Return Distribution and Value at Risk-Statistics Assignment Sample



Download financial data (stock prices, exchange rates, interest rates, etc.) from internet to form a dataset. The suggested sample size is 800-1200. Carry out the following investigation and write a report of your work. The report should be around 3 pages + appendix. Figures and tables are given as appendix. The format of your report should be in word or pdf file.

1. Discuss the stationarity of your time series data. Transform the data into log-returns. Make time plots.

2. Study the distribution of the returns. Calculate Value at Risk at different confidence levels.

3. Fit a reasonable time series model to your data and check the fitted model.

4. Build a model to describe the volatility of the log-returns.

5. Summarize your analysis and explain any possible implication of your results.





The aim of th study was to understand the application of time series analysis of data and it can be measured. For the purpose of the same a data sample ranging from 800 to 1200 data points had to be chosen ranging from stocks to exchange rates. To perform the study and understand th rime series effects the data chosen is the stock prices of Walmart Inc., which is traded on the New York Stock exchange. The range of the data is from 19 February 2015 to 20 February 2019. Due to the length of the data it is attachend in an excel instead of the appendix. The atomicity level of the chosed data is dailty quotes. The source of data is The website can be used for obtaining historical stock prices of any listed company from any international exchage.

Further for the anaysis a tool called gretl has been utilised which is a useful and powerful data analysis tool commonly used for financial data analysis. Specially when the concerned data has a time series effect inherently present in it and exploratory analysis is ofprime concern to the researcher.

Stationarity of the Data

The first task in the time series analysis of the data is the analysis of the stationarity of the data. For the same the data was loaded into gretl for analysis. The test chosen for stationarity analysis is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test. The test primarily searches for the presence of a unit root in the data. The hypothesis being tested in the test are as follows:

H0: The data does not have a unit root

HA: The data has a unit root

Thus, our aim is to reject the null hypothesis. The acceptance of null hypothesis means that more than one roots are present and thus, the data is not stationary. The presence of a unit root indicates stationary series of data. For the purpose of the analysis the log of the data was used which is represented by the vaiable named l_Price in the analysis. As the data is a stock based data both test with constant and test with trend and constant are used. We also run the test on the log returns which are caluclated by taking the difference of one lagged log of price. This is represented by the variable ld_Price in the analysis. The AIC criterion was used as the measurement criterion for the test instead of the BIC criterion.

Appendix 1 shows the results of the test for the log of the prices. The test with constant and trend has a lower p value and thus that will be analysed. We see that the p value is 7.533e-005 and thus we reject the null hypothsis. We can say that the data is stationary.

Similarly appendix 2 shows the results for the log difference or log returns of the data. The test is only performed with constant and not with trend as these are log returns and there should be no trend in the data. We can see that the p-value is small enough to reject the null hypothesis and the autocorrelation coefficient is merely -0.006. Thus the returns also have a unit root and are thus stationary.

Time series plots

Appendix 3 shows the time series plots of the log of the prices and the log returns of the prices. The trend is evident in the log of the prices as well. There is a general upward trent. The plot has been made using the time series graph of gretl as well. We can also observe the absence of any trend in the log returns and that the rturns are perfectly centred around 0.

Return distribution and Value at risk

Appendix 4 shows the return distribution of the log returns. We can see that the data is evenly distributed in the box plot and there are no exceptionally evidnt outliers. The q-q plot shows that there is a lack of normality in the log returns however.

We move further to calculate the value at risk using the historical returns of the data. In this approach we sort the historical returns in the assending order. The alpha value is calculated as the difference of the confidence level and 100%. Thus a 1% VAR will give a VAR at 99% cnfidenc level, and in a data set of 100 observations the 99th observation will be the 1% VAR. We can see the VAR data in appendix 5.

The 10% VAR is 0.53% which means that any given day there is a 10% chance that the invertor will lose 0.53% or more of their investment in the Walmart Stocks.

Time Series Model

We use the Arima model to fit the time series data. The analysis started from a 1,0,1 model with a constant. The constant was non-significant thus we movet to analysis without constant and finally to a 2,0,2 model. All the results can be found in appendix 6. The Akaike criterion decreased slightly as with the increase in the AR and MA values.

Volatility of the log returns

Garch model was used to analyse the volatility of the log returns. The model, however, failed to converge with the garch p-values in the time series garch model. Thus,the analysis was performed only using the q-values for arch. Two model were tested for q-value of 1 and 2. Appendix 7 shows the results for both. We can see that the moled with q-value of 2 has a lower Akaike criterion an thus that one will be accepted.


The analysis was performed successfully on the data. We found that the data and the log returns both were stationary. However the log returns were not normal. There is the presence of a well explanatory time series model and a model to explain th volatility of the stocks.

The implications of these mean that the stock is a stable stock and can be used for investment. This stock can also be used for the historical analysis of financial events.


Appendix 1: ADF test for price log

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for l_Price

testing down from 21 lags, criterion AIC

sample size 1017

unit-root null hypothesis: a = 1

test with constant

including 8 lags of (1-L)l_Price

model: (1-L)y = b0 + (a-1)*y(-1) + … + e

estimated value of (a – 1): -0.0577376

test statistic: tau_c(1) = -7.13058

asymptotic p-value 1.462e-010

1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.006

lagged differences: F(8, 1007) = 112.084 [0.0000]

Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression

OLS, using observations 2015-04-01:2019-02-21 (T = 1017)

Dependent variable: d_l_Price

coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value


const 0.359099 0.0481246 7.462 1.84e-013 ***

l_Price_1 −0.0577376 0.00809718 −7.131 1.46e-010 ***

d_l_Price_1 −0.882153 0.0306338 −28.80 1.61e-133 ***

d_l_Price_2 −0.708304 0.0406938 −17.41 1.60e-059 ***

d_l_Price_3 −0.618177 0.0454318 −13.61 7.88e-039 ***

d_l_Price_4 −0.597775 0.0474781 −12.59 7.30e-034 ***

d_l_Price_5 −0.467763 0.0479209 −9.761 1.44e-021 ***

d_l_Price_6 −0.263955 0.0462392 −5.708 1.50e-08 ***

d_l_Price_7 −0.234812 0.0410989 −5.713 1.46e-08 ***

d_l_Price_8 −0.124460 0.0319438 −3.896 0.0001 ***

AIC: -210.757 BIC: -161.511 HQC: -192.055

with constant and trend

including 17 lags of (1-L)l_Price

model: (1-L)y = b0 + b1*t + (a-1)*y(-1) + … + e

estimated value of (a – 1): -0.10782

test statistic: tau_ct(1) = -5.19093

asymptotic p-value 7.533e-005

1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.003

lagged differences: F(17, 988) = 43.573 [0.0000]

Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression

OLS, using observations 2015-04-14:2019-02-21 (T = 1008)

Dependent variable: d_l_Price

coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value


const 0.565881 0.0980433 5.772 1.05e-08 ***

l_Price_1 −0.107820 0.0207708 −5.191 7.53e-05 ***

d_l_Price_1 −0.871603 0.0353792 −24.64 7.39e-105 ***

d_l_Price_2 −0.722227 0.0449198 −16.08 7.61e-052 ***

d_l_Price_3 −0.654296 0.0502276 −13.03 6.51e-036 ***

d_l_Price_4 −0.665211 0.0546803 −12.17 7.90e-032 ***

d_l_Price_5 −0.559196 0.0587572 −9.517 1.32e-020 ***

d_l_Price_6 −0.366793 0.0613266 −5.981 3.10e-09 ***

d_l_Price_7 −0.329488 0.0620752 −5.308 1.37e-07 ***

d_l_Price_8 −0.199528 0.0622592 −3.205 0.0014 ***

time 0.000171817 5.55245e-05 3.094 0.0020 ***

AIC: -234.193 BIC: -135.878 HQC: -196.841

Appendix 2: ADF test for log returns

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for ld_Price

testing down from 21 lags, criterion AIC

sample size 1017

unit-root null hypothesis: a = 1

test with constant

including 7 lags of (1-L)ld_Price

model: (1-L)y = b0 + (a-1)*y(-1) + … + e

estimated value of (a – 1): -4.47132

test statistic: tau_c(1) = -18.606

asymptotic p-value 1.309e-044

1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.006

lagged differences: F(7, 1008) = 44.368 [0.0000]

Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression

OLS, using observations 2015-04-01:2019-02-21 (T = 1017)

Dependent variable: d_ld_Price

coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value


const 0.0194913 0.00707176 2.756 0.0060 ***

ld_Price_1 −4.47132 0.240315 −18.61 1.31e-044 ***

d_ld_Price_1 2.57749 0.225645 11.42 1.67e-028 ***

d_ld_Price_2 1.89484 0.201555 9.401 3.51e-020 ***

d_ld_Price_3 1.33329 0.170395 7.825 1.28e-014 ***

d_ld_Price_4 0.808243 0.136426 5.924 4.30e-09 ***

d_ld_Price_5 0.423804 0.101376 4.181 3.16e-05 ***

d_ld_Price_6 0.245367 0.0658141 3.728 0.0002 ***

d_ld_Price_7 0.0807617 0.0321162 2.515 0.0121 **

AIC: -162.661 BIC: -118.34 HQC: -145.83

Appendix 3: Time series plot

Appendix 4:

Return distribution of log returns

Appendix 5: VAR for log returns of data

Alpha VAR
0.10% -4.53%
0.50% -1.72%
1% -1.41%
5% -0.81%
10% -0.53%


Appendix 6: ARIMA model on Price

Model : ARMAX, using observations 2015-03-19:2019-02-21 (T = 1026)

Dependent variable: Price

Standard errors based on Hessian


Std. Error


























Mean dependent var


S.D. dependent var


Mean of innovations


S.D. of innovations




Akaike criterion


Schwarz criterion









Root 1






Root 1





Model : ARMAX, using observations 2015-03-19:2019-02-21 (T = 1026)

Dependent variable: Price

Standard errors based on Hessian


Std. Error





















Mean dependent var


S.D. dependent var


Mean of innovations


S.D. of innovations




Akaike criterion


Schwarz criterion









Root 1






Root 1






Model : ARMAX, using observations 2015-03-19:2019-02-21 (T = 1026)

Dependent variable: Price

Standard errors based on Hessian


Std. Error

































Mean dependent var


S.D. dependent var


Mean of innovations


S.D. of innovations




Akaike criterion


Schwarz criterion









Root 1





Root 2






Root 1





Root 2






Appendix 7: Garch model results for log returns

Model : GARCH, using observations 2015-03-20:2019-02-21 (T = 1025)

Dependent variable: ld_Price

Standard errors based on Hessian


Std. Error















Mean dependent var


S.D. dependent var




Akaike criterion


Schwarz criterion





Model : GARCH, using observations 2015-03-20:2019-02-21 (T = 1025)

