Rana Plaza Building-Case Solution Sample










The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh has raised a lot of questions regarding the ethical practices involved in construction of factories and maintaining the safety of labours. In case of Rana Plaza there are several international brands involved as stakeholders along with the Government of Bangladesh. The collapse killed more than 1100 workers and injured many more in 2013. It is the deadliest disaster in the history of clothing manufacturing industry. This has also brought into clear the responsibility of the American and European companies who employ low-wage labour in countries like Bangladesh. In case of Rana Plaza though the issue was with the Mayor of the city who gave illegal approval for the construction and the owner of the building Sohel Rana who added extra floors to the building. Even after the cracks on the walls of the building was found out no measures were taken to rectify those.

There is regularly a contention between benefit objectives and the objective of specialist security. For all intents and purposes each organization centers on profiting, however they additionally have a moral commitment to give sensible wellbeing to laborers. At the point when organization authorities center upon just benefits and disregard specialist wellbeing, this awful surrounding of their choice can prompt exploitative and terrible choices. This was the situation of the Rana Plaza fall in Bangladesh that executed in excess of 1,100 individuals in 2013. The piece of clothing manufacturing plant building was worked with substandard materials. A specialist investigated the building the day preceding it fallen and cautioned the proprietors that it was dangerous. Be that as it may, the proprietors requested laborers to restore the following day, which grievously brought about the loss of numerous lives. Business choices, for example, this quite often influence others and subsequently have a moral measurement that can’t be overlooked from the leader’s casing of reference.

In this case a hard stance from the stand point of Bangladesh is also not possible because if the foreign companies decide to shift their business from Bangladesh then it will be a huge loss for Bangladesh as a lot of people in Bangladesh are dependent on this. There approximately 4 million garment workers in Bangladesh. So on one side it is needed to maintain and look up to the safety of the workers and on one side it is also needed to maintain relation with the companies and look to their demands being satisfied as otherwise it will be a loss for the workers of the Bangladesh and the economy will take a big hit.

From the mis-happening of Rana Plaza first it would be better to provide compensation to the family of the deceased and injured in this collapse. Because apart from the moral point of view it is also very much important to stand by the families who have lost their close family member and also one of their earning members.

In accordance with our activity plan on business and human rights, we are drawing in with the legislature of Bangladesh and UK organizations and their supply chains, so as to enable deliver to key human rights dangers.

The UK reaction has concentrated on building security; enhancing working conditions; enhancing correspondences among proprietors and representatives; and asking UK purchasers to assume liability for their supply chains from the store ideal back to the sewing machine.

On a pragmatic dimension, the UK, through DFID, is giving up to £4.8 million to a three-year program by the International Labor Organization to help the National Action Plan on Fire Safety and Structural Integrity. This help will take into consideration the review of roughly 1,500 manufacturing plants that are not secured under the new global mold retailers’ and brands’ drive, the fortifying of the work assessment routine, the arrangement of wellbeing mindfulness preparing for assembly line laborers and directors, the dispatch of the “Better Work” program in Bangladesh, and help for exploited people in recouping from these debacles.

DFID has additionally made £1.8 million accessible to the Trade and Global Value Chains Initiative to help associations between purchasers, production line proprietors, common society and others, so as to enhance article of clothing industrial facility conditions in Bangladesh. Activities chose so far incorporate work with individual processing plants to exhibit how enhanced functioning conditions and expanded profitability can go connected at the hip, and the enhancement of wellbeing arrangement in these industrial facilities.

The UK has additionally propelled a £18 million program to enhance private area abilities preparing in the article of clothing and development parts. Through devoted undertakings, the UK will keep on supporting the article of clothing area, which assumes a central job in social change and ladies’ strengthening.

