has the aim to protect the security of the public from unwanted criminal activities and unauthorized immigration, the way she has chosen raised criticism. She has to focus on showing discipline to the role as it can help to fulfil the ethical criteria of her decision. Influenced from the views of Letwin et al. (2016), the political ambition can be enhanced through the process of clarifying the cultural perspectives based on this case. The system as well as the recommendation to clarify the culture can help to identify the gaps between stated and the actual value of the announcement. Through implementing immigration policy, the decision making process of the Mayor can be influenced. As per the views of Yasir & Mohamad (2016), the process of implementing immigration policy to the ethical aspects of this case can be able to resolve ethical dilemma.
Case 3: Conflict of interests
The confusion generated among the discussion has been the reason of generating conflict. An idea of innovation or the implementation could stay merely as an idea if the discussion becomes conflict with in any of the person. The assignment discusses a case study analysis on the conflict of interest campaign. This study explains the conflict among the discussion and the ethical issue faced by the person while discussing among the friend about the fundraiser on the city council re-election campaign. The assignment provides an opportunity of identifying the ethical issue and provides solution through evaluation of approaches.
The case study is an analysis of the interest confliction. The case study introduces an ethical issue while the friend of the person holds an interest among the discussion which was going among the person and the host of the boating weekend. The person has been in to the discussion with the host of the event for the fund raiser. This has been understood that the ethical issue has been generated from the person’s end while the person ignored the view his friend’s view while discussing with the host. The person had a view which could been a way of raising fund for them but generating an issue while ignoring the one of his friend’s view has kept the discussion with in a conflict of interest (, 2019).
Describing the ethical issue by following the rule of conflict of interest in campaign, the assignment has generated three alternative suggestions which could reduce the ethical dilemma and could solve the problem of raising the fund for the re-election city campaign. The alternative suggestions are discussed below.
Group discussion through brainstorming:
The group discussion has been the way of best brainstorming while trying to get a solution over a proposed issue. As per the views of Jung (2016), the brain storming provides an opportunity to generate a best possible solution for an issue. Following the strategy the person could have include more people and discussed for the generation of the best possible idea. This would have generated an opportunity for the person to generate interest among those 7 friend for the fund raiser and there has an opportunity of avoiding the ethical issue which generated from not listening the friend’s view or ignoring the interest of raising fund from the friend.
Valuing friend’s point of view:
The alternative solution has been generated through valuing the friend’s view. This has enabled the person to value his friend’s point of view and has enabled the person to understand the opportunity coming from his friend. Valuing his friend’s perception would have helped the person to identify the opportunity and provide a solution towards their fund raiser. Valuing the interest would have reduced the conflict in interest and this could have provided an opportunity of fundraise for their campaign.
Identifying person’s perception:
This has been connection with valuing the person’s point of view as, this has been mentioned that identifying the person’s perception would have helped the person to identify the opportunity of raising fund and this would have dominated the ethical issue generated from the ignorance. This has enabled the person to ignore the interest which has generated the conflict of among the interest identification. As per the views of Scott, Cavana & Cameron (2016), identifying the perception generates the identification of person’s interest. This helps in reducing the conflict of interest among the discussion.
Proposed Solution
The proposed solution for the ethical issue has been provided through valuing the person’s perception/ point of view. This refers that while involved into the discussion every perception’s perception needs to be valued by listing their point of view. This would enable the person to listen other’s perception or thought and generate an opportunity for reducing the conflict of interest. Valuing others view would enable the person to find a solution out of the person’s perception and interest into the campaign.
Discussion has been the way of identifying solution for the proposed issue. Since group discussion and brainstorming is a best way of identifying solution, this generates opportunity of valuing person’s perception. According to Shi (2015), brainstorming optimizes idea and generates best possible opportunity through reducing the conflict of interest. This also provides opportunity for the participant to show their interest and enables listeners to understand the opportunity. Involving other friend into the discussion for the fund raiser and listen to their interest with valuing their perception will reduce the opportunity of generating conflict of interest in any campaign in future.