Dependent variable: ld_Price

Standard errors based on Hessian

coefficient std. error z p-value


alpha(0) 0.0439076 0.00207741 21.14 3.73e-099 ***

alpha(1) 0.366377 0.0650891 5.629 1.81e-08 ***

alpha(2) 0.0929848 0.0288231 3.226 0.0013 ***

Mean dependent var 0.006634 S.D. dependent var 0.303035

Log-likelihood 40.10924 Akaike criterion −72.21848

Schwarz criterion −52.48869 Hannan-Quinn −64.72878


WMT Historical Data


Date Price Open High Low Vol. Change % Log Returns
Mar 18, 2019 99.66 98.33 99.79 98.33 5.77M 1.26% 0.54%
Mar 15, 2019 98.42 98.28 98.51 97.6 14.60M 0.20% 0.09%
Mar 14, 2019 98.22 98.41 98.43 97.59 4.93M -0.82% -0.36%
Mar 13, 2019 99.03 98.7 99.35 98.39 5.48M 0.67% 0.29%
Mar 12, 2019 98.37 98.53 98.74 98.05 5.07M -0.11% -0.05%
Mar 11, 2019 98.48 98.04 98.58 97.82 5.35M 0.91% 0.39%
Mar 08, 2019 97.59 97.55 98.42 97 5.66M 0.14% 0.06%
Mar 07, 2019 97.45 97.71 98.2 97.23 6.13M -0.82% -0.36%
Mar 06, 2019 98.26 98.27 99 97.86 4.70M -0.08% -0.04%
Mar 05, 2019 98.34 98.13 99.19 98.09 6.12M 0.50% 0.22%
Mar 04, 2019 97.85 98.12 98.59 97.37 7.68M -0.08% -0.04%
Mar 01, 2019 97.93 99.47 99.56 97.12 10.35M -1.07% -0.47%
Feb 28, 2019 98.99 98.11 99.47 97.77 11.38M 0.90% 0.39%
Feb 27, 2019 98.11 98.12 98.39 97.59 7.90M -0.59% -0.26%
Feb 26, 2019 98.69 99.02 99.06 97.87 8.49M -0.43% -0.19%
Feb 25, 2019 99.12 100.12 100.13 99.05 9.23M -0.43% -0.19%
Feb 22, 2019 99.55 99.82 100.16 99.14 8.09M 0.16% 0.07%
Feb 21, 2019 99.39 99.66 99.92 98.91 6.41M -0.49% -0.21%
Feb 20, 2019 99.88 101.81 102.34 98.65 17.63M -2.27% -1.00%
Feb 19, 2019 102.2 102.38 104.18 102.07 20.70M 2.21% 0.95%
Feb 15, 2019 99.99 98.98 100 98.86 9.48M 1.49% 0.64%
Feb 14, 2019 98.52 97.68 99.2 97.02 7.20M 0.59% 0.26%
Feb 13, 2019 97.94 97.3 98 97.09 5.46M 1.00% 0.43%
Feb 12, 2019 96.97 96.82 97.17 96.5 5.88M 0.80% 0.35%
Feb 11, 2019 96.2 95.65 96.35 95.64 5.54M 0.65% 0.28%
Feb 08, 2019 95.58 96.34 96.69 95.14 6.17M -1.19% -0.52%
Feb 07, 2019 96.73 95.11 96.82 95 7.01M 1.14% 0.49%
Feb 06, 2019 95.64 95.43 96.01 95.22 4.26M 0.04% 0.02%
Feb 05, 2019 95.6 95.25 95.94 95.02 6.10M 0.88% 0.38%
Feb 04, 2019 94.77 93.86 94.77 93.35 7.27M 0.97% 0.42%
Feb 01, 2019 93.86 95.92 96 93.11 12.59M -2.06% -0.90%
Jan 31, 2019 95.83 94.63 96.87 94.63 14.72M 1.09% 0.47%
Jan 30, 2019 94.8 96.68 96.8 94.26 11.85M -1.97% -0.87%
Jan 29, 2019 96.71 96.77 97.16 96.51 5.25M -0.36% -0.16%
Jan 28, 2019 97.06 96.53 97.07 96.08 5.88M 0.12% 0.05%
Jan 25, 2019 96.94 98.75 98.91 96.75 7.22M -1.44% -0.63%
Jan 24, 2019 98.36 98.2 98.46 96.43 7.61M -0.35% -0.15%
Jan 23, 2019 98.71 98.87 99.35 97.53 8.35M 1.25% 0.54%
Jan 22, 2019 97.49 97.15 98.43 96.78 8.06M -0.25% -0.11%
Jan 18, 2019 97.73 96.95 98.2 96.85 6.12M 1.02% 0.44%
Jan 17, 2019 96.74 96.32 97.21 96.16 5.61M 0.40% 0.18%
Jan 16, 2019 96.35 95.93 96.86 95.83 5.41M 0.10% 0.05%
Jan 15, 2019 96.25 95.47 96.6 95.38 7.06M 1.37% 0.59%
Jan 14, 2019 94.95 94.48 95.45 94.28 7.09M 0.12% 0.05%
Jan 11, 2019 94.84 94.99 95.29 94.55 5.39M -0.13% -0.05%
Jan 10, 2019 94.96 93.88 94.98 93.12 9.40M 0.07% 0.03%
Jan 09, 2019 94.89 95.71 96.14 94.77 6.27M -0.33% -0.14%
Jan 08, 2019 95.2 95.06 95.75 93.91 7.20M 0.70% 0.30%
Jan 07, 2019 94.54 93.62 95.17 93.18 7.79M 1.18% 0.51%
Jan 04, 2019 93.44 93.21 93.66 92.69 8.03M 0.62% 0.27%
Jan 03, 2019 92.86 93.21 94.71 92.7 8.28M -0.51% -0.22%
Jan 02, 2019 93.34 91.64 93.65 91.64 8.15M 0.20% 0.09%
Dec 31, 2018 93.15 92.67 93.39 92.25 7.01M 1.11% 0.48%
Dec 28, 2018 92.13 92.07 93.47 91.64 9.87M 0.59% 0.26%
Dec 27, 2018 91.59 89.75 91.61 88.44 9.88M 1.31% 0.56%
Dec 26, 2018 90.41 86.42 90.42 86.3 10.03M 5.35% 2.26%
Dec 24, 2018 85.82 86.54 87.56 85.78 6.11M -1.50% -0.66%
Dec 21, 2018 87.13 86.87 89.47 86.8 14.92M -0.17% -0.07%
Dec 20, 2018 87.28 90.11 90.11 86.14 16.37M -3.61% -1.60%
Dec 19, 2018 90.55 91.29 93 90.25 12.23M -0.58% -0.25%
Dec 18, 2018 91.08 90.8 91.26 90.28 9.61M 0.34% 0.15%
Dec 17, 2018 90.77 91.22 92.01 90.16 9.00M -1.18% -0.51%
Dec 14, 2018 91.85 92.05 92.56 91.57 11.49M -1.19% -0.52%
Dec 13, 2018 92.96 93.25 93.68 92.43 8.04M -0.16% -0.07%
Dec 12, 2018 93.11 94.3 94.3 93.06 9.64M -0.79% -0.34%
Dec 11, 2018 93.85 94.25 94.49 93.25 6.45M -0.10% -0.04%
Dec 10, 2018 93.94 93.56 94.25 92.34 7.28M 0.80% 0.35%
Dec 07, 2018 93.19 94.5 95.13 92.45 8.50M -1.67% -0.73%
Dec 06, 2018 94.77 94.94 95.41 93.1 10.37M -1.09% -0.47%
Dec 04, 2018 95.81 98.25 98.96 95.61 10.43M -2.98% -1.31%
Dec 03, 2018 98.75 98.02 99.59 97.67 9.08M 1.13% 0.49%
Nov 30, 2018 97.65 97.4 98.43 97.07 10.66M 0.37% 0.16%
Nov 29, 2018 97.29 97.02 97.83 96.74 6.24M -0.17% -0.08%
Nov 28, 2018 97.46 95.45 97.62 95.05 10.07M 2.55% 1.09%
Nov 27, 2018 95.04 94.99 95.54 94.41 9.04M -0.12% -0.05%
Nov 26, 2018 95.15 95.69 96.07 94.74 10.03M 0.05% 0.02%
Nov 23, 2018 95.1 94.13 95.55 94.13 4.89M 0.99% 0.43%
Nov 21, 2018 94.17 94.36 94.92 93.31 9.35M 0.01% 0.00%
Nov 20, 2018 94.16 94.98 95.2 93.6 12.62M -2.71% -1.19%
Nov 19, 2018 96.78 97.94 98.25 96.43 9.21M -0.93% -0.41%
Nov 16, 2018 97.69 98.82 99.42 96.92 14.24M -1.86% -0.81%
Nov 15, 2018 99.54 102.32 102.8 98.62 16.08M -1.96% -0.86%
Nov 14, 2018 101.53 103 103.15 101.01 10.48M -1.37% -0.60%
Nov 13, 2018 102.94 103.67 104.15 102.54 7.96M -0.90% -0.39%
Nov 12, 2018 103.87 105.5 106.21 103.65 8.94M -1.60% -0.70%
Nov 09, 2018 105.56 105 105.9 104.81 8.45M 0.65% 0.28%
Nov 08, 2018 104.88 104.33 105.26 104.03 5.96M 0.54% 0.23%
Nov 07, 2018 104.32 103.66 104.47 103.05 8.67M 0.96% 0.41%
Nov 06, 2018 103.33 102.54 103.44 102.05 6.37M 0.41% 0.18%
Nov 05, 2018 102.91 101.19 103.17 100.63 7.62M 1.55% 0.67%
Nov 02, 2018 101.34 100.88 101.57 100.31 7.30M 0.76% 0.33%
Nov 01, 2018 100.58 99.96 101.17 99.72 7.74M 0.30% 0.13%
Oct 31, 2018 100.28 102.49 102.49 100.11 12.35M -2.09% -0.92%
Oct 30, 2018 102.42 100.21 102.6 100.06 12.71M 2.63% 1.13%
Oct 29, 2018 99.8 99.51 101.73 99.09 12.71M 0.87% 0.38%
Oct 26, 2018 98.94 98.81 99.67 98.02 14.93M -0.24% -0.11%
Oct 25, 2018 99.18 98.01 99.48 97 10.74M 1.66% 0.72%
Oct 24, 2018 97.56 97.5 99.17 97.28 10.36M -0.25% -0.11%
Oct 23, 2018 97.8 96.5 97.98 96.11 9.41M 0.68% 0.29%
Oct 22, 2018 97.14 97.34 97.58 96.74 7.12M -0.01% 0.00%
Oct 19, 2018 97.15 96 97.65 96 8.95M 1.02% 0.44%
Oct 18, 2018 96.17 96.4 97.25 95.74 11.40M -0.40% -0.18%
Oct 17, 2018 96.56 95.18 96.62 94.9 9.54M 0.78% 0.34%
Oct 16, 2018 95.81 94.7 96.07 94.34 11.24M 2.12% 0.91%
Oct 15, 2018 93.82 94.5 94.99 93.82 8.31M -1.04% -0.46%
Oct 12, 2018 94.81 94.76 95.17 93.67 8.55M 0.95% 0.41%
Oct 11, 2018 93.92 95.81 96.29 93.6 9.93M -1.92% -0.84%
Oct 10, 2018 95.76 96.6 97.85 95.7 9.00M -1.36% -0.59%
Oct 09, 2018 97.08 95.64 97.74 95.19 11.60M 2.52% 1.08%
Oct 08, 2018 94.69 93.25 94.93 93.02 5.76M 1.48% 0.64%
Oct 05, 2018 93.31 93.86 94.19 92.89 6.69M -0.96% -0.42%
Oct 04, 2018 94.21 94.07 94.5 93.2 6.05M 0.15% 0.06%
Oct 03, 2018 94.07 95.5 95.54 94.04 6.33M -1.14% -0.50%
Oct 02, 2018 95.15 93.93 95.61 93.85 7.75M 0.79% 0.34%
Oct 01, 2018 94.4 94.29 94.66 94.04 5.00M 0.52% 0.23%
Sep 28, 2018 93.91 94.28 94.37 93.69 6.31M -0.23% -0.10%
Sep 27, 2018 94.13 94.19 94.96 93.82 5.36M -0.49% -0.21%
Sep 26, 2018 94.59 95.1 95.58 94.52 5.92M -0.54% -0.23%
Sep 25, 2018 95.1 95.99 96.52 94.99 6.19M 0.19% 0.08%
Sep 24, 2018 94.92 95.44 96 94.86 5.34M -1.02% -0.45%
Sep 21, 2018 95.9 95.92 96.29 95.63 9.53M 0.16% 0.07%
Sep 20, 2018 95.75 95.35 95.79 94.95 5.55M 0.54% 0.23%
Sep 19, 2018 95.24 95.57 95.89 94.88 5.68M -0.20% -0.09%
Sep 18, 2018 95.43 94.46 95.59 94.15 6.76M 0.64% 0.28%
Sep 17, 2018 94.82 94.75 95.48 94.37 5.33M 0.24% 0.11%
Sep 14, 2018 94.59 94.53 94.84 94.35 6.32M -0.56% -0.24%
Sep 13, 2018 95.12 95.32 95.62 94.91 7.65M -0.89% -0.39%
Sep 12, 2018 95.97 96.26 96.74 95.93 5.90M -0.69% -0.30%
Sep 11, 2018 96.64 97.27 97.66 96.49 6.46M -0.27% -0.12%
Sep 10, 2018 96.9 96.11 97.19 96.09 8.33M 1.12% 0.48%
Sep 07, 2018 95.83 95.8 96.48 95.64 6.67M -0.64% -0.28%
Sep 06, 2018 96.45 96.53 96.72 96.01 6.15M -0.18% -0.08%
Sep 05, 2018 96.62 95.67 96.83 95.36 9.47M 1.32% 0.57%
Sep 04, 2018 95.36 95.8 96.27 95.24 8.28M -0.52% -0.23%
Aug 31, 2018 95.86 96.19 96.44 95.11 6.32M -0.25% -0.11%
Aug 30, 2018 96.1 95.5 96.5 95.45 7.06M 0.48% 0.21%
Aug 29, 2018 95.64 96.28 96.83 95.53 7.86M -0.45% -0.19%
Aug 28, 2018 96.07 94.77 96.35 94.53 9.98M 1.62% 0.70%
Aug 27, 2018 94.54 95.26 95.61 94.28 7.04M -0.43% -0.19%