An examination of the instance of Rana Plaza demonstrates about the inclusion of certain major moral issues in it. The most noteworthy moral issue as present is predominantly regarding working conditions as gave to laborers. It is fundamentally the obligation of the makers that they ought to give sound working conditions that is sufficiently protected to them. In any case, the instance of Rana Plaza demonstrates that this moral esteem was absent in it, as the working condition as gave to laborers was not sufficiently protected to them. Indeed, even after splits in the building were noted at first before the crumple had occurred, there were no such activities being attempted by the proprietor of Rana Plaza. The specialists’ life was not viewed as vital and they were permitted to take a shot at it. This has been an unmistakable sign of the moral qualities being absent from it. Also, the moral issue is noted in regard to the legislative experts in charge of the direction and checking of safe and anchored working conditions for representatives. It is the duty of the suitable experts to screen and shield the enthusiasm of specialists in an association, however this viewpoint was deficient in the given instance of Rana Plaza. The legislative experts have not attempted any measures to direct the representative activities crosswise over Rana Plaza even after breaks have been noted. This shows the moral thought was not given any significance by the administrative experts and their rupture of security factor has come about into such fall. Aside from this, the contextual investigation examination of Rana Plaza has additionally demonstrated about the security break particularly as far as the job of managers protecting the enthusiasm of the specialists. As the assembling of articles of clothing at Rana Plaza is done for its customers that are for the most part from the nations, for example, US, Canada and UK, it is fundamental that such westernized organizations ought to give a profoundly protected and anchored working condition conditions to their representatives. In any case, this viewpoint has by and large being overlooked by the businesses, and there has been bargains being made by the business as for the laborers security. This is along these lines a noteworthy case of the break of security related danger in regard to the Rana’s case (In Bangladesh, Rana Plaza Victims Still Await Compensation, 2013).

Regarding the commitment of MNCs is concerned, it is the moral estimation of such MNCs that they ought to contribute decidedly as far as help to the survivors and the families that have endured in such building breakdown. Nonetheless, from the investigation of the given instance of Rana Plaza crumple, it has been obvious that the MNCs have not acted in accordance with some basic honesty from the perspective of fulfilling the general population that have experienced such emergency. Concerning case, an investigation of the current writing shows that Human Rights Watch has demonstrated that universal organizations that sourced articles of clothing from the processing plants inside Rana Plaza are not sufficiently contributing to the money related trust finance that has been set up for the survivors and furthermore for the groups of the individuals who have passed on in the mishap. In any case, this has not been apparent in regard to each real organization that have sourced the articles of clothing from the production lines inside Rana Plaza. There were sure global organizations that have approached to contribute emphatically as money related help to the general population whose families get influenced by such fall of Rana Plaza. One such precedent is of Joe Fresh which has been a Canadian form retailer, and the organization has made critical dimension of monetary commitments to the families that have kicked the bucket up in the mishap (The Rise of Private Regulation in Global Commerce, 2014).

As an ethical consultant my advice to my client is to properly analyze the existing situation and see whether it is fine to employ people at that place and also safe. Also, it needs to see whether all the regulations are followed. The company should set up a separate division regularly working towards the upliftment of the working people and supervise the existing conditions. A separate budget should be allocated for this purpose. If there is any discrepancy that should be acted upon promptly. This will not only help the company to create a safe atmosphere for the workers but also improve its brand image in the market. It will create a win-win situation for both. If these things are implemented then cases like Rana Plaza can be averted. The senior members should also regularly supervise the working of this division and ensure that all regulations are strictly followed. This will help in creating a better and safer environment for the workers.


  1. https://www.gov.uk/government/case-studies/the-rana-plaza-disaster

  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318452450_Case_Study_The_Rana_Plaza_Disaster

  3. https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/video/collapse-at-rana-plaza

  4. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/human-rights-and-democracy-report-2013/human-rights-and-democracy-report-2013

  5. https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=45540

  6. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.racked.com/platform/amp/2018/4/13/17230770/rana-plaza-collapse-anniversary-garment-workers-safety

  7. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/AAAJ-07-2015-2141

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