Reference list
Berman, D., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., & Van Wart, M. (2016). The Professional Edge: Competencies in Public Service: Competencies in Public Service. Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 20 January 2019. Retrieved from
Downe, J., Cowell, R., & Morgan, K. (2016). What determines ethical behavior in public organizations: Is it rules or leadership?. Public Administration Review, 76(6), 898-909. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
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Jung, J., Park, B., Lee, J. A., You, S., Alraek, T., Bian, Z. X., … & Kang, B. K. (2016). Standardization and future directions in pattern identification research: International brainstorming session. Chinese journal of integrative medicine, 22(9), 714-720. Retrieved on: 18 January, 2019 retrieved from:
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Van Den Hoven, M. J. (2017). Towards ethical principles for designing politico-administrative information systems. In Computer Ethics (pp. 193-213). Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Yasir, M., & Mohamad, N. A. (2016). Ethics and morality: Comparing ethical leadership with servant, authentic and transformational leadership styles. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4S), 310-316. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Table of Contents
Part 1
Consulting the project resources to be familiar along with the components of public administration
Creating Public Policy Evaluation Memo
Part 2
Case study analysis document 5
Explaining the ways by which the policy may address “4Es of Great Governance”
Describing the policy evaluation by two overarching evaluation criteria
Reference list
Part 1
Consulting the project resources to be familiar along with the components of public administration
In present day’s situation, it is important to focus on innovative concept in order to motivate the participants as well as the citizens who can influence the business. In relation to public administration of US, the authority has to focus on implementing public policies can influence the behaviour of individuals within workplace environment. The facilities related to public policies are able to support good ethical practices. In relation to these facts, it can be considered that the step of evaluation regarding public policies will help WABA to evaluate the effectiveness of public policies. As per the views of Dunn (2015), WABA can be able to achieve success through applying this code of ethics. The ethical practices of this organization can support the success as the authority of WABA focus on public policy, the tool to develop the purpose of the organization.
The process of thinking a macro scope is able to promote interdisciplinary collaboration is able to influence the factors which can impact positively on the services of public sector. Public policy evaluation needs to be down to earth and it can help to facilitate the advantages of the organization. As per the views of Cerutti et al. (2016), the measurable goals related to evaluation of public policy are the influencer to the betterment of the organization. The evaluation of public policies can be considered as difficult exercise. Moreover, evaluation of public policies is able to obtain a credible evaluation which can support requirements of the organization (Vedung, 2017).
This process of program evaluation, the process of measuring goal can be considered as applicable to policy evaluation for WABA. For the purpose of evaluation, measurable and quantified indicators will be able to help to determine the goal of the organization. As per the views of Peters (2018), if the governments of country level did not bind the goal along with certain time frame, the organization can measure the highly effective goal. The policy advocacy as well as public policies has the potential to evaluate the effectiveness of empowerment. Moreover according to Berman & Wang (2017), ethical principles in relation to public policy process can be able to help the leadership team of WABA.
Creating Public Policy Evaluation Memo
To: Leadership team of WABA
From: Ethical advisor
Date: 20 January 2019
Subject: Public Policy evaluation
Describing the purpose of steps of public policy evaluation
In relation to public administration it is important for the authority of the organization to develop the understanding regarding the evaluation process of using public policies. As per the views of Zeichner & Pena-Sandoval (2015), in order to identify the value as well as utility of the policies, it is important to complete the steps of policy evaluation. This framework of policy evaluation is able to provide a guide which can help to implement policy evaluation. Moreover, in order to identify the satisfaction of the employees regarding policies or facilities for them, the authority of WABA also needs to implement policy evaluation system as a tool for developing organizational purpose. According to Vedung (2017), for acquiring knowledge regarding the decision making process or WABA, it is important to evaluate the ability of the employees to the work process of this organization. The aspects related to acquiring knowledge for feasibility, accuracy, it is important to follow the steps of policy evaluation. In order to address injury and process of violation prevention within the workplace has been presented.
Discussing importance of policy evaluation process
The evaluation within policy procedure can help to understand the implementation process which can foster the development of organizational purpose. According to Athey (2015), the process of policy evaluation can help in documenting policy development and it can be able to help in documentation of information implementation. In relation to the organizational context of WABA, the process of implementing policy evaluation process can demonstrate the impact as well as value of a policy. Based on the views of Gobillon & Magnac (2016), this system can inform the evidence based system and it can also inform the future policies. It is important for the organization to follow the system of policy evaluation to provide accountability in relation to the invested resources. This process is able to assess support as well as compliance along with the existing policies. Moreover, the process of demonstrating the influence as well as value of the policy by policy evaluation can support the effectiveness of activities of WABA. Hamilton et al. (2016) have commented that policy evaluation may require the increased emphasis regarding use of administrative data and surveillance.
I will be glad to present the ways of policy evaluation along with the importance of this process to the leadership team of WABA.