Aug 24, 2018 94.95 95.09 95.66 94.35 8.59M -0.24% -0.11%
Aug 23, 2018 95.18 95.5 95.86 95.06 6.10M -0.51% -0.22%
Aug 22, 2018 95.67 96.2 96.85 95.23 7.77M -0.43% -0.19%
Aug 21, 2018 96.08 95.96 96.36 95.36 10.53M 0.08% 0.04%
Aug 20, 2018 96 97.67 98.29 95.95 12.68M -1.89% -0.83%
Aug 17, 2018 97.85 97.77 99.67 97.61 16.46M -0.80% -0.35%
Aug 16, 2018 98.64 100.11 100.21 97.91 42.63M 9.33% 3.88%
Aug 15, 2018 90.22 90.25 90.41 89.67 8.62M -0.69% -0.30%
Aug 14, 2018 90.85 89.64 91.12 89.63 5.84M 1.35% 0.58%
Aug 13, 2018 89.64 90.2 90.54 89.37 5.88M -0.60% -0.26%
Aug 10, 2018 90.18 88.7 90.37 88.65 8.24M 1.31% 0.57%
Aug 09, 2018 89.01 89.46 89.63 88.76 4.73M -1.15% -0.50%
Aug 08, 2018 90.05 89.97 90.23 89.37 5.04M 0.31% 0.14%
Aug 07, 2018 89.77 89.83 90.36 89.65 4.53M 0.11% 0.05%
Aug 06, 2018 89.67 89.31 89.98 89.12 4.65M 0.08% 0.03%
Aug 03, 2018 89.6 89.19 90.28 89 5.75M 0.95% 0.41%
Aug 02, 2018 88.76 87.94 88.84 87.62 4.31M 0.59% 0.26%
Aug 01, 2018 88.24 88.86 89.13 87.88 5.05M -1.11% -0.48%
Jul 31, 2018 89.23 89 89.66 88.8 6.71M 0.39% 0.17%
Jul 30, 2018 88.88 88 88.94 87.89 6.01M 0.85% 0.37%
Jul 27, 2018 88.13 88.64 88.88 88.03 4.68M -0.11% -0.05%
Jul 26, 2018 88.23 88.5 89.43 88.18 6.55M 0.38% 0.16%
Jul 25, 2018 87.9 87.27 88.02 87.11 5.80M -0.07% -0.03%
Jul 24, 2018 87.96 88.12 88.5 87.61 5.59M 0.38% 0.16%
Jul 23, 2018 87.63 87.65 88.15 87.38 4.15M -0.49% -0.21%
Jul 20, 2018 88.06 87.4 88.17 87.2 4.82M 0.39% 0.17%
Jul 19, 2018 87.72 87.86 88.48 87.41 4.88M -0.40% -0.17%
Jul 18, 2018 88.07 88.33 89.19 87.94 5.05M -0.14% -0.06%
Jul 17, 2018 88.19 87.4 88.7 87.4 5.91M 0.63% 0.27%
Jul 16, 2018 87.64 87.62 87.72 86.83 4.45M -0.07% -0.03%
Jul 13, 2018 87.7 86.52 87.99 86.5 6.39M 1.36% 0.59%
Jul 12, 2018 86.52 86.94 87.41 86.22 4.89M -0.01% -0.01%
Jul 11, 2018 86.53 87.06 87.15 86.39 5.60M -0.78% -0.34%
Jul 10, 2018 87.21 85.93 87.33 85.88 6.05M 1.49% 0.64%
Jul 09, 2018 85.93 85 86.47 84.77 6.58M 1.68% 0.72%
Jul 06, 2018 84.51 84.2 84.86 83.82 5.62M -0.07% -0.03%
Jul 05, 2018 84.57 84.94 85.58 84.27 5.37M 0.15% 0.07%
Jul 03, 2018 84.44 84.09 85.05 84.09 4.40M 0.52% 0.23%
Jul 02, 2018 84 85.65 85.94 83.4 8.13M -1.93% -0.84%
Jun 29, 2018 85.65 85.9 86.2 85.52 8.26M -0.24% -0.11%
Jun 28, 2018 85.86 86.85 87.29 85.69 8.47M -1.19% -0.52%
Jun 27, 2018 86.89 85.9 87.49 85.55 10.30M 1.06% 0.46%
Jun 26, 2018 85.98 86.53 87.05 85.76 10.13M -0.57% -0.25%
Jun 25, 2018 86.47 84.59 86.6 84.48 15.94M 1.95% 0.84%
Jun 22, 2018 84.82 84.46 84.85 84.1 11.01M 0.72% 0.31%
Jun 21, 2018 84.21 83.4 84.55 82.89 8.09M 0.72% 0.31%
Jun 20, 2018 83.61 83.71 83.82 83.16 7.97M 0.00% 0.00%
Jun 19, 2018 83.61 82.6 83.62 82.37 9.35M 0.73% 0.32%
Jun 18, 2018 83 83.05 83.57 82.82 8.50M -0.84% -0.36%
Jun 15, 2018 83.7 83.5 83.99 83.06 12.50M -0.11% -0.05%
Jun 14, 2018 83.79 84.22 84.81 83.67 7.52M -0.36% -0.16%
Jun 13, 2018 84.09 83.89 84.37 83.85 6.36M -0.01% -0.01%
Jun 12, 2018 84.1 84.32 84.59 83.47 8.06M -0.24% -0.10%
Jun 11, 2018 84.3 84.41 84.54 83.79 6.25M -0.07% -0.03%
Jun 08, 2018 84.36 84.78 85.19 84.14 7.60M -0.69% -0.30%
Jun 07, 2018 84.95 84.78 85.76 84.69 7.71M 0.46% 0.20%
Jun 06, 2018 84.56 84.95 85.15 84.35 7.36M -0.07% -0.03%
Jun 05, 2018 84.62 85.45 85.47 84.25 8.28M -0.94% -0.41%
Jun 04, 2018 85.42 83.5 85.52 83.3 10.92M 2.93% 1.25%
Jun 01, 2018 82.99 83.04 83.42 82.85 5.24M 0.55% 0.24%
May 31, 2018 82.54 83.94 84.31 82.51 11.47M -1.88% -0.82%
May 30, 2018 84.12 82.45 84.23 82.26 9.31M 2.09% 0.90%
May 29, 2018 82.4 81.96 82.52 81.81 8.43M -0.07% -0.03%
May 25, 2018 82.46 82.85 83.34 82.32 5.91M -0.47% -0.20%
May 24, 2018 82.85 83 83 81.78 8.58M -0.19% -0.08%
May 23, 2018 83.01 82.95 83.02 82.17 9.40M -0.43% -0.19%
May 22, 2018 83.37 84.5 84.81 83.29 8.07M -1.35% -0.59%
May 21, 2018 84.51 84.14 84.54 83.82 10.72M 1.04% 0.45%
May 18, 2018 83.64 84.24 84.44 83.49 12.04M -1.01% -0.44%
May 17, 2018 84.49 87.04 87.59 83.85 29.72M -1.90% -0.83%
May 16, 2018 86.13 84.87 86.62 84.74 13.73M 1.90% 0.82%
May 15, 2018 84.52 84.06 84.88 83.8 9.32M 0.15% 0.07%
May 14, 2018 84.39 83.89 84.79 83.65 9.50M 1.21% 0.52%
May 11, 2018 83.38 82.69 83.52 81.95 9.93M 0.83% 0.36%
May 10, 2018 82.69 82.64 83.77 82.01 15.86M -0.45% -0.19%
May 09, 2018 83.06 82.56 83.68 82 32.27M -3.13% -1.38%
May 08, 2018 85.74 85.52 85.85 84.92 6.55M 0.32% 0.14%
May 07, 2018 85.47 87.49 87.5 85.27 10.78M -2.35% -1.03%
May 04, 2018 87.53 86 88.1 85.36 6.97M 1.51% 0.65%
May 03, 2018 86.23 86.19 86.29 85.12 6.88M -0.13% -0.06%
May 02, 2018 86.34 87.13 87.25 86.16 6.08M -1.22% -0.53%
May 01, 2018 87.41 87.67 88.01 86.35 6.96M -1.19% -0.52%
Apr 30, 2018 88.46 87.94 89.66 87.92 8.69M 1.34% 0.58%
Apr 27, 2018 87.29 87.87 87.9 87.08 5.65M -0.74% -0.32%
Apr 26, 2018 87.94 87.17 88.32 86.9 5.78M 0.88% 0.38%
Apr 25, 2018 87.17 86.32 87.7 85.89 6.76M 0.74% 0.32%
Apr 24, 2018 86.53 86.77 86.91 85.57 8.47M 0.50% 0.22%
Apr 23, 2018 86.1 86.89 87.08 86.02 7.36M -1.01% -0.44%
Apr 20, 2018 86.98 87.87 88.38 86.67 8.32M -1.04% -0.45%
Apr 19, 2018 87.89 87.41 88.04 86.58 6.59M 0.37% 0.16%
Apr 18, 2018 87.57 88.2 88.56 87.51 5.85M -0.38% -0.16%
Apr 17, 2018 87.9 87.48 88.17 87.41 6.80M 1.22% 0.53%
Apr 16, 2018 86.84 86.2 87.65 86.12 7.02M 0.95% 0.41%
Apr 13, 2018 86.02 85.89 86.27 85.19 7.56M 0.69% 0.30%
Apr 12, 2018 85.43 86.19 86.83 85.41 6.86M -0.56% -0.24%
Apr 11, 2018 85.91 86 86.86 85.8 6.28M -0.62% -0.27%
Apr 10, 2018 86.45 86.84 87.1 85.66 9.73M 0.20% 0.09%
Apr 09, 2018 86.28 86.85 87.45 86.24 8.37M -0.47% -0.21%
Apr 06, 2018 86.69 86.83 87.9 86.13 6.35M -1.28% -0.56%
Apr 05, 2018 87.81 87.6 88.34 87.05 6.38M 0.68% 0.29%
Apr 04, 2018 87.22 85.6 87.5 85.44 6.54M 0.48% 0.21%
Apr 03, 2018 86.8 86.25 86.95 85.55 9.70M 1.46% 0.63%
Apr 02, 2018 85.55 88 88.24 84.84 19.13M -3.84% -1.70%
Mar 29, 2018 88.97 87.9 89.34 87.77 9.27M 1.37% 0.59%
Mar 28, 2018 87.77 86.26 88.24 86.19 11.58M 2.00% 0.86%
Mar 27, 2018 86.05 87.96 88.04 85.48 6.55M -1.66% -0.73%
Mar 26, 2018 87.5 86.22 87.69 86.11 9.20M 2.44% 1.04%
Mar 23, 2018 85.42 87.35 87.74 85.28 10.13M -1.97% -0.87%
Mar 22, 2018 87.14 87.53 88.27 86.99 12.25M -1.18% -0.52%
Mar 21, 2018 88.18 87.89 89.68 87.68 11.84M 0.26% 0.11%
Mar 20, 2018 87.95 87.86 88.15 87.37 8.26M 0.57% 0.25%
Mar 19, 2018 87.45 88.91 89.08 87.1 12.05M -1.93% -0.85%
Mar 16, 2018 89.17 87.72 90.09 87.5 28.40M 1.90% 0.82%
Mar 15, 2018 87.51 87.68 88.79 85.9 16.62M -0.18% -0.08%
Mar 14, 2018 87.67 88.51 88.99 87.5 11.04M -0.71% -0.31%
Mar 13, 2018 88.3 88.39 88.9 87.98 7.17M 0.26% 0.11%
Mar 12, 2018 88.07 88.7 89.44 87.88 8.47M -0.73% -0.32%
Mar 09, 2018 88.72 88.24 88.72 87.53 9.75M 0.91% 0.39%
Mar 08, 2018 87.92 87.77 88.13 87.34 9.59M 0.21% 0.09%
Mar 07, 2018 87.74 87.98 88.53 87.33 11.45M -1.48% -0.65%
Mar 06, 2018 89.06 90.35 90.5 88.63 11.05M -1.02% -0.45%
Mar 05, 2018 89.98 88.14 90.5 88.07 13.38M 1.36% 0.59%
Mar 02, 2018 88.77 87.27 88.9 87.24 19.04M -0.35% -0.15%
Mar 01, 2018 89.08 90.17 90.18 87.71 18.91M -1.03% -0.45%
Feb 28, 2018 90.01 92 92.1 90 14.14M -1.65% -0.72%
Feb 27, 2018 91.52 93.63 93.72 91.51 13.38M -1.72% -0.75%
Feb 26, 2018 93.12 92.9 93.8 92.22 14.70M 0.25% 0.11%
Feb 23, 2018 92.89 92.88 93.49 91.76 12.79M 0.13% 0.06%
Feb 22, 2018 92.77 91.43 93.39 91.31 20.36M 1.37% 0.59%
Feb 21, 2018 91.52 95.11 95.34 91.24 49.50M -2.75% -1.21%
Feb 20, 2018 94.11 96.99 97.94 94.1 52.09M -10.18% -4.66%
Feb 16, 2018 104.78 103.09 104.94 101.98 16.06M 1.50% 0.65%
Feb 15, 2018 103.23 102.55 103.64 101.83 7.49M 1.50% 0.65%
Feb 14, 2018 101.7 100.86 102.25 100.21 7.31M 0.71% 0.31%
Feb 13, 2018 100.98 99.33 101.22 99.33 6.62M 1.44% 0.62%
Feb 12, 2018 99.55 100.13 100.44 98.8 9.14M 0.18% 0.08%
Feb 09, 2018 99.37 100.53 101.1 96.43 14.18M -0.65% -0.28%
Feb 08, 2018 100.02 103.23 103.48 100 13.98M -2.75% -1.21%
Feb 07, 2018 102.85 100.5 104.59 100.01 11.17M 1.93% 0.83%
Feb 06, 2018 100.9 97.64 101.08 97.25 16.41M 0.81% 0.35%
Feb 05, 2018 100.09 103.4 104.61 97.09 12.56M -4.20% -1.86%
Feb 02, 2018 104.48 105.15 106.47 104.15 9.25M -0.99% -0.43%
Feb 01, 2018 105.52 105.96 106.56 105.18 6.39M -1.01% -0.44%
Jan 31, 2018 106.6 107.77 108.18 106.07 9.81M -1.05% -0.46%
Jan 30, 2018 107.73 109.14 109.36 107.15 9.18M -1.66% -0.73%
Jan 29, 2018 109.55 108.11 109.98 107.99 8.36M 1.07% 0.46%
Jan 26, 2018 108.39 107 108.41 106.68 6.79M 1.68% 0.72%
