Write 2000 Words Research Paper on Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
Table of Contents
Theory Description
Application of Theory to Research
Application of Theory to Practice
Theory Evaluation
The field of nursing is based on observation. The response to the external environment is essential for the service in treating the patients better. The use of Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory is selected for the assignment as it appropriately fits with the situation. The transition period between the classical condition and the condition of operation is considered to be essential for the proper service of the nursing profession. The assignment sheds light on the description of the theory with application in research and practical world. The evolution of the theory in the field of nursing is also highlighted in this assignment.
Theory Description
The theory of Social Cognitive Theory was discovered in the mid-1980s with the more holistic approach of Bandura in study. As opined by Allan (2017), the theory has a close view of the cognition of human in the social learning context. As the description of this theory was done on the basis of social learning, this theory was named as Social Cognitive Theory. The theory has lots of contribution in the field of education and learning. The theory is helpful in reconceptualising of the individual as the self-organization. The main motive of the theory is to identify the growth and behavioral change in human nature by the cognitive operation. The self-referent on the process of psychological aspect is firmly analyzed in this theory.
A meditational process or the mental even is considered to the midpoint of the Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 2018). The theory mentions that there are for the meditational process with are Attention, Retaining along with that of Reproduction and Motivation.
The input is created by the external environment which is followed by mental activities and decision making and at the end, the result is the execution of responses of individual (Bandura – Social Learning Theory, 2019). The activities that are performed by the individual are considered to be a processor of information.
There are many theories which were introduced from time to time to generate the development process of mankind. The theories differ in their concept but the main motive of all the theories remained the same. As opined by Bandura (2018), the social cognitive theory was used to generalize the study if human behavior. The model was effectively used by the other branches of learning to make the study of human behaviors more organized and approachable. The explanation of the behavior posses by humans has always been explained in the form of determinism. The determinism in the explanation of human behavior has always been one side and bias in nature.
The causation of reciprocal determinism was an important model in favor of the cognitive social theory (Patterson, DeBaryshe & Ramsey, 2017). The causation of reciprocal nature is not only the influence of the environment on the change of behavior of the human and their nature. The effective use of the cognitive social theory in the field of nursing is helpful in determining the correct decision while treating a patient. As stated by Kilford, Garrett & Blakemore (2016), the nature of the person and their behavior towards their service is an essential criterion for success in any field. The correct approach of the nurses can be achieved with the proper implication of the Social Cognitive theory on the field of healthcare.
Application of Theory to Research
The planned approach of the research is helpful with the proper implication of Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory. The proper data collection for the analysis of the research problem is useful with the implication of the approaches of the theory. Observation of the external environment is considered to be important criteria of the research which can be better understood with the implication of the theory. The approach of the teachers is also enhanced with the proper understanding of the theory (Connolly, 2017).
In the international journal of Applied Research, the interview of the individual for the collection of authentic data collection needs a proper understanding of the behavior of the person. Effective understanding of the individual behavior enables the researchers to adopt a correct approach in the process of data collection. Concept of personal behavior as mentioned in the theory plays an important role in the collection of relevant information for the successful completion of the research work.
Application of Theory to Research
The understanding of the theoretical framework of the research work and the use of social cognitive theory in the fields of education is determined. The triadic determination which is reciprocal in nature is used in this research study for the proper execution. The theory is done in the research study as a model of teaching strategies (Connolly, 2017). The conceptual framework and research design are done in an organized manner with the proper implication of the Social Cognitive theory.
Purpose of the study
The study focuses on the application of Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory in the field of education (Connolly, 2017). It also focuses on the understanding ability of the researcher and aims to make the researchers clear about the various research approach and frameworks.
Use of the theory by the researcher
The social cognitive theory was used in this research paper to provide a perfect research framework with the implication of modeling as an important teaching strategy (Connolly, 2017). The framework is very useful as it provides the basis of the research question and helps the researcher to conduct his research study in a well-organized manner towards successful completion.
Concept of interest
The proper understanding of the nature and behavior of the respondent is helpful for the researcher to make a proper research framework and survey question (Ng & Lucianetti, 2016). The analytical still is essential for the researcher to conduct any research work.
Operational definition
The complete analysis of the research problem and the implication of the research survey in a systematic manner are utilized with the proper use of the Social cognitive theory by the research in their research study (Connolly, 2017).