Thank you
Part 2
Case study analysis document
Case 1: The Rise and Fall of the Great and Powerful Nonprofit Director
Based on this case study, it can be evaluated that the unethical practices of blind spot has forced the organization to close the doors. Thus this problem is correctly identified (Trusty & Colley, 2016).
No, there are no such important facts which have been overlooked.
Discussion regarding negative impact of unethical practices left out of the analysis. No the analysis did not influence policy evaluation process.
The recommendation related to ethics for non-profit organization has been implemented.
No, this policy is not having desired effect as it could be better by focusing on important data analysis.
For further purpose, it is important to identify the basic issue and make clear the importance of unethical practices.
Case 2: The Adoption of Technology Open Standards Policy by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Yes, it has identified the issues related to digital data archival and technical issues encountered by the students (, 2013).
No important aspects are overlooked.
In order to implement IT system, data related to ethical principles left out of the analysis.
The platform for problem solving, participatory democracy as well as innovation is the recommendations.
This policy is having desired effect.
Though it can fulfil the expectation, some modifications like initiatives by both public and private sector may re design the policy.
Explaining the ways by which the policy may address “4Es of Great Governance”
Case 1:
Based on the first case analysis, the policy of nonviolence as well as the policy of empowerment for the participants of the program have addressed Efficiency, Equity as well as Effectiveness, the elements of Great Governance (Norman- Major, 2012). However, Economy has not been addressed by the policy makers. The aspects of this policy can support the decision making process as well (Hamilton et al. 2016). The formal decision of the board of directors regarding the policy can impact on policy evaluation process.
Case 2:
As per the second case or the policy evaluation, Open Standard and IT procurement policy, the aspects of 4E’s of Great Governance Effectiveness, Economy and Efficiency have been addressed (Norman- Major, 2012). The complexity regarding Equity has not been addressed through the policy of IT procurement (, 2013). Based on the positive aspects of this policy, the IT challenges can be resolved by addressing the elements of Great Governance. The process of system integration based on the policy procedure related to public administration can support the positive aspects of Open Standards Policy by Commonwealth.
Describing the policy evaluation by two overarching evaluation criteria
In respect to the evaluation regarding the policy, based on the first case study, the criteria related to public interest has been addressed properly. Through the steps or processes of policy evaluation, the non violence policy and policy of empowerment has met the criteria or the elements of 4E’s Great Governance (Norman- Major, 2012). The process of identifying the issues of unethical practices by blind sports and the impact of it on the organization can address or meet both Effectiveness and Efficiency. The responsibility of the non profit board is able to establish the relation between executive or board of director and non profit life cycle. Moreover, through leadership capabilities and the ethics in nonprofit leadership, the community can be able to focus on personal interest. Based on the views of Gobillon & Magnac (2016), the Equity can be mentioned through the process of maintaining ethical leadership in non profit organization. The comprehensive internal controls can be analysed through the aspects of political feasibility. Along with Efficiency, Effectiveness, Political feasibility has also been measured through this case analysis.
On the contrary, the description of the second case study analysis is able to analyse the aspects of public interest. Apart from Economy, Effectiveness as well as Efficiency can be evolved through the free market economic policies. Based on the case related to Open Standard policy, it can relate political feasibility. The political repercussion is able to promote an investigation by State Auditor (, 2013). As well as the political repercussion can ensure the report this can provide effective lessons in public management. Apart from these, based on the aspects of this policy, Equity among the community can be addressed as well. The basic challenges to public sector can be addressed through analysing this case study. Moreover, technological issues and concepts are explored along with the consideration for the bearing on administrative as well as political functions.