Jan 25, 2018 106.6 105.85 106.81 105.85 5.86M 0.77% 0.33%
Jan 24, 2018 105.79 106.35 106.44 104.82 6.82M -0.10% -0.05%
Jan 23, 2018 105.9 105.29 106.14 104.57 8.29M 0.43% 0.18%
Jan 22, 2018 105.45 104.5 105.45 104.04 7.31M 0.82% 0.36%
Jan 19, 2018 104.59 104.64 104.93 103.66 8.38M 0.28% 0.12%
Jan 18, 2018 104.3 104.74 104.94 103.62 12.31M 1.56% 0.67%
Jan 17, 2018 102.7 101.15 102.94 100.7 8.68M 2.00% 0.86%
Jan 16, 2018 100.69 101.34 101.91 100.34 7.17M -0.18% -0.08%
Jan 12, 2018 100.87 100.39 101.44 100.3 6.95M 0.85% 0.37%
Jan 11, 2018 100.02 99.7 100.45 98.78 6.54M 0.35% 0.15%
Jan 10, 2018 99.67 99.75 99.89 98.53 7.93M -0.72% -0.31%
Jan 09, 2018 100.39 102.03 102.35 100.31 7.31M -1.20% -0.52%
Jan 08, 2018 101.61 100.25 101.75 100.21 8.84M 1.48% 0.64%
Jan 05, 2018 100.13 99.64 100.38 99.61 7.28M 0.59% 0.26%
Jan 04, 2018 99.54 99.54 99.78 98.91 6.83M 0.09% 0.04%
Jan 03, 2018 99.45 98.85 100 98.77 8.90M 0.87% 0.38%
Jan 02, 2018 98.59 99.3 99.79 98.52 10.15M -0.16% -0.07%
Dec 29, 2017 98.75 99.4 99.69 98.75 7.14M -0.65% -0.28%
Dec 28, 2017 99.4 99.52 99.62 99.12 9.76M 0.14% 0.06%
Dec 27, 2017 99.26 99.56 99.6 98.83 5.14M 0.10% 0.04%
Dec 26, 2017 99.16 98.35 99.44 98.35 4.30M 0.97% 0.42%
Dec 22, 2017 98.21 98.29 98.42 97.68 5.48M 0.15% 0.07%
Dec 21, 2017 98.06 99 99.33 97.98 7.37M -0.70% -0.30%
Dec 20, 2017 98.75 99.45 99.65 98.45 10.73M -0.05% -0.02%
Dec 19, 2017 98.8 99.91 99.91 98.29 12.01M 0.92% 0.40%
Dec 18, 2017 97.9 97.38 98.17 97.36 7.96M 0.81% 0.35%
Dec 15, 2017 97.11 97.71 98.49 96.91 16.14M -0.02% -0.01%
Dec 14, 2017 97.13 98 98.57 97.1 9.39M -0.64% -0.28%
Dec 13, 2017 97.76 96.66 97.91 96.55 7.88M 1.10% 0.47%
Dec 12, 2017 96.7 96.85 97.24 96.6 7.81M -0.24% -0.10%
Dec 11, 2017 96.93 96.44 97.27 96.29 8.93M 0.39% 0.17%
Dec 08, 2017 96.55 96.67 96.7 96.14 5.82M -0.24% -0.10%
Dec 07, 2017 96.78 97.06 97.58 96.65 7.50M -0.51% -0.22%
Dec 06, 2017 97.28 97.99 98.14 97.24 7.14M -0.56% -0.24%
Dec 05, 2017 97.83 97 97.94 96.92 9.01M 0.85% 0.37%
Dec 04, 2017 97.01 97.73 97.96 96.67 8.96M -0.35% -0.15%
Dec 01, 2017 97.35 97.61 97.71 96.23 8.30M 0.12% 0.05%
Nov 30, 2017 97.23 98.09 98.44 96.51 12.85M -0.34% -0.15%
Nov 29, 2017 97.56 97.22 98.26 96.88 11.42M 0.82% 0.35%
Nov 28, 2017 96.77 96.59 96.89 95.82 8.71M 0.16% 0.07%
Nov 27, 2017 96.62 96.85 97.65 96.3 8.90M 0.00% 0.00%
Nov 24, 2017 96.62 96.87 97.23 96.53 4.50M 0.22% 0.09%
Nov 22, 2017 96.41 96.65 96.81 96.11 8.92M -0.11% -0.05%
Nov 21, 2017 96.52 97.74 97.92 96.32 12.75M -0.98% -0.43%
Nov 20, 2017 97.48 96.44 97.64 95.76 16.39M 0.01% 0.00%
Nov 17, 2017 97.47 99.24 100.13 96.58 23.58M -2.16% -0.95%
Nov 16, 2017 99.62 95.12 99.68 94.72 38.12M 10.90% 4.49%
Nov 15, 2017 89.83 90.34 90.85 89.65 8.43M -1.38% -0.60%
Nov 14, 2017 91.09 90.7 91.2 90.18 9.83M 0.11% 0.05%
Nov 13, 2017 90.99 91.04 91.98 90.87 8.49M 0.08% 0.03%
Nov 10, 2017 90.92 90.24 91.69 90.2 7.65M 0.69% 0.30%
Nov 09, 2017 90.3 89.94 90.57 89.35 6.90M 0.04% 0.02%
Nov 08, 2017 90.26 89.11 90.42 89.1 6.77M 1.47% 0.63%
Nov 07, 2017 88.95 88.87 89.06 88.31 5.35M 0.28% 0.12%
Nov 06, 2017 88.7 89.42 89.68 88.68 5.26M -1.09% -0.48%
Nov 03, 2017 89.68 89.02 89.88 88.76 6.51M 0.99% 0.43%
Nov 02, 2017 88.8 88.28 89.17 87.8 5.18M 0.98% 0.42%
Nov 01, 2017 87.94 87.07 88.39 87 6.18M 0.72% 0.31%
Oct 31, 2017 87.31 86.86 87.46 86.6 6.01M 0.41% 0.18%
Oct 30, 2017 86.95 87.94 87.95 86.39 7.05M -1.38% -0.61%
Oct 27, 2017 88.17 88.14 88.39 87.15 6.62M -0.51% -0.22%
Oct 26, 2017 88.62 88.66 89.11 88.02 6.48M 0.16% 0.07%
Oct 25, 2017 88.48 87.85 88.6 87.43 6.41M 0.57% 0.25%
Oct 24, 2017 87.98 88.69 88.8 87.91 7.70M -0.76% -0.33%
Oct 23, 2017 88.65 87.34 88.92 87.26 10.59M 1.38% 0.60%
Oct 20, 2017 87.44 86.6 87.45 86.28 7.62M 1.20% 0.52%
Oct 19, 2017 86.4 86.15 86.66 85.77 7.03M 0.21% 0.09%
Oct 18, 2017 86.22 86.15 86.37 86.01 5.47M 0.28% 0.12%
Oct 17, 2017 85.98 85.5 86.36 85.32 5.85M 0.28% 0.12%
Oct 16, 2017 85.74 86.58 86.62 85.02 9.30M -1.02% -0.44%
Oct 13, 2017 86.62 86.24 86.95 86.24 9.39M 0.60% 0.26%
Oct 12, 2017 86.1 85.7 86.37 85.06 12.88M 0.43% 0.19%
Oct 11, 2017 85.73 84.58 86.29 84.1 18.56M 1.90% 0.82%
Oct 10, 2017 84.13 82.68 84.88 82.61 25.12M 4.47% 1.90%
Oct 09, 2017 80.53 79.5 81.38 79.4 13.49M 1.94% 0.83%
Oct 06, 2017 79 78.78 79.17 78.25 6.25M -0.52% -0.22%
Oct 05, 2017 79.41 79.17 79.81 79.08 5.14M 0.40% 0.18%
Oct 04, 2017 79.09 79.27 79.78 79.07 6.17M -0.16% -0.07%
Oct 03, 2017 79.22 78.83 79.66 78.75 7.94M 0.98% 0.42%
Oct 02, 2017 78.45 77.9 78.83 77.5 7.71M 0.40% 0.17%
Sep 29, 2017 78.14 78.85 79 77.98 10.35M -1.03% -0.45%
Sep 28, 2017 78.95 79 79.08 78.12 12.37M -0.43% -0.19%
Sep 27, 2017 79.29 79.42 79.57 78.67 6.31M -0.13% -0.05%
Sep 26, 2017 79.39 79.04 79.54 78.92 5.84M 0.30% 0.13%
Sep 25, 2017 79.15 78.92 80.1 78.86 8.55M -0.48% -0.21%
Sep 22, 2017 79.53 79.89 80.08 79.25 5.76M -0.60% -0.26%
Sep 21, 2017 80.01 80.57 80.57 79.72 6.43M -0.61% -0.27%
Sep 20, 2017 80.5 80.17 80.56 79.87 5.32M 0.56% 0.24%
Sep 19, 2017 80.05 80.18 80.46 79.7 6.17M 0.06% 0.03%
Sep 18, 2017 80 80.21 81.12 79.95 8.18M -0.47% -0.21%
Sep 15, 2017 80.38 79.81 80.75 79.27 13.32M 0.88% 0.38%
Sep 14, 2017 79.68 79.79 79.82 79.22 6.94M -0.23% -0.10%
Sep 13, 2017 79.86 79.61 80.68 79.59 8.82M 0.31% 0.14%
Sep 12, 2017 79.61 79.3 79.91 79.17 6.00M 0.67% 0.29%
Sep 11, 2017 79.08 79.15 79.35 78.66 7.00M 0.25% 0.11%
Sep 08, 2017 78.88 79.74 79.88 77.73 10.00M -1.55% -0.68%
Sep 07, 2017 80.12 80.32 80.76 80 6.82M 0.05% 0.02%
Sep 06, 2017 80.08 79.88 80.4 79.72 8.43M 0.35% 0.15%
Sep 05, 2017 79.8 77.95 79.89 77.9 12.07M 1.82% 0.79%
Sep 01, 2017 78.37 78.31 78.5 78.21 6.47M 0.38% 0.17%
Aug 31, 2017 78.07 78.6 78.75 78.06 8.19M -0.60% -0.26%
Aug 30, 2017 78.54 78.82 79.1 78.52 5.83M -0.29% -0.13%
Aug 29, 2017 78.77 77.67 78.98 77.5 7.67M 0.95% 0.41%
Aug 28, 2017 78.03 78.41 78.46 77.86 8.62M -0.76% -0.33%
Aug 25, 2017 78.63 78.5 79.09 78.48 9.90M 0.37% 0.16%
Aug 24, 2017 78.34 80.61 80.88 77.85 19.13M -2.03% -0.89%
Aug 23, 2017 79.96 80.35 80.56 79.88 7.80M -0.07% -0.03%
Aug 22, 2017 80.02 79.8 80.16 79.71 6.55M 0.39% 0.17%
Aug 21, 2017 79.71 79.12 80.07 78.79 9.61M 0.50% 0.22%
Aug 18, 2017 79.31 79.62 80.35 79.28 9.75M -0.49% -0.21%
Aug 17, 2017 79.7 78.85 79.81 78.33 17.29M -1.58% -0.69%
Aug 16, 2017 80.98 81.27 81.44 80.54 11.54M 0.26% 0.11%
Aug 15, 2017 80.77 80.83 81.4 80.54 7.07M 0.09% 0.04%
Aug 14, 2017 80.7 80.59 81.24 80.5 7.79M 0.37% 0.16%
Aug 11, 2017 80.4 80.73 81.25 80.36 7.91M -0.32% -0.14%
Aug 10, 2017 80.66 81.07 81.4 80.55 8.04M -1.16% -0.51%
Aug 09, 2017 81.61 81.11 81.99 80.9 6.61M 0.02% 0.01%
Aug 08, 2017 81.59 81.17 81.86 80.9 7.38M 0.38% 0.17%
Aug 07, 2017 81.28 80.57 81.45 80.54 5.48M 0.99% 0.43%
Aug 04, 2017 80.48 81.06 81.4 80.21 7.14M -0.48% -0.21%
Aug 03, 2017 80.87 81.34 81.76 80.67 9.95M 0.42% 0.18%
Aug 02, 2017 80.53 80.34 81.11 80.3 8.67M 0.04% 0.02%
Aug 01, 2017 80.5 80.25 80.73 80 5.73M 0.64% 0.28%
Jul 31, 2017 79.99 79.82 80.34 79.69 6.26M 0.23% 0.10%
Jul 28, 2017 79.81 79.8 79.95 79.53 4.98M 0.04% 0.02%
Jul 27, 2017 79.78 78.72 79.86 78.48 8.05M 1.12% 0.48%
Jul 26, 2017 78.9 78.55 79.17 77.94 6.72M 0.48% 0.21%
Jul 25, 2017 78.52 77.61 78.86 77.39 11.50M 2.12% 0.91%
Jul 24, 2017 76.89 76.03 77.16 76.03 7.39M 0.97% 0.42%
Jul 21, 2017 76.15 75.84 76.23 75.55 7.15M 0.17% 0.07%
Jul 20, 2017 76.02 75.98 76.25 75.7 4.97M 0.20% 0.09%
Jul 19, 2017 75.87 76.08 76.22 75.6 5.31M -0.43% -0.19%
Jul 18, 2017 76.2 76.25 76.54 76 4.31M -0.22% -0.10%
Jul 17, 2017 76.37 76.29 76.87 76.19 8.84M 0.04% 0.02%
Jul 14, 2017 76.34 76.27 76.56 75.91 9.15M 1.72% 0.74%
Jul 13, 2017 75.05 74.67 75.25 74.51 8.16M 1.50% 0.65%
Jul 12, 2017 73.94 73.66 74.21 73.66 5.70M 0.64% 0.28%
Jul 11, 2017 73.47 73.38 74.05 73.33 7.53M 0.33% 0.14%
Jul 10, 2017 73.23 75.15 75.31 73.13 15.07M -2.79% -1.23%
Jul 07, 2017 75.33 75.65 75.82 75.05 5.31M -0.19% -0.08%
Jul 06, 2017 75.47 75.35 75.97 75.24 6.16M 0.20% 0.09%
Jul 05, 2017 75.32 75.55 75.95 75.17 6.04M -0.05% -0.02%
Jul 03, 2017 75.36 75.84 76.34 75.08 4.85M -0.42% -0.18%
Jun 30, 2017 75.68 76.08 76.27 75.67 6.96M -0.33% -0.14%
Jun 29, 2017 75.93 76.25 76.32 75.48 7.06M -0.76% -0.33%
Jun 28, 2017 76.51 76.25 76.8 76.14 6.99M 0.66% 0.28%
Jun 27, 2017 76.01 75.52 76.37 75.45 6.45M 0.68% 0.29%
Jun 26, 2017 75.5 74.95 75.93 74.92 8.59M 0.88% 0.38%
Jun 23, 2017 74.84 75.6 75.78 74.55 13.08M -0.90% -0.39%