In Moral disagreement, the study focuses on the concept of the theories and their implication in research. The model also encourages the researcher to work on their own skill. The theory teaches to implement proper moral and ethics in the execution of research. The learning of new and advanced technologies and using them in the research work is an important criterion of Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 2016).
Moral disengagement is been the main area of the implication of cognitive theory. The study highlights the immoral practice of the study. As stated by Bandura (2016), in research the collection of data forcefully is unethical. The proper understanding of the research ethics was identified in this study. Self-evaluation of the researchers enables the researcher to identify their own drawback and guides them to take proper measures to rectify the areas they are lacking. The misconduct of the respondent is an essential criterion that is overcome with the proper implication of the Social cognitive theories in research purpose.
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of the study of this paper was to identify the eight morals of disengagement and their utilization in daily life (Bandura, 2016). The proper implication of them in our daily activities is identified in this paper.
Use of the theory by the researcher
The main purpose of using this theory in the research paper is to identify the impact of the morals of disengagement on human behavior (Bandura, 2016). The change in the attitude and the human outlook due to the changing moral is utilized in this paper (Bollmann, & Krings, 2016). The diffusion ability of the researcher is also utilized in the theoretical concept of this research paper.
Concept of interest
The different distinction of the morals associated with disengagement and the varying human nature is considered to be the main concept of this paper. The effective use of the triadic model of causation in the paper is helpful in meeting the main motive of the paper (Bandura, 2016).
Operational definition
The self-evaluation of the researchers and the use of ethical information in their research study are determined in this particular pattern. As opined by Bandura (2016), the paper makes sure that the researcher uses the correct measure in executing their research work in an organized and effective manner.
Application of Theory to Practice
The obsession of the condition of the patients and finding out the root cause is essential before taking any steps for treatment. The proper knowledge of the medical history of the student is essential for the implication of the treatment procedure. The capability of proper decision making is required for the nurse to provide efficient service (Connolly, 2017). A situation may arise in the process of providing service that the patient is in a critical condition and needs to be operated urgently. It is the decision making the ability of the nurse that will enable them, to take a proper step for the betterment of the patient and save his life in all possible manners. The efficient observation and decision making ability with their understanding of theory is helpful in making a decision in a crucial situation and handle it in an efficient manner.
The safe safeguard of the personal information of the patient and relieving the personal details without proper permission is useful with the proper implication of the social cognitive theory. As opined by Lent (2017), the use of the theory in daily life is helpful for the proper understanding of the situation arising in the hospital with effective decision making capability. The use of proper ethics and service moral by the nurses in the healthcare institute is identified with the use of Bandura’s social cognitive theory. The disciplinary approach in the execution of the services of the professional of healthcare is essential to make the process of service giving more organized and systematic.
Theory Evaluation
The practical implication of the theory makes it valid and appropriate in the implication of research work. As mentioned by Devi, Khandelwal & Das (2017), the theory is a general theory which is applicable in daily life each day we deal with a situation where we need to make a decision for them self or for the others. The observation of the people around us gives us a wide idea about our surrounding.
The theory is applicable in a practical scenario.
The theory is helpful in the successful conduction of the research.
The theory fails to identify the rage of behavior.
The experiences and events of violation are not expressed in the theory.
The assumption that the environment is the main component of behavior change is not appropriate.
The students willing to intervene in the field of nursing must have a proper understanding of the theory and develop good decision making skill to handle a difficult situation. The theory has a huge social and crosses culture connectivity as it helps in observing the people belonging to other culture about beliefs (Bandura, 2018). This helps in understanding the band adopting the other culture better. Nursing is a field where the person has to deal with numerous patients and serve them in the best possible manner. It has been identified that the proper implication of the theory in the field of nursing enables the nurse to take proper decision.
Hence, it can be concluded that the use of Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory is beneficial in the field of nursing. The proper decision-making ability of the nurse with effective observation enables them to handle a difficult situation with proper knowledge and organized manner. The implication of a correct decision can save the life of the individual in critical condition. Proper understanding of the situation and the ability to take action incorrect time is obtained with the proper understanding of the theory. The theory, however, fails to explain series of behavioral change and situation of violation remains out of reach from the theory. In spite of certain drawbacks and criticism faced by the theory it expands human behavior in a unique manner. The proper decision making and utilization of the correct service morals by the nurses in the healthcare practice it determines with the correct implication of the theory. The effectiveness of the research work also enhances with the proper use of the social cognitive theory in the process of research execution.
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