Reference list
Athey, S. (2015, August). Machine learning and causal inference for policy evaluation. In Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 5-6). ACM. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Berman, E., & Wang, X. (2017). Essential statistics for public managers and policy analysts. Washington: Cq Press. Retrieved on 20 January 2019. Retrieved from Berman, E., & Wang, X. (2017). Essential statistics for public managers and policy analysts. Washington: Cq Press
Cerutti, A. K., Contu, S., Ardente, F., Donno, D., & Beccaro, G. L. (2016). Carbon footprint in green public procurement: Policy evaluation from a case study in the food sector. Food Policy, 58, 82-93. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Dunn, W. N. (2015). Public policy analysis. Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 20 January 2019. Retrieved from
Gobillon, L., & Magnac, T. (2016). Regional policy evaluation: Interactive fixed effects and synthetic controls. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(3), 535-551. Retrieved on 20 January 2019. Retrieved from
Hamilton, Z., Campbell, C. M., van Wormer, J., Kigerl, A., & Posey, B. (2016). Impact of swift and certain sanctions: Evaluation of Washington State’s policy for offenders on community supervision. Criminology & Public Policy, 15(4), 1009-1072. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Norman- Major, K. (2012) The Four E’s of Great Governance. Minnesota Citie, p. 13 Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Peters, B. G. (2018). American public policy: Promise and performance. Washington: Cq Press. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from (2013) The Adoption of Technology Open Standards Policy by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. E-PARCC COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE INITIATIVE Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Trusty,K. & Colley, K. (2016) The Rise and Fall of the Great and Powerful Nonprofit Director, p.1. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Vedung, E. (2017). Policy instruments: typologies and theories. In Carrots, sticks and sermons (pp. 21-58). Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Vedung, E. (2017). Public policy and program evaluation. Abingdon: Routledge. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Zeichner, K., & Pena-Sandoval, C. (2015). Venture philanthropy and teacher education policy in the US: The role of the New Schools Venture Fund. Teachers College Record, 117(6), 1-44. Retrieved on 22 January 2019. Retrieved from
Table of Contents
Ethics Case Analysis Report
Case 1
Case 2
Reference list
Ethics Case Analysis Report
Case 1
In such a remarkable day, Gov. Christie tried to control the damage from revelations and his administration ordered to close the revenge regarding traffic lanes at George Washington Bridge. The Gov. has set firing a top aide, along with political adviser. Moreover, the Gov. is repeatedly apologizing in near about 2 hour news conference. Based on the federal aspect of public administration, this case of Mr. Christe, the Governor of New Jersey has been chosen to analyse unethical issues and code of conducts which has been violated (Zernike & Santora, 2014). Regrading the bridge scandal, the Governor extends the apology in bridge scandal. He has admitted that he has no knowledge regarding lane closing which had been humiliated by entire episode. The Governor has admitted that he was heartbroken that someone he permitted in the circle of trust for five years. The emotional news conference is able to unfold as attorney of US in New Jersey has begun a preliminary enquiry. The apology of him seemed the aim to try or to preserve the image of the image of everyone. However, democrats have argued that the increasing number regarding resignations as well as dismissals.
Analysing ethical principle Violated
In relation to the basic issue regarding the case study, it can be mentioned that Christie had permitted someone to be in circle of trust since long five years; however, the person betrayed the trust. The emotional news conference of the Governor can evaluate the unethical practices. Based on code of ethics, it is important for an individual to maintain the commitment. The issues related to lane closing and lack of knowledge regarding these factors has insisted the issues of betray, breach or violation of ethical principles. As per the code of conducts of ASPA, the aspects which can promote public interest can be mentioned (ASPA, 2019). Moreover, as per the ethical principles, the breach of ethical codes by breaking the commitment of trust of the client has been analysed. The unfair as well as injustice in the society has been presented. The social equity as well as the democratic promotion has been addressed through this case study. The humiliation of the entire situation by public can be considered as the unethical practices (Zernike & Santora, 2014). Though the democrats promised in order to release more documents, the issue or the scandal has become more effective.
Describing rationalisation related to unethical behaviour
As well as responsibilities to support ethical practices and in respect to public administration, it is the responsibility of both parties to fulfil the requirements of the contracts and maintain the commitment as well as promises. Moreover, as per the views of Lager (2009), the process of maintaining rationalism regarding the situation of unethical practices can be able to influence the behaviour. In relation to the case of the Governor of New Jersey, the ethical practices have been violated through breaching the commitment regarding closing lane. As the Governor has no idea or knowledge regarding lane closing he depended on other since five years and gave permission of it. However, the commitment has been violated as well as the democrats have violated code of ethical principles through these activities. Based on the ethical principle, the individuals have to focus on the code of principles. Influenced from the views of Josephson & Hanson (2002), it is important for the authority to review and monitor the entire process. The corruption as well as ethical practices can be able to influence the behaviour of the individual negatively. It has been analysed that in order to help assure compliance along with the rules, all the federal executive employees of the branches must receive an ethical orientation.
Analysing the process to reduce occurrence of unethical action
The process of translating the values into the principles is able to guide as well as motivate the ethical conducts. The ethical principles in relation to this case of the Governor of New Jersey rely on the commitment and trust of five years. As per the views of Cottey (2016), it is important to focus on the process of reducing corruption or unethical actions of an individual. In respect to analyse the process of reducing occurrence of unethical action, it can be mention that behavioural change as well as modification have the potential to reduce rate of unethical practices. According to Kennedy & Anderson (2017), through the action or habit, ethical action is able to fit in training or upbringing. Moreover, the ethical action can be established or it can replace the unethical practices through the ethical behaviour of an individual.