Jun 22, 2017 75.52 76.03 76.06 75.3 8.11M -0.94% -0.41%
Jun 21, 2017 76.24 75.6 76.61 75.58 9.01M 0.93% 0.40%
Jun 20, 2017 75.54 75.88 75.92 75.32 10.02M 0.05% 0.02%
Jun 19, 2017 75.5 75.38 76.01 74.52 16.10M 0.35% 0.15%
Jun 16, 2017 75.24 73.95 75.5 73.29 56.23M -4.65% -2.07%
Jun 15, 2017 78.91 79.18 79.3 77.76 11.30M -1.24% -0.54%
Jun 14, 2017 79.9 79.52 80.03 79.26 5.01M 0.48% 0.21%
Jun 13, 2017 79.52 79.21 79.57 78.89 5.53M 0.35% 0.15%
Jun 12, 2017 79.24 79.4 80.37 78.84 10.41M -0.23% -0.10%
Jun 09, 2017 79.42 79.03 79.56 78.72 9.41M 0.62% 0.27%
Jun 08, 2017 78.93 79.58 80.13 78.23 10.93M -0.28% -0.12%
Jun 07, 2017 79.15 79.08 79.5 78.73 8.51M 0.28% 0.12%
Jun 06, 2017 78.93 79.43 79.56 78.26 11.53M -1.66% -0.73%
Jun 05, 2017 80.26 79.6 80.47 79.48 10.15M 0.80% 0.35%
Jun 02, 2017 79.62 79.8 79.93 79.22 8.00M -0.24% -0.10%
Jun 01, 2017 79.81 78.64 79.81 78.6 8.15M 1.54% 0.66%
May 31, 2017 78.6 78.35 78.92 78.22 8.20M 0.58% 0.25%
May 30, 2017 78.15 78 78.4 77.93 5.41M 0.03% 0.01%
May 26, 2017 78.13 78.37 78.54 77.79 6.13M -0.23% -0.10%
May 25, 2017 78.31 78.36 78.85 78.15 6.13M 0.20% 0.09%
May 24, 2017 78.15 78.56 78.61 78.14 7.50M -0.43% -0.19%
May 23, 2017 78.49 78.58 78.97 78.44 7.58M -0.08% -0.03%
May 22, 2017 78.55 78.65 79 78.3 8.90M -0.28% -0.12%
May 19, 2017 78.77 77.97 79.44 77.77 18.58M 1.59% 0.68%
May 18, 2017 77.54 76.89 77.66 76.13 19.17M 3.22% 1.38%
May 17, 2017 75.12 75.05 75.73 74.96 10.97M 0.01% 0.01%
May 16, 2017 75.11 76.19 76.27 75.08 8.37M -1.55% -0.68%
May 15, 2017 76.29 75.8 76.47 75.8 8.84M 0.77% 0.33%
May 12, 2017 75.71 75.95 76.25 75.37 5.89M -0.55% -0.24%
May 11, 2017 76.13 76.35 76.72 75.92 8.35M -0.74% -0.32%
May 10, 2017 76.7 76.33 76.78 76.19 7.51M -0.03% -0.01%
May 09, 2017 76.72 76.44 77.05 76.33 8.26M 0.79% 0.34%
May 08, 2017 76.12 76.5 76.52 76.07 6.51M -0.50% -0.22%
May 05, 2017 76.5 76.42 76.6 76.18 5.60M 0.21% 0.09%
May 04, 2017 76.34 75.93 76.39 75.83 5.50M 0.77% 0.33%
May 03, 2017 75.76 75.4 75.88 75.18 5.52M 0.32% 0.14%
May 02, 2017 75.52 75.3 75.71 75.25 7.32M 0.39% 0.17%
May 01, 2017 75.23 75.09 75.72 75.09 6.17M 0.07% 0.03%
Apr 28, 2017 75.18 75.24 75.44 74.93 7.33M -0.34% -0.15%
Apr 27, 2017 75.44 75.54 75.7 75.02 6.05M 0.01% 0.01%
Apr 26, 2017 75.43 75.27 75.77 75.17 6.95M 0.51% 0.22%
Apr 25, 2017 75.05 74.97 75.17 74.86 5.72M 0.36% 0.16%
Apr 24, 2017 74.78 75.08 75.4 74.42 7.81M -0.21% -0.09%
Apr 21, 2017 74.94 74.74 75.11 74.6 5.76M 0.19% 0.08%
Apr 20, 2017 74.8 74.14 75.11 74.11 7.68M 0.99% 0.43%
Apr 19, 2017 74.07 74.1 74.38 73.86 5.94M 0.24% 0.11%
Apr 18, 2017 73.89 73.54 74.1 73.48 6.63M 0.54% 0.24%
Apr 17, 2017 73.49 73.16 73.58 73.15 5.47M 0.46% 0.20%
Apr 13, 2017 73.15 73.37 73.66 73.15 5.34M -0.39% -0.17%
Apr 12, 2017 73.44 73.55 73.83 73.25 6.63M 0.01% 0.01%
Apr 11, 2017 73.43 73 73.45 72.93 5.81M 0.51% 0.22%
Apr 10, 2017 73.06 72.99 73.48 72.73 7.50M 0.22% 0.10%
Apr 07, 2017 72.9 72.1 72.99 71.8 10.77M 2.06% 0.88%
Apr 06, 2017 71.43 71.7 72.1 71.38 5.94M -0.31% -0.13%
Apr 05, 2017 71.65 71.64 72.31 71.56 6.35M -0.50% -0.22%
Apr 04, 2017 72.01 71.74 72.06 71.53 5.57M 0.25% 0.11%
Apr 03, 2017 71.83 72.08 72.53 71.78 8.29M -0.35% -0.15%
Mar 31, 2017 72.08 71.32 72.56 71.23 9.94M 0.68% 0.30%
Mar 30, 2017 71.59 70.69 71.72 70.64 8.14M 1.20% 0.52%
Mar 29, 2017 70.74 70.35 71.18 70.31 6.99M 0.60% 0.26%
Mar 28, 2017 70.32 69.33 70.37 69.33 7.25M 0.95% 0.41%
Mar 27, 2017 69.66 69.52 70.07 69.36 5.79M 0.07% 0.03%
Mar 24, 2017 69.61 69.99 70.17 69.53 5.86M -0.36% -0.16%
Mar 23, 2017 69.86 70.2 70.31 69.75 6.90M -0.56% -0.24%
Mar 22, 2017 70.25 70.03 70.34 69.72 6.46M 0.50% 0.22%
Mar 21, 2017 69.9 70.17 70.4 69.69 8.75M -0.11% -0.05%
Mar 20, 2017 69.98 70.14 70.45 69.71 7.47M 0.13% 0.06%
Mar 17, 2017 69.89 70.58 70.75 69.81 14.08M -0.78% -0.34%
Mar 16, 2017 70.44 70.11 70.7 70.07 7.06M -0.20% -0.09%
Mar 15, 2017 70.58 70.5 70.7 70.02 8.81M -0.20% -0.09%
Mar 14, 2017 70.72 70.82 71.2 70.72 9.96M 1.10% 0.48%
Mar 13, 2017 69.95 69.99 70.45 69.71 6.80M -0.21% -0.09%
Mar 10, 2017 70.1 70 70.36 69.8 7.10M 0.34% 0.15%
Mar 09, 2017 69.86 69.75 70.04 69.56 7.56M 0.09% 0.04%
Mar 08, 2017 69.8 69.69 70.03 69.54 7.98M -0.10% -0.04%
Mar 07, 2017 69.87 69.9 70.21 69.86 7.28M -0.01% -0.01%
Mar 06, 2017 69.88 70 70.44 69.78 9.18M -0.21% -0.09%
Mar 03, 2017 70.03 70.81 71.02 69.88 9.30M -1.03% -0.45%
Mar 02, 2017 70.76 70.42 70.9 70.17 8.92M 0.44% 0.19%
Mar 01, 2017 70.45 70.97 71.08 70.15 13.52M -0.68% -0.29%
Feb 28, 2017 70.93 70.87 71 70 15.95M -1.13% -0.49%
Feb 27, 2017 71.74 72.28 72.42 71.53 9.25M -0.90% -0.39%
Feb 24, 2017 72.39 71.34 72.8 71.3 13.89M 1.51% 0.65%
Feb 23, 2017 71.31 72 72.5 71.16 12.80M -0.56% -0.24%
Feb 22, 2017 71.71 72.25 72.37 71.48 15.24M 0.36% 0.16%
Feb 21, 2017 71.45 71.21 72.28 70.7 22.41M 3.00% 1.28%
Feb 17, 2017 69.37 68.83 69.78 68.69 12.84M 0.73% 0.31%
Feb 16, 2017 68.87 68.67 69.24 68.61 8.41M 0.26% 0.11%
Feb 15, 2017 68.69 67.76 68.71 67.76 8.56M 0.04% 0.02%
Feb 14, 2017 68.66 67.88 68.68 67.71 8.46M 1.31% 0.57%
Feb 13, 2017 67.77 68.32 68.65 67.56 8.37M -0.37% -0.16%
Feb 10, 2017 68.02 68.25 68.6 67.76 12.45M -1.53% -0.67%
Feb 09, 2017 69.08 67.8 69.14 67.75 11.08M 1.87% 0.81%
Feb 08, 2017 67.81 66.89 67.82 66.89 7.66M 1.38% 0.59%
Feb 07, 2017 66.89 66.56 67 66.51 5.81M 0.74% 0.32%
Feb 06, 2017 66.4 66.37 66.86 66.37 9.10M -0.15% -0.07%
Feb 03, 2017 66.5 66.82 66.93 66.44 7.63M -0.30% -0.13%
Feb 02, 2017 66.7 66.34 67.14 66.34 9.00M 0.71% 0.31%
Feb 01, 2017 66.23 66.46 66.71 66.04 9.05M -0.76% -0.33%
Jan 31, 2017 66.74 66.21 66.89 65.88 9.32M 0.48% 0.21%
Jan 30, 2017 66.42 65.63 66.48 65.63 8.64M 1.16% 0.50%
Jan 27, 2017 65.66 66.86 66.97 65.28 13.43M -1.60% -0.70%
Jan 26, 2017 66.73 67.13 67.22 66.62 6.50M -0.24% -0.10%
Jan 25, 2017 66.89 67.52 67.73 66.79 8.72M -0.76% -0.33%
Jan 24, 2017 67.4 66.89 67.41 66.66 10.71M 1.13% 0.49%
Jan 23, 2017 66.65 67.01 67.18 66.56 7.95M -0.79% -0.34%
Jan 20, 2017 67.18 67.74 67.83 67.02 12.05M -0.65% -0.28%
Jan 19, 2017 67.62 68.13 68.19 67.48 6.82M -0.72% -0.31%
Jan 18, 2017 68.11 67.88 68.11 67.54 7.32M -0.45% -0.20%
Jan 17, 2017 68.42 68.09 69.29 68.06 13.17M 1.92% 0.83%
Jan 13, 2017 67.13 67.98 68.02 67.08 10.01M -1.24% -0.54%
Jan 12, 2017 67.97 68.36 68.56 67.92 6.54M -0.82% -0.36%
Jan 11, 2017 68.53 68.2 68.62 68.19 6.70M 0.44% 0.19%
Jan 10, 2017 68.23 68.64 69.27 68.22 10.26M -0.70% -0.30%
Jan 09, 2017 68.71 68.33 68.8 68.32 8.69M 0.66% 0.29%
Jan 06, 2017 68.26 68.41 68.5 68.01 9.49M -1.37% -0.60%
Jan 05, 2017 69.21 68.43 69.33 68.12 7.10M 0.22% 0.09%
Jan 04, 2017 69.06 68.66 69.63 68.6 7.92M 0.58% 0.25%
Jan 03, 2017 68.66 69.24 69.24 68.05 10.47M -0.67% -0.29%
Dec 30, 2016 69.12 69.12 69.43 68.83 6.89M -0.20% -0.09%
Dec 29, 2016 69.26 69.21 69.52 69.12 4.30M -0.07% -0.03%
Dec 28, 2016 69.31 69.94 70 69.26 4.88M -0.56% -0.24%
Dec 27, 2016 69.7 69.3 69.81 69.25 4.44M 0.23% 0.10%
Dec 23, 2016 69.54 69.43 69.75 69.36 4.80M -0.07% -0.03%
Dec 22, 2016 69.59 71.24 71.24 69.21 12.11M -2.32% -1.02%
Dec 21, 2016 71.24 71.66 72 71.24 5.10M -0.81% -0.35%
Dec 20, 2016 71.82 71.73 71.93 71.51 6.11M 0.34% 0.15%
Dec 19, 2016 71.58 70.84 71.75 70.84 5.89M 0.85% 0.37%
Dec 16, 2016 70.98 71.07 71.64 70.59 17.84M -0.14% -0.06%
Dec 15, 2016 71.08 71.22 71.8 71.03 7.14M -0.36% -0.16%
Dec 14, 2016 71.34 71.9 72.48 71.18 8.67M -0.64% -0.28%
Dec 13, 2016 71.8 71.67 72.23 71.61 8.89M 0.18% 0.08%
Dec 12, 2016 71.67 70.07 71.78 70.02 9.08M 2.27% 0.97%
Dec 09, 2016 70.08 70.27 70.43 69.74 10.76M -0.37% -0.16%
Dec 08, 2016 70.34 70.48 70.9 70.32 6.84M -0.37% -0.16%
Dec 07, 2016 70.6 69.93 70.65 69.9 6.97M 0.34% 0.15%
Dec 06, 2016 70.36 70.01 70.39 69.5 7.78M 0.60% 0.26%
Dec 05, 2016 69.94 70.9 70.99 69.81 10.53M -1.33% -0.58%
Dec 02, 2016 70.88 70.58 70.95 70.45 6.67M 0.30% 0.13%
Dec 01, 2016 70.67 70.25 70.73 70.05 6.85M 0.34% 0.15%
Nov 30, 2016 70.43 70.92 71.16 70.17 9.33M -1.32% -0.58%
Nov 29, 2016 71.37 71.38 71.79 71.2 7.31M 0.25% 0.11%
Nov 28, 2016 71.19 70.93 71.52 70.8 7.10M -0.06% -0.02%
Nov 25, 2016 71.23 71.11 71.65 70.98 4.23M 0.56% 0.24%
Nov 23, 2016 70.83 70.22 70.89 70.18 7.44M 1.01% 0.44%
Nov 22, 2016 70.12 69.73 70.42 69.73 10.98M 1.08% 0.47%
Nov 21, 2016 69.37 68.61 69.4 68.42 8.36M 1.21% 0.52%
Nov 18, 2016 68.54 68.93 69.4 68.44 11.14M -0.94% -0.41%
Nov 17, 2016 69.19 69.08 69.52 68.12 23.44M -3.08% -1.36%
Nov 16, 2016 71.39 71.75 72.06 71.33 11.19M -0.04% -0.02%
Nov 15, 2016 71.42 70.79 71.42 70.35 9.73M 1.32% 0.57%
Nov 14, 2016 70.49 71.16 71.31 70.19 12.92M -1.04% -0.45%
Nov 11, 2016 71.23 71.11 71.28 70.6 8.22M -0.22% -0.10%
Nov 10, 2016 71.39 71.25 72.09 71 14.32M 0.41% 0.18%
Nov 09, 2016 71.1 69.3 71.5 69.29 16.78M 1.88% 0.81%
Nov 08, 2016 69.79 69.71 70.04 69.47 7.62M 0.01% 0.01%
Nov 07, 2016 69.78 69.62 69.84 69.16 9.76M 0.90% 0.39%
Nov 04, 2016 69.16 69.71 69.94 69.13 7.26M -0.67% -0.29%
Nov 03, 2016 69.63 69.63 70.08 69.35 6.80M 0.26% 0.11%
Nov 02, 2016 69.45 69.2 69.97 69.2 7.65M 0.22% 0.09%
Nov 01, 2016 69.3 69.98 70.06 69.14 8.84M -1.03% -0.45%
Oct 31, 2016 70.02 70.06 70.17 69.85 6.39M 0.04% 0.02%
Oct 28, 2016 69.99 69.8 70.21 69.73 6.95M 0.23% 0.10%
Oct 27, 2016 69.83 69.6 70 69.39 7.13M 0.34% 0.15%
Oct 26, 2016 69.59 69.3 69.81 69.14 5.05M 0.33% 0.14%
Oct 25, 2016 69.36 69.01 69.87 69 7.63M 0.25% 0.11%
Oct 24, 2016 69.19 68.62 69.37 68.39 7.16M 1.24% 0.54%
Oct 21, 2016 68.34 68.34 68.63 67.99 7.84M -0.57% -0.25%
Oct 20, 2016 68.73 68.98 69.08 68.57 6.29M -0.23% -0.10%
Oct 19, 2016 68.89 69.22 69.34 68.69 7.12M 0.03% 0.01%
Oct 18, 2016 68.87 68.57 68.98 68.23 7.86M 0.95% 0.41%
Oct 17, 2016 68.22 68.65 68.65 67.8 7.49M -0.34% -0.15%
Oct 14, 2016 68.45 68.42 68.81 68.21 6.42M 0.32% 0.14%
Oct 13, 2016 68.23 67.19 68.54 67.07 9.19M 1.14% 0.49%
Oct 12, 2016 67.46 67.74 67.91 67.37 8.94M 0.10% 0.05%
Oct 11, 2016 67.39 67.95 67.96 67.3 8.59M -0.87% -0.38%
Oct 10, 2016 67.98 68.75 68.96 67.75 8.99M -1.05% -0.46%
Oct 07, 2016 68.7 69.26 69.47 68.17 12.65M -0.95% -0.42%
Oct 06, 2016 69.36 70.2 70.43 68.89 20.11M -3.22% -1.42%
Oct 05, 2016 71.67 71.87 72.27 71.6 6.46M -0.11% -0.05%
Oct 04, 2016 71.75 72 72.57 71.55 6.57M -0.36% -0.16%
Oct 03, 2016 72.01 71.83 72.14 71.6 5.86M -0.15% -0.07%
Sep 30, 2016 72.12 71.5 72.45 71.4 9.98M 1.97% 0.85%
Sep 29, 2016 70.73 71.57 71.71 70.62 8.00M -1.48% -0.65%
Sep 28, 2016 71.79 72.22 72.32 71.38 6.18M -0.75% -0.33%
Sep 27, 2016 72.33 71.93 72.49 71.58 6.34M 0.99% 0.43%
Sep 26, 2016 71.62 72.31 72.33 71.52 5.95M -1.01% -0.44%
Sep 23, 2016 72.35 72.6 72.77 72.34 7.70M 0.11% 0.05%
Sep 22, 2016 72.27 72.43 72.54 71.99 5.87M 0.11% 0.05%
Sep 21, 2016 72.19 72.18 72.54 71.51 6.68M 0.31% 0.13%
Sep 20, 2016 71.97 72.15 72.55 71.9 5.91M -0.17% -0.07%
Sep 19, 2016 72.09 72.64 72.87 72.09 6.92M -1.07% -0.47%
Sep 16, 2016 72.87 72.32 72.96 72.22 13.94M 0.65% 0.28%
Sep 15, 2016 72.4 71.48 72.56 71.26 7.33M 1.23% 0.53%
Sep 14, 2016 71.52 71.62 72.06 71.4 6.98M 0.08% 0.04%
Sep 13, 2016 71.46 71.84 71.91 71.15 7.51M -0.67% -0.29%
Sep 12, 2016 71.94 70.79 72.24 70.72 10.86M 2.33% 1.00%
Sep 09, 2016 70.3 71.32 71.51 70.3 12.17M -2.13% -0.94%
Sep 08, 2016 71.83 71.89 72.32 71.71 9.66M -0.32% -0.14%
Sep 07, 2016 72.06 73 73.05 72.01 9.62M -1.29% -0.56%
Sep 06, 2016 73 72.76 73.08 72.2 9.57M 0.69% 0.30%
Sep 02, 2016 72.5 72.99 73.19 72.42 8.08M -0.47% -0.20%
Sep 01, 2016 72.84 71.57 72.86 71.41 11.76M 1.96% 0.84%
Aug 31, 2016 71.44 71.46 71.64 71.15 6.31M 0.18% 0.08%
Aug 30, 2016 71.31 71.76 71.76 71.15 5.77M -0.13% -0.05%
Aug 29, 2016 71.4 71.14 71.66 71.1 7.47M 0.37% 0.16%
Aug 26, 2016 71.14 71.41 71.69 70.89 10.04M -0.11% -0.05%
Aug 25, 2016 71.22 72.37 72.58 71.05 10.51M -1.40% -0.61%
Aug 24, 2016 72.23 71.97 72.75 71.76 10.05M 0.36% 0.16%
Aug 23, 2016 71.97 72.89 73.07 71.96 9.39M -1.00% -0.44%
Aug 22, 2016 72.7 73.06 73.14 72.45 10.31M -0.15% -0.07%
Aug 19, 2016 72.81 74.1 74.29 72.67 15.35M -2.01% -0.88%
Aug 18, 2016 74.3 74.94 75.19 73.87 26.86M 1.88% 0.81%
Aug 17, 2016 72.93 71.99 72.95 71.99 14.34M 0.05% 0.02%
Aug 16, 2016 72.89 72.59 73.31 72.21 9.76M -0.59% -0.26%
Aug 15, 2016 73.32 73.81 74.01 73.11 9.64M -0.77% -0.34%
Aug 12, 2016 73.89 73.8 74.12 73.56 9.99M 0.12% 0.05%
Aug 11, 2016 73.8 74.5 74.8 73.53 6.29M -0.20% -0.09%
Aug 10, 2016 73.95 73.57 74.51 73.39 8.05M 0.56% 0.24%
Aug 09, 2016 73.54 73.36 73.88 73.08 6.43M 0.27% 0.12%
Aug 08, 2016 73.34 74 74.07 73.04 6.58M -0.57% -0.25%
Aug 05, 2016 73.76 73.46 73.95 73.46 5.42M 0.63% 0.27%
Aug 04, 2016 73.3 72.8 73.49 72.59 4.94M 0.49% 0.21%
Aug 03, 2016 72.94 73 73.4 72.51 6.57M -0.26% -0.11%
Aug 02, 2016 73.13 73.7 73.72 72.63 6.51M -0.88% -0.38%
Aug 01, 2016 73.78 72.81 73.99 72.81 5.87M 1.11% 0.48%
Jul 29, 2016 72.97 73.17 73.25 72.76 6.30M -0.37% -0.16%
Jul 28, 2016 73.24 73.14 73.32 72.47 4.60M -0.11% -0.05%
Jul 27, 2016 73.32 73.66 73.82 73.14 5.78M -0.56% -0.24%
Jul 26, 2016 73.73 73.71 74.07 73.41 5.25M -0.03% -0.01%
Jul 25, 2016 73.75 73.55 73.83 73.41 4.73M 0.27% 0.12%
Jul 22, 2016 73.55 73.76 73.91 73.42 4.32M 0.04% 0.02%
Jul 21, 2016 73.52 73.43 73.66 73.14 4.43M -0.37% -0.16%
Jul 20, 2016 73.79 73.88 74.11 73.63 5.28M 0.18% 0.08%
Jul 19, 2016 73.66 73.64 73.96 73.58 4.80M -0.24% -0.11%
Jul 18, 2016 73.84 73.64 74.18 73.53 5.46M 0.23% 0.10%
Jul 15, 2016 73.67 73.98 74.01 73.44 5.99M -0.04% -0.02%
Jul 14, 2016 73.7 73.79 74.11 73.61 6.65M 0.11% 0.05%
Jul 13, 2016 73.62 73.25 73.63 72.94 6.40M 0.48% 0.21%
Jul 12, 2016 73.27 73.56 73.73 73 12.36M -1.07% -0.47%
Jul 11, 2016 74.06 73.67 74.35 73.5 9.04M 0.30% 0.13%
Jul 08, 2016 73.84 73.82 73.85 73.24 9.13M 0.42% 0.18%
Jul 07, 2016 73.53 73.73 73.93 73.15 7.49M -0.39% -0.17%
Jul 06, 2016 73.82 73.26 73.98 73.17 11.06M 0.93% 0.40%
Jul 05, 2016 73.14 72.75 73.62 72.68 10.75M 0.45% 0.20%
Jul 01, 2016 72.81 73.13 73.17 72.42 7.64M -0.29% -0.13%
Jun 30, 2016 73.02 72.57 73.19 72.32 8.71M 0.77% 0.33%
Jun 29, 2016 72.46 71.63 72.49 71.56 7.01M 1.33% 0.57%
Jun 28, 2016 71.51 71.76 71.87 70.67 8.56M 0.01% 0.01%
Jun 27, 2016 71.5 71.64 71.77 70.88 11.35M -0.64% -0.28%
Jun 24, 2016 71.96 70.55 72.72 70.51 15.12M -0.19% -0.08%
Jun 23, 2016 72.1 72.2 72.24 71.78 6.97M 0.49% 0.21%
Jun 22, 2016 71.75 71.6 72.25 71.56 8.46M 0.41% 0.18%
Jun 21, 2016 71.46 70.95 71.72 70.95 6.67M 0.51% 0.22%
Jun 20, 2016 71.1 71.31 71.78 71.05 7.14M 0.21% 0.09%
Jun 17, 2016 70.95 71.05 71.31 70.4 18.06M -0.49% -0.21%
Jun 16, 2016 71.3 71 71.46 70.8 6.71M 0.25% 0.11%
Jun 15, 2016 71.12 71.2 71.61 71 8.02M 0.24% 0.10%
Jun 14, 2016 70.95 70.66 71.17 70.2 9.07M 0.60% 0.26%
Jun 13, 2016 70.53 71 71.18 70.48 7.91M -0.86% -0.37%
Jun 10, 2016 71.14 71 71.41 70.68 7.51M 0.07% 0.03%
Jun 09, 2016 71.09 71.36 71.59 70.85 6.07M -0.27% -0.12%
Jun 08, 2016 71.28 70.85 71.45 70.8 6.14M 0.35% 0.15%
Jun 07, 2016 71.03 71.1 71.31 70.85 7.36M -0.03% -0.01%
Jun 06, 2016 71.05 71.52 71.55 71 9.02M 0.25% 0.11%
Jun 03, 2016 70.87 70.57 71.05 70.52 6.37M -0.11% -0.05%
Jun 02, 2016 70.95 70.5 71 70.14 6.51M 0.64% 0.28%
Jun 01, 2016 70.5 70.5 70.91 70.41 7.22M -0.40% -0.17%
May 31, 2016 70.78 70.58 71 70.48 8.39M 0.04% 0.02%
May 27, 2016 70.75 70.86 70.89 70.49 5.77M -0.14% -0.06%
May 26, 2016 70.85 70.69 71.38 70.6 8.69M 0.52% 0.23%
May 25, 2016 70.48 70.25 71 70.24 7.27M 0.34% 0.15%
May 24, 2016 70.24 69.65 70.42 69.55 8.83M 1.06% 0.46%
May 23, 2016 69.5 69.6 70.06 69.44 10.10M -0.52% -0.22%
May 20, 2016 69.86 69.33 70.14 68.85 16.75M 0.95% 0.41%
May 19, 2016 69.2 68.1 69.33 67.5 35.08M 9.58% 3.97%
May 18, 2016 63.15 63.02 63.78 62.72 22.26M -3.00% -1.32%
May 17, 2016 65.1 66.06 66.27 64.88 9.25M -1.39% -0.61%
May 16, 2016 66.02 64.86 66.35 64.68 10.18M 1.66% 0.72%
May 13, 2016 64.94 66.48 66.55 64.65 13.74M -2.86% -1.26%
May 12, 2016 66.85 66.55 67.05 66.38 9.53M 0.66% 0.29%
May 11, 2016 66.41 67.47 67.5 65.61 14.60M -3.46% -1.53%
May 10, 2016 68.79 68.92 69.13 68.45 6.40M -0.23% -0.10%
May 09, 2016 68.95 68.25 69.1 68.16 8.66M 1.03% 0.44%
May 06, 2016 68.25 66.91 68.26 66.8 9.83M 1.55% 0.67%
May 05, 2016 67.21 66.97 67.25 66.58 8.09M 0.03% 0.01%
May 04, 2016 67.19 66.85 67.49 66.44 6.03M 0.28% 0.12%
May 03, 2016 67 66.86 67.5 66.75 5.92M -0.87% -0.38%
May 02, 2016 67.59 66.62 67.7 66.53 7.61M 1.08% 0.47%
Apr 29, 2016 66.87 68.73 68.82 66.36 12.10M -2.96% -1.31%
Apr 28, 2016 68.91 69.07 69.62 68.75 4.78M -0.73% -0.32%
Apr 27, 2016 69.42 69.49 69.78 68.99 5.15M 0.17% 0.08%
Apr 26, 2016 69.3 69.7 69.89 69.1 6.65M -0.24% -0.11%
Apr 25, 2016 69.47 68.55 69.5 68.06 5.90M 1.09% 0.47%
Apr 22, 2016 68.72 68.82 68.94 68.28 6.22M 0.37% 0.16%
Apr 21, 2016 68.47 69.47 69.68 68.24 6.62M -1.07% -0.47%
Apr 20, 2016 69.21 69.76 69.99 69.13 5.41M -0.80% -0.35%