Case 2
Hurricane Katrina was considered as an extraordinary act regarding the nature that spawned human tragedy. The weather warning and the investigators have concluded federal government of US, moreover, it saw dire warning from National Weather Service’s which did not act as local authorities. The most destructive natural disaster laying waste to 90,000 square miles has been observed (Lipton, 2019). In Mississippi, the storm obliterated the communities surrounded the coastal areas. Along with the Gulf Coast, 10 of 1000 have suffered without basic essential commodities for almost a week. The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development has the purpose to rebuild the communities after the natural disaster. 29th of August marks the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is battering the Gulf Coast of US. Along with the massive physical impact and affected a huge area. More than 1.5 million people were affected and near about 800,000 citizens were homeless forcefully (Lipton, 2019). The support of the state government agencies is important to support the personal interest of the communities. Through taking various activities, the state government is able to support the ethical aspects or practices to the people of US.
Analysing ethical principle Violated
Lack of focus and slow process of support by the state authority to the affected people can be criticised in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The unethical aspects have been raised related to the effort of both state agencies and federal agencies. The investigation of State of Emergency declaration and the responsibility has breached ethical principles or code of ethics related to the support of community people. Along with this, Department of Homeland Security have been questioned under jurisdictional authority. As per t outlets of the media and many politicians, the response to the natural disaster is inadequate based on the terms of response and leadership (Lipton, 2019). Lack of focus to the charitable activities can influence the ethical behaviour of the state authority. Other agencies have claimed that lack of focus on the affected people can be able criticised as the other agencies was agreed to contribute more than the expectation of the state agencies (Lipton, 2019). In relation to this case study of natural disaster, it can be evaluated that based on the codes of ethics, the basic ethical principle to support personal interest of the public is violated in this context.
Describing rationalisation related to unethical behaviour
It is important for the authority to focus on the charitable activities and make strong relation with the other state agencies for helping the community. In respect to this case of Hurricane in US, FEMA was criticised in order to give prominence to the activities of Operation Blessing international. As per the views of Josephson & Hanson (2002), it is important for the authority to focus on ethical norms or rules of the authority which can bring welfare to the community people. Though FEMA has been criticized regarding their slow activities to save the people from the danger, they have claimed that they were involved then with the fire-fighters with an urgent need. Based on the ethical responsibilities for the employees of the state authority of US could focus on the social services. Along with these, food and social services and the department of these sectors can support the services for the community by maintaining ethical code of conducts.
Analysing the process to reduce occurrence of unethical action
In relation to this case of Hurricane Katrina of US, the unethical practices of the State agencies based on the charitable activities and support to the community people can be mentioned as the unethical action for the community people. In order to reduce the unethical action, it is important to maintain the code of ethics or the ethical principles to provide the services to nutrition, food as well as medicine. Through the activities related to providing food and health services along with providing waters to the victims could reduce the negative impact of natural disaster as well as unethical practices related to lack of focus. Based on the views of Lager (2009), it can be suggested that it is essential to change the behavioural approaches related to the activities of State agencies to support public administration. Moreover, the state agencies or the Department of Food and Drug Administration can be able to provide uncompensated service through encountering patients or the victims. It has been evaluated that the ethical practices related to the service to the community can reduce the unethical practices or action.
Reference list
ASPA (2019) Code of Ethics. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Cottey, A. (2016). Reducing ethical hazards in knowledge production. Science and engineering ethics, 22(2), 367-389. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Josephson, M. S., & Hanson, W. (2002). Making ethical decisions (pp. 27-29). Los Angeles, CA: Josephson Institute of ethics. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Kennedy, J. A., & Anderson, C. (2017). Hierarchical rank and principled dissent: How holding higher rank suppresses objection to unethical practices. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 139, 30-49. Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Lager, J. M. (2009). Overcoming cultures of compliance to reduce corruption and achieve ethics in government. McGeorge L. Rev., 41, 63. . Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Lipton, E. (2019) Key Documents Regarding the Government Response to Katrina The New York Times Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
Zernike, K & Santora, M. (2014) ‘Very Sad’ Chris Christie Extends Apology in Bridge Scandal. The New York Times [Online] Retrieved on 21 January 2019. Retrieved from
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