Apr 19, 2016 69.77 69.79 70.08 69.5 8.20M -0.13% -0.06%
Apr 18, 2016 69.86 69.05 69.9 68.85 6.62M 1.16% 0.50%
Apr 15, 2016 69.06 68.94 69.41 68.94 7.58M 0.38% 0.16%
Apr 14, 2016 68.8 69.15 69.24 68.15 6.98M -0.51% -0.22%
Apr 13, 2016 69.15 69.01 69.42 68.87 6.26M 0.51% 0.22%
Apr 12, 2016 68.8 67.57 68.87 67.45 7.73M 2.08% 0.89%
Apr 11, 2016 67.4 68.01 68.37 67.38 7.87M -0.97% -0.42%
Apr 08, 2016 68.06 68.31 68.39 67.86 6.52M -0.23% -0.10%
Apr 07, 2016 68.22 68.83 68.93 67.94 6.11M -1.19% -0.52%
Apr 06, 2016 69.04 68.7 69.06 68.52 5.36M 0.58% 0.25%
Apr 05, 2016 68.64 69.03 69.25 68.27 5.78M -0.67% -0.29%
Apr 04, 2016 69.1 69 69.37 68.92 6.82M 0.06% 0.03%
Apr 01, 2016 69.06 68.02 69.2 68.02 6.60M 0.83% 0.36%
Mar 31, 2016 68.49 68.75 69.19 68.47 6.28M -0.45% -0.20%
Mar 30, 2016 68.8 68.33 69 68.29 7.21M 1.13% 0.49%
Mar 29, 2016 68.03 68.15 68.21 67.43 6.49M -0.13% -0.06%
Mar 28, 2016 68.12 67.93 68.58 67.93 5.60M 0.18% 0.08%
Mar 24, 2016 68 67.43 68.04 67.38 6.30M 0.80% 0.35%
Mar 23, 2016 67.46 68.01 68.1 67.44 6.11M -0.60% -0.26%
Mar 22, 2016 67.87 68 68.68 67.79 7.51M -0.15% -0.06%
Mar 21, 2016 67.97 67.03 68.38 66.97 9.42M 1.52% 0.66%
Mar 18, 2016 66.95 67.48 68.03 66.75 23.15M -0.74% -0.32%
Mar 17, 2016 67.45 67.82 68.92 67.26 11.84M -0.79% -0.35%
Mar 16, 2016 67.99 67.94 68.34 67.25 8.22M -0.15% -0.06%
Mar 15, 2016 68.09 67 68.35 67 7.57M 1.08% 0.47%
Mar 14, 2016 67.36 67.15 67.67 66.96 6.71M 0.28% 0.12%
Mar 11, 2016 67.17 67.77 67.94 66.8 8.29M -0.36% -0.15%
Mar 10, 2016 67.41 67.55 68.03 66.4 10.23M -0.18% -0.08%
Mar 09, 2016 67.53 67.79 67.99 67.12 7.82M -0.75% -0.33%
Mar 08, 2016 68.04 67.73 68.47 67.48 10.07M 0.22% 0.10%
Mar 07, 2016 67.89 66.62 68.48 66.27 12.83M 1.66% 0.72%
Mar 04, 2016 66.78 66.14 67.28 66.09 10.01M 0.97% 0.42%
Mar 03, 2016 66.14 65.95 66.2 64.88 11.85M -0.11% -0.05%
Mar 02, 2016 66.21 66.21 66.67 66 9.17M -0.38% -0.16%
Mar 01, 2016 66.46 66.65 66.89 66 10.43M 0.18% 0.08%
Feb 29, 2016 66.34 66.63 66.95 66.22 9.35M -0.26% -0.11%
Feb 26, 2016 66.51 68.08 68.2 66.3 10.98M -2.25% -0.99%
Feb 25, 2016 68.04 67.45 68.13 67.33 9.58M 1.37% 0.59%
Feb 24, 2016 67.12 66.19 67.33 65.72 10.29M 0.96% 0.42%
Feb 23, 2016 66.48 65.84 66.6 65.28 11.43M 1.30% 0.56%
Feb 22, 2016 65.63 64.96 66.14 64.96 10.59M 1.50% 0.65%
Feb 19, 2016 64.66 63.89 64.77 63.44 15.56M 0.84% 0.36%
Feb 18, 2016 64.12 63.74 64.78 62.35 27.89M -3.01% -1.33%
Feb 17, 2016 66.11 66.1 66.61 65.81 12.43M 0.32% 0.14%
Feb 16, 2016 65.9 66.61 66.8 65.5 11.36M -0.42% -0.18%
Feb 12, 2016 66.18 65.52 66.25 64.87 9.70M 1.32% 0.57%
Feb 11, 2016 65.32 65.02 65.76 64.78 11.19M -0.71% -0.31%
Feb 10, 2016 65.79 66.19 66.59 65.64 9.71M -0.03% -0.01%
Feb 09, 2016 65.81 65.49 66.41 64.68 14.64M -1.63% -0.71%
Feb 08, 2016 66.9 66.5 67.15 65.16 20.74M -0.15% -0.06%
Feb 05, 2016 67 66.86 67.53 65.88 14.20M 0.87% 0.38%
Feb 04, 2016 66.42 65.76 66.55 65.01 12.83M 0.23% 0.10%
Feb 03, 2016 66.27 67.31 67.5 65.07 12.32M -0.88% -0.38%
Feb 02, 2016 66.86 67.3 67.84 66.28 13.59M -0.95% -0.41%
Feb 01, 2016 67.5 65.91 67.93 65.89 14.73M 1.72% 0.74%
Jan 29, 2016 66.36 64.75 66.53 64.74 16.44M 3.33% 1.42%
Jan 28, 2016 64.22 64.03 64.51 63.43 11.28M 0.42% 0.18%
Jan 27, 2016 63.95 64.1 65.18 63.89 10.21M -0.08% -0.03%
Jan 26, 2016 64 63.36 64.47 63.26 9.44M 0.87% 0.37%
Jan 25, 2016 63.45 62.78 63.82 62.55 12.82M 1.21% 0.52%
Jan 22, 2016 62.69 62.44 63.26 62.13 9.20M 1.31% 0.56%
Jan 21, 2016 61.88 60.98 62.79 60.91 12.09M 1.71% 0.74%
Jan 20, 2016 60.84 61.8 62.33 60.2 17.37M -2.75% -1.21%
Jan 19, 2016 62.56 62.25 62.8 62.01 13.05M 1.02% 0.44%
Jan 15, 2016 61.93 61.55 62.47 61.26 15.17M -1.79% -0.79%
Jan 14, 2016 63.06 62 63.62 61.82 12.93M 1.84% 0.79%
Jan 13, 2016 61.92 63.73 63.73 61.83 13.73M -2.67% -1.18%
Jan 12, 2016 63.62 64.38 64.73 63.43 12.20M -0.93% -0.41%
Jan 11, 2016 64.22 63.76 64.47 63.62 12.65M 1.07% 0.46%
Jan 08, 2016 63.54 65.08 65.41 63.41 17.77M -2.29% -1.01%
Jan 07, 2016 65.03 62.97 65.23 62.92 26.43M 2.33% 1.00%
Jan 06, 2016 63.55 62.48 63.95 62.47 16.56M 1.00% 0.43%
Jan 05, 2016 62.92 62.03 63.05 61.85 13.33M 2.38% 1.02%
Jan 04, 2016 61.46 60.5 61.49 60.36 11.99M 0.26% 0.11%
Dec 31, 2015 61.3 61.33 61.72 61.17 6.58M -0.62% -0.27%
Dec 30, 2015 61.68 61.66 61.87 61.49 5.72M 0.11% 0.05%
Dec 29, 2015 61.61 61 61.75 60.98 7.88M 1.42% 0.61%
Dec 28, 2015 60.75 60.58 60.97 60.5 5.42M -0.13% -0.06%
Dec 24, 2015 60.83 60.78 61.1 60.68 2.48M -0.43% -0.19%
Dec 23, 2015 61.09 61 61.12 60.44 7.52M 0.91% 0.39%
Dec 22, 2015 60.54 59.79 60.7 59.61 9.27M 1.66% 0.72%
Dec 21, 2015 59.55 58.82 59.58 58.67 9.65M 1.19% 0.51%
Dec 18, 2015 58.85 58.93 59.4 58.75 16.26M -0.22% -0.10%
Dec 17, 2015 58.98 60.33 60.33 58.97 12.98M -2.19% -0.96%
Dec 16, 2015 60.3 60.11 60.65 59.7 9.96M 1.11% 0.48%
Dec 15, 2015 59.64 60.64 60.84 59.57 14.62M -1.24% -0.54%
Dec 14, 2015 60.39 59.3 60.44 59.07 14.52M 1.74% 0.75%
Dec 11, 2015 59.36 59.05 59.53 58.81 9.74M -0.34% -0.15%
Dec 10, 2015 59.56 59.13 60.09 59.09 11.36M 0.73% 0.31%
Dec 09, 2015 59.13 59.26 60.11 58.9 8.98M -0.81% -0.35%
Dec 08, 2015 59.61 60.07 60.49 59.5 10.38M -1.47% -0.64%
Dec 07, 2015 60.5 59.57 60.73 59.57 11.60M 1.41% 0.61%
Dec 04, 2015 59.66 59.05 59.85 59.03 10.44M 1.05% 0.45%
Dec 03, 2015 59.04 58.69 59.66 58.59 15.84M 1.18% 0.51%
Dec 02, 2015 58.35 58.61 59.29 58.31 13.59M -1.08% -0.47%
Dec 01, 2015 58.99 59.13 59.29 58.65 12.20M 0.25% 0.11%
Nov 30, 2015 58.84 59.87 60.06 58.73 14.94M -1.75% -0.77%
Nov 27, 2015 59.89 60.44 60.69 59.87 5.34M -0.58% -0.25%
Nov 25, 2015 60.24 60 60.71 59.88 7.82M 0.53% 0.23%
Nov 24, 2015 59.92 59.95 60.41 59.86 12.45M -0.56% -0.25%
Nov 23, 2015 60.26 60.29 60.73 59.88 10.58M 0.32% 0.14%
Nov 20, 2015 60.07 60.98 61.47 60.02 12.37M -1.04% -0.45%
Nov 19, 2015 60.7 61.12 61.36 60.43 11.57M -0.38% -0.16%
Nov 18, 2015 60.93 60.04 61.07 59.55 14.88M 1.69% 0.73%
Nov 17, 2015 59.92 59.34 60.9 59.2 24.68M 3.54% 1.51%
Nov 16, 2015 57.87 56.39 58.03 56.36 13.32M 2.57% 1.10%
Nov 13, 2015 56.42 56.74 57.06 56.3 12.51M -0.93% -0.41%
Nov 12, 2015 56.95 57.64 57.77 56.92 9.55M -1.09% -0.48%
Nov 11, 2015 57.58 58.5 58.73 57.47 8.69M -1.87% -0.82%
Nov 10, 2015 58.68 58.31 58.71 58.31 7.61M 0.32% 0.14%
Nov 09, 2015 58.49 58.5 58.78 58.02 8.44M -0.49% -0.21%
Nov 06, 2015 58.78 58.92 59.2 58.31 9.98M 0.29% 0.13%
Nov 05, 2015 58.61 58.51 58.98 58.42 8.86M 0.41% 0.18%
Nov 04, 2015 58.37 58.58 58.76 58.19 10.06M 0.45% 0.19%
Nov 03, 2015 58.11 57.57 58.33 57.53 10.25M 0.87% 0.38%
Nov 02, 2015 57.61 57.29 57.61 56.77 10.72M 0.65% 0.28%
Oct 30, 2015 57.24 57.73 58.12 57.24 15.81M -1.24% -0.54%
Oct 29, 2015 57.96 57.72 58.12 57.48 12.86M 0.56% 0.24%
Oct 28, 2015 57.64 57.66 57.72 57.16 11.83M 0.28% 0.12%
Oct 27, 2015 57.48 58.01 58.04 57.38 10.51M -0.93% -0.41%
Oct 26, 2015 58.02 58.4 58.45 57.97 10.84M -0.48% -0.21%
Oct 23, 2015 58.3 59.19 59.28 58.22 13.04M -1.02% -0.44%
Oct 22, 2015 58.9 58.94 59.96 58.64 14.59M 0.44% 0.19%
Oct 21, 2015 58.64 58.8 59.03 58.57 13.14M -0.19% -0.08%
Oct 20, 2015 58.75 58.86 59 58.57 10.42M -0.17% -0.07%
Oct 19, 2015 58.85 58.79 59.3 58.5 17.81M -0.07% -0.03%
Oct 16, 2015 58.89 59.47 59.49 58.37 26.20M -0.74% -0.32%
Oct 15, 2015 59.33 59.7 60.47 58.61 46.25M -1.17% -0.51%
Oct 14, 2015 60.03 66.61 67.95 60.02 80.90M -10.04% -4.60%
Oct 13, 2015 66.73 66.62 66.94 66.26 8.86M -0.30% -0.13%
Oct 12, 2015 66.93 66.67 67 66.58 5.64M 0.36% 0.16%
Oct 09, 2015 66.69 66.94 67.02 66.5 6.75M -0.28% -0.12%
Oct 08, 2015 66.88 66.23 66.99 66.15 5.97M 0.78% 0.34%
Oct 07, 2015 66.36 65.84 66.36 65.77 7.19M 1.04% 0.45%
Oct 06, 2015 65.68 65.54 65.95 65.18 7.41M -0.29% -0.13%
Oct 05, 2015 65.87 65.21 65.92 65.14 6.30M 1.37% 0.59%
Oct 02, 2015 64.98 63.76 64.98 63.41 7.08M 1.10% 0.48%
Oct 01, 2015 64.27 64.76 64.94 63.88 7.84M -0.88% -0.38%
Sep 30, 2015 64.84 64.43 64.94 63.93 7.98M 1.66% 0.72%
Sep 29, 2015 63.78 63.75 64.04 63.23 7.64M 0.19% 0.08%
Sep 28, 2015 63.66 63.6 63.95 63.48 9.39M -0.19% -0.08%
Sep 25, 2015 63.78 64.07 64.46 63.62 7.16M -0.08% -0.03%
Sep 24, 2015 63.83 63.36 63.98 63.3 6.96M 0.17% 0.07%
Sep 23, 2015 63.72 63.72 63.93 63.12 5.88M 0.20% 0.09%
Sep 22, 2015 63.59 63.23 63.82 62.91 8.80M -0.20% -0.09%
Sep 21, 2015 63.72 63.75 64 63.37 7.12M 0.60% 0.26%
Sep 18, 2015 63.34 63.75 64.23 63.26 12.89M -1.75% -0.77%
Sep 17, 2015 64.47 64.7 65.29 64.16 7.13M -0.34% -0.15%
Sep 16, 2015 64.69 64.6 64.77 64.05 5.63M 0.58% 0.25%
Sep 15, 2015 64.32 64.48 64.7 64.05 6.86M 0.06% 0.03%
Sep 14, 2015 64.28 64.65 64.67 63.82 6.96M -0.57% -0.25%
Sep 11, 2015 64.65 64.18 64.68 63.99 8.06M 0.83% 0.36%
Sep 10, 2015 64.12 64.07 64.65 63.83 14.52M -1.54% -0.67%
Sep 09, 2015 65.12 66.86 67.01 65.01 9.46M -1.90% -0.83%
Sep 08, 2015 66.38 65.23 66.5 65.18 17.71M 3.90% 1.66%
Sep 04, 2015 63.89 64.07 64.3 63.51 9.23M -1.50% -0.65%
Sep 03, 2015 64.86 64.72 65.01 64.39 8.52M 0.65% 0.28%
Sep 02, 2015 64.44 64.59 64.94 64.06 9.51M 0.97% 0.42%
Sep 01, 2015 63.82 63.8 64.31 63.27 13.39M -1.41% -0.61%
Aug 31, 2015 64.73 64.82 65 64.29 8.18M -0.32% -0.14%
Aug 28, 2015 64.94 66.09 66.12 64.45 14.30M -1.73% -0.76%
Aug 27, 2015 66.08 65.32 66.18 64.95 13.91M 1.93% 0.83%
Aug 26, 2015 64.83 64.23 64.85 63.02 13.93M 2.74% 1.17%
Aug 25, 2015 63.1 65.45 65.71 63 14.80M -1.33% -0.58%
Aug 24, 2015 63.95 63.74 66.16 61.5 22.24M -3.89% -1.72%
Aug 21, 2015 66.54 67.91 68.31 66.54 15.75M -2.76% -1.22%
Aug 20, 2015 68.43 68.08 69.3 67.94 9.86M -0.20% -0.09%
Aug 19, 2015 68.57 68.87 69.39 67.77 16.33M -1.31% -0.57%
Aug 18, 2015 69.48 70 70.5 69.24 21.31M -3.38% -1.49%
Aug 17, 2015 71.91 71.83 72.23 71.76 7.60M -0.65% -0.28%
Aug 14, 2015 72.38 72.3 72.6 72.04 5.91M 0.37% 0.16%
Aug 13, 2015 72.11 72.4 72.77 71.97 7.65M -0.65% -0.28%
Aug 12, 2015 72.58 71.53 72.66 71.27 8.90M 0.90% 0.39%
Aug 11, 2015 71.93 71.25 72.37 71.15 6.83M 0.63% 0.27%
Aug 10, 2015 71.48 71.5 71.75 71.34 6.02M 0.32% 0.14%
Aug 07, 2015 71.25 72.71 72.83 71.17 7.80M -2.12% -0.93%
Aug 06, 2015 72.79 73.35 73.38 72.66 6.37M -0.98% -0.43%
Aug 05, 2015 73.51 72.39 73.69 72.25 8.72M 1.74% 0.75%
Aug 04, 2015 72.25 72.42 72.8 71.93 5.87M 0.10% 0.04%
Aug 03, 2015 72.18 71.84 72.38 71.84 5.13M 0.28% 0.12%
Jul 31, 2015 71.98 72.44 72.49 71.66 7.93M -0.25% -0.11%
Jul 30, 2015 72.16 72.03 72.53 71.78 4.60M -0.10% -0.04%
Jul 29, 2015 72.23 72.25 72.63 72.09 4.94M 0.18% 0.08%
Jul 28, 2015 72.1 71.53 72.39 71.23 8.59M 1.01% 0.44%
Jul 27, 2015 71.38 71.38 71.65 71.01 6.20M -0.28% -0.12%
Jul 24, 2015 71.58 72.53 72.56 71.5 5.95M -1.28% -0.56%
Jul 23, 2015 72.51 73.07 73.22 72.42 4.25M -0.89% -0.39%
Jul 22, 2015 73.16 72.78 73.82 72.78 6.96M 0.58% 0.25%
Jul 21, 2015 72.74 73.1 73.29 72.53 6.44M -0.49% -0.21%
Jul 20, 2015 73.1 73.35 73.44 73.06 5.09M -0.40% -0.17%
Jul 17, 2015 73.39 73.74 74.07 73.31 5.68M -0.60% -0.26%
Jul 16, 2015 73.83 73.97 74.14 73.76 5.23M 0.24% 0.11%
Jul 15, 2015 73.65 73.59 73.9 73.19 4.57M -0.19% -0.08%
Jul 14, 2015 73.79 73.98 74.09 73.48 5.52M -0.12% -0.05%
Jul 13, 2015 73.88 73.51 74.11 73.51 6.08M 1.04% 0.45%
Jul 10, 2015 73.12 73.08 73.55 73.08 5.58M 0.47% 0.20%
Jul 09, 2015 72.78 73.67 73.73 72.71 8.70M -0.38% -0.17%
Jul 08, 2015 73.06 73.3 73.59 72.9 7.79M -0.99% -0.43%
Jul 07, 2015 73.79 72.66 73.86 72 12.42M 1.74% 0.75%
Jul 06, 2015 72.53 71.38 72.69 71.38 10.54M 0.93% 0.40%
Jul 02, 2015 71.86 72.02 72.56 71.66 6.59M -0.03% -0.01%
Jul 01, 2015 71.88 71.6 71.95 70.36 10.77M 1.34% 0.58%
Jun 30, 2015 70.93 71.81 71.81 70.78 11.10M -0.69% -0.30%
Jun 29, 2015 71.42 71.8 72 71.41 8.19M -0.97% -0.42%
Jun 26, 2015 72.12 71.96 72.46 71.87 6.90M 0.36% 0.16%
Jun 25, 2015 71.86 72.45 72.63 71.83 5.29M -0.72% -0.31%
Jun 24, 2015 72.38 72.56 72.65 72.14 7.34M -0.26% -0.11%
Jun 23, 2015 72.57 72.89 72.94 72.34 7.88M -0.30% -0.13%
Jun 22, 2015 72.79 72.98 73.19 72.69 6.49M 0.07% 0.03%
Jun 19, 2015 72.74 72.8 73.22 72.7 14.55M -0.33% -0.14%
Jun 18, 2015 72.98 72.74 73.48 72.74 8.38M 0.34% 0.15%
Jun 17, 2015 72.73 72.63 72.9 72.34 5.70M 0.53% 0.23%
Jun 16, 2015 72.35 72.22 72.58 71.72 6.22M 0.58% 0.25%
Jun 15, 2015 71.93 72.2 72.4 71.7 7.57M -0.69% -0.30%
Jun 12, 2015 72.43 72.74 72.9 72.4 7.25M -0.70% -0.30%
Jun 11, 2015 72.94 73.23 73.67 72.84 7.42M 0.01% 0.01%
Jun 10, 2015 72.93 72.71 73.33 72.34 11.22M 0.63% 0.27%
Jun 09, 2015 72.47 72.7 72.85 72.36 8.34M -0.19% -0.08%
Jun 08, 2015 72.61 73.43 73.49 72.6 9.59M -0.62% -0.27%
Jun 05, 2015 73.06 74.17 74.27 72.98 10.64M -1.47% -0.64%
Jun 04, 2015 74.15 74.46 74.98 73.95 8.98M -0.99% -0.43%
Jun 03, 2015 74.89 74.7 75.2 74.47 6.09M 0.48% 0.21%
Jun 02, 2015 74.53 74.54 75 74.42 5.80M -0.27% -0.12%
Jun 01, 2015 74.73 74.69 75.08 74.41 5.65M 0.62% 0.27%
May 29, 2015 74.27 74.82 74.88 74.15 6.38M -0.76% -0.33%
May 28, 2015 74.84 75.07 75.16 74.65 5.03M -0.47% -0.20%
May 27, 2015 75.19 75.01 75.51 75 6.99M 0.39% 0.17%
May 26, 2015 74.9 75.77 75.83 74.81 10.57M -1.27% -0.55%
May 22, 2015 75.86 76.2 76.38 75.86 6.82M -0.33% -0.14%
May 21, 2015 76.11 75.8 76.42 75.56 6.76M 0.28% 0.12%
May 20, 2015 75.9 76.48 76.5 75.83 10.54M -0.69% -0.30%
May 19, 2015 76.43 78.18 78.36 76.23 22.46M -4.37% -1.94%
May 18, 2015 79.92 79.37 79.94 79.16 8.30M 0.86% 0.37%
May 15, 2015 79.24 78.71 79.25 78.57 6.62M 0.66% 0.29%
May 14, 2015 78.72 78.37 78.77 78.02 6.17M 0.72% 0.31%
May 13, 2015 78.16 79.18 79.43 77.98 8.42M -1.01% -0.44%
May 12, 2015 78.96 78.02 79.48 77.87 8.45M 1.10% 0.48%
May 11, 2015 78.1 78.32 78.61 78.03 3.74M -0.55% -0.24%
May 08, 2015 78.53 78.6 79.25 78.4 5.35M 0.64% 0.28%
May 07, 2015 78.03 77.73 78.34 77.3 5.54M 0.49% 0.21%
May 06, 2015 77.65 77.92 78.12 77.17 5.48M -0.61% -0.27%
May 05, 2015 78.13 79.01 79.01 78.06 5.86M -1.33% -0.58%
May 04, 2015 79.18 78.98 79.55 78.46 6.67M 0.74% 0.32%
May 01, 2015 78.6 78.2 78.76 78.17 5.00M 0.70% 0.30%
Apr 30, 2015 78.05 77.83 78.48 77.59 8.80M 0.22% 0.09%
Apr 29, 2015 77.88 78.7 78.78 77.79 7.11M -1.54% -0.68%
Apr 28, 2015 79.1 79.46 79.48 78.77 4.90M -0.34% -0.15%
Apr 27, 2015 79.37 79.77 79.86 79.29 6.45M -0.59% -0.26%
Apr 24, 2015 79.84 79.38 80.93 79.24 6.87M 0.83% 0.36%
Apr 23, 2015 79.18 78.38 79.54 78.2 7.47M 0.96% 0.41%
Apr 22, 2015 78.43 77.73 78.64 77.55 7.59M 0.51% 0.22%
Apr 21, 2015 78.03 78.61 78.84 77.91 6.20M -0.14% -0.06%
Apr 20, 2015 78.14 78.39 78.83 78.02 8.85M 0.33% 0.14%
Apr 17, 2015 77.88 78.94 79.15 77.55 11.82M -1.72% -0.75%
Apr 16, 2015 79.24 79.5 79.89 79.13 8.02M -0.63% -0.27%
Apr 15, 2015 79.74 80.58 80.98 79.65 6.20M -0.51% -0.22%
Apr 14, 2015 80.15 80.29 80.42 79.68 5.53M -0.17% -0.08%
Apr 13, 2015 80.29 80.4 80.92 80.27 4.70M -0.45% -0.19%
Apr 10, 2015 80.65 80.86 81 80.55 5.48M -0.24% -0.10%
Apr 09, 2015 80.84 80.84 81.39 80.58 3.92M -0.23% -0.10%
Apr 08, 2015 81.03 80.39 81.23 80.36 6.69M 0.66% 0.28%
Apr 07, 2015 80.5 81.09 81.29 80.46 6.61M -0.61% -0.26%
Apr 06, 2015 80.99 80.46 81.33 80.15 6.38M 0.32% 0.14%
Apr 02, 2015 80.73 80.73 81.31 80.55 5.80M 0.02% 0.01%
Apr 01, 2015 80.71 82.28 82.28 80.43 8.31M -1.87% -0.82%
Mar 31, 2015 82.25 82.39 83.04 82.25 5.59M -0.34% -0.15%
Mar 30, 2015 82.53 81.7 82.8 81.43 5.70M 1.45% 0.63%
Mar 27, 2015 81.35 81.85 82.18 81.25 5.72M -0.66% -0.29%
Mar 26, 2015 81.89 80.93 82.31 80.65 8.27M 0.70% 0.30%
Mar 25, 2015 81.32 83.09 83.25 81.31 6.65M -2.08% -0.91%
Mar 24, 2015 83.05 83.19 83.71 82.96 5.36M -0.31% -0.14%
Mar 23, 2015 83.31 83.18 83.9 83.12 6.51M 0.08% 0.04%
Mar 20, 2015 83.24 81.83 83.49 81.71 12.37M 2.11% 0.91%
Mar 19, 2015 81.52 82.33 82.44 81.37 7.21M -1.22% -0.53%
Mar 18, 2015 82.53 81.98 82.96 81.16 10.25M -0.11% -0.05%
Mar 17, 2015 82.62 82.98 83.01 82.24 4.80M -0.80% -0.35%
Mar 16, 2015 83.29 82.45 83.37 82.44 6.52M 1.70% 0.73%
Mar 13, 2015 81.9 81.95 82.25 81.29 4.76M 0.00% 0.00%
Mar 12, 2015 81.9 80.81 82.12 80.78 5.23M 1.50% 0.65%
Mar 11, 2015 80.69 81.82 81.97 80.54 6.16M -1.68% -0.74%
Mar 10, 2015 82.07 82.27 82.5 82.07 6.31M -0.98% -0.43%
Mar 09, 2015 82.88 82.59 83.34 82.54 4.67M 0.35% 0.15%
Mar 06, 2015 82.59 82.81 83.1 82.38 5.73M -1.17% -0.51%
Mar 05, 2015 83.57 83.15 83.87 82.96 6.00M 1.20% 0.52%
Mar 04, 2015 82.58 83.21 83.21 82.2 6.21M -0.95% -0.41%
Mar 03, 2015 83.37 83.66 83.82 83.17 6.46M -0.70% -0.31%
Mar 02, 2015 83.96 83.89 84 83.2 6.06M 0.04% 0.02%
Feb 27, 2015 83.93 83.72 84.16 83.4 5.88M 0.16% 0.07%
Feb 26, 2015 83.8 83.85 83.86 83.27 5.89M 0.28% 0.12%
Feb 25, 2015 83.57 84.63 84.72 83.52 6.81M -1.18% -0.52%
Feb 24, 2015 84.57 84.52 84.82 83.92 5.20M -0.04% -0.02%
Feb 23, 2015 84.6 84.39 84.86 84.23 6.73M 0.36% 0.15%
Feb 20, 2015 84.3 82.73 84.38 82.55 13.84M 0.93% 0.40%
Feb 19, 2015 83.52 84.5 84.8 83.39 18.65M -3.21%


Sigma VAR
0.10% -4.53%
0.50% -1.72%
1% -1.41%
5% -0.81%
10% -0.53